The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 79, July 1975 - April, 1976 Page: 204

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Southwestern Historical Quarterly

took his share of the credit-more than the evidence warrants. Tom Con-
nally enlarged his role out of proportion. McAdoo, in his letters to Ray-
burn, tried to take credit for what rightfully belonged to the Texas dele-
gation. His discussion with Rayburn about changing their votes and his
knowledge of Rayburn's impending call to Garner to advise releasing both
delegations, prompted him to attempt to have California switch to Roose-
velt first.21
In spite of these claims, and granting that all of these individuals may
have played some part, the key man was Sam Rayburn. Regardless of his
faulty memory and his reluctance to vote for Roosevelt, his communica-
tions and conferences with Farley and others carried significant weight;
for, in effect, he had Garner's power of attorney. Above all, Garner trusted
Rayburn's judgment. Indeed he is the one "who made the decision on the
Vice-Presidential position. . . ." His conversation with Garner around
6 P.M. was more substantial than Rayburn remembered or related. Accord-
ing to Garner, Rayburn reviewed the developments, the negotiations, the
results, and the alternatives. This information was decisive in helping
Garner make up his mind.22 Garner, however, merely was putting his
stamp of approval on a fait accompli. Rayburn's decision at the morning
conference with Pat Harrison and Jim Farley on July I, 1932, had made
Roosevelt the future president of the United States.
21"The Party and Roosevelt Record of Karl A. Crowley"; Connally and Steinberg,
My Name is Tom Connally, 144-145. In a letter to Senator Thomas J. Walsh, McAdoo
tried to give the impression he was the key man in the switch. McAdoo to Walsh, July
27, 1932, Thomas J. Walsh Papers (Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.).
22Dorough, Mr. Sam, 20o9-2IO (quotation); Erland I. Carlson, "Franklin D. Roose-
velt's Fight for the Presidential Nomination, 1928-1932" (Ph.D. dissertation, University
of Illinois, Urbana, 1955), 450; Timmons, Garner of Texas, 165-166. The Garner version
seems more realistic. Timmons stated that he talked to both Rayburn and Garner before
writing about it in his book. Timmons to L. V. P., December 14, 1972.


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Texas State Historical Association. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 79, July 1975 - April, 1976, periodical, 1975/1976; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas State Historical Association.

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