Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 17, Ed. 1, Friday, April 27, 1877 Page: 1 of 4

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-s5 -'
MM ? J - ' ""
vol: xii..
The Weekly Banner
J 0. KSKINi D. l uiauiu.
- -.1 n...Ar
JllsKls s ileum jii-j
fE liters. Publishers and Proprietors
'oTriuay April : ; 27 1S77.
Coca's circus Isldv visiTcx-
as soon.
There lias been -no appoint-
ment so fur of a collector of
customs or Mobiles.
TnE Southern tlotcl loss is
estimated at $1230000. It w.ia
insured for $432000.
Hubert Sehnjler GaruSr of
"West Virginia lias been ap-
pomteil Consul General toIel-
Dispatcha skiiotuice a possi
rUaelM)ga'iHfs&8Cjibinet hut
' do iX 'jtJwiMtiiing or
coming reH - a3&?
A yM(gtogpecial states
tbat the h mtpcxtt Consul im-
prisonfd"t '&csinilco Mexico
Iiqs be 4- " -
os4MBt9 hunt tor in one
uiihh .?8w were "oum :
reflsWfc3Kieven' miles from
town $tiBme midnight. ..
DefeeSvfe have' arrested half
a dozen women in the Vest
that were connected with-Pete
MeSartncy's gang of connter-
feitcrs. . .
A late telcgranx'l'arinouncss
the fact tJiat JIajes has ap-
pointed a kinsman his private
secretary to sign land warrants.
Blood is thicker than water.
.I i - . ...
The"-District Aitornev has
been ordered by Secretary Sher-
man to proceed' in ciVil suits
against whiskey ringer?; who
c'alin iinnimfify" on "svecount 6T
tnining State's evidence. -
The proseeption f e-sccre-Lar3'
RoLeson'for alleged mis-
approprutioal'; of .Uusfnnds.ofJ
the navy department i)l be a'
leading feature of- the JDeino-cratfc-palfcyitytko
" session ot Congiess.
Secretary . She; maiy s quoted
as paying that die never snffered
mercjiain inhi3 life tlian he
did in remavuig employees froin
theiburean ot printing-iindren-
jravinjr so manv of wJiom were.
helples3-poorand needy.
Chops are" looking-1 "very fine
.... - .
in Austin jconutv: -vve are in-
formed by a gentleman from
Tj-avis that corn is knee lugli
on an averaOT in that neigh-
hood. The farmers arc busily
engaged cliUpping out their cot-
ton. Gen. Crook says that Spotted
Tail mid all the other Indians
are honest iuthcir .professions
and of very good disposition
lie thinks they wilt all come in
and surrender but expects more
accurate information in a iew
A RTECTAE'tB- mtPNcios states
that tlie citizens ot Uvalde
county captured one of the
Eaale Pass stage robbers. lie
proved to be Jo Horner who
c&capsd from jail inJJ3ear coun-
ty a fews dajs ago after being
convicted ot robbing the Co-
raanehc bank. Ild had two sto-
len horses in Iiis possession
vher captured:
Xoulslan'a Itfdcemcd.
Shout shout the battle cry of
freedom I Send forth the glad
tidings of -great joy! Onrsiser
State of Louisiana is once inoic
free. The glorious victory
nchieved by-the JDcmbcraey
over Ridicalism iif Xoveniber
last Iris been ratified and
Packard the Radical scoundrel
who has so long lorded it over
' tfont people will have to pack up
Mtl get out. Peace and pros-
4 yerity willitzain bless that down
trodden and oppressed people
and the industries of that beau-
tiful and fertile State will make
rapid strides in advancement
twid jrb3psrit3"i Fre andun-
tbackledj IcUlwi'cvcr remain!
There at'e those amongst the"
politicians ot the JJouth who
think that solidity in political
sentiment of oilrpeopleis not the
best thing that could happen to
us. These wiseacres reason
tiiu: a solid South will insure a
solid Ifcn-th. This is by no
moans a uecessarj colollary.
Tho northern -people like the
Southern desire to perpetuate
tho government and to have
that government more within
the orbit presciibed for it by
the constitution. The North-
ern people like tho Southern
desire economy in 4 public ap-
propriations .and sometbingapr.
prosiinating honesty inits ex-
pendature. The North and the
South are now in full accord
if the' only understood each
other on questions on which
before the war they were divid-
ed. The South has accepted in
swod faith and withonti the
slightest reservation the results
of "the war with all that rinay
have been distaseful in those re-
Tsults as contemplated from an
ante-bellum "stand point
""In the late contest for Presi-
dent Indiana kepi; even step
with Alabama lorloeaPselFgov-
ernmenf and so did NewTork
with" Tcxa's ' and Kew Damp-'
sliiro with Geoigio. There is
not aw intelligent man -North
'or South who really believes
that tbo Sooth desires'! gpvem-.
inent separate from the NorthI
Tlie scarecrow of another" re-
bellion so-called may do to
Irighten people ignorant of'
Sontbertt sentiment and Souths '
ern feeling but every one who
understands these "knows that
the people of the South have
no other motive in acting solid
than to use the utmost exertions
to restore tbe government to
something approaching its pris-
tine integrity. In this task
when tho South is understood
IfieTNortfilviir cordially co-op-crate
with her.
Hen 'ot the JBlaine-Butler
school like Wendell Phillips
may lngliten a tew snperani-
oiated. men hy the specious cry
of "sce behold the South is
again a unit I Ve shall iavo the
war' Ibr'tho Union to fight
over!" But the day is past
when snch'twaddle can mislead
Northern people. They are be-
ginning to see that the South
realizes 1ier true interest to fie
that peace and quiet which
good government alone can
Unt because it is the object of
the South to try- to build up
her waste places as it certainly
is her best interest to do we
see no necessity for her to bo-
slobber Mr. Hayes with fulsome
praise becanse he has hadthe
graeia to remove the U. S.
troops from the capilol of a
Stato where they should never
have been stationed and
which their presence defiled.
Becanse the heel of military
despotism has boon partially
removed from the necks of those
on wnom it never should have
been placed we fair to see any
occasion for praising the Presi-
dent torctliQ act: The truth is
the Northern people are as much
interested as are the Southern
in having the military subordi-
nate to the uivil authority and
in having a recognition ot this
fact illustrated by an example.
Timid folks' may quiet their
fears. There is no danger that
the Blaine-Butler school of pol
iticians will be able to ''fire the
Northern heart" by the cry of a
united Sonth simply because
her sons seek by a unanimity
unparallclled in the history of
politics to restore tho govern-
ment to something like honesty
and integrity.
Bill Taylor who murdered
Slaughter .nt Indianola on
steamship about three- years
.uro and made his c-cape. from
the Indianola jail in time of
lire cyclone m tho fall of IS75
was recently captured by Lieut.
Foster in Coleman county and
will probably ha lodged m the
TraiscDjuity jail for safety.
Slide Gasztfe.
Ir is expertcd life troops- will
be ordered to leave Now Oi-
lcauso Tuesday ncxr .it 12 m
Several of the " 'Washington
correspondents of Western pa-
per3 assert that a combination
has been entered into with ccr-
taiu Southern gentlemen by
which Mr. Garfield thcpaiticu-
lar friend and right hand bower
of President tlayes is to bo
elected to the Speakership of the
next House. We are 6low to
believe anything so damaging to
Southern honor as this asser-
tion if trne would indicate. It
is eveu soid that Gov. Hampton
is a party to such a nefarious
birgaiu. Thi3 too we regard as
a base slander ills laurels
have Been too clearly won lliey
are entirely too green and
flourishing and too highly prized
by himself for them to be tar-
nished and withered as they
certainly would be should he
be a party to anything so repre-
hensible aud so much to be rep-
robated. Tho Southern Democrat who
would dare to engage in an in
trigue sorcpnlshc to Southern
sentiment and feeling would
have a constituency to face
'whose indignation he could
never appease.
The political infamy that
would attach to such a corrupt
banrain we arounwilling to
believe Mr. Hayes' capable ot
assuming notwithstanding he
has exhibited a very fair share
of the spirit of Tallygraud in
Pi evidential diplomacy.
Those who think the late
Presidential canvass Lad no
greater significance than who
should be President for the next
four years Tildeijr Hayes are
greatly mistaken in the spirit
that actnated the peonle no
matter what may liave been the
object of a few office seeking
politicians. The- people were
moved to action by motiies
somewhat higher than the de-
termination of who slionld dis-
pense a few paltry offices. "We
know that the struggle and
paramount motive with many
blatant politicians-is for nothing-
short of 'seven "principles "five
loaves and two- fishes" to be
found no wherj but in an office.
"Wo have no fear that any of
the Texas delegation will ever
bully their records by being par-
ties to a transaction certain to
consign all the participants in it
to the tomb of the Capulets.
Officers Tafco Kotlce.
As it has been a custom in
Brcnham with officers of the
law especially policemen to
pound assault . and maltreat
prisoners in making arrests 'we
append' the following decision
ot the Court of Appeals io a
case ot this nature. We do not
pretend to acense the present
efficient police force with being
guilty of such acts but that
such treatment has been wit-
nessed upon our streets not
many months one will
deny. Here is the decisions
read it and profit thereby :
"Skidmoro vs. the State; ap-
pealed from the criminal eonrt
ot the city" 6T ""JVIc-Kinnev.
Opinion by C. "W. Winkler
1. A. who was under arrest
refused to go along and pulleel
away from tho officer who had
him in charge.' B. (the officer)
thereupon struck "him upon the
head with a six-shooter ndd
That tho officer was guiltyiot
an aggravated assault and bat-
tery 2. An otneer has the richtto
use a prisoner roughly if nec-
essary in the act Of" carrying
him alons and to call others to
his ail; but he has no right to
beat him in order to make him
go. Judgment affirmed.
! .-.
Fuurr tubes can be profit- -bly
washed with strong soap-
suds or lye. It ' can be done
any time now until the busy
season commences. It kills dor-
mant insects r.imnves nio-es
and lichens and improves the
ttrees generally. Apple trees
never become hKle-botindwhi.ii
treated to an occasional wash-
ing and scraping down.- Tim
bark will Income soft and green
and the growth increased immensely.-
At tire same time
they are much more seii''tie
to bruises and wore care i
ne(csaiy in gnidinc; plows
and other impteineiiN among
rnniR flourishing cosDrriox'.
A representative of the Bs
rrat has paid a to the Pub-
lic schools and was glad to find
them in such a prosperous con-
dition. The grounds are so
beautiful that it makes all who
enter feel eheeihil. The first
room entered was the depart-
ment of the
man school
which receives the personal at
tention ol Prof. Bote the Prin-
cipal. The total enrollment in
this room is fifty diidcd into J
three classes junior middle and
senior the studies being mod-
ern history Latin science ge-
ometry physiology composi-
tion logic etc The students
in this room and especially the
larger young ladies 'realize the
fact that the commencement ex-
ercises are fast approaching and
they intend to acquit them-
selves with great credit which
they will be certain to do. Iin-
proiement in the compositions of
these j-oung ladies is evident
each week while the young
men stcadjly improie in orato-
ry. The next room visited was
GRnrs NO.l and 2
tanght by Mrs. Locket who has
become quite a fivorite with
inanj- of the school children of
the city. She has enrolled fit-cy-six
studying principallyge-
ography grammer (first class1)
hi-toiy and mathematics. Here
all are working hard trying to
reach the high school grade.
Miss Mary Rial teacher who is
well known hero excellent
instructor has sixty students
ranging' from nine to fourteen
years of age and they have
made considerable progress in
Davies's school arithmetic Eng-
lish grammar etc. and will
complete their course in geog-
raply this session.
1st prutary department
is taught by the accomplisho.l
"Miss Lizzie Mattljews who is ve-
ry popular with her pupils. Hiss
Matthews has a total enroll-
ment of seventy-fi c more than
in any other one loom; never-
theless she knows exactly how
to pay tho proper attention to
each of them. Their studies at
present are the fundamental
rules of arithmetic fourth-reader
geography (outline maps)
first lessons in grammar writing
exercises etc. The
second rursi vry department
Mr?. Rote teacher who seems
to pesscss all the patience nec
essary for a successful tutor of
young children. The studies in
this room are second-reader ad-
dition subtraction and multi-
plication tables; also the out-
liuo maps writing and drawing
on slates etc.
Here we found forty little seek-
ers of knowledge reciting their
first lessons from the board in
concert which was really ajnus-
ing bcin!; somewhat vocalized.
Miss Mary B. JVIcIntyie de-
serves great credit tor the man-
ner in which she tries to im-
press upon the minds of these
children the lessons they recite;
We next come to tho
Prof. Jessen. Professor
language ancient and modern
history. In this room spventy-
soven students recite in Ger-
man fourteen in Latin and
thirteen iu ancient aud modern
We were glad to find the
schools in a flourishing condi-
tion; glad to- see such interest
manifested by the teachers and
also to see students exerting
themselves to master the arts
and science- as well as. other
t An immense African lion
about sity yeais old e-c.ipod
from its cage in a menagerie at
Augusta Ga. into a ciowd ot
people. Great consternation
and a lliorottsli stampede re-
sulted. "Enipeior"' went to
work on a ?2000 Tai tary yak
and "finiiliod it" then tasting
ron try of the calf of a man s
Icz sat down to rest when a
mne was seemed around hi-
ne'tk. and he was choked into
his cage.
gCI.-J- ' '-" --rrlUCJWWCt HHiVJV.M JJ i Vf .USEEEEggSS
The Celebration br the Houston
Fire Department.
On Friday evening at4 o'clock
the Senior in company with a
dozen others of the Brenham
Hook aud Ladder Company
took the down train of winch
our trenial young friend J. D.
Peterson is conductor for Hous-
ton ostensibly for the pnrpose
of participating in tho grand
parade and celebration of the
Houston Fire Department.
At Hempstead we were re-
ceived in grand style by the
Hempstead Hook and Ladder
Boys conducted to flic" City
Hotel and pivcin a severe
'punching." Returning to the
depot platform the Representa-
tives of tlie Fire Department
of Waco and Bryan who had
jnst arrived on the dow n train
of the Central were cordially
received and treated in a like
manner. That veteran fireman
and gallant gentleman Col. J.
T. Griffin acting as m.ister of
cerenijnies proposed a health
to the visiting firemen which
was drank amidst continued
cheers. J G. Rankin of tlie
Breuham H. & L. Co. then
proposed the toast; "To Col. J.
T. Gritfin Chief of tho Hemp-
stead Fire Department may he
never grow older" -which was
drank with three cheers and a
At thia jnncture in the pro-
ceedings the stentorian voice of
the conductor was heard to ring
out "all aboard" and we board-
ed. Nothing interesting hap-
pened between Hempstead .and
Houston save the general merry-making
ot the boys includ-
ing Thornton of the Galveston
jVeics all of whom -seemed to
be rather mellow.
At Houston wc were met by
the Fire Department with two
splendid bands of music aud
escorted to the Club Rooms on
Fannin street Vhcre we were
treated to an elegant champagne
punch and genuine Havana ci-
gars. A line was again formed
and an announcement made
that Tom Prindle had things
arranged to give the boys an-
other good punching all of
which they didn't seem to mind
at all; in fact some of the fire-
men dared Tom to keep the
business np all night. Thi3 is
said to the first dare Tom was
ever known to take quietly.
After leaving the Revolving
Liirht Saloon we were marched
to the Ilutchins House where
II ooi bach had a rood square
meal in waiting to which the
boys did ample justice.
At S o'clock Saturday morn-
ing the procession was again
formed and niurchcd to the Ccn
tral depot to receive Gov. R. !B.
Hubeako the orator of the day.
Here- we were joined by the
Military companies which by-the-bj-
are a. splendid looking
body of men. The Governor
w as placed in an open carriage
and driven to the club" room?
followed by the brigade of fire-
men amidst the fluttering ot
banner- the cheers of the mcr-
ly firemen and strains of excel-
lent music. After the goblets
had been filled with spaikling
Champagne. Col. Griffin ot
Hempstead proposed a toast :
"The health of our worthy Gov-
emoi the light man iu the
riirht place" which was follow-
ed by three cheers for the Gov-
ernor. Tlie Goieinor in replf said:
"GjfKitlcnicu : Allow me to
present to you a sentiment or
toast in 'response to the cry
flattering sentiments of un-
friend. Allow me to say that
when he aid 'tfie i igbt man in
the rigTit place' I pro-aime he
meant that I tilled tho chair as
well as any man. If gentle-
men it is my good fortune to
fill it iu other i aspects .is I shall
labor to do it will afford ma the
highest -.iti-fiction. I propo-e
thcfircmeiiof Ttu- as hold when
the 11 mil's are crinkling a'-. the
are yiompt aud gcucioub when
APRIL 27. 1877;
the wine is spaikling.'' Cheers
by thd firemen.
The procession returned to
the Ilutchins Itouse where a
rest oHialf .in hour was had
when tlie procession was again
formed the Governor Hon. De-
uias Barnes Mayor Wilson and
Major Lambert the Governor's
Aid ocenpying a cainag'd at
tho head drawn by four splen-
did black horses. The streets
through which the procession
passed were liiicd with with peo-
ple the balconies galleries and
windows alive with people in
holiday attire. The firemen
had their banners flying In the
pleasant sorith wind their en-
ginns and trucks elaborately clS
namented with flags and flow-
ers. Arriving at tho Fair Grounds
the Firemen betook t.ieii'selves
to the pleasing task of pleasure
making until the hour of
speaking was announced. Mr.
Hutchinson took the stand and
in a witty pleasing ni.d happy
manner delivered the welcome
address to the visiting firemen
after which he ititrodiit'erl Gov.
Hubbard who.delivered an able
and excellent speech applicable
to the day. Hon. Dcnias Barnes
was net introduced and pro-
ceeded to aildrcss the guests
after which dinner was announc-
ed and the visiting firemen
were conducted to Floral Hall
where tliey were invited to par-
take of a splendid dinner got-
ten up expressly for their bene-
fit. The balance of the e ening
was consumed in target-slioot-ing
l oiler skating trial tests ot
engines etc. At 5:30 o'clock
dancing jgas announced as in
order which was freely partic-
ipated in by the visitingfitemen
all of whom seemed to be per-
fectly happy and they had a
right to feel happy for tho
beauty and fascinating smiles of
the Houston ladies are perfectly
Taken altogether the occa-
sion is one Ions to bo remem-
bered. The hospitality and
generosity extended us by the
Honston Fire Department and
citizens generally are worthy ot
all praise and appreciation.
At six o'clock Sunday even-
ing a procession of Houston
fire-fighters was again formed
who performed the pleasing task
of conducting their guests to the
train where we bid them fare-
well amidst deafening yells.
When wo had reached Cypress
station the announcement was
made that those generous-heart
ed whole-souled Houston boys
had actually provided us with
several baskets of champagne.
Toasts aud wai in wishes were
then in order as the sparkling
beverage rapidly disappeared.
At Hempstead Gov. Hub-
bard was called for and made
a few happy witty and pleasing
rcmaiks. Thus ended the fes
tivities ot the occasion.
Miss Schurz is said to bo a
Washing belle.
A Sample Bottlolre6
If joa are trnnblwl with Headache
dullresincapacity to Keeptlia mird on
any subject dizzy sleepy or nervnn
feeling" jjluoiuy forebodings irratabil
ty of temper or n. "bad tate in llit-
mouth unMeady appetite choking sen
sntioi in the thront yam In tho side 01
about tho r-ho'ihlrrs coldne'B of trera
itics etc. or in f ct any symtoins ol
Lher complaint biaonsness consipa
tionof the dowlIs or dyspepsia ro to
your druggist It. E Lulin and gtt a
bottlo of Dr. Sherman's Pucklv Ash
Ihtterr. Xo spirit is uairf in their f
nianurnctnreetrept a pure article ot
II Hind Om. L idles in particular
will find thtin peculiarly adapted to
their wants in aliases aRd conditions
of life. The lablo tells all they con-
tain consequently physicansdo not
htsitnte to prescribe them. Sample
bott'e for trial free. Iteuijular siza $1.
Tho l'copkr Want Proof
There is no medicine prescribed by
physicians or sold bj Druggrsts that
carries such evidence of its success and
superior virtue as EosCHtL's or.nAN
sykcp for severe cough?? colds settled
mi the breast coins u in pt ion or any dis-
ease of the thro it aud lujgs. A probf
of that 'act is that any person r.fllicled
can get
.tuplebottlejor 10 certs
uud try its supitinr edict before bimng
the rigirlar M7e at 75 cents. It has
litily bti n Introduced in this country
frum Germany aud its wonderful currb
aro astonishing teryoiie that use it.
Three doses nil! reln.Ce any cic. Try
it. Hold by 1!. 11. Luhn & Co fireii-
hain'Icxai. feb;7fy
flflf J'"'" ! P J. . JM-J i-igCT3
r. iLntMiudsLKe
Cluppell Hill.
Attorneys - vt -Xa-ccr
Olflco in Omns bnlldinp. Kaot s'ida
Conrt Houso Square
B-enham - - - Texas.
Prompt attention to collections ex-
amining land titles and paring taxes
for non resident.
llrenham - Teias.
Will practice in Washington and ad-
joining counties. janlOdlmwSm
A.t-tOTfzitJy-i&TtXia.-O!? I
lJurtnn "- Texas
Will practice in the District. County
and Justices Court. Prompt atteii
tion given to the collection of claims
J. 11. doJ. Bates McFarland
Brenham Texas.
O.Tice Upstairs in Allcorn building
Neir Breedlove & Chadwicks Bank.
Attornoy at tⅆ
Burton Washington en Tex.
e'p" 17
Will practice in the District Courts
of Washington Lee and Burleson coun
Office npltiirS over Qidding'sBauk
July 10
Attornoys - n.t -Ijei-w
Brenham Texas
J.T.ltorrisJI.D. L.B.CreathM.D.
Physicians and Snrgcons
Offer the.r Professional services to
the citizens of Brenham and vicinity.
Office Wood 4 Co. Drug Store.
ilay 14th 1874 3m
of Virginia late of Gonzales Texas.
Having attended a full Course of
lectures at the Baltimore College of
Dental Surgery and having had supa-
nor advantages in Practice feels- a'-
sured that h can guarantee satisfaction
iii every branch of his business. Office
over Wood's drug store. Brenham
Texwi. no9'75
(Kladen's Brick Building)
Corner Main and Douglass Streets
TVholsale and Iletail dealer In
Groceries and Provisions
Tobacco Gifjars Pipes SnuJ
Pmtider Shot Caps Paints
Oils Wooden-tcare ITail
Jiojpe Brushes Collars
Hames Traces Jars
Jugs Wines and
Sole Agent for the celebrated
"W. J. Lump's CcLrBR-vfEU
In quarts Jpid pints Superior to any
other. isJs?
KgTbe hisliest raarkrt price paid
for Cotton Hides and other Country
J t 1. 1 lOTI
1 produce.
March 1. 1874-y.
A full slock of Prints Domestics
Cambrics Lawns Muslins Grenadines
Poplins Sniss Inscrtings Edgings
tiimmhiifs. "loves hosiery shoes par
asols. Ladies and Get ta Furnishing
Goods. Call and examine my goods
bBo?o purchasing elsewhere as I am
determined -not to te uuderso'd.
April ili-'IT. D. LEVI.
ZTstray 3Jotice.
TKEN up by .lames C. BWcrs and
estrlived before B. C.Watson. J P.
Precinct Xo 4" Washington county. on
the 5llr d-y of February 1877 one Ox
Brown aljhnt 8" J earj olcT marked
hivall'iwfort in eacli car and a hack
in left ear and branded- 'A on left hip.
The other a ril Or about 7 years old
mailveil nn lefhalr crop and sbpa in
left esr and tho upper anil under por-
irtTi rtf rifrlit fir mt CAT. leavillif the
d f d . nnuii aRa
I branded K on the right s'de. Both
i appraised at ijX
u. ai. i.kwis u. u. c. . u.
ByE M.hchlwikfT Depntj. m-21
tirfl'lt'(joJtutfiri 4 will furely v j-a
&0 17
Ali orders left-St tJia.CMnt.v fcjeik'i
CiUcerBrinham. of addressed io me at
Iudependence will ruceive prompt at-
tention. niay5utf
Bfenhain. Texas'.
All orders filled promptly at lltii'g
prices. Pationajp: colicliett.
-. V i
Raker and Confectioner t
Main Street Brenham. TexasV
Dealer in Staple aftd Farty GrrrerinS b
Tead Trosh Cakes and. Pits on Jianaal
all tlmini
Brirbcr 3nd ifafr-Drcsser'j
Antstreetr under the" Central Hoase;
Brtnhttm; Texas.
Shaving sliampoouing dying anif
hair cutting done ttf order. Patronage
solicited. Jan23df
SaEsnuir .- - Tkxis.
Brick in large quantities always eii'
hand. Contracts for buildings taken
at living rnces. J0 work n'sprcialty.
jy2iw(hnr "
tt c. barnett;
Slatrass ESanufacttirei
Brenham Texas.
Ken ps constantly oi hand iachion-
made Matrasses of all liihds which 1 b'
is selling atm-derate pficea forch
Call at C. tt htebefgs nejt door to R.
Hoffman nhd examine my matasii
and prices before jiurchasliing Else-
where is I am making the best mai
rass m the market.
septlOiU H. BARNETT.-
Ekcksmi(fj &m
and manuacfurcr of
Brenham Texas.
E3 Special attention gii en to fioRSs
Shoejko general job work andTeraif-
Ing. TcnnsliberaK 5hop near Jlay.""
nard's Livery Stable. JunelS.7-L-
T ELDRiDGE i CO.- ' " '-""
Groceries gni'ilroYpiis
Brenham Texas. fT
AuliandtamnleteStack-dwaTlotg'. f
Itand. for sale at BOTTOM 'fKWKBrf i
X6r THE CASH. y .
Give us k trial -. !1 - '
Oct&tlSWi "trA.t
H. -vv. &JEZ4L&aeaaijj
icaicr in TKmrv 1
ntticucs 1lOCKS
'Jewelry Specta
clea Silver am
Plated Ware.
Brenham Texas-
Repairs dnno on short notice anff
warranted. All Gcodi warranted; as
represented. vllnS
Torclgn and Domestic ExciiaEgc
2?ir6 Insurance Agents
JSTo.43- Brenham- Texas.
Dealer itf
Gents' Eurnishtnff Goods-
iadfe" ancf iltrees--'
Iloiic-y Hoods- Shawls Robes;
Jewelry Silks Safins
Lawns &c. Ac-
All of which will be sold at erJTea
sonahle figures for rendy cash. vCall and
bxamtno my stocfc and'prices.
SKEXlfilf- rEXA3
noue Fiirnislilnjf Goods P'.inVpa of alt
descriptions CooXiaH and- Heating
Stovis in lare vnrfety. i
wrouKlit Iron Pipe" and Sttani Fit-'
tingA cut and httcd to order. Koofii;
anrt spfttituig done st short nothHv
Tiiaukfnl for the Jiberah patronage'
bestowed npon tho old firm" we rVsjxcl
fully s-ilfcit a cintiunance or tho game.
Bvenliam. Jdl 2Gth. 1373:
CiO ?iC A MONTH. Agents wan1
rJJO J ted cerV where.. IliV-iness1
liimomblo and first Claa" Particulate
sejit free. J . OTt PI I '. f
lift Lri J&J- fiaWSntf
& riHi.
fz-rsai 3mXBs
kiAs? in. w
' "&
r '
- 5 ij

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Rankin, John G. & McCrimmon, D. Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 17, Ed. 1, Friday, April 27, 1877, newspaper, April 27, 1877; Brenham, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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