San Antonio Daily Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 305, Ed. 1, Thursday, October 7, 1886 Page: 1 of 4

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The Great
Morgan City Fun and Oyster Oo.
Are now open for business on TnTlfto
avenue and are rally prepared to. eat
ply all corner! with fresh neb ojraftM
and game and everything In their line.
1'rompt delivery to all parti oftheelty.
An oyster bar will be attached where
the bivalves will be served on the hair
hell and In all style. Hoteli raeian-
ranti and famlllea (applied. 0-17-tf
Baird's Minstrels
Sunday night October 1 0
Volume VI. Number 305.
Only $5 a Year
San Antonio Daily Light.
Fall and Winter Goods
ZThey have one of the Finest and Largest Stock of
Goods ever before brought to this market.
Main and Military Plazas San Antonio Texas
Convenient to business center with best accommodations. tM 1
Cor. Military Plaza
:nt "Tin: roe
Slclo .Military l'l.
trl'uro Fruit Syrups and Ico Cold Soda
W. J". HZOI.IiIsriD
14 Commerce Street San Antonio
Carries the larKcst stock of flnet
OQany houso In tho St ato.fJ Storekeepers ft ml bends of families .will do well to mako
tbelrlpuTchoscB atthlseBtabllshroeiit. Tho lollowlnR Drecn Coffees always In stock:
This housosupplles Delicious Fresh-Itoastcd
Love's Miss. Latonf lcliola& Johnston Lutoot Wlatnsnn Ilros. Lato of Wilkinson ilros.
Fort Smith Ark
Johnston Wilkinson & Co.
Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants
SOUTHEAST COIlNKIt MAIN I'l.A.A (French Buidlng)
SaViterlAria"001 f
H. D. Kampmann President -
Celebrated Lager and SpeclallyBrewed
and S. Flores St.
erefd O 3
O D-3 tf
? p D
aid Mineral Waters constantly on draught.
and tlmiind Cotreo. STltlENOTII and KLAVOK
' 4-0
Hernando Miss.
'Hernando Miss
San Antonio Tex.
Otto Koohlor Soc. and Manager
The Knights of Labor at Itlclunond I
have not yet settled down to regular j pnf(tt sml present the warrant or llntT-
work. The report of committee on crc ! tetter the extradition airrnt directing
enuais nas reierreu iom matters con-
ected with leatlnirdeleBatcS to the As- i
teuibly and Ihn conclusion la not yet
afti to ssv that not much of any slgnlll-
cance will be made public ) et an hllc.
The color line was oomnletelv broken
at Itlchmond theatre when coloreddele-
gate Farrell of New York took at-eat In
the front row of the orchestra seats up-
on which no one but white people hate
been permitted to sit hcretoiore. It is
very much to tho credit of the manage-
ment ol the academj nl muslo that they
made no row over It. Tho ollence
against good taste was nut theirs.
New lork Oreenbackers endorse
Henry Georgo for major of Uothain.
The Uusslan military organ advises a
mild tone towards llulgarla.
Thero aro rumors of a secret anll-llus-
an alliance between llulgarla and Str-
ia. Also rumors of a Uusslan and llou-
manlan alliance. No rumors can lie lin-
lillcally contlded In.
The movement In the Bulgarian army
favoring Itussla continues to spread. It
is artiuuy promulgated uy itussian m-
tlcers and itussian money
Hill of New York asserts that no
one man Is necessary to any party. Tarty
i the only guarantee or principle no
amns Cleveland's administration by
faint praise and thinks that bringing
the kids forward so prominently has
eakened the party.
The Snanlih liberal papers commend
the clemency of the queen regent In
commuting the denlh sentences of the
The Cane Girardeau boiler explosion
on the Mississippi resulted In twenty-
two deaths.
Key. O'llelllv. treasurer of the Irish-
American League makes short replies
to the charges mado against tho finan
cial management. He says he has the
national League s voucners lor every
cent received by the American branch
and has no desire to know to what par
ticular use they applied it.
Cotton oron In Texas Is knocked out
another 100000 bales by last estimates.
1 bete are Kauuman ami uunge's ng-
An old woman's nine set Dave Henry's
cabin on lire ax Chester S. C and the
old lady and two children were cre
Hamle" and "lute" experimental
crops in this country have Just been
baled In New Orleans. The yield shows
a net proi.tof $00 per aire for ramie
end $j0 per sore for Jute.
The Oroi Ventres and Dlood Indians
are killing each other In Canada and
saving the government the trouble.
Wleeins' eartbnuakc was not respon
sible Tor the smash In the rear wn 1 of
Thompson's variety theatre Dallas
which fell outward leaving the whol
stage exposed.
M. Donahue and Hueh lllakeuy had
an altercation on street Manas over
an old affair and Donahue cut lllaken
n the neck nearly severing his jugular
vein. Donahue cave bond and was
turned loose.
Congressman Savers pulled tho wool
over tne eyes or tue i.ampasas proieo
ttonists yesteruay. it took- mm iwi
hours to do It.
Galveston Is wnrnilne un on local poli
tics very sensiuiy.
The sea-wall proleot In the Isl
City makes progress.
M. 1'. Hovle. of Dawson On. has n
space In his yard about 2. feet squaro
upon wuicd a gentle snower uaa oeen
railing lor tne past tnree weeks gener
ally out of a cloudless sky. This Is ac
cording to Hovle.
The Ashland Avenue Ilulldlnir and
Loan association Chicago was burular-
government oonut; u.uuu Donus and
The Chicago paokers all change to the
iu nour system
Four deaths and a fatallv hurt from an
explosion or giani powuer in a ueau
woou mine.
The freight brakemen on the Mahonev
division of the New Vork. Pa. t Ohio
railroad are on a strike for $2.00 a day
insteaa oi
Kaulbars Is receiving largo funds from
iiussia to perpetuate uniganan (listuru-
Klgbtv Husslan ofllcers. who formerly
served In llulgarla have been ordered
to noio inemseives reauy ro return at
any moment
llulgarla refuses a reply to Kaulbars
The Charlerlo miners. Oerniany are
again on a strive
The New Vork Stock exchange has
entered J. Edward Simmons as their
candidate for mayor. Two-thirds of the
their votes; other exchanges will come
Into the movement which is a demo
cratic goiu-oug uoage.
The freneral convention nf the Protest
ant Episcopal church of America is In
session at Chicago. Muslo hall holds
the lay and clerical delegates; Apollo
nan toe Disnops
Maiev and Terrell trotted a heat lor
the United States senatorslilp at Dallas
yesterday. Haxey praised the democ
racy ana Terrell lacmeu tne tariu.
Humors of a crls Is In the Snanlsh mln
lstrv are rife: the ministers of war and
marine being opposed to the act of
Richard Lavoock. a voung laborer on
the Oalvestou wharves has been missing
since Monday. Yesterday the body was
found floating near Central wharf bis
arms and back badly cut. The mate of
the lumber schooner Trinity is suspect-
ed on very flimsy grounds It would ap.
There will be eight Candidates In the
nem tor toe two seats in tne legislature
to ue uueu irom iravis oounty.
Cant. Kingsbury of El Paso. Tex
savi that Whalev sava that Uatewood
says that Lawton (ays that Miles says
luat ueronimo s soaip was not to oe
Evangelist Burnett and Mulkey are
going to lacaio tue r urt worm sinners
it is an army contraoi sure
Kyle reports 12C0 bales of cotton
snipped ana gooa business.
The court of appeals Is In session
Tyler Judge Wide the only supreme
court juugo presem.
The Irish iournsls think Churchill
floundering from a mistake Into a crime
Mkssus. Arolier ami Clark anil
II. II. Lombard of Uvalde Texas litte
tent to the table of the I.iniiT the docu-
mentary evidence taken by them In the
Crosccutlon of the Arresurls cane they
elng tho counsel for the widow ninl
.0Jl..l i ""!?'. "i'.J.l
tno sncriu or .Maverick countv to arrest
Arresurls .nil hand hlinnrer to .Mnmlra-
gon chlel of police of I'ledrns Neitrai;
tne aiiiuaviis nr certain parlies to me ar-
rest and delivery as thus ordered! the
letters of Arreiurls to tho Unlcd States
consul l.lnn asking the protection of
the united mates; the letter or tho .Mex-
ican Jcfo Politico acknnnlcdirlnir the
killing of Arrriurl'; allldivlls showing
mat there wi-arno charges against Ar-
resurls according to Momlrsgon's own
tatetnents; ntlidsvlta or Arresurls'
Itnerlcan rlllzenslilii: also of previous
dllllculty with Moiitlrngon;Consiil Linn's
statement I nesc are m exuitiits etn-
hrnreil In the euro mid thry are supple-
inentid with n plain statement of the
case covering lha sulistanco of these ex-
hibit). The connsel for tho accused con-
tend that tho ntlenae nt the Mavcrlak
county tilllclnln Is aealnst thn laws of
lexnanmi I no united States; that Arrc-
urla' extrnilltlnn having been demanded
(1 reiusen the suuaenuent acts attach
the Mexican government and to Jinn-
ragnn 1 tin lexas olllnlals nre thus
iad out kidnappers hut not murderers:
tho Mexican otllclala murderers nnd In-
Igntors of thn kidnapping.
Why tho American Bonuty Mlae Cham
berlain Cannot Marry Prlnco
Albert Victor of Wales.
Tho Fort Worth Oazetto and other
Texas papers are giving currency to a
umor which originated in a northern
aper that Prince Albert Victor of
Vales eldest son of tho heir apparent to
tho throne of England Is engaged to an
merloan lady and that the ladr In
question Is none other than the Ameri-
can beauty Miss Jennie Chamberlain o
leveianu umo. vtnnst it can oe
proudly said that American women are
the peer of any In virtue beauty and In
telligence nun mat sucn an alliance
would be advantageous for the young
prince the rumor may he safely set
down as a canard which has emanated
from thb brain of some Imaginative
newspaper fellah" who fancies that he
can Im licet upon American credulity.
In the lint place If the royal family de-
cided to make n change from the usual
Intcr-royal marriage system there are
so many noble belles who would seek.
nay more demand the "honor" In such
forcible terms as would compel consid
eration and In the second place the
prince cannot contract n legal marriage
without the consent (f the queen nnd
parliament. As the aristocratic element
trots parliamentary itutuence it IB
scarcely likely that they would assent
to a measure In which their class was
so openly and ellectively snubbed.
men again tne queen is not likely to
concur In such t marriage If the Prince
ucsireu it. nince tno passing or tn
of royalty who lias married outside the
paio oi royalty was tne rrincess Louise.
She married un old playmate the Mar-
quis of Lome son of the Duku ol Argyll.
That nobleman Is rich and powerful
a premier pier Claiming descent irom
the Scottish kings yet tho marriage In
not regarded as n happy one neither do
tne people generally consider mat it wai
n wise one; moreover. It caused consld
ernblo Jealousy In other aristocrat o
ramlllea. I his experience has strength'
ened the nuecn'a opinion that Inter
royal marriages arc the lust and there
are certainly many political reasons lor
For Murdor.
A young man named Dug Hill.
has been working on Milton Vnnce's
farm near thu city was arrested and
Jailed yefeterday on a charge of murder
oi tue city inarsiiai oi rarsons. nansaB
wo years ago. rue rcnu anion ror
arrest came irom the governor oi
sas. and a deputy Bherili from that
state euecteu tne arrest witn tue assist
ance of Sheriff Lewis.
For Tlio.t.
C. II. Tatum a young man of this city
no uas ueen acting as travel ng sales
man for V. K. Collins A Co.. wns arrest
ed yesterday on an Indictment from the
grand jury charged with theft of a gold
waicn irom a lauy. two years ago. l a
tum has been out of town on business
and was arrested un his return.
claims he can prove that ho bought the
waicu irom ivoen gneiura loan omce
and ir ne can prove inn no is all rigiu
lie Lost Ills Father.
Judge 0. 11. P. Garrett the fattier of
Mr. O. II. 1. Oarrett Jr. n newspaper
man or mis city died on Tuesday nigtii
at llrenham. after a short Illness from
disease of tho brain. The deceased wan
70 years of age. and was one of the oldes
resiuents in Washington county having
resided there 43 years lie tilled several
ofllcea and was for 20 years county ludgi
ror many years no was secretary or tno
Baptists1 convention and tilled thoofllco
when he died lie was held In great
estimation as an noncst and ante man.
Judge Oarrett leaves a widow three
uaugntnrs and two sons f mourn his
loss. The with Mr
uarrett in ins Dereavement.
Killed In a Runaway.
This morning as Mariano Ornela was
driving on Perez street neartbe Aransas
rats depot ins team ran awny and ur
nela was thrown and dragged some die
tance. vvnen picked up lie wasueau
his skull being seriously fractured. In
formation was convercd to Justice
Crawford who empanneled a Jury and
viewed the body of the deceased. The
Inquest then adjourned to meet again
tois atiernoon.
Fell From the Beat.
Yesterday as Waters I'leroe
wagon was turning the corner near the
post office the vehicle camo too near tho
curb and two men were thrown oil the
seat aiiguiiug peneatii tne single trees
fortunately the team was at once
stopped by a policeman and a citizen or
ine accident mignt nave had a more se
rious result.
Street Commissioner's Department.
The repairs on Avenue C. Orand ave
nue and lllver avenue are near comDle
ted the steam roller being now engaged
In finishing them.
The ordinary force Is working on West
Commerce street cutting down and
clearing brush the ploughs and scrapers
are on Buena Vista street and the car-
penters are refloorlng the San Fernando
pnuge over tne Alazan.
Austria wants a conference on the
Bulgarian dllllculty. Germany and
Hussla will not consent.
Bynopnts of tho Pastor's Itoport to tho
Fourth Quarterly Conforenco.
.lltor I.ioiit
in)' pii.lorato In thl4
a.k spitct
llio fourlli quarterly
d. Ini.ee4 and clans I
ry Inleresllnir report .sthci
slriisalea hr their
IllKTatttr In nmircclAtloii of t
eholars r all aires
'cduriNM- tli
I II I elirlll tllneil
iifllon this riearter.
nchiil Si times iiir-Io IU t I.I
li .11 ramlllc Tho lollnwl
ud l'ra)cd
irk whieli must Hlwujs lie
llio fourth 'iniirte
IfC'j lntlml
fifiiilirrii hiKl inll atnr fMi :tii In nMlt-
nt pK-u tirr t toi.ri'Mifiir Mt HmTu;
r K'licuiH'iuv in ntn inn uiciudinir
ick ilur. flliM' ("ftlil city tux cm church
I riy. f ii mr; niani iiihi (xiiiiuy nvn wrni
iit'tlnii or tlio iimriilKiuntT'A ttnirt rrmlt-
tiJiit pnirtyiitrf'ktti f nun thn county
iKintn iinfnipiit mllH n rmm ttuniilo.
o hm n (Hilt intutl the city iitunrll t line nnI
In. Hit iti tar at wn knnw mi .l.vl.lcl
nil In tho city lu-rvniiiont cnminlttt n. Wo
ulainl itn )M l(rn Hint thin pm('rljr. Uinif
hi Hi ii i t'lciuBiiciy mr t'liuriii tmNri-
vrnnirriilly tatftl by tlio city nf Han Anto
. Un l.rllcn Unit nnm knnwlnulr irnn.
utiil In thin matter. It HhIiu'I H not writ
n Hint lliitt cln nr tn-nplo who txilld
itcrHlly tnx-in)crn
rtnc4 IiipUchI(1
ntictlnn nl thn law
ir hnllilliitr hii.I Impmvlnir f-CCX; to Vnt
lit Cnntcii'iicn rtcnilniiry t-.'i Ur fiM'l
rnmU'lt.lU.;'.: In inolut n nlnlcr church
i; cttx iicfi ut miiiilrty Pt.'ti.ul. 4J'Ji; v
nch fnr IcMlvtUo. Inchidintr hull rout f tVMi
I. llintt.HI I la I a iu-. In of IilTcnnt
mircm an. I ntlicrwlM. IKVIH.
Vim r rcHncctrullr M. IIenko!
Htnr St. I'anl'o M. K. church Hun .Mil on In
lintrlct. Went Tvxm Annual t'ontcif ncc.
Scnrod by tbo Earthquako.
IMmIii llrucc Ht nnn time ilcpnty till-
(laUcHton fin Iiccn away fnr il vacation
-thiUiikehnck ttuit i
nt tit-llculnVltrirlnil'n-
WkI ii
t any ii
Considering tho Indians.
nlih UrfftcliiM
for hulls nurllc.
icddlnirfi etc. Wutln rait Inn warranted. Ad
rt'sx SI Acfula ftn't-tHrttl AlllunlnTuiAH
After Ilotnff Provontod from Shooting
IUmaolf IIo Dies by a Doso of
Ir. J. (1. Hwairirerty a m-ll-kmittn ex-ratl-i
lor wulkcllmo lliiiersoii'sjesterilrty atlcr
in ati.l wanuil tu tiuy a plntol. Mr. llmer.
islumiHt Muii) winiMHi In lilm. Hi liked
tt Ihu pltliiU Put .11.1 nut think that II
ul.l revolto when loaded Mr. Kitiersun
anded lilm a curlridKu t" prove that It would.
airirerty loudiil Iheplslol
il liitn hlit Ii
tit ol fnun
id deciph
Inlnif by Mr. i:
ctlnn ttwiiiriri-rty
l- LTttwfnnl Ii
ho had
ntfcusohu could not hold hlu:
4wairircrlv nalil that liu littd trnub'o at hn
d wntitcl tn die and intimated In an Indirect
way tli at no Intcnucil In commit miiciilo.
iluc. Tho doctors weni culieil. but nllciroru
i mvv him wcru futile and lie died at ID
clock hut niKht Ilia remains win no uuri
1 thu
hat hU wife u iu uurulthfiil.
leariied HHiiirtfcrty had nottroundBfor thai
Tho Sheriff Wants lilm.
Thu shcrilT or Itclhlllols nmloiii
lllhun Marn. u )criimu. who at one
Ideil In this city. In fact so nnilotii
i tliut h
will pay til fnr his arrest. Marn U
icy. II
ituche. Mi
felon rear un his rltrht ronMlnircr
prick tu in reii inn nn dis riKin n
Closod Up.
A. Zanders keeps a tirttwry it'
u) as ho did not imv
Two Arrests.
Dctectlvo Hughes and 8peclal Olllcer Lontr
nested )CBtcrday at i u clock it jnunir in
....! llurn. . Iillrtil with tliett
Inthlnir and other urtlcles of aIuo from tho
IreHSlnif riKitna nf tno WaBhhiKt
help tr
il J. II. HiiUwrl
uIho taken In nut of tho cold.
District Court.
Marriage Licensor?.
Jom 1'crcz to Antonlii Navarro.
A. I (Jullck tn Janctto Tniiuulne.
t. 1). Un-koto Mm. Hon I Mardln
WlURomaln In It.
Thn Tu
r Hook and Ladder company hud
llvelv meetlnir last nluht. and dlcuscd tho
iiucsilon of bivuklnir uway fnm thu Tur
account. As It hai been nono but tin
or thn Turn vcreln can U'como tnointi
of tho Hook and Ididdor company lly death
and resiirnatiou inoranatoi mo company ar
In troui tholu Tl
thirds voto to carry thu micstlon. lly a cloa
vntn It tt an decided to remain with tho lu
era ttioso voiln tor this action atrrtvlnif
bring1 In ton new members to tno company
tho next meet in if.
Suspicious Character.
Lull Ciirrciio. n Mexican yi
lusplcious charactei
testimony c lid tod
ipany with an old Mexlcun named Ji
a off tho railroad
s drunk
rwarus nilsseil
ill Currcno was
Been with the watch.
Lunch and Supper
Tho ladles of St. Mary's onnHrejratlon o(cnoI
Ksslo Crawford has
Tho affair la for tho benefit of the church
Telephone No. 229 San Antonio Texas.
aoknts ron
Goneral Commission Morcliants Cotton Wool and Hide:.
rents for Weir Hulkjr I'low Uimi llldlnir am! Walklnir Cultlrstors Com and Cotton
er Ih-iTlnir Mowers Iteapers llliviera and llarrrstlnir Machines.
Littlos Chemical Fluid and Powder Dips.
orrosiTK oouiit house.
Oeats' Calf ll
fnun fiupward; llors
. Kirn-ant (H'KltA H1.!1IK1LS. lunL tho thlinr
IttMlTH ficut In ihn markcti price tA.iK). Corns
Ucntu' KINK HLT1X)N LACK and (JiUter Abaci
tv in amminn 10 my biock oi ihki anu runes i curry ail ainaa or anoo pouati ror
leu' and children a ahncH. and tho celebrated T. M. niacklnir for rent' iDoea.
fttfOrdcra fnr anv atvlna nf I toot a andHhnci will be BromotJr executed. A nio flt nr1
ncral aatlifactlon fruaranteed.
Chemist and
Mwaji on hand a Full and Froth Block or Drutra. Chcinlca'a and Toilet Articles andererr"
Inir fnund In a Flrit-clafl Drur rtnrt. rrcucrliitlnna mado aHpcclalty. and will be Ireparod
all linurn with cum and dlnpatch. TELEPHONE NO. 299.
81mple Explanation of Its Moaua
Oporandl In Solectlna Candidates.
Jlany persons seem to be under the
inresslon that the executive eounell of
the llexar County Industrial League will
lect tue League eanuiuates. inis is an
error. The various sections In conven-
on assembled will select the candi
dates and the executive council will
intilv act as a campaign committee.
uslnir all legitimate means to secure tho
eleotion o! their nominees.
An executive council meetlnir will bu
held to-nlKbt to consider the political
sect on No. 1 meets to-morrow niKht
In Krlsob hall to Initiate new members
consider tbo by-laws and to confer on
me situation.
Section No. 3 (colored) meets Sunday
for llm sains mirnoao.
A meeting win ue ueiu at um at. neu-
lir court-house on .Saturday at 't n. ni..
when oriranlzers will explain thu ob
jects or the leaguu anu organize a new
A convention of all sections will he
held on tho lCth Instant to nominate and
endorse candidates.
Spselsl to Artlsls.
tlm nr tho flnest ituhllsliluelita tliat Bail A r.
toiilii. If not Texas eati buast or Is Uiu Ah
(lallery ol C. II. Mueller at IMi Coiuuie
cclM-s dlrtct fnun ractoneslarKOSIilpini-ntsor
well Ms window irlass an.l lllieuotuestieai
rml ueeoratlvo wall laKir aro speciaii
la establishment.
In Tlmoof Peaco.
hen cruel winter makes Its appearance
ur wives sisters cousins and aunts will
int warm dress. Ho has Just finished utam-
nts of ladit
lars sacks knllt shaHls and an Immensu
variety and assortment of ladles and chlldrcns
knltt Kds. Jackets IuhmIs etc: price
ry lowe
Ithout tho necessary
xternal decoration
fnicis to keep want
A Healthy Beverage.
Trv a dozen I.lnuld Ilread. for sale by
Kmanuel Abrahams corner Military
plaza and Trevlno avenue. Ot
Absolutely Pure.
Tbls powder never varies. A marvel of
purltr strength and wbolosomeness. More
eoonomioal than the ordinary kinds and can
not be so d In competition with the multitudes
of low teat short weight alum or phosphate
powders. Aold only tn cans. Hoyal Dakln
Powd.rnm"a fw ".!) t.K.w fork.
0-Bear In mind that Frank I. Beltel
keeps builders' bard ware and lumber at
the International and Or-st Northern
depot. MM?
Hoots of alldescrlptlouit Uojs Shoes calf and
IIA74LT.M1 1'UMf DJWIl HtlO9 lO ttl mar
for a nice nnienL Villi Unn nf IIRAVV
nnd eiamlno them A oomnlcUi atook of
They fhould bo icon to be appreciate.
Paint Tour Roofs.
last tlireo tl
Haws and small boles thereby preventing.
inter montns. union l.rt with me at
irner of Avenuu u and Houston street
e DromMIr and latlsractorllv dnnn. aImi
all kinds of house slirn und carriage palnuiur
of J. l. Krlete formerly of tboTwo llrotbers
saioon is iraimnK in popuiarur everr aar.
lluth ireulleiucn aro well renml In thn art nf
i the art of
catering- to tho publlo tasto and will leave
ilhlnv undono to please their visitors.
Tho very best quaUllea
brands of beers ales
waters natlvo as well s
brands always on band. A fine bot lunch
every mornlnir. 7-aHy
serious. C.insumptlon. bronchlus. etc.
V hen Acker s r.nirl sh ttcmedy was Invontod
ihkjii was conferred on manhood: tblsvalu-
eto and t
Adds to Mothars
Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlns Svrup
should always be used lor children
teething. It sooths tho child softens
the gums alleys all pain cures wind
colic and la the bust remedy tor dlar-
ruu:a. j couia a ikmub. 4-a-lJI
Busklsa's ArnlssSslv.
The Best Salve In the world lor Cuts
Uralses Sores Ulcers Salt ltheum
Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands
Chilblains Corns and all Skin Krup-
tlons and positively cures 1'lles or uo
pay required. It Is guarantied to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
11100 zS cents per buz. For sale bj A.
Drlees. ly
Commercial Travelers
And others arriving at Itlchmond Tex.
should Inquire for the Mew National
hotel. Free buss t J and from depot. 8-t'
An Old Lillian Ipsiks.
Oil. says that ho bad been badly troubled
with Kidney Complaint for a great many
years anu who jvzema ror mree rears; at
times could scarcely walk and had tried many
remedies without buncnt until he began tak
Inu- Klectrlo Hitters and annotating- bis bands
Brreat relief and h.
mends Klectrlo Ultters to ah
utferwlth Kidney Complaints or need l
lllood I"usltlcr. Bold by A. llrolss.
A. Schoenert hereby notifies his
friends and customers that owing to re
pairs on uis store ue nas temporarily re-
moved to the store next door to D. A.
Oppenhelmer opposite Twohlg's bank.
Demorest'a fall and winter pattern hays
arrived. tMl-lm
Important to the Sick.
When tho srstcm become enroetilnri ilthA
through long Illness or inal-nutrfUoa whoa
tho Ulircstlvu fuuetlon. aro ImDalrad. .nil nn.
ergy las tako "Itaglaud's btrengtbenlne
which' has no wiual In the trraYu)entoi oot
mpuon uroncnitis general debility and
of especial valuo givtnK Mtone" to the stom-
ach and Imparting vigor to the system.
uAui.Anu a. yu.. oio inanuiacturers ana
Wsndsrrul Cursi.
W. D. Ilort Co. Wholesale and BeUll
ruggtsts ot ltome iia. saysi We have been
selling Dr. King's New lllsoovery. Electric
Hitters and llucklen'a Arnica Balve for two
years. Have never bandied remcdloa that sell
so well or irlvo such universal ilifanin
There have been somo wonderful cure ef-
levwu uy luuso uivuioine. ininisoity.
themslways. Sold by A. Urelss.
A Great Blood Medicine.
ItOSAUALia ouroa aomfnln. illlnM
!k'V1.'ScaJ "fl Uv.or PlaluLrboumatSsm tui
Itead tho following : 1 have been a great suf .
Injured leg. Have tried many M D.'s and
ItOSADALlS Will num mn LIma nn. nnn
by steamer. It was recommended to me by a
I have taken two bottles and Had
John t. IUb
Job printing In every Tenet It
bottom prices done at the LwhtoBh.
id It

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San Antonio Daily Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 305, Ed. 1, Thursday, October 7, 1886, newspaper, October 7, 1886; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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