The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 48, July 1944 - April, 1945 Page: 74

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Southwestern Historical Quarterly

Dr. C. L. Sonnichsen
Dr. Donald Day
Mr. R. B. Blake
Mr. Duncan Robinson
Mrs. Marian B. Stoner
Dr. Rex. W. Strickland
Mr. L. W. Kemp
Mr. Houston Wade
Dr. S. W. Geiser
Dr. Valin R. Woodward
Mr. William Eilers, Sr.
Mr. Henry Biederman
Dr. and Mrs. P. I. Nixon
Mrs. Harriett N. Leary
Miss Alice Lee
Rev. Joseph Schmitz
Miss Mamie Raborn
Mr. A. F. Edwards
Mr. Herbert Gambrell
Mr. Charlie Jeffries
Mr. J. W. Saxon
Mr. Anton H. Berkman
Mrs. E. R. Miller
Mr. John McCarty
Mrs. Sybil Jordan
Miss Betty Matthews
Miss Audrey La Vergne
Miss Doris Littlefield
Miss Jane Bullock
Miss Lela McClurg
Mr. S. G. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Emmett
Miss Frances Donecker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Holbrook
Dr. R. L. Biesele
Mrs. Lydia W. Magruder
Dr. Harold Schoen
Mr. J. W. Williams
Miss Melissa A. Castle
Mrs. Eleanor D. Pace
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Dowell
Mr. N. C. Belk
Mrs. Olive T. Walker
Miss Genevieve Ferguson
Miss Genevieve Thompson
Mr. Stuart McGregor
Dr. C. W. Hackett
Dr. Gene Hollon

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carroll
Mr. S. E. Asbury
Dr. J. L. Waller
Mr. Dan Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stanley Banks
Miss Virgie Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Webb
Mr. Frank Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Burress
Mrs. Coral Tullis
Mr. and Mrs. Harbert Davenport
Mrs. Margaret K. Kress
Mrs. H. B. Dunagan, Jr.
Dr. Dade Sparks
Dr. Lewis W. Newton
Dr. C. A. Bridges
Miss Fannie Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Naylor
Mr. Andrew Forest Muir
Mr. Harry Benge Crozier
Mrs. Tom Johnson
Mrs. Ada C. Penn
Miss Jean Pinckney
Mr. George Isbell
Mr. R. Niles Graham
Miss Kay A. Walker
Miss Eleanor Patrick
Dr. O. Fisher Allen
Mr. Jesse A. Ziegler
Dr. Al B. Nelson
Mrs. Nella Mae Dieter
Dr. E. C. Barksdale
Dr. E. M. Coulter
Judge C. V. Terrell
Judge C. L. Greenwood
Mr. W. V. Howerton
Mr. Worth S. Ray
Mr. Edmunds Travis
Col. M. L. Crimmins
Mr. Harwood Stacy
Mr. Ken Barnes
Mr. Marshall Sheppard, Jr.
Mr. Bob Bryant
Miss Retta Murphy
Miss Lena Clara Koch
Mrs. Ruth Morgan
Mr. Skipper Morgan
Mr. J. Evetts Haley


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Texas State Historical Association. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 48, July 1944 - April, 1945, periodical, 1945; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 7, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas State Historical Association.

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