The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 14, Ed. 1, Wednesday, April 18, 1883 Page: 1 of 4

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The San Antonio Light.
Vol. I.-No. 14. f
San Antonio Texas Wednesday April 18 1883.
Ten Cents a Week
iiiiiti NitiitiiiiiiiiiiimniimninHiimiiinmiiniiiititHimntiitiiiitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH
We Have the
Boots &
I 523
Ever Exhibited
j Alamo Plaza San Antonio Texas.
East Commerce Street adjoining Sunset Railroad
P. O. llux 288 Telephone 291.
Consisting of Framing Tlrabor Hoxlng Fonctnir Dressed Flooring Siding Headed Celling
nml Finishing Lumber; alio a full supply of Doom Sash Hllnds Mouldings Shingles Dressed
nnd Hough Pickets of nil Patterns Plastering Iiith Harbed Wire Mixed Taints IliilPlorr
Hardware and everything found In a first-class lumber yard being counocleil wltli onu or tho
largest mills In tho Calcasieu region. Wo are prepared to f urulsli special bills to order ut short
notice. Call on or addross
San Antonio Lumber Co. A. T. Hensley Manager.
Houston Btroot noxt to Dr. Horn's residence.
All tho delicacies of the season.
For Parties
Imported wines Ihiuors and cigars always on
band. 3-29-3111
Funerals Furnished 'With livery Requisite.
Special attention given to forwarding bodies
to all pnrtsof tho United States. WTelepbono
connection. Calls Attended day and night.
To lie Offered Only h Short Time by
Cohen Koeulgheliu.
12 dozen stiff hats at 50 cunts each worth
t2.C0 to $3.00.
25 dozen tlno wool hats at $1.00 each worth
7 dozen Mexican felt lints at S1.50oucli worth
100 tuoro of those genuine Indigo bluo llanuel
sultHjust received by express at $8X0 woitb
M dark casshnero suits at $8.50 worth $11.00.
50 dark ciisslmoro suits at $11 00 worth $1X50.
50 dark casslmero Bulls at $1)50 worth $5.00.
50 dark cnsslmero suits ut St 00 worth SHOO.
50 boys' bluo llanuel suits ut $200 worth $3 50.
100 pairs bojs' casslmoro kuco pants at $100.
worth $150.
150 pairs English cottouudo pants at $125
worth $2 00.
55 dozen all silk handkerchiefs at 50 cents
worth $1 00.
This weok wo offer special Inducements to
city trade nud only ak an Inspection of tho
above biirgulns to convince you Hint you ran
uuy cunning or uiiyimug ciso in our line as
' apriltf
Forruplo and quard ruplo sliver platod
ware go to tho Trustee sale 221 Commerce
street 4-0-lui
A llmt-rato. gentle saddle pony with easy
gait full at No. (1 Solodad street tront room
upstairs. 4-lT-it
Just ltecelve.l at Jnnke's
A largo assortment of itenta' boys' 'and
youths' ready made clothing. Call and seo
them. a-29-tf
. Houses for Hale.
Now house of rooms and lot 45xlH) on
Ollvo street near Sunset railway for $1251)
Hock house ami lot on VUlita between Presu
and Alamo. $22oo.
Lot on South Floras street near railroad
crossing for $150. w E. Hilton
208 West Houston street
Finest Slock of
CD i
3 i
S !
in this City.
The Mason A Uaiulln Orirutt
Sr-onied to Inspire tho Professor as well as tho
wholo body or Sir Knights. The Presbyterian
church bought It or tho Alamo Music house
Itooni for Itsnt.
A welt furnish .1 .1 f ( . ..
aveuuu C. 4.17-nt
1'loresvlllu Fuels.
Editors San Antonio Light.
Floresville Texas April iG. Dr. Dryden
died on Friday the 13th instant while on his
way from San Antonio to his home in Flores-
ville. lie hart-been sick for more than three
months and convalescent but a short time.
He was buried in the cemetery here on the
following day being followed to his last rest-
ing place by many warm friends who held the
highest respect and confidence for him Pro-
fessor Lopas officiating at the grave.
Machinery is here for the new girt and grist
mill to be built by Messrs. Edds & Rhode.
Under the management of this enlerprisirg
firm we predict success.
The Floresvillians have again been afflicted
by the itinerent showman with his magic
lantern and pictures lie' however had a
good audience and made as interesting an
exhibit as the average showman.
After all the noise and bustle about a new
court house we are doomed to still have jus-
tice dispersed to rebellious mankind in the
old shell till some time in the fulure. Echo
answers the luture.
Copious showers have fallen recently in
quick succession. Crop prospects never
better and in consequence ihe industrious
farme can be seen busily engaged in his
fields from morn till night. This county is
fast changing from grazing to agriculture and
parties who own laiqe tracts of land and wish
to dispose of the same readily can do so by
dividing into small farms and offering the
same on reasonable terms.
A light frost last night bu no damage
That g-intleman used good judgment when
looking for reading matter in selecting the
Light from a lot of other leading papers of
Tex as as one did in Floresville a few even-
ings ago. Amos.
Klnc Charles' jTool.
This good fellow's Influence was so great
that Charles (King of France) once remarked
to him he thought they had belter change
places. As Jean did not look well pleased at
the proposal Charles asked him if he were
not content at the idea of being a King.
"Oh content enough" was the reply
" but I should be exceedingly ashamed at
having such a fool I "
It was this fool who once tried his master's
nerve by rushing into his room one morning
with the exclamation :
"Oh sire such news! Four thousand
men have risen in the city ! "
" What I " cried the startled King "with
what intention have they risen f "
"Well" said Jean placing his finger upon
his nose "probably with the intention of ly-
ing down again at bedtime."
Wong Chin Foo Ihe editor of the Chinese-
American published in New York announces
that The Royal Slave a standard Asiatic his-
torical novel will soon be issued in English.
He is assisted in the translation by L Parker
Cole the assistant editor of the Chinese pa-
per. The Royal Slave was dramatized and
put upon the stage in China more than 12
years ago
IU Elegant Parlors Thronged With tho
ItepresontHtlTesof Ileuuty Wealth
And Musonry.
The Reception Last Night Described as
llrllllunt Nueces mid Pleas-
ant Affair.
If tho reception ut the San Antonio club
room last night was not so largely attended us
that which wus lust given It lost nothing In the
wuy ot grnndcur. Thoolvgant parlors or the
club were spoclally prepared nnd decorated for
the occasion siipcrtluous furniture wus re-
moved tho boautiful velvet carpet was cov-
ered and tho wholo well lighted and adorned
with tho presence of tho elite of San Antonio
presontcd 11 very handsomo appearance. The
presenco of visiting Knights Tomplur added
to tho plcturosquo. The ladles who uttended
In largo uumbcrs were well and beuutiriilly
dressed Among them were Mrs. Colonel
llclknap.Mrs.J. E. Labtttt Mrs. Herman ICiunp-
imiuti Miss Funiilu Simpson Mrs. Chas.Crctsoii
Miss Lottln .Tamos Mrs. H. E. Hcrnard Mrs.
Jacobs or Mow York Mrs Mojo Opponhcimcr
Mrs. J. H. Elwood. Miss Huchauuu Miss Kato
Dobson Miss Sadie Andrews of Now York
Mrs. A. II. Frank Miss Etully Sterling Miss
Jessie Ilelkiiup Mrs. S Lnekwood Mrs. Sum
Maverick Miss Kindred of Galveston. Mrs. Dr.
Jones Mrs. Itood or New Vork Mrs. J. J.
Slevons -Mrs. I). E. Hlanhard Mrs. Pi'.ncoast
Miss Fannlo Ftorian tho Misses Paiicoust Mrs.
K.T. Haskell of Chicago Mrs. J. II. Lull Mrs.
Frank Anderson Mrs. Colonel Withers Mrs.
Alderman Story Mrs. Price or Galveston
Miss Fitzgerald of Waco. Mrs. Kato lleunliig-
way of Peoria Mrs. H. O. Collins of Chicago
Mrs. Colonel II II. Andrews Mrs. Dr. Hash
Mrs. S. V. French or Austin Mrs. John o
Johnson of Austin and Mrs. Manson or Gal-
veston. Among tho registered gentlemen visitors
wore Governor Madero J. E. Elgin Wuco: II.
(1 Andcson Gonzales; George .E. Hawson
Iioiilsvlllo; J. P. Harrison Houston; Colonel 11.
W. Hunter Palestine; S. W. French Austin;
John Johnson Austin; Colonel G J. Goocli
Palestine; J. W. Usmcnt Palestine; W M.
Lang and W. Kllovn Tuvlor; W. il. Scar-
borough F. It. Illrd J. F. Hrlnkersuotr W. W.
Lurman 8. A. Owens W. L. Tucker F. Stevens
Wnoo; Charles 8 Morse. Austin and John II.
Lull. Diihurgo. many of whom were visiting
Knights Templar.
Colonel llelkmip wus the chlof host of the
ovonlng nrul It Is needless to say perronned
tho olllce with that gentlemanly cordial and
llborul spirit which ever distinguishes him In
his social lire.
ThoLldirrlslndcbtod to Mr. D.ino E. Hlan-
hard and his nmlublo lady for courtesy ex-
tended Its representative
Tho monthly receptions or the San Antonio
olub nro not only brilliant In character but
excellent In design they bolng Intended to
promote sociability betwoen tho families of tho
members or tho club. 80 vera I ladles spoko to
tho liidiiT commissioner In high terms of tho
pleasure tho reception wus to tho talror tho
How Thoy Met ami What They Did at the
Council Meeting Yesterday.
Present Hon. J. H. French Mayor presid-
ing; Aldermen Ami" d Hdlkuap Degoner
Dwj or Gallagher lxeltwood Nlgvll Pauly
ltlchtcr Sehrolnor Story. Alderman llolton
was Isto In taking his seat.
A communication was read from General
Augur asking that 11 certain boundary line bo
established by resolution of tho Council
A'communicatloiifrom the City Physician rol'
atlvotothe San Antonio Fertilizing company
was road complaining of a nulsaucc mado by
them oil tho south-east of tho city. The Presl-
uuni. ut ttiu tiuuiimu)' 111 11 puuuon sillied thut
the nulsunco was only temporary uud was
caused by certain parties to miliary their "petit
vengennco." The complaint was referred to a
oommlttco of three.
Tho petitions of J. A. Decker. Dr. Slocum.
Mr. Uinda. E. H. Terrell L. 11 Hyrou. Mr.
Heldo J. 11 Conrad Camoron Si Co. and Mr.
.Iiiimonimn wore referred to their upprourj.
alo committees.
Proposal for painting bridges wore opened
mid Mr. Jackson as awarded the contract.
An application was mado for tho appoint-
ment of Inspector of Wolghts and Measures
which was rolerrod to committee.
Tho Chairman of the Finance committee
made a very lengthy report embracing cstl-
mates and changes In nearly nil tho depart-
ments. The oxponso or running the business
or tho city will bo $14000 more this year than
Tho Muyor was authorized to purchase u mi-
croscope for which $150 was appropriated
Tho committee to whom was ro.'.'rred tbo
petition of Mr. Korble for Improvement of
ban Pedro park recommended 1111 appropria-
tion or 350 uud that the Mayor udvertiso for
A potltlon from Messrs. Adams fc Wlekcs and
others desiring a twitch near the International
depot was grautod.
Hoport was presented tor Improvcinnut and
extension of North Flores street which was
Improvement on Medina street costing $100.
was ordered.
Ordinances relative to "loading vlhlcle on
certain streots" und on "barbed wires" and
prohibiting building Iron-clad dwellings were
missed 011.
Tho potltlon to license fruit peddlors wns nut
Tho Commlttoe on Streets nnd llrldges 10-
eommonded tho sale of worthless tools.
An ordinance relating to "concrete side-
walks" was referred to tho Public mprovo-
Tho Council then adjourned.
Tho Light Commissioner Attends I'arnd
nml Kelntes Wluit lie Observed
Tho I.K1I1T commissioner vnatnrl!i. lr.. .
the military headquarters to witness tho dross
parado which Is hold there every Tuesday and
Thursday and which urn cnlnvnd Uv il. .
who frequent them. Many of our citizens an 1
their ladles wore prosonU About (I o'clock the
bug'o soundodand soon thoElghth otvalryba d
marohed on to tho parado ground playing-
martial airs with their very lino silver Itstru.
meiits. Then camo tho cavalry tho infantry
and the artillery quattcred at tho post. Tho
marching wus very tlno. and Hip way In whl.-l
tho troops wont through tholr drill wns alike
orodltabfo t) tho olllcersjind men. Kvorv
mo; tmcnt..f the- wlioto body was exocutod
with an ex ictimss and prof Ison of an automa-
tlqnand showed great prouleluncy In drill.
Gfneral Augur nnd his guests. Governor
l'.vorlstn Mudero or Conhuila and otlierdlstln-
gtilsbed Mexicans watched tiio movement or
ma troops iroin me gauery rrnniing the com-
mandant a house and appeared to bo highly de-
lighted with the way In which the troops acted
at naradp. Tlinminuft vim i:...i l.
ling was lowored tho men marched oil lo their
quarters and the I.kiiit commissioner got Into
n s buggy and drovo homo 10 supper much
pleased with what he had soon on tho pnrndo
ttema aieHtietl In the lintel Corridor and
From Various Other Source.
Mr.DoWces orSoincroot Is In tho city.
Dr. J. A. Hums of llocrnc Is nt tho Central.
.Iiidgo MoMaliotu1 of Frio uouuty Is nt the
Judgo Hoss of Handera loft this morning for
Now York.
Colonel A. G. Plckell and Mrs. Plckcl of
1IUH9HIIC ttru sin) nig ui iuo i- eiimtl.
Mr. I.eonold M. Michael left this morning on
11 Isit to Chlcngo and tho East to I hi absent
about four weeks.
Mr. lien Asher tho opiilar traveling sales-
man or Messrs. I.etiP-rfe S: Co. ot Galveston.
Is visiting his sister. Mrs Iiuls A. Frejcr.
Hotel Maverick Miss A. M. Gerald Waco
W. A.Grubbs St. Louis; T. E Addis. New
Haven Conn.; A. M. Ilelwln Wf iithorford: J.
' llrly.odvllle; P. K Peers.;
Mis. S. L. Allen. Ilosu 11. Co.: A. ('. A1ln. II.'
ton; Colonel Hurt Austin; C. L. Gates and Mrs
At tho Central Hotel W. Cardenas Austin;
Mis. Cotton. Dallns; John Dashlell. Taylor; E.
tor Lavp'riiia; J. ' ft.' Crulghcnii' Sutherland
Springs;!:. A DeWItt Huston; I. E. Hleknell
'h'sh ui! uginii .muss.; nr. minis. Hocrue:
W.A. Jolmsnii. Alexmilrlu. Iji ' t
Leo 11 F. Mos Hullcttsville; F. Schinltt Se-
guln; E. Huckinuii South Hend lnd; G. II.
Joniiltiits. A. It. Stciisou Fluiesillle; II. Hank-
Insaii Del Hlo; M. M. Zuragozu. Floix'svlllo; II.
lis 1 V ' Y' i : ""i'i 1 aiesiine; J.
MhIioiis Morris Station; II. J. O'ltellloy;' lleo
Coimty; It. Parker. Poavsiill; F. II. Church II
... v.... . . j toiBitiwaKviiit:;o. r. rropst
Ivesdule Ills.
At tho Hord hotel: W. H Strever Phila-
delphia; M. W. Sehallur Evuns; J. I). Fields.
Manor; G. J. Hirtrnm Dallas; G. A. Taylor.
Mumtordvillp; J. It. Ijiwienee Mistln; J. E.
Clurdy Missouri; (J. Hoy worth Galveston; J
F. Hrinkorlinrr Wuco; H. E. Klrkland. Handera:
L. vt . Ogleshy Piano: Mrs. A. Wood Denver
i'.'.'1".1'.1: Stapl 'oii Waco; T. Mitchell Mrs. M.
Mitchell Austin; P. Forke Now llnuiul'els; .1
Shirley Palestine; II. D. Hazard. Mnileo;
A. E. nnd J. W. Noble Vietorls; D. HerlT W.
8 Martin W. II. Scarborough 8. A. Owens
Wuco; O. T. Htigg. Louisville: " M. Wlttor.
Htiustou; J. Hrookhoiit Mrs. C. MrCoy.
Dallns; W. Partnull and wife. Hr Ktt:W. A.
Darmour F. Stelncr F. It. Illrd V. L. Tucker.
Wuco; J. F. and Mrs. Mc.Murrav Dullns: W.
Corning Jr.. ltoehcster N. Y.; J. T. and Mattlo
Tlinmpsou Hcevllle; J. N. Geoigp Luling; J.
Dlcklson Ilolnc;W. J.Rorrod Nashville; W.
K. Johnson Alexandria Louisiana; C Herg
Chicago; P. C. and Mm. Golder llrooklyn;
tosl; A. II. Taylor Cotulla.
At tho Monger Hotel C. Ilpssels Mrs. P.
Austin. II. II. Goddurd It. IC. Chatham. Ilryan;
J. C. McCoy. Dallas; J. T. Garrett Miss Ida
lli-urne. I'alvert: JiihnC. Elgin Waco; W. T
Hiirdonbrook W. II. Coyle 11. llrnwster II. A.
Hotts J. I.'. KI1I1I Houston; W. D Lukemiiii
Texas; J. F. Miller. MUs F. C. ILitihoIler Miss
r-uunle Uelworth Gunzales; J i. Harrison T.
F. Lubbock Huiisloii; Mrs. 8 E. Dllworth
Gunzalos; J. II Steiihi'tis Goliad; II. F. Cam-
oron Liberty; W. 8. Fly .Mrs. Fly Gonzales;
I;.. J. try Marshall: E. J. Hund Marshall:
J.V w. "yraPitht 8. I. Allen Mrs. Allen
W. A. Illojloy and Mi's. Hlusloy T. IC Me..
Farland. G7JI. Dllley (I. J. Gonch nnd J. II.
Hi luiiris 111 Palestine; J. H.Chutlium Chirks-
vl lu; Mrs. Chatham Mlrs Ida Story Mi's Ella
Story San MarCos; W. Elliott Taylor; W. M
Lucy It. D. llayos nndT. 8. Freeman Austin;
A Gardner and Mri. G. 8. W. French mid Mrs.
II. J. O. Johnson und .Mrs. J. J. W. Pohuloxter.
John McDonald and Mrs. Mo J. I). Smith. Tom
Murrah W. 11 Hums Austin; J. H. storey.
San Marcos; P. F. Thornton AiistlurMrs. G. ft.
It-nton child and nurse Nevudii; W.
II idsnn and Miss Hudson Galnsville:
.1. C. Meek Cleburne; F. M. Sanson G. H. and
Mrs. Maxey Palestine; 11. D. Hnycs Tyler; T.
8 Freeman Shoiuian; J. II. Wnshlngton a.L.
TV"ur'!ln' W.Thaxton. Austin; a. Van Slcklo.
.;' "tson. Ottlvestou; II. II. Peel Pearsall;
V . II. Hoots. A. L. Steoi L. T.Noyes Houston
. .t 'ut " onu? iiaitimoro: M. W
lly the City Council for tho
' ihh:i.
The following appropriations
mado for the llscul yenr 181 :
Chartered ollleers
Street Coniinlssloner department.
Fire department
Engineer's department
Hospital burials uto
City pound
Ons and wator
Interest ac '011111
1'ubllo schools Interest account...
Miscellaneous ;
hnvo beon
$ 1 1070 00
. . SI..T70 III)
7.070 00
. . 11.000 00
1.5. T 00
ii.oixi no
. . 22720 (10
1 20li00 00
. . UI.42
11.1118 no
... 7540 00
.SI4I728 00
Tim Origin or Chamniirii
A monk of more taste than honesty had
aDiiracieu irom a cask in the mmasterial cel-
lars of his convent some still rkmni.
which he hntlN d fnr 1!. ;.. . '
was alarmed one night by a series of explo-
sions. Corks had been blown into the air
and the stolen wine which he had vainly en-
deavored to keep in confinement was running
in froth and foam over the side ol the bottles
The terrified monk concluded that the devil
mu have got into the wine; but the prior of
tiemo-astery knew better. He tasted the
wine foi nd at once tl a it was gooi' 'stireud-
ly determined to bottle smc forh!me'f and
ended by going through a series of experi-
ments which had fir result the discovery
of the true art of making champagne.
The Grand Uominandery of Knights Temp
lar are Keoelvoil by the City or
Han Antonio.
Anil March In Full Dress to tho Presby-
terian Church to Perform Their
JTUo San Antonio Coinmandery of tho
Kn'ghts Touiplnr comiuonced their work In
honor of tho grand conituandery last night by
tho reception of their guests from Pnlestlno-
thocomiiiaiidory of that clty-wlileh Is com.
posed of T. K.Mcr-nrhind E. C; G. M. Dllloy
G.SG.J.Gooch.CG.; 1). P. Allen P.; J. H.
Hlchardson S. W.; W..A. Hensloy J. w-
William Elliott S. II.;it.D. Hnjes 8. II w'
M.Lacy.W.;J. W. Oz.uent. J. H. Chentham!
h. J. try C. O ; Ed. Hand John Young J. Y.
Gooch F. Watts W. (1. Hlaln John McConiioll.
W. II. Page .1. h. Coynor J. L. Llllhrldgo Dr
S. J. Hunter It. D. Phillips.
This done most or the members proceeded
to the Fan Antonio club where they wore hon-
orably received bv tlm li.i r .1
Colonel llolkniip.
Hororo U uVlnnk .
tho Knights Tomutnr had mot nt tho
headquarters In the Omi I n 1111 ....
etrcot attired In their unirorm comprlsi-d or
Marshars hat. adorned with white pluino sash
belt sword gauntlets. Tho majority woro
sliver trimmings gold trf.nmlr ii ..
tlnctlon of Preccdod by the Eighth
1... ... imnu 111 11111 iiuiroriu those who had
iiMemblod nt the lienilinri.rJ
Alamo plaza headed by tiio Emlnont C0111-
inmiuur ui 1110 can Antonio Commandcry
Cnlnnel .1 fl P t.... ..
Itnry de6t in this eltl""' ""u ot ' ""
tup. 1'itocEnaio.v aiiuiveii
there and halted waiting addition to Its rmik.
About 0W n.arclilng orders were """' ni
lanT K ?l"'l'l """'.''"'niT aboSt 100 lul
byterlan church by tho way or Hoiistn sti-f.?.1"
2.'ii?rflL51i ;?" K4ht"?()r9Ine1s1tri;
banner or the grand coinmnudor and V I cere
who passed wltli heads uncovered w th liono'
The Knlghta then entered tlm church h" Act-'
ing Grand Commander Deputy Gran Com
man. ur J. (1 Elgin or Waco. ukl. g 0 com-
SVpraY Knlgilt Te;phr;;1K.8l1UlU1
iiu t.iuiiiui.i uimmaniiernr the Sun Antonio
C.miinnnder Colone J G. C. U-o. tlieii i!.f2
ducod City Attorney 8. G. Newto w l o lu
In Snn Atitnnlo t. ..... ""..?" 'U'UPlUr
- "'ga.uzuiion wnieti
. r in -r.ll.i'.i.0r"rl? r "'0 Knights Tom-
or muiikiiid. He complimented then i o the
selection or Sau Antonio us a meeting p v
' ' .I'm "f was b.y "0 U""1 of those who
chiviilrTmui1 re mancC aho uZXrV ThlVl
'"X teWMI5"' tb tKirts ZWS.
spondlng to tho welcome returned l ai'iki n
iiv.iv tk. " ..i..:. V .' r""' ""u. UU" nguru-
rather ..a lover upon 'tho breU o? thelr 'be-
t '0C0l"r'""il tl'o.hiy:i0yeaia ilnio
I'-'" " e.rr " Tu'a! ""' tiio present Tiny when
Knights Teniplnr u tho church represented 1 17
eommanderles. Your hundreds he sald
your simple udobo houses to palatial build.
Jugs you huvo bocoino tho inetropolls of
TexiiH and wo havo found ourselves wc "n?o
In tho way consistent with tho history hiU re"
with tho Industry 'of this great city Tim
speeches were well dtdlvered but Voro at
times a most Inaudablo by reason or tho iiolso
church 1 " " "IU outedo of thu
lhc i Grand Commander then onlered tho
tlonul services of'sir Clinton Locke ai?."
tho Episcopalian ehuicli.. Who!! hb AosUo'g
ll't'lr heads drew theirsW und "ffi???.
t r . . . ' w'"1 ""n'oiiis were s ng nv thn
yiwolnl ehoir arranged by Professor Kntzen-
I ? f rV V.Vi "''i" 1 " IndeXnany"
pls!.?I1.9.l2V.S'it"l5n" Ulty' h0 "ntheir?
J.".t.l-rV.0'rd' WHSrf:"mr1l"blv Hue. nn.I Cnp-
suece)sCr' ' von' WPWlUi
Tho Grand Prelate then delivered n short nri
diess totlio Knights. Ho coifgn tJhited tho
knights on tho meeting at this season whin
natiiio Invited men to contemplate natuio!8
God In ineetlng In this city which was tho
birth place or Texan Independence. Ho inndo
n touching allusion to tho death or tin Grand
( Duunnnder J J.Goo.lo nnd other ifiiiiht.
Ho mild that Knights Tomplarlsm whs Uoin
delense. Ho loved It not lor Its tra pings not
for Its ceremonies which woro calculated t.
impress men deeply and to tako ho 11 ir tbo
maglnatlon to niako them fool Its inpui'!-
Ho then dpflnod what tho order understnn.i
b'"0o ns. nnd rerutod 3 the
objoetlnn which men made to the order v
nd'cong'reg'nlir.n."0 hun
t ho banner nnd ollloflrs.uI with swtrrd drawn
1 w S.nSf".lnl1 'Rrth'''l Ihreugh Noith Fion a
Hip remiilndrrot tho day will 'bennm f...
!ue8t:!.n1?"ftr'" pti"itetII!!5
lit thn sprlngi. All visiting Knight nnd tmZ

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 14, Ed. 1, Wednesday, April 18, 1883, newspaper, April 18, 1883; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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