Weekly Corpus Christi Caller (Corpus Christi, Tex.), Vol. 25, No. 24, Ed. 1 Friday, June 5, 1908 Page: 1 of 8

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gw'' "Wp tU ,W< I / v¡:.'; * iyiv . ',. \r : ' * l>' • f
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¡ urr ^
OIANCE ofpostmasters
,, ií kikk liiHlttiiwl 111 Bonn vides,
. vil,- J. It- Garclti, Resigned.
Quiet i" Oil h'lflld .
Benuvldes Tex June 2. The
- Hciiaviili's lias been re-
The Dally Caller was selected as the
official organ of the city during the
the King pi^g'8toi:é7op^l^f11 m(H'Un« V® terda.v afternoon.
K-íilroa<l Hoto!. Mr. It. U. " was « lively session and many im-
King ha- appointed postmaster portant matters were discussed. amoug
UlilaMOf Mrs Jerusa H de Uarcia, jothers the proposition of the Sap rail- To the Honorable Mav<
"jo liail resigned on account of 111
pointed to púas upon the bids submit- ¡ rúente during May was read, showing that the matter should go over to the
ted by the different newspapers tor (collection* to the amount of $¡t,320.SR; next regular meeting.
the city's printing was then read as anuAmt paid out balance on
¡follows: haul June 1, 92.396.S1.
Corpus Christi. June 1. 1908 -pile report of the city recorder for,
?ar and Coun-¡the month of May showed collections; >h>?
way for the connection with the Tex-j « il of the Cltj of Corpus Christi j froiá fines and cost, for the city's part |*ou# *'«* brought up by Alderman
•/jlr Tyre Hurke .has em-tod a *'ex- uu<i Hrownsvllle roads. Owing lexas: $21 t&; for the recorder's share $21.t55 Sutherland, who stated that In his op-
| Urt- Htabli mid now runs a feed ito I'1*' Inability of the City Attorney We, your committee appointed at a ¡ul(¡ f,M (ju, ^jy attorney #80.00
jtoif and I h er) stable at llena vides. ro meet with Hie committee as well as : previous meeting of said council to
Haullug Away (Garbage,
The question of hauling away gar
left on the Hide walk by the cltl
iniou it was a matter that should bo
-month-old child, be-
Churehhillx of Swo-
I owing to the absence of some of the receive bids from the several news-
■p litHe
¡ff!¡5a!to*¡5 some "concentrated ! ,M,?mber« of the committee from the papers In this city for the publishing
I*«"and died from the effects of it |olt.v#at the time the meeting was held, of the proceedings of the city council,
before last. this latter was postponed until the beg leave to submit the following,
flu" ' « large crowd ««'lit up;.|o ¡next meetlnu \fter having given notice to all the
I,ri'!'K alM 1,11 !tn Three police officers were selected newspapers published in Corpus
^Kr'oiii t1i."Vl "olds comos the most :"H« n the nominations of'the mayor and Christ! that we would lie glad to re-
dunlins iicv that could be desired, marshal, thi - being an Increase, the eeive bids from them for the citv
They «'' • ti 4ín« 'o develop LucyLaw- city heretofore having but two | ollce- :printing and that after so receiving
jot; No. - abandoned L. L. -s o. I • j men. The
l.aw>.on No. I, They have
mjHf-,3 on ill the easing and have
ii «• i to Mr. George Karscb wwell The salary of the policemen
io ir to <1* >'|op. Mr. Karsch has was fixed b> the last council at $50
had • v'111 experience in the lMe~|¿,,.r month. Yesterday the council ad-
dra.- t ititOf and soeniH to Know ., niotlnii Io the effect that mount
«a,-' wl .-re to find the oil and , , . , „
rteR '•<) brine in the wells. So new ",1 l^ltcemeu be allowed $10 per month
! I'm horse feed and care. It was left
The report of the city marshal settled, that he had <-«ad the stale-
shoiing collections of finen and «> t«|llw|1( of th(4 llmyur aUt, (hRt ,l{) W#B
for ihe month of May was as follows:
enclined to endorse the position of
Fori the city's portion $41 40; for the
recorder $32.00; for the city attwney I,lu' '"avor, that he did not think It the
$;<*.£(> duly of the city to clean up people'.*
The marshal's report on pound fm¿ ¡backyards
Mdermun Lovensklold was of the
Sp Texes j
State Su|M>rint«udent of public
struction R. n. Cousins delivered ^
address to a small gathering of
and gentlemen in the rooms
mere 'IiHIIb
mnv officers selected were:
Sam .YlcComb, Lee Petstel and M. T
collected showed that during .'ay
for -two bead of stock were Im-
pounded and collections $42.00.
Iiw flnauet committee report' 1
thai the committee had examined the
books, accounts and reports of tin
met: ¡i tl*< field at present.
for m loo|.-« fine espeelallx at the
Pinto- Inn 'lie corn needs rain.
Mr Tom Wren has been com-
liellci to retire from the oil field.
bids that we would recommend to the
city council after all things having
bee considered the party most de-
serving of being awarded the djty'f
printing; that after receiving btda j •'H.v treasurer, city recorder and c'ly
: <• ?i• several newspaüers and e ri - ¡ um<sh«l lor the mouth ot April u'ul
fully considering all olds, mid fottíi4 them to be correct.
that the bid of the Caller Publishing The Sap ronneetloii.
io the discretion of the City Marshal company is as low. II not lower, than Tht council after disposing of the
io decide w hat officers shall lie mount- the bids submitted by other papers, | above mutters took up the Sai con-
ed. and that the Caller has a very exten- ¡ neetlon matter. The petitions wer«>
George Stephenson, who has acted sive circulation among other re;iM>ns,; presented by the Commercial Clu't
in the capacity of janitor for a num- we your committee, recommend that lone signed l>> business men and the
ber of years, was re-elected to the the Caller Publishing company's >11 other signed by property
Commercial Club last nl«ht, and
was not at all complimentary to the
Texas school system. He gave figures
to show that this state is not at th«
head of the list on educational mat-
ters. that even Arkansas has paused
Texan In the march of educating the
boys and girls. This state has the
largest endowment of any other state,
but the poorest system, he stated, bas-
ing his statement upon Investigations.
The people of this state, h« Haiti do
not take very kindly to educational
matter, and he was not surprised at
the small attendance which greeted
him. He stated that there was such
.. . , .an eversión among the people of Tex-
''Pinion thai for sanitary reasons the aB t)l „„ addrrsH on educational mat-
TKKA>..llt:i;l( A\ OFFHi.VL
ui:\ i:s IT WILL PAY.
place and his salary
from $20 per month to $25.
When the matter of selecting the
policemen was under discussion Al-
derman Lovensktold expressed the op-
inion that the city should have four
officers, and that one should be placed
.on the main thoroughfare and kept
there all the time, and that an officer
. should meet all the trains.
Much Mexico Business Would Move [( wag |hat lhf, raRyor bo
This Way Now, and More j authorized to select another officer,
Willi Deeper Water. |f |,|H opinion, ll was necessary,
and it was also decided that the of-
would support it too
was incri'iiKi'd ! herewith attached, be accepted.
Respectfully submitted,
1\ (¡. LOVKN8K 101.1
There was some discussion Over
the report, and Alderman Sutherland
I'ta td that It appeared to him that j nterclal club
the sentence "as low or lower" was
somewhat Indefinito. Alderman U>
ensklold stated that the bid of tl "
Caller was the best bid for the reason
that It was the first-class paper ol the
along Black street These petitions
showed that the connection was de-
sired by the business Interests of the
city and also by many of the Black
street property owners. This
was supplemented with a report
signed by Secretary Miller of the Coin-
Secretary Miller of
IIU IL wiW !'. V PVHJPU vuctii WIW Vl- MtyJfi
Jie'ifuu'rcity áilvStím haí I flwrB1 «hü"s 'selected' were employed! Alderman Sutherland slated that
S by the city from month to month, and j that was a matter of opinion, and
city and Galveston, as
it contemplated. " w'" be assured of
the eo-oiierajtlon of at least one of not appointed for a term of two years, 'that he might think some other paper
th? rs; 11 roads entering this city. As- A min,ber or routine matters were! wps the best paper In the city.
vouchs(ifed 'thí °nuirnIng* by" ,hen (lltil)0Wtl *• fl,nou ? oth''rB ,heivot" on tht' rePort Wils ,nken and re
Mlii!').: Kish, general freight and pas- reading of the bills against the city stilled
seiiff us.; nt of the Texas-Mexican for the month of May. They were re-
Raüv. <i¡ l.aredo. who is in the f( rred to the finance comniillee. A
th- interests of his conipanj'. .uumUer of petitions for lights in dif-
Tl,- morning Mr. Hsh conferred ()[, ^ dJy wen, ^.fc:(lrnKOry and Downey voting against
the light its adoption.
Officer IteportK
Caller Selected. The report of the city
of the committee ap-¡ showing collections and
as follows: Lovenskiold,
Bowles, Gibbons, Grant, Onzon. Yea-
ger and 1 covlch votliiK for the adop-
tion of the report and Sutherland,
the club were present to explain Ihe
club's Interest In the proposition. A
counter petition signed by property
owners along the streets affected was
The draft of the ordinance was then
read. It was explained by chairman
The ¡Bowles that the commitee had not
been able to make a report. AJder-
man Sutherland slated that the city
attorney had informed him that he
"■itI) o Commercial Club's steam
?hii • ■ n i i 11 > •■ • with reference to the sen ted and were referred to
«•tai slitjH'iit of through shipping ar- committee.
rani;. ... iiis In connection with the
te;;i: hip. While he would not def-
iní'' -ojiiTuit himself. Mr. Fish inti-
watei) that his company would con-
"nter into a through bllllng
B'- ¡-'sitiK the steamship matter,
Mr -h aid "Looking at the prop-
from our standpoint, I can
íta> «o would like to see the
line between here and
ObIv-'-kui inaugurated ¡\nd 1 am sure
'ha: . w (ll lie al)le to gi ve it a good
•leal business both in- and out-
j"": Only the other day 1 had a
and :
city ahoiild provide u means for haul-
ing away this trash, that there wan a
ureal many people who could not h«
made to haul their trash away. II
was suggeeted by Alderman Downey
thai the city secure a large wagon
ami make a trip over the city overv
Saturday and gather up all this trush.
During the general iltseussloii
which followed Alderman Sutherland
staled that while discussing the mill
for of hauling away the truah thet I.
would be well to discuss the protio-
sitiori of disposing of it, that the c'h-
was now paying for hnvlng the dump-
ing ground cleaned up and that people
were hauling the stuff and 'lumping
it there as fast as it was cleaned >,l-
liennnn Uncnsklold stated Rlat ;he
council was penny wise nml pou-id
foolish, that to hi mini! th ,'roj;pr
thing to do would be to purchate a
dumping ground, that the citv did not
tern that about the best way he knew
of to dispel a mob was to make the
announcement that an educational ad-
dress was nbQUt to be delivered, The
announcement would cause the people
to fade away.
Prof. Cousins spoke In favor of the
proposed amendment to the constitu-
tion. which li enacted will give the
people the privilege of voting a tax
of fifty cents on the $H10 valuation,
or in other words, allowing the peo-
ple or the State to Increase the tax
from twenty to fifty cents, us tlxed by
the state conslIlutIon and il requiren
a two-thirds vole to carry an election
for that lux. The amendment if ad-
opted will allow the majority to rule.
Prof, Cousins then spoke of the pay
that the teacher are recelvtng~$250
per year. The state convict guards
receive an average of $800, and their
board. The teacher must pay his own
board. The convict guard has charge
of but eight men. The teacher has
charge of and control* the dnatiny of
fifty boys and girl on an average.
He mentioned au Incident In a Texas
tho club, ami Mi. 'u H. ^^''^''jhave the right to dump the trusn otvUempt# «mlVhrW
member of the hoard of directo,* of ^ AI(lmi)nn 8lJth„r.
land suggested that «orne of the traah
he dumped In the road aeróse the
slough in the north west corner of the
city. It was finally decided that the
whole matter he turned over to the
sanitary committee, and that the com-
mittee devise a way and means for
disposing of the trash, On motion
of Alderman Sutherland, Alderman
Bowles wns added to the committee.
The committee to which was refer-
red the petition reijuestion that Water
had been too busy to give the matter
the attention It should have, but thai j)fl opened from Palo Alto to
If the city council should grant the, power street, submitted a report to
r«qnest that all responsibility for: tht effect that inasmuch as the city
damages that might accuse because ol was not financially in « condition to
secretary ■ the connection be placed on the rail ,|„ u„, W0Pfc U[ t|1(; present that It be
disburse- \ road company. It was Una IB decided j'deferfed to some future time.
cotton is winning out boosts corpus christi WILL RUN A SPE
,k,"ss,t w,th CIAL EXCURSION
tinners in Knirvlew Have About
Wound l p Their Truck Crop,
(■rowing Lots «if Peed.
Doesn't Believe the People Here lieu-
ll*e the City's Great Naiural
WILL lili #1.50.
me our Now York agency, in-
had ji
io S<
fro iii
pUs- (
a ret
. it there were facilities for
about two hundred thous-
o! (eel rails through this imp. rest ; in fact, we ha en't very
r Mexico. Not long ago. I much work to do at present, as most
mllar inquiry with reference tt¡| 0f the vegetables have been mar
™i,v¡e..TÉx..j „ i. ARRIVE SUNDAY THE 14
with pleasure to a period oí_balingcjtj ^ u> ^ gw|t
stated Mr. N. V. Dlttllro-'er to a. Caller
mucn worn to uo ai p^ .'. •>" '- repn.w.,native a couple of days ago.
Dlttilnger was In the city from
Iteitcliing Here ai 5: I." in the Morn-
ing—Train Will Leave He-
ttiruiiur at IO::Pt P. M.
" "" " im a «un an oí no ion miMw ...... .. hut limzer was In the citv irom
1 thousand tons of cement keted; however, some have tomatoes ¡^,ew m.aUIlf(,,„ whr. |„ „ loading
•■ w \ork to North Mexico Cor- in abundance whlli- others are 8,111 :man. He stated that he felt
isti is the nearest tidewater Wning cucumbers, oKra, canteloupes
' > a large portion of North an(l watermelons, and there is a good
' and by the establlshmenl of ,|eu] uf prov
u steamship line out of here, harvested nnd
™ Ihtj... tonnage of export and import |,as a Bmall patch of corn looking
busim^s could be handled over these KIWn and fine. Cotton has had a
'«hnr - y. which would, of course. In-1 fierce light with the worms and is
cn 11-• immensely when you got doepja|j0ut to win the bartle, and Is now
water I see no reason why the bulk emerging from its breastworks and
J5/ the cotton crop produced on our ,,utting on new leaves and seemiagly
"tie Khould not be handled from Cor- )iaH great faith In making a good
pus Christi to Galveston via thei(,,.0p provided It has good rains In
«'"an^hip line, and from present | July.
Prospects we will nave the largest < — mm
rotton crop this year in the history ( wiii pij^f SOLDI K KM.
of c ur llneV" j
Nlr Fish will be in the city several Fort gam Houston Will Play Local*
oays Here Sunday, June «.
^ILKiKD SMl'GtlLKRS ARRl^TKI m„y ^wjes has made arrange-
—-— ' nients with the Army basball team, of
rwo Mexicans. Sylverlo Oon«Wft pt gam Houston to play here Sun-
*n,I Andres Garcia, were given a',iay June 7.
nearlrij: yeaterday before Cnlted! The soldiers have been playing fast
tnf« Commissioner Southgate 1^ ball and the local aggregation has
,h!s itv on the charge of having, also been doing sonic slugging stunts
"hi- i-t;,.,i goods In their possession. so a very Interesting game is expect*
Th were arrested below A live by ed. si.nHav
,t,i i'r.hose. customs inspector al AI- The soldiers w 11 arrive Sunda,
and Deputy United States Ear- morning and it I* "Pec'*d
*hal A J. Barthelow. and brought large delegation of rooters
«'this fit y. it i alleged Ihat seven company them, ^
silUmii of mescal and a quantity of *
«"Ha were found in their possession j Frank Pelegrina bw received Horn
thi was sufficient evhlence that jus hative country, Italy, by e*press
►wte.'one. whether these Mexicans or ¡«orne specimens of üie l apa t'e^ a
*otueone else, had smuggled the lid- native tree of that cout •;
Mexico. specimens wltft their fra^fant
can ¡X
lixpci'ted Thai There Will he .Hatería)
1 nemi«c In Valuations in Home
In 9tan ees.
The board of eqtialllBtion, compos-
ed of Messrs. I. C. Tabor, B, H. Cald-
well mu! W. 15 Kverhart. will convene
In the city hall next Tuesday to go
over the tax rolls. Some tima ago the
board published u notice to the tax
__ payers of the city, giving notification
- : rt aum-aiswra M
taxes for this year have been collected.
City Assessor Wright has about com-
plete his work of assesulng and
states that he will be ready for the
board of equalizers when they meet.
He left blanks with a number, who
have not Wiled them ouf. and he has
made a number uf calls without result.
He states that If these property own-
ers leave the matter to him they will
be sorry, for he will not give their
property a low valuation.
M P. Melton, flour salesman with
residence at Cuero, was a business
visitor In this city today- He states
that the corn and cottoh crop there
will he the biggest this year In the
i ooum
•ende r" 'being grown and « "" ™ f'1u"t6i ' h«X Í bet w^n here and San Antonio will
n,i nearlv e-erv farmer ivent beiu and that some >eais bm) ))f, mdufiemont to spend th« day
nfl . .ÍSür: «ame here to reside, but that he was h(n KUrf u|1(] (,nJoylng the
prevented from doing so because of¡<iooHn| bn,e2<. of thp K„|f
circumstances over u. ... ¡ Announcement Is made that a spec-
control. He left the city, lit says m. (a| exo,ir8jon tra|„ w¡u i(?aVe Ban An-
has regretted it and now more than j tonf0 BHlun|ay nj«;ht. June 13 at 11
ever regretii It. „ o'clock. The fare for the round trip
•"Ibis Is destined to ln< om ®! will l>e $1.50 from 8an Antonio; and
great c ty, he continued. it bar, rro(n a)) |owna <low„ lhe ,{nc Hob.
everything that will make it Kreat.jHf)n; from KarilPH city the fare will
The people are coming this ««>■ ,,, $12r.. from Kenedy. Pettus and
They are coming from every dlrec- f{(.ev„|# the fare for the round trip
The . were placed under bonds of blossoms are quite a cu
«2(Hi eaeh to appear before, the next much admired, me
|en:i ()f (jle Federal court at Laredo in this climate.
n November. Falling to make the
yottds ihev were remanded to the Mrs. Guy Stednia
¡Galveston this wee*.
be grown
I /iv'f'.j;1 ,< 'l a su
. , ' < /■ i i j.r iiSf
H ■
Is visiting
tlon. attracted by the rich and pro-
ductive lands and by the fine cl'mats.
They will help you to build a great
will be $1.00. From Skldmore the fare
will be 86 cents, from Papalote 70
cents and from Sinton it will be 60
city and will develop the entire er-;,.,.ntl, xhe train will arrive In this
rounding country. I often wonder I Ujty in the morning at B:45 and will
the |i#op!e living here really appre ¡ leave here in the evening at 10:30.
elate the city's natural advantages, oenBrai Passenger Agent Lupton
and afc aware of what the people of i wbeD here some time ago stated that
the world think of this section of ¡the Sap would put on a special ««>:-
the State." urday night train at an early date
— ¡and that the round trip w vtl I be
MEXICAN WAR VETKKAX. ver> low The rate 1b low enough to
Insure a very large crowd
t iicie John 4 .(Sapiej ( onus Io Live ■—■
With His Xephew. a "branch" from a cotton stalk
¡grown near Gregory on the farm of
Crude John J. Copley, uncle of Mr. | the MoKamey Bros., was brought to
J .1. Copley of the Alta Vista hotel, a ,hiB yesterday, which is a fine
Mexican war veteran, has arrived in ¡ Kfieclmen. The limb contains about a
®je City accompanied by his daughter,; rp>zt.n fruits, most of them bolls «J-
Misa Luclle and will make his future! ino#t f„n grown and whid. would open
harm <*lth his nephew. He comes i ,m<j ready for picking in about fout
fro it .Sherman. Mich., where he has re- ■ we#itSi wjbllo there wei
fiderl for a uumber f f years. Mr. Cop- and squares. It was
lev 1s R3 years of age. but le as agile
u* a boy of fifteen.
Royall Glvens left this morning
id the district meeting
of Pythias, he beta*
■fs^.1' w|B|
usually fine specimen
a field of it would ylel
hale to the acre.
Miss OH re Caldwe
Ing for an
Ina In i
hlator-y of the county.
town where the people after four at-
i failures had at last
t the levy, he stated
happy in securing
a ted that they e-
huceeedod In votftig a levy
on the one hundred dollars for sci
pit rposes. Th«y got the
and wore perhaps
even that. He stat
cured teachers that were fully worth
ten cents, and that they had a build-
ing that was fully worth ten cent ,
and the pity of It ull was that he was
afraid they were educating ten cent
boys and girls.
Prof. Cousin's address Wu« a strong
appeal to the intelligence of the peo*
pie of the state. He urged that they
make a change In the laws of the
stute and arouse themselves to the
Importance of educational matters.
Prof. Cousins arrived in th# city
yesterday morning and delivered an
address to tho students attending the
summer Normal at the High School
building. It was the first normal he
has visited this year. Ho is now mak-
ing his campaign for re-election.
He was Introduced at the meeting
last night by Prof. Menger of the Cor-
pus Christi schools, who prefaced his
Introduction by saying that Prof, Cou-
sins had done more for the schools
of the stale than any superintendent
that ever filled the ofilcn and that If
he were re-elected he would accom-
plish more. In following him Prof.
Cousins stated tlmt he wan sure to be
the superintendent for two more years
flint there was no doubt In his mind
as to that. He did not mince words
when he began speaking to tho ques-
tion he came here to discuss and did
not pa* out any compliments calcu-
lated to capture a vote, but simply
told the people that Texas was lagging
behind, and he chlded the people for
allowing it.
Mayor Receives a Letter From George
Orlm With Subscription.
Mayor Held has received a letter
from Mr, Georgo Grim from Ashe-
vllle. N. C„ subscribing hla name to
the fund to purchase hose for the fire
department to the amotnt of $26.
Mr. Grim sutes that this sur
tlon Is distinct and apart
subscription of $100 for ~
engine fund. Mr. Grim
Ion to compliment Mayor
ing that the "Dutch" are
Mrs. T. J. Turpln has
tucky In response I
nouncing the serious i
" ,*•Bnc
on Farms
Vendor'slien Notes Bonglit.
this morn-
e. b. ci
í : Jsm
' " M- ;k
•r fi
... ■

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Weekly Corpus Christi Caller (Corpus Christi, Tex.), Vol. 25, No. 24, Ed. 1 Friday, June 5, 1908, newspaper, June 5, 1908; Coprus Christi, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth168715/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .

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