The Daily Leader. (Orange, Tex.), Vol. 5, No. 93, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 27, 1912 Page: 1 of 4

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Em (■
•'M &
}■ '• $■
cc on
9B S
wat on between
big managers are get-
ting/busy and are forming a chain
ii i. i m .
roughout the country, in the small
on account
f, smoke pouring <
boarding Of the
•ll z *>
-7— 4
Partner in Oklahoma Write, for In-
and WU1 Locate Here
Others With Him.' ;
house at
close to
up be-
side of
of the damages
, ..._ Orange and Orange County is at-
,_r. Orange is trading the attention of farmers and
. adjacent towns ' others «U over the country as is eyi-
been included -on the list re- dencfd by the following letter recent-
• ">y the big promoters ^ «ceiyed by W. ÍÍ. Malone.
at the two e^st rooms
: will, for all practable pur.
is, have to be entirely rebuilt,
be fire company responded with
usual promptness, with the ex-
ion of several small delays, and
quickly extinguished the flames
of the firemen stated that m
attempted get-away from i|||
the harness broke, causing
delay, then, after thfeir arrival
sn the scene the hose to the chem-
ical wagon pulled off, causing fur-
ther delay, but even in the face of
these set Jbacjcs, the company did
valiant service in saving the build-
ing from entire destruction, aqd de-
serve the commendation of every
in the cityI#and, es-
pecially thos^ adjacent to the
threatened buil<
Willing hands"nfc^in great nnm
ber and the contents of the dam-
aged rooms were removed before any
damage could result from water.
The war that is already being
waged in several large citíbs ha
been occasioned by the clean sweep,
the moving picture houses have been
making hi the amusement world. A
few years ago the "legitimate" pro-
fession refused f0 even acknowledge
the 'movies" as competitors, where-
as at the present time the movies
refuse *o -acknowledge the legitimate
¿(but it is safe j stage...<jis competifbrs. Some change
r. Horback, the author of the let-
ter has already made a visit to this
city and likes the country very much
The letter, dated Shawnee, Okla-
homa June 23rd follows:
Mr.yw. H. M alone, Orange Texas.
Dear sir:- '
I will write you a few lines to find' adopted by the committee for a fav-
Orange County Irrigation Corn-
Carried Out—Thirty
Pipe to Be Used:
conditions! The promotera and
booking concerns also have a p:ob
tem to face that is causing them
much concern. Before the, advent of
the moving picture business the
average salary .paid stars in stock
companies was from f50 to $200 per
week. Since the' picture shows have
branched out to their present pro-
portions the "silent" actors are paid
from $150 to $500 per week, for
stars, of course, while the ordinary,
actors are receiving the salary for-
merly paid stars in stoclc companies.
Another change in conditions!
Manager Thomas of the Airdome
was interviewed thlaj morning and
slated that as far as Orange is con-
cerned there will be no war between
his house and thé legitimate stage.
He stated that any first-class show
can arrange to play in his theater,
provided they pay for it and , that
his charges will be perfectly reason-
out more about Orange county, the
soil and your methods of farming if
you wilt please give me the inform-
ation. '
v The farmers here have good pros-
pects for a bounteous crop, such as
corn, cotton, garden, truck and
fruit, and it may be" that some of
them will have a. chance to sell out
tbis fall. and if possible Lwill get a .. ..
good many to go to Orange with me. i delegates and spectators were alow
Í think I will have a chance to sell in_ arriving at the convention hall
my farm for $6,500. j today, considering tlikt the nomina-
What I would like to find out ,ions .w|" he likely reached during
about, is the crops, the weather, the '^e session. However, alt are armed
genefal health of the community and "i| noU<-awkJ?* devices.
d' high prairie soil— ere ,s n0 doátt that Clark bad
the price of'
god and riclpHat will drain well Wpwently the strongest following,
and has a good outlet to some run- but the unin*tructed delegation
ning stream so the-land can he caU9cd the 8re«test doubt-
made dry. A suitable tract wojild! „The Wilson men tried to get
be of «bout 600 to 1000 acres. It ytn t0 come ouf for Wil-
would not matter if some good tim- son today' büt he /efused. No
ber goes with the tract, which must doúbt-.-ther«-'• understanding be-
■ i i
The Orange Merchants ramped
away with their fifth consecutive
victory of the present road , trip yes-
terday, whety they defeated Nfiva-
sota. 4 to 1. ,' j '' ' M ' ."
The telegram bringing this infor-
wagon loads of corrugated mation. stated that Colgrove was on
thirty inches in diameter' the firing line for the Merchants,
nty-four feet long, passed and also stated that this ex-leaguer
town yesterdáy and today in Caused fifteen Navasota men to whiff
rge of Aupha Turner. They are thc ozone in their efforts to connect
led for the Orange irrigation with the pill.
nt ten miles riofth-of this city and Hightower for Navasota, though
be used in irrigating tjje rice Joched up foi ten hits, made four-
ds and in'tunnelling the canal. Wen of the Merchantmen swing un-
TurnerJi constructing a tele- j successfully in their . efforts to in-
line from Orange to the plant. crease the number. His teammates
work will be
ut fifteen days. It
Jlic circuit with six
on the line- About s
the work ha air
ipleted in! made four errors, while our city,
I be a me- champs Were guilty of turó. Both
cut teams play again today.
miles of; The batteries were: Navasota,
' •Hightower and Reister; Merchants,
j Colgrove and Holt. j.
■ ■ • • ■ ■ ' ' '
F* 1 f
« ft
Bryan and Senator O'Gonsan Were
Named to Draw Up Every Word
of Platform for Convention;
Baltimore, Md., June 27—To
Tammany Bryan actmihiatered afV
other defeat today when he
'and ' Senator O'orman Were
named to draw ev#ry word of the
platform for the convention. They
wént to work this morning and will
submit a draft to the subcommittee-
immediately and in full to the reso
lutions committee this evening and
to the convention tomorrow." It is
considered certain that it will be'
or able report to the convention with
little opposition.
When the subcommittee met thi
giorning sto resume-its work, Bryan
suggested the scheme which was im-
mediately carried that the platform
be anti-boss, anti-TammaiiV and. pro-
gressive. Bryan is dominating ev-
ery plank. . j' '
| Owing to the extreme heat, the
Between Jack Johnaon and Jim
Flynn Attracting Considerable
. Attention.
■ ' - r :... t

The heavyweight championship
prue iight between Jack Johnson
Col. W. D. Bettis left for Dayton,
Ohio, today, where he will place a
contract for the manufacture of his
new invention, the granomiter. A
comprehensive write-up of this won-
derful weighing or measuring de-
Viqe appeared in a previous issue
Interesting Trip to Mo«t Important
Pointa of Comnwrdal World
' Planned by Mr. Call"
Geo. Call left for New Orleans to-
day, from which place be will sail
for Colon, Panama. Mr. Call will re-
main in that city, for four or five
that, has absolutely perfected the da'r*' wben ®le w'" ieave for Bocas
machine. tdel Toro t0 spend one day, then
The grahometer is a combination I bac,!V^ Colon where he will catch
.sanitary receptacle and measurer for for the return tnp to ifew
Orleans, reaching that point about
anil fireman Jim t-tyn that is to foe ™,T I - T ',uc
the attention o every sport on the
tace ot tne earth. Botti meii are hard
at work in their respective training
quarters and Both expect to win-
Hardly a single newspaper of note
can be found that is not-giving this
important, engagement - considerable .
space and many opinions have been snd by setting the apparatus
advanced as to who will be the real ".the price per pound it wdl meas-
use in grocery stores. It works
something <>ii the order of a cash
not be over four to eight miles from ,tween thcm' however.
Orange on a road to your city apd ' Thé convention was called to or-
to Beaumont; als0 preferably not dtr p- m-
over one half-mile from a good i Arguments of the report of the
ÍM^óol. Pleise give -me ypqi ;pric«. . ««""«Htee,. were taken up Ml j|l WMMBMPI
•on that kind of land. I have not for- this afternoon. The South Dakota. jng rate an(j disposed of Al Kaufman
en you and trust you will give '
t ** ' *áhj( ^ a, . . J
winner. _ ^
Prom the day Jack Johnson won
the heavyweight championship from
Tómmy Bums; and especially from
the time of Jefferies' defeat at the,
hands of this husky negro, every
nation on the top side of the earth
has been trying to produce a; "White
pe" that could take the starch out
of the negro champion and return the
coveted title to the white race. There
have been many disappointments and
failures. Carl Morris, the Oklahoma
giant from whom so much was ex-
pected, proved a fluke and as fast
as the "new hopes" .could be trottfO
out, some second rate heavy weight
fightef would give them their quietus
in the shape of a healthy steep punch.
One of thc second raters, that lm
been" so instrumental in disposing of
these ,"hopesJ' is a fireman Jim
Flynn. Flynn has been in the game
for eleven years and though he has
never come anywhere near the cham-
pionship he has always proven a
dangerous contender for any man.
For the past year or two he has
been coining to the front at an alarm
contesta in . which the $prk déle- Morris in «hórt order d
information about' the country. were catted was the first heard, eámc ¿Qt o(l each figb without a
,1 see in the Orange Leader that « e minority report favoring seating gcr8tch He has been wofking hard
your city is having some «tréet pav- t the Wilson delegates. eve_y gaining knowledge and
ed and sidewalks put down, and A Wilson demonstration started ^hile johnson, on the oth-
good headway being made on light- during the argument and lasted sev- g jjuiifunoi ua q P"1"! -1® round
irtg the streets. I am sure Orange is ■ eral minutes. The Missouri delega- drin¿ing champagne and enjoying
in need of it. - , tion joined in for aClark demonstra- high ,¡{e in par¡, for many months.
I would like for you to have Orange tion, which soon became general, a Dope haf it thi| way whether it is
Boosters send me t lot of literatnre the states-
and a county map. I will then work, candidates.
hard t¿ bring some good farmers ! Parker restored or*r ifter the
from here and from Illinois to Or-' demonstration had been in progress
ange with me.
Let me know if red clover, alfalfa
and corn will do well in Orange,
Awaiting your early reply, I am,
- < Yours truly,
if ' -.: : '- - •; John J. Hoi
Ooet to Manafl
S. E. McCorquodale, formerly
th<s city, has resigned his position gtreet
as stenographer (or Federal
Judge Boerman of the eastern dis-
trict of Louisiana—and accepted a
position as manager of the DeSota
Abstract company at Mansfield, La.
It may be of interest to^the^ citizens
of Orange to learn that D. G. Petty,
twenty-two minutes.
Attention of the, public is called
to the ice cream festival to be held
Saturday afternoon at; 4 o'clock and
. Saturday night, by. the Ladies' Aid
j society of, the First Presbyterian
church, in the empty store room of
the new Stark building on Front
citizen of this clty, ^s
the organizer of this company.
The public is urged to attend.
July 16.
Mr. Call's itinerary covers the •
most important points in the eyes
of the commercial world today,
which condition of affairs have been
brought about by the approaching
completion 'of the Panama canal: The
trip is one that is being made by
many tourists and will be an inter-
esting one from start t0 finish.
L. A. and M. SOCIETY.
" . *: ;■ .
The ladies will serve ice cream
and cake on the Baptist church lawn
Friday evening, June 28. Those jn
charge will see that yon are proper-
ly served and that no one is slight-
ed. The cakes will be made by one
of the best angel-food bakers, and
the cream by One who is experienced
ur'e any quantity you wish by press-
ing upon the key representing the
amount of your purchase. The ma-
chine will measure correctly, to the
fraction of anounce such articles as
coffee, beans, rice, grits and peas.
While 0n a recent visit to Dallas,
Col. Bettis demonstrated to the city
inspector of weights and measures,
who pronounced the machine one of
the most practical inventions of the
age, and after a careful examination
and comparison of weights stated
that it is absolutely accurate in ev-
ery particular. Others who exam-
ined the machine were loud in their
praise of its many merits aiid vol-
unteered the ^s^atement that the'
granometer would pay for itself ft«'¡in that Une.; firing your families and
being used for a few months. 1 your friends on the Baptist
Bettis states that a number ^ ^ Frl<lay' cvening.

Chandler vs. «hears.
New York, June 27.—An interna- pf
tiotjal battle between little fellows
is scheduled for tonight when Willie
Chandler of New York takes on Joe
Shears of England in a ten round af-
fair. The boys have met twice be-
fore, and the result wass "hoss and v
hoss." Chandler is sparring partner
for Knockout Brown.

of machines will be manufactured at
once on account of the orders al-
ready on hand, and that the sale'
price for the "present will be $125.
The machine '« the result of over
three years' study and expensive cx-
pefiSlents and indications point to
every success iti marketing the de-
BIDS for painting the Rice Mill will
■be received. up to 5 p. m. June 29th.
Spcif¡cations may be seen at their
office. 22-7t.
Sidewalks! Lights! Streets!
International Golf.
'Members of the O. B." Colquitt
ILilub of Orange are requested to
courthouse tomorrow■ -■■■" .HP
.♦ to o'clock The troit and Rochester and the Tomn-
A *
• T
Rochester, N. Y., June 27.—A golf.
tournament with an international
flavor «was commenced today over;
the course; of the Country. Club' of ^ ,
Rochester. It is the fourteenth annuafjevery scientific.point in
'championship meet of of the Lea-
gue of the Lower Lakes, jmd the
contestants include the star golfers
of the country clubs of Buffalo, De-
Tn«n llif HÓ3ÍOO a()d tKiS
organising, electing.0«icers\
transacting such other
ters as may properly come
ss mat-
Sidewatm Lights! Streets?
to Country Club. This year's meet
was to have been held in Toronto,
but was transferred to this city on
account of the new course of the
Canadian club being unfinished. Play
$ continue three days, with the
final Saturday. \
true or not. Even though Johnson
"has not dissipated at all since his
last fight, it has hen two years since,
that engagement and it is a matter
of history that it is dangerous for'
any champion to lay off this length
of time.
Jack Johnson is 33 years of age
and J m Flynn is 32. The former has
had two years more experience in
the game than the latter, and their
weights are 215 and 190 pounds re-
spectively. -Flynn has the advantage
of Johnson in many ways and John-
son has the advantage of Flynn in
many others and it is the opinion of
the writer that the white man's hope
lies in, the possibility of . the negro
having gone back or lost some of his
remarkable stamnia. Both have ter-
rific .punches, cun hit as hard as hn
ordinary mule can kick and know
the game
that has ever been discovered.
A lot of talk has gone the rounds
that the coming- fight is a frame-up
and'that it will be for the benefit Of
the moving pictures which will in
turn be of financial benefit to thc
fighters. All danger of this has been
el ¡miniated since ¿bngress has a
bill before that b'ody which, when
passed, will prohibit the transporta-
tion of moving pictures of prize figh-
ts of any natiire from one staie to
* another. Still both fighters at ea-
ger, especially the white man, to set-
tle the dispute between them regard-
less of the fortune that will be lost
count of jarring the pictures-
mL *^are 11 to 5 on the negro
The oddlPp* ÉÉ^mflaeyfn sight
with plenty
tVho will win?
If your brain refuses to concentrate ""upon the work to do, it'
it time that you had glasses fitted. / ■ : I
ie him—he will-fed vise yon fully and freely.
to fill all prescriptions or to correctly replace broken lenses,
if you will bring us the pieeee.
These line of ^oods now on sale. See window display.
ENAMELED and TINWARE, all useful House-
hold goods your choice 10c. *
nnvT irnnnFT TUP
liUii X JrlJllljiJCil 1 llJtL
We Cannot be UnderSoh
Wear Ever Aluminum Utensils are Bright and

X few choice cockerels for ii
Barred Rocks, White and ~
Leghorns; prices from $1.S0 t
selected eggs in season. V
¡ L. M. KEEP, Jennings, La.
Sidewalks! , Lightst Streets!
Wear Ever does not chíi
sar Ever does ndlfFust
It burn out
Wear isve
It is easily cl
There are
in wei|
% Th* UnitM
4 f *
Roach Doom in the
í« r Rats!

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Walthall, S. H. The Daily Leader. (Orange, Tex.), Vol. 5, No. 93, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 27, 1912, newspaper, June 27, 1912; Orange, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Lamar State College – Orange.

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