The Laws of Texas, 1937-1939 [Volume 31] Page: 26 of 1,313

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necessity requiring the suspension of the Constitutional Rule
requiring bills to be read upon three several days in each House,
and said Rule is hereby suspended and that this Act take effect
and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted.
[NOTE.-S. B. No. 15 passed the Senate, June 21, 1937, by
a vote of 26 yeas, 0 nays; passed the House, June 23, 1937, by
a vote of 105 yeas, 0 nays.]
Approved June 28, 1937.
Effective June 28, 1937.
S. B. No. 16.] CHAPTER 9.
An Act authorizing counties of a certain class according to population
to lease any county hospital of said county to be operated as a county
hospital by the lessee; prescribing regulations relating to said subjects;
and declaring an emergency.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas:
SECTION 1. Any county in this State having a population of
not less than thirty thousand nine hundred (30,900) and not
more than thirty-one thousand (31,000) according to the United
States Census of 1930, shall have authority to lease any county
hospital belonging to said county to be operated as a county hospital
by the lessee of same under such terms and conditions as
may be satisfactory to the Commissioners' Court of said county
and the lessee. The action of the Commissioners' Court in leasing
such hospital shall be evidenced by order of the Commissioners'
Court, which order shall be recorded in the minutes of
said Court.
SEC. 2. The fact that certain counties are making preparations
for the erection of county hospitals and the fact that the
class of counties mentioned in this Act should be given authority
to lease such hospitals for operation by the lessee, and the further
fact that the financial burden cast upon said counties will
be greatly alleviated if permitted to lease such hospitals, create
an emergency and an imperative public necessity that the Constitutional
Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days
in each House be and the same is hereby suspended, and that
this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
passage, and it is so enacted.
[NoTE.-S. B. No. 16 passed the Senate, June 21, 1937, by
a vote of 26 yeas, 0 nays; passed the House, June 23, 1937, by
a vote of 111 yeas, 0 nays.]
Approved July 6, 1937.
Effective July 6, 1937.

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Gammel, Hans Peter Mareus Neilsen. The Laws of Texas, 1937-1939 [Volume 31], book, 1939; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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