The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 14, No. 21, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 24, 1897: Searching Inside

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... they consumed eight or ten days on the Centennial grounds. Mr Shain pronounces the exposition a great success... for an extended visit in Kentucky and Tennessee. The Nashville centennial will be embraced in j their trip. Many... Saturday for the Centennial, where they arrived in time for Ex-confederate dav. June 21. was here th Mrs... on the coast, where he will Tenii.. to attend the Centennial. practice in the future. Dr. S. C. Tisdale.... Arthur's Febrimel. C. L. HcKINNEY, TEXAS. MISTROT. witb an Calomel, free from corrosive sublimate

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... AT THE POSTOFFICE AS SECOND CLA8S HAIL MATTER. McKINNEY, TEXAS, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1897. :-l>- : 7 A NUMBER 21. r... in this State". Ut< deal UlH> fa? consummated in The tinest penman in Texas—one of the finest in America... of Texas. Catalogue and eie Englemail postoffice and T K gant specimens of Penmanship free. Write for both... We want the Texas j ^ T Pills ONE MAN AND TWO LADIES Greenville lodge Xo. 336, A. F. and A. M. called..., Principal. Dallas, Texas. Darby, Ragl^nd 4 r>iuse, Proprietors. lirley. another prominent Collin farmer

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

..., the 25th Session of The Texas Legislature Passed Into History without a Quorum in Either House. Tft Collin... of these fine onions. This shows that with a little care Texas can compete with California in the onion industry...? The following i* a list of the executive committeemen. Chairman. E. C. Forl e>. Blue Ridge, Texas.... Secretary-treasurer, Walter B. Wilson, McKinney. Texas. I ll.LK IH W.l:T Hiippcninqs of Collin's The Keck in Chic... returned from the law school of the University of Texas. We welcome him back to our city and hope for him

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Aitwiutic Cooler H'f'g- Co., Rockdale, Texas. THE DEMOCRAT wfcea writing. c. h. & T. RAILROAD . . . Double... Daily Trains Short and Quick Line Between North and South Texas. Buffet Sleeper to St. Louis and Denver... Tkr Agt HOUSTON, TEXAS. 8. (^uesenbury, agent. McKinnev. AT YOUK HOME You Can Coasnlt a Renowned... Mechanics. Only Line From Central Texas with Through Pullman Buffet Sleeplnjc Car- .g. Daily Without Change... or address, E M Alvord, Gen. Snpt. ; J. W. Chatham, G- F & P A. Greenville. Texas. W. N. Collier. Local Agent

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