The McKinney Advocate. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 1, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 3, 1880 Page: 3 of 4

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\ TF I *,rcc Schools of Collin County.
Keltic lla-ton
A wrv lar«;<' mm. i*. r ol*•\fr.i of i|n i-
«t*' •mv •• hr« n i , j*nd w •• I h«m fur ,tle
SihrI*- r**f*i*-.s In rent-
ir *'
* • - . 5 fNl
d* 9irini? to lirit••• (•- .miotic their
-ran lw Knp|>li*-d at |,. r hundred
and liav*' their name* « itli r |>liriients
f«anled eliereon without tra . - u«l ki
.v oiu order- at «•«<•••
— Hyv H unstable* Shop Hoots.
—.Wwport Ties. at Hun-tables.
—IIhtistables. Veal kip boots $i;.on.
—Mens' Fine Slutesat llunstalile's. •
—Virginia tobacco at ('amcron Kros.
— Missouri cider at Uoeman a Uivars.
—Buck gloves at ilnnstable's. :t| tt
—Head llun-tah|c- but advertisement.
—Children* iMiots $1 11) at Ilunstablfs
lliinslablw shot* advertisement.
do to Cameron's to tmy groceries cheap.
Tall ami examine Cameron's new gro-
Cameron . is tin* 11];i<•«• t< l n
--Fresh Missouri Cider
—Blank Cooks, a well assorted slock
• an be found at the Book Store. ;n
Cameron sell- the most ^owb lur the
—Cash pai«i |i>r country produce at
® A. J. KKALSK A ( o.
- Choice new buckwheat Hour at
a. j. kkai sk co. i
your gr.
i The county has a «i*hoo| fund ofabout
'I I if | i -• *i 11 s<-hol.tsti* year • li—
' tribute.! a 111 • ug 10* ► -clieol <oiniiiMliili<-.
paying .Im stim ot 11 • iloll ii - to comniu-
ii ti - in other counties. The public
school s liavr Imi ii or air lieing taught in
all but Is or :fo ot tin* lim communities
with ;iii average of l «-tw««n live and six
months. Th«'<-(iiuiiiiinitic.> areas follows:
pi.oi.e Star i- ~ituate<! in the northwest
portion of the eounty. .1. <'. Saunders, a
young man from Missouri, holding a fir^i
j grade certllicatc i« the teaeher. This i a
good community. located ui tlfc nti«i^t ot
a thickly settled porti<>u ofthecountv.
I soil blaek waxy, mostly prairie. School
I fund $3EE{.s:f.
Richards i> a small community -ituatol
ill the northeast comer of the eomitV. K.
S. Southanl teaeher. Timber and prairie.
School ti111• I
Burgess community i- situated twelve'
or fourteen mile- northeast from the coim-
j ty scat on Sister l• rove creek; -oil grav
, ami blaek waxy; mo-tly timher. The
, teacher. i . i'. I pton, ua« regarded as
■ coiii|m tent. hilt tl Might to he coli-titll-
j lionally tired. hence • Ii<I not give sati*tae-
tion and played out. School tund $121,21.
| i)ecatur is situated in the southeastern
Louis <ioe- l>or,ion of Hie county; soil hlack waxy; a
27tf. ; f;,r,ning section; timher plenty nut
mostly prairie; well improved. The
' teaeher. A. J. Kerrymau. a young man of
good attainment holding a lir.-t-grade
I certitieatc is iri\ inir general satisfaction.
School tund $131.21.
Butler is a small distriet iu the norther :
part of the eounty; .soil ^ray and Mack
waxy; prairie and timher; no >ehooj.
iS.-hooI fund .?."i4l,71. (
—S*:Imhi1 Books complete stoek alwavs Morris is situated 10 or 12 miles south-
1 ou hand at the Book Store. ;n , east from MeKinney; soil hi uk waxy;
thiekly settled by well-to-do farmers; no
pilhlie sehool; school fund £2H!.." ll.
t'ottonwood is situated It or 10 miles
Lib. 11 v. Tearhcr,
Fund >• l.lia.
< hanihers, s or !i miles northwest from
M« Kinney, an old settled eouimiinilw
hi-hlv improved, oil c\e«>|h'iif. timber
and |>i ail ie. liaeher. too. Saunders, who
i- well •jualilietl toi his professiou. Fund
> I •> I.* •" .
I rinity. • mih-s north from MeKiuiiev,
soil rieh, well improved, timber and
prairie. Teacher. W. r. Walker. Fund
$ 112.5S.
I eth11. 11 miles w est from McKinnev.
I liis i> regarded by oceiipant> as the «rar-
den sjiot, finest fanning lands with «ood
ran^e. settled up Vty an enter]•rising ] opu-
lation. They have k>'pt up for nianv
years a ^ood school of hi<rh yrade. The
teaeher. U in. Allen, ranks anions the
best educators in the Fund$108.23.
MeKinney. (col.) Teaeher, .1. A. lilaek-
burn. Fund §271. ID.
Hope II. Teaeher. .1. II. Allen. Fund
$112.! ID. —
Little I reck, in the southeast part fd'thc
county, north of Millwood a few miles.
line land. Teacher. M. 11. McCall. Fund
Millwood, southeast part of the countv.
lands rich, well improved, no better cotton
lands in the county. Teacher, C.C.Carry,
who has tamed a reputation in the countv
as an educator. Fund $204.13.
I'alias county line, in the southern part
of the county, irood lands. Teacher. S.
II. 1 ticker. Fund §131.23.
bysart. 12or 14 milesnoi th from MeKin-
ney. land rich, in a tine state of cultiva-
ion. Teacher, I . K. Faison. Fund
<'otfyian, south of the latter 1.1 miles.
'.eh lartii. ''.veil improved. Teaeher. Miss
I'leasant I irove.
Fund §2;J."{.s-j.
Sister f itove, cast of M<■ Kiune\
• r. I«'. M. Kverelt. Fund .>12I.X!,
Sachse. \o si Ikm |. Fund 77.Dl.
Landmark. No school. Fund 133.1.v
Sister Crove. Teaeher, K. K. Ilai-ravi
Fund IRK02.
♦ •ray, 10 mile- nortlie.-is
Teacher, W. < . \au;
Sims. Xo school. Fund
Lebanon, (col.) .No school
•Jewell, near Weston. Teacher. K.
Lon^'acre. Fund 12*. .tK>.
Hurler. No school. Fund
Mantua, (col.) Teacher. II. McKinnev.
I Itima 1 huh*. No school. Fund 17.IKI.
I iaiiie Galley. No school. 1 und
New Ilackberry. No school. Fiiml
In addition to the public schools a num-
ber ol private schools are being taught bv
some of our most practical educators
whose names areas familiar as household
words in the educational world.
•J M liKMiK, M'kimit v. Ti\ _\y, n>,
iin<lcrs|^nit| v,.frs ..| pr, , N„ - (|
Im «-.Mintv, ask that von ah v
l« r..r. He or « .,|||n i-oiifity as
'"/ ' "iinty ( |, rk il(
Me cnsiuti^ November H.-n j.,„
Most Kes|H-ct till I v,
I \ l-oM hi.e, ii W Kowinan. .| || |;„u „la(l
•I \ -lackson. .1 \ |elker. 1 I
'large Sales and Small Profits'
k. M l ; rn
• < ll irisworth
Is Our Motto
•' " I'unnawav, W .1 I'arroti
\Y, t |,,lw v F ' "I'JV o,,; Martin- An.ln-
k, t *.1 anee. 1>. i'arlu,-, W,„ Mri art\.
Mank I lionias, >\onn^. K W .lack i '<
Ih-\\,y, | > Allen, .1 I* Si.ilman, .1 Harris .fell
^ *alt. I. Hiitler. -I V\ shepant, |j u Ya<^*r .1
k I'om. r-. k t « li.-ln l. .1 k Kletcl,.-, i -s
V'ar.l I W lla^ar-l. .I T llull'iiiaii, W K.,„7
•I I- McKaiiiiv. .1 II i ..ok, M Marncv
•I M Collier, 1' w ( oilier, sr.
I I. <>neal.
Mli. -I M I5KM.K —W .
ointi v i lerk,
r'-tn (.roinis-
Our Business Men.
l oard A: Markham. composed of IL M.
Board and II. M. Markham, The former
is a native of Virginia, was <Hlueated in
Breckinridge county, Ky., has resided in
this eounty 23 years. I r. Markham is
also a native of Virginia : was raised ami
educated in Kentucky: practiced medi-
cine in this county 23 years, lioth of
these gentlemen are well-known in the
tfie lintlersi^ne<l cilt
/• lis anil voids hi i <>11 in count y ask that
siioniit vonr name to the |)eo|>le'ot'( ollin «•
ty as a cainliUate for the otlice ot <
at the next (November) election
'"g our xotes ami sn|>|M>rt March .'7th' Is^.i
.'"'• White. W Noii s, \ Wilson, .1 I; Mas.
'• ' Mas-ie. IS J Mercer. T II \\ j|-o,i. W V
Walli-. .1 Wetsel.-I II ■l.-nkiiis, I \ |{jr.|ui.||
K «. I.anis. lien Ilerndoii, K M ltoar<l. .1 I Ja-
cobs, .M llanlin, I I'aptuc, W I. liovti | ||
K.iierson W.I Irley .1 I sim,,kin.<. William
Itomai, I I, t.oinar, K It ISoinar, \ \ l>..niar
Knoch lailoe, T l«ntle.l-e, t; \ Wj|<(1|l .j
Kincaiii, \ I White, ii a Foote. K Kmer.son
Mi KINNKY. Tkxa<, t
April, 1st, issn. ^
Messrs. t > Ifa-gar-l, .1 V Lovelace, .1 * Fc|-
ker, .1 \ .lackson ami (i a Kooie, (ieoi-'c \ Wil-
son, It < 1'anlue, «; ^.r^e White ami others
< •entleman.—I ha<l thought that I would not Im*
a candi<lale lor re-eleciion lint if it is tlie<le.sire
"'*• I I'le ot Collin countv that I should
serve them. I will accept ami will make the
race, and il elected will discharge the duties ,,|
III." oitice to the best ol my ;v''llii\ , and w hether
elected or not. I shall ever hold ill j:ial< lul re-
meml.ratice the kindness shown me bv the oeo-
|>te ol I ollin county. Yours Kes|.e.'tliill>
I M ItKNtik'
\\ e K..i;-hi largely for our Sjirinjr trade for two
reasons, namely: In antici|>ationof a lar^e-
l> iiicreasi^l trade in MeKinney, ami to
proi ide against an ad\ancin^ market iu
prices ol all floods. We are crowded
with Is iu all departments and
will now offer our entire spring
>tock al a very small advance oil
cost ^ 4 • 1 .arjre sales and small
I'rolits" has been our motto
from the tirst, and every
business inoiixe induces
us to keep as near old
prices as possible. |Sv
selling rapidlv we can
buy at I.OW Kit ligiires,
and by selling rapidlv we
sell on a very small advance
on cost We therefore urge tie*
public to buy now 'the prices of
ail goods are stili advancing from
Week to week, ami we ha\e more
goods on storage at our house in New
lork. We have every motive to sell as
rapidlv as po-siMe, and it low prices villi
aid us, i.ow eia< w im. m. oi k ia i r or
prices that will lie a small advance on'cost. I
District iudqe
ll< \ i j |:i;iiwn. of>heiu,..,„. j, , „M.
• hdate tor the oiiiee of IMstrict -ludge <<f iiii„
the -.>Tth judicial district, at the Noveml- r
Local Rcpresentati«e
'ton W. W MKIJUITT is a candidate for re-
election to t||t. otticc of Local Keprcsentative
Iront ( ollin county.
U, I*r. W I HI lit H'TnM is a candidate for
' L"caI l.'epresentative Klection in Noveinb i
County Attorney.
1 L Ml s 1. j< a candidate for re-election to
i ounty Attorney at next election.
•L M l'K \l{soN is a candidate for Countv
Attorney at the November election. |"|
County Surveyor.
1 15. W IL*>oN is a candidate for re-election 1
to th.. otiice o i ounty Survcvor, at the Xovem-
I uer eo'ction". « |
For County Clerk.
JO. \\ . UAIUULL is a candidate for county
clerk at next election. '
. ,'v.11, *. f,v>( KK,I{ is, candidate for countv
tleik at the November Klection.
SAM. IL II \MILToN is a candidate
• oiin|\ < lerk. at the NovciiiImt election
Ardingrer & Oo.
w t
I ion t<> the oitii
next election.
County. Treasurer.
\MhKON is a candidate ror re-eiee-
ot t ouiiiv Treasurer, at the
N E AY G () 0 D S
In Every Department
i: i> ali.ison
is a candidate for i ouut\
For Sheriff.
W.Ms. IVARhKN is a candidate
lion to theotlieeol 'sheriffot l ollin
uie November eb*ct ion.
for rc-clec-
••ount\ at
1?. Por1*rnan. Fund $7o.61.
l'leasant Valley, in the western part ot
I he county, rich prairie land. Teacher. (\
•I. Sorrell. Fund SI 17.22.
Bishop. 3 or 1 miles southeast from
... ... ... , MeKinney. most I v timbered land. s,,ii
soihli of .MeKinney on ( otton w ood creek. r|(.j, ' , "
The teaeher. .1. I.. < olijuctt. is a yotinir
man just entering the profession. This
| ameron Bros, is thcplacc to tmy vour
lonnceo and cigars cheap. " ";j7
A la rife and Beautiful assortim'ut of
3am|is at Cameron Bros, at a low price.
In order to make room for a lar^c
•consignment of produce w e will sell pota-
.toes and apples by the barrel very low.
35 A. J. KKAISK ,V <
—<ietyour ^ueenware ami r|;i.
at i ameron Bros.
I*amps, I.amps. Lamps, how
they are at ('ameron Bros.
of the countv.
"Sw ale
—An ele-rant line of Albums just reeeiv-
i!«l at the I took ,Stor '. 34
B«y yottf crockery and wooden ware at
# ameron Bros. ,
—Utiick sales and small profits, is I 'am- i
Ilros. motto. *17 ...
a jjood farming section
S-hool fund S!12.s!>.
I'il^rim i- situated in the northeast cor-
ner of the county 011 the waters of Indian
creek; tine farmini; lands; teacher J. M.
Saunders; school fund >13\2!>.
Itarksdale. Miss Kate J'. Huffman teach
er, holds a lir>t-«rrade certificate; a lady
of fine attainments. School fund S|:{3.f« .
St. I' iiiI. situated in or 12 miles south-
east from MeKinney; tine farming lands;
thickly settled; the teacher, \V. Malcolni-
soii.a native of Arabia, is a gentleman of
— A l-.r«r.. .... . i large experience and quite successful as
a large stock ot stiplc and lanev ' 1 . . ....
gro.-enec just received at 1 "" •'•hieator. N-I100I tund ,s>
35 A. J. Kka sk & t o lledgecoxe, situated southwest from
-O.I. MI „l Ih,.p Wl.|| Miicliiii.'ry f.,r i lin''
>>> W. A. ,t .1. C. III,.a. It'll,"i'< : ;T " '-.V anoiikr|.ris.„ ..|lls<..I fi.ii.i. rs,
-Mill. Collin . ntintv. -r.-x.T- I 1 .'JirlK-r, H . S. A^IH-av, a ll.-w lil;ili ill til.
I.* ... ,, „ ' comity. School fund $212.17.
Store.'"" ' ,u "'^jlb.M'k j Illinois, situated on the waters of I'ilot son, a new
... ,, . , tJroveVreek. northeast of M' Kituiev, ntosi- 1 •
lic ure I*rames, lull slock at the ] |v timbered land; settled thickly'bv per- " "unhel 4 mil. * . • im ..
I ook Store. 1 .. .... . im tiiei, 4 miles east ot I'lano. on l.'ow-
1. . . •"-u. sous Irom the state of Illinois; teacher. i..n <1.; 11. 1
—1 romineiit tihvsiefeins hri.„.rii...! __ ... . . UIIiimK. tin. kl_\ settled, soil good. 110
School at present. Fund $1J !I.|S.
Heart reek, northeast of Millwood : or
I miles. 1 his is one enterprising coiiimu-
uity. good land, well improved, thickly
settled. Teacher, S. Mcintosh, w ho has
filled the position for some time, holds a
new Iron Wheel
X. K. lt.auney, liu-iuess manager I tiion
.Mills, was horn Jnd educated in L'onnecti-
cut: came to iu |sj?), has resided
in Collin county It) years, during w hich
time he acquired a fortune ; is a rich
bachelor and ought to man v.
Rain Pall.
licloW \\ .
apiM iid the rain fall for the vears
Is7s_7;i, tojeutbec will:■
til re; noted by Mr (
For Floater.
M c are authori/.i-d |o announce II 4 M \« K
as a candidate lor Hoater to represent the joint
ill n :,n,, in the Low. r
House of | Ie- I. (|| l.e^islatuie.
County Commissioner.
•I. L\Hson IvKlil! is a candidate f..r 1 ..iiniv
< oiumissioiier, 1st district, at"- |
I l« ||
Our lt'ieii«ls audthc Public arc llespeclf'ully
Invited to Inspect our Stock.
wf a I his rcsi-
i'eaclier, M is r. <'. Morgan. Fund
1 5*137.33.
Weston. It) miles northwest troni MeKin-
ney. is one of the best school communities
in (he county, good land, good society.
The teacher. W. S. Saunders, has made a
reputation in the last two years at this
place as an educator, keeping pace with
the age. Fund $2! S.77.
Bowlhy. f miles west of.McKinmy, line
tanning lands, w ell im|iroved. prairie and
timber. 'I eaeher. I>. A. liuchaniian. holds
first-grade certificate. Fund Sl!« .|s.
farmers, in the western part of the
county, a good community. Teacher*
Miss M. I kiss, a young inly of h ng expe-
rience iu the county. Fund
Liberty. I miles north ol Farmer
one ol the best communities in the
ty. settled by an enterprising people, good
lands, well improved, timber and prairie, large trade; both old bachelors, but if
>oil inclines to he sandy, especially adapt- minors are correct they w ill soon become
cd to cotton. Teacher, W\ II. II. Kdinun- happy benedicts.
I)r. Iv. N. McAulay is a native of X. <
was educated at I'avidson i'ollege; prac-
ticed medicine 111 Texas and Xortli Caro-
lina If years- has been in this country 7
I " j
II. A. McDonald, a native ot Missouri,
received common school education, came
to 1 exas in 1S37; after the war went to
Southern Texas, and returned to Collin
w ith the advent of central road.
M. I . W elch. wholesale and retail ^ro-
ccr: Mr. Welch was horn in, and
educated in Mt. Vernon, Ohio; came to
Texas in t 7 : Has been in business in this
city I years.
II. Alexander and .1. Aron were born iu
Prussia and educated in free schools:
came fo Texas and commenced business I
together at dcflerson Texas; came to!
McKinnev in
March. *
t lefohcr
I 'eceniber.
I inches.
2 i-lt";
1 l-n;
I inches.
1 ..
ii ••
Si -
,, ..
IS "
ti ••
2 5!
A v. pernio. 2 2:!-!i«
January 2nd, :52-
duly 21 Ion -
August 27 lul -
Septcmln r. lt*)^
-;{-i<; ••
1 s7-:H";
1 KMriacATti.i:.
1st 23-
21. 2:id. 10-1 -
I Us
Assessment of 1879.
I'S valued at
man m the countv. Fund
Ajer's Sarsaparilla.
rS««e the Cotton King Plow at Houston
W.C.Kerr, a young man just entering
the profession; school fund .$2!HI.Is.
Allen, situated on the Central railroad,
Jt Hilson ,s. 1;miles south of MeKinney; a good loca-
New spring goiMls already arriving at 'i""- Tin-teachers, ,1. C. Jones and W.
Wilkinson X Harrison*!*. jW. Chapman, are both teachcrs of hum-
—l on't fail tt the new Iron , 1' M*1" nee and commund the patronagt
Hapgooil Sulkv at Houston A Wilsons
—See Houston A Wilson's Plow Boy
«*ook stove In-fore purchasing.
—Best (•alvani/.ed Bailed Wire a Wil-
kinson & Harrison's. Hi-It.
—Poekel knives. An immense stock at
the Book Store.
—Goto Houston Wilson's for the
cheapest ban I ware in town. Our yiotto
is best goods and living profits.
of one of the best communities in the
county. .School fund $1120.12.
t'liion. situated in the northwest corner
of the county; line farming lands, niostly
prairie. The teacher, W. II. Wrnton. is a j
young man; this is hUycomlyear iu this
distriet, School fund *'.I,2L
McCarniel. situated in the northeast
brand luiderestmy notices.
—lust lJceeiviil. Wall paper trimmer.
With which all |> i>er purchased from us.
will be trimmed free of charge.
51-tf. Seat A Skat.
—Consult your interest and buy Wall
Paper at the Bookstore. 31-tf.
— Ilroeade trimmings, at Blake A Cos.
—llatr ornaments and horse-slioe tuck
'combs, at Make A Co's.
—Make & Co., oilers a large lin ^ of la-
dies trimmed and unlrimmed hats, at low
—Renienilier Blake tt Cos. motto, large
ales and small profits.
—Deiltelled Dutches laces, new style at
Blake tt Cos.
—Tuscan, "Bretonnc and Point Busse
laces and Inserting!*, in handsome patterns
at Blake tt Co's.
—Blake & Co, has just received a new
supply Hamburg edging inserting.
—Cashics trilling and everlasting edg-
ing at blake tt Co's.
—Face veilings ail styles at Blake tV
—I>r. Warner's health corsets at lliake
tt c:o's.
I his profession. Fund §IM)S.|(i.
j Hock Best. 3 or • miles nortbeast of
j MeKinney, timber and prairie. Teacher.
| T. 31. Wilson, a young man of extended
; experience and has em-n oencral satisfac-
tion where lie has taught in the coimtv.
Mantua, in the northern pai t oft lie conn-
part of the county on Pilot Crovccicek. Jv.^od soil, well improved tarn,., thick-
tine farming lands, thickly settled; tim- |y set tied. Teacher. M. c. Cuimimrham.
her and prairie; teacher, P. C. Hudson, a |1;1S long experience holds a first -grade
young man of rare attainments: holds a certificate. Fund s2;{s.i.\
ilr< i>gruh' e.• rtitfv.'.te.. 'i'tii-, L. luit-utuoutii ir'ah vi"|>v. in^tlic norttiern part ol ttie t
county, on the waters of Fast Fork, soil
productive, prairie and timber. Teacher,
do. ltritton. Fund si 12,os.
Melissa. 7 miles north of MeKinney. on
theCciitial railroad, a good community.
Teacher. C. X. Stivers, has extended ex-
perience in the profession and holds a first-
grade certificate. Fund S220.S!.
Prairie View , in the southern part oftlie
county. Teacher. S. C. Ucathershv. 1* und
Ilackberry. 3 miles northwest of McKin-
nev. title farming lands, well-to-do farmers
make up this community. Teacher. II. <'.
Mack, who has made the profession his
lite work, holt's a first-grade certificate.
Fund $190.32.
Wonlcn, I miles north of Weston, soil
very productive, prairie and timber.
Teacher, Miss Sue Collins, a young lady
fjcorge White was horn iu Massachu-
setts and educated in New York; cmie to
< 'ollin eounty in 1*17; engaged in survey-
1 ,. | iug and acquired ti large amount of valuable
nrst-grade certiti ate. is making teaching 11..,.., ,
. " lands, throughout the county: has held
several oflices of trust in thucomity; of
I|S,.;J;i aci
Tow 11 lots
l.amlcertiticates . . .4..
Mauulactiire tools and iiii|.|eiueiit~
ls7'.l and have contiuuetl Alj'.Vj*!.1 mules
their business until they have built up a ! wi jack's ami jenneis
; "Jt it; sheep
' goals
-•II.M legs.
| ii.nxls, wares and merchamlise
Mone\ 011 hail* 1 otherlliai, non-lax-
Miscellaneous |.ro|.ert \, in.'lii.liiig
not.'s and accounts, farming im"
|.leiiieiits A.-
I "Ial \ a Ine of all |.ro|ierl\ rend.-re. 1
'* State tax on the .sane
'' • .Mint\
No ofjutlls I,h27, ta:
state and coiiut\ lavn-iid'.l
am I r.cres rendered by non-
residents and additional to above
acres ...
Total lav on same
Total miles railroad in cooitv :>l .
Tax on same
't otal miles telegraph ."Mi :!-•
Tax ou same
|o|t;7 acres unreiidered and issesse.i
t<>unknown o;\ ners, vain*
Tax 011 same
I urhit iV \\ are ; Peter Turbit was horn
ami educated iu Ireland - came to Ameri-
ca at an early age : commenced business
in McKinnev in 1*7:;. .lames Ware was
raised and educated iu Mo., came to Tex-
as in 1*7:L
. I'.KI (HI
J !l
Mt on
. liia i*t ini
. I JS (hi
.ui;. mi
,usn .*i
* .
. 171 (HI
1 l.'i no
. i.'l ini
,.;|n on
vl.'l ini
.'CM ,
.'•Hi >m
'.Kin ini
i,.;7 .ni
W.I In
.i7n no
'.i 1 .in
L'.VI ,
M7 1*1
• i.l 1.1
■VM ini ,
'Z. r .«
wk s|| \|,|, «it 1Kb' mi: Tllf-s wl.KK
Silks in nil Color!*.
Itiocade Triiiiming.
I'ckui Striped Lustre.
>iew Slyle «>f Koiiciimg.
I.adies Hats V 31 illiiiery.
IHaek A Colored ISimtings,
l-'reneli Figured Organdy Lawn, t
Silk Searls of Every l>eseripf ion.
Linen *V Cotton Lawns -•" per
cent less than value.
Laces (all slylesi l'iiihroi<ler> and
Inserting* in all Widths
al low Prices.
I lie
For District Clerk. \ • {-
V 1*' 's ;t candidate for l i.s- i
' lerk, at the election in November next.
U I' « < \ is a candidate for IHstrict « lerk,
at flu- VfiYciulicr clcctjon.
j I o t lie I'eo|de of ( ollill count \
1 I would res|M'ctfully oiler 110 sell for re-elec-
heolliceot « lerk of I lie I l.-t I let court
.•I \our coiinlx In doing so, I in\ ite you l<> in-
I s|.ect and no est igate in\ ..llieial conduct and re-
crd both a< | i-trict< |. , k. atidasde|.iil\
clerk ol said court, under .1. < Mrauglian".
siioul.l you think me woith> of a renewal oftlie .
trust and coulidvuce heretofore reposed. I will j
simph say that I « ill endeavor no less earnc.M-
lv than I liavedone to merit such marks of xoui
approval. ■ "in* ol «Mlj<*iit servant,
1 . C . •foil N'SflX.
Dry Goods,
Ladies Hats
Misses Hats
Child's Hats
Ta* Collector.
i. w <>til.h>i:^ i< a candidate for re-elec-
| ion to t he office I,rTax l ollectorof ( ollin coun-
tv, at the Nox-nnber election.
Arding-er & Co.
W I.
lot Ie- otlic
Tax Assessor.
! \ |;n I-:s is a candidal.
I \ ssessor of T,a\e-
County Jutlyc.
I ' l.«MH NKIJ is a candidate lor |-.--
e|..etlo|| to Hie office of Count v .lll'lge.
• Mir I l«i| In 11^ >f<it'k is li I!«" I Willi eht.iee -
lions ol 111 • • lie> 1 , and inal.e We ;
\our special all* nlion to ihi, (-
llieiil ol the In;, i ii**ss.
City Aniioiiueenieiits.
For City Assessor and Collector.
«.ho |J. lloU KIJ. is a candidate for re-
eled ion to the ..Hi,,. ,,t , i|V
lector Ol the cil> ..I M. Kiunev. Klection iu
A|iril ne\ t
<. II
sli.-st I
i.'. «
cit\ l r
City Marshal.
IM'WI.KN i^ a candidal-
f r 1,| M"',JSEI!
Xorth Niife Public Square, over
Xete York Store.
Il:is npctn-tl :i New Stock of
In Kvery Varietv,
^ lliell slle proposes to sell :i s clic.'l p
:is jiiiv house iii North Texas.
— 10: \l.t:i; IX—
South !
i*le plihhc >ijll,1i'r,
: : TUX AS.
for eit\ mar-
City Treasurer.
Wlll'l K is a candidate for th. office o
•asurcr ;il Hi- election in April
Coiii'iiiijjs ami Cut
the t'.-wesl ilesijfti<.
liar worked up ill
late years has ilcvoted his time ami uiiich
means to uphiiililinx °f the stock ami ag-
ricultural interests of the county. Head
his excellent article upon cotton.
W in. Karri-on. ol the tirm'ol AVilkinsoii
and Harrison, is a native of" Virginia; af-
ter the surrender ol the ..•oiifeiierate :ir 111 \~
lie Aveiit to SI. Louis and engaged m mer-
cantile jmrsiiils. until more than a year
since he and his partner ••siahlish«,.| their
al uic mm.
vear In the county. School fuml Sl.">.ss.
I'pperlSowlett, Hi miles west ot'McKin-
nev; teaeher W. II. Buelianan, hohlslirst-
orade eertlfieate. Gooil corn land, tine as
anv in the count}*. School fund I.">.
McMiuii, situated in the southwest cor-
ner of the eonnty; gontflknd. jrood farms.
Teacher, J. O.Moore, a voting man.holds
first -grade certificate. Fund Sl- k90.
Fariuersville, 16 miles east troni Mclxin-
New stye dress goods, at Blake A j nt.Y. no better fannin<r lands in the eounty;
one of the largest schools in the county;
kept up regularly; an enterprising popu-
lation. The teacher. W. A. Edwards, has
long experience and ranks among the
prominent educators in the state, 1* und
Itethnny. south from MeKinney. Teach-
er. O. Matthews, a professional teacher of
long experience, and one who has made
his impress upon the young of his com- ot some experience in the profession. 1- und
munity. Fund SUM
Milligan. east of McKinnev. good coin-
muuitv; teacher. W . 1 . Stew ait, ot se\ -
end vears experience in the county; well
qualilictl as to literary attainments. Fund
:?.!t.s. 10.
While firove.:t miles south from McKin-
nev; teacher. Miss Mary I'hillips. a Iad\
— I,adics and Misses fancy hoes at Blake
A Co's.
—tients will find a . pleudid selection of j
iindcrware at Blake \ Co's.
—( ents furnishing ^o ds at Blake A
—Solid, colonil, and striin d. hall hoes ! teacher, S.
at Blake and Co's.
— Kid gloves, of the l est make, for
ladies and gents at Blake Co's.
— New style calicoes at Blake & t o s.
-Call and see Blake Jb Cos. new stock
« f dress goods and trimming1.
—Ladies and Misses shoes and slippers
at low prices, at Blake \ t'o's.
—Pont buy your goods until you
amine Blake At'o's, gotnls and prices.
We will save you money on all your
coods, Ittuke \ • o*
Metis business suits at Blak. tV Vo s
— Mens and youths drers suits at
Blake A Co's.
Call and see our stock l>etorc you buy.
Blake £ Co.
— Men's dress and bnsine.- hats at Illakc
." 7.
Lone Tree cast ot I'lano s or 10 miles.
Teacher. W. .1. I>owling. Fund S-H>..">0.
Willow Springs, s or 0 miles southeast
from MeKinney, is one oftlie most united
and enterprising communitie- in the coun-
tv, soil good, well improved, thickly set-
tled. Teacher, W. Baker, a young
of line attainnu'iits and long experience in tnati w ho has held his position t« r .? or f
the countv public schools. Fund :?in-s."2. . vears in succession, holds a first-grade
Blue IJidg«. 12 or 11 miles northeast ol certificate. Fund 12lM'T.
McKinnev; one of the best communities 1 Wines, near IMano. Teacher, d. M.
in the countv, both in soil, society and \\ itics. Fund 1U0.20.
scholastic population. The teachers, d. | I'lano Academy, in southern part ol the
Soloiuan and Buster, are kept niisv from county 011 Central railroad
early morn to dewy e\e. School tund
> |ti,*i.i!i.
Highland, 11 inilc> north of McKinnev ,
is a irood coinuiuuitv: prairie with timber
sutlicieiit for farming purposes. The
i.s ii ui'Vulrr-
prise and lias done initch for tlic. trade ot
this point l y accomodating his patrons.
H. t.ooiliti was horn in Indiana; com-
tncticcd business 17 years a^o; lia~ heeii 111
Texas t years; understands his trade well
and guarantees satisfaction.
d. S. Stovall, horn and educated in Bar-
ron county, K\\; commenced business in ; ll<,ll>c-
1SI7; came to Texas in lstii;. to MeKinney
in 1S« >9.
i E. M. Barkley. the senior member of the j
tirin of Blake & Co.. is a native of Mo., I
was educated in Lexington, Kv., and St. J
Louis Mo.; engaged in merchandising in
earlv life, coinineiiced business 111 McKin- |
uey in '7! . Mr. Blake, their N. Y. buyer
• is well known as a man of excellent taste.
II. W. Ardinge •. of the firm of Ardingcr
it Co., is a native of Ky.; has been in the i
mercantile business foi many years; came ;
to MeKinney in '72. and established a
i large trade; is a man of taste, experience
and enterprise.
A. A: W. IIunstable, were born and cdu-
; rated in Mich.; were brought up by their
• lather in boot and shoe business; come to
Ii"., |sn 01
I ,.*WI| '.Ml
New Enterprise.
I lie linn o| A. iV U . Iiuistahlcare now
manufacturing for tlicit retail and w hole-
sale :ra«!e, a complete line ol standard
screw hoots and shoes. Tfu'se ImioIs and
shoes are sold about iow as jie«^c.|
work, and wcar |otigerr«nd never i:p; also
they arc as pleasant as srwed boots oiilhe
foot. Samples yf these o-oo«ljdjflfe|>e seen
Dress Suits,
Business Suits,
A Hew Year!
AlTew Store!
New Goods
l l' it'

tv selling the llunstable Boots. 111".

To Our Customers.
Owing to the demand for our shop
made boots, we have made agreement to
wholesale them to merchants through-
out the countv, t« bettei enable every one
to buy them. The following reliable
will keep a stock ol our boob
shoes.and will sell than at our
S. II. Hamilton. f imursyillc; Itarrcn iV
l*iiiphress.Vanalstyne;T. M. Dumas Bros.,
Pilot tirove; d* II. lieetlj, IMano; Aber-
nathey and Movers, l he Uidge; 1«. ^1.
Douglass, Weston, W; w ill stated bv
their guareiitee on the gaods.
Yours truly.
A. i\: V. llr.xs 1 aiii.k.
Boy s Clothing a Specialty.
Boots & Sh.oes,
\\ itli in. icase.l liicilitic.-* lor iii:iliiil>ieliu«.
ol hand niailc limits mill shoes. *1 "
have a«rain rcdiic<-d our |>ri<-cs. an.t
are now al w ork i n our large
lineot'Springsaiiiplcs. Are
prepared to do .ill kinds
of repairing prompt-
ly at lowest
H.ivn.jr l.MMtcd *'t M.-Kiliney , rs|M'<*t-
fully U'ihUt lli« i: rrofcssiou'jl u
l « *ui/.c'iis o|' 4* own antl vU'iuUy.
vcr Sliain't :
vmt** ^ 1 "7m\ iv «y
A. J. Krause & Co.
Keeps constantly on hand a full supplv
And everything needed to lit out the
at lowest living rates.
And \\«mm1cii I olliits of assorted iM/crf
and a irootl Hearse alwavs in readiness
M noK v\^w
Not lh Side Public S|iiare
Men s, Boy s & Children s Shoe and Slipper Department.
H £L T
ilrcady receiving a magnificent line
,'pring goods, such as Men s t alt
:ii-tl Coat Shoes. Low 'I ies. Bro-
^atis ami Flow Shoes. in
Opcnining Day.
The ladies of McKimi'i y and vicinity
are cordially invited to jittend an opening
of handsomely trimmed hats and bonnets
at Mrs, S.SIms. April 1.5th 1SS0. l-*2w.
i vies and
—One hundred pieces prints at 7 cent?
a yard.
— 1'wo hundred pieces choice
j MeKinney in 1*71, ind bv industrous liab- best brands prints al s cents
II Cole, is a young man of
j linv literary attainments, just engaging in
■ the prori'ssion. Fund S2ii." .7* .
ii rounds. 11 or l.~ miles northeast troni
MeKinney. No school. School fund
><;:;.: 7.
m-ntoii county line, northwest from
MeKinney; open prairie; line farming
lands; teacher. Mrs. A. \. Borum, a lady
holding a tir-l-grade cerfilicate of some
experience as a teacher in the c. uutj.
e\- j Fund $lt>Ss7.
Melissa,(col.) teacher. II.O. Lice. Fund
Stiff. 7 miles northeast from MeKinney;
th'ckly settled: prairie and timber; teach-
er. W. N. Willi-: several years experi-
ence ill the county as teacher. fund
i S'
I uion. teacher. T. W . t<rc>haiu. 1'und
| S17:i.-2«>.
lli ek (quarry. - miles northwest from
j Farmcrsville. thickly settled: good fann-
Teaeher, A.
C. Bolianan. has a reputation as an edu-
cator second to none in the county, holds
a first-grade certificate. Fund itKK^l.
McWhirter. in the northwest p
e■.unity. Teacher. C§ A. Knight.
Klin (irove. 11 miles northeast of McKin- j
ncy. Teacher. B. S- Barry. Fund S2.2t . i
1'lea-ant Kidge, 12 miles west of McKin- j
ncy, line larmiiig kind, well improved.
Teacher. Mi-- Aunie Davis, ju^t entering j
the prolession. Fund lbs.j." .
Cottage Hill, northwest ot MeKinney. 1
soil good, niostlv prairie, thickly settled, j
well intpro\;-«. Te:reher. *L Mullens.!
Fund '
Verona, northeast from MeKinney, soil
*V ' "o s.
Zeyliyr in all colors at Blake A <"o*s. '
—Towells and napkins, iu all styles and j
patterns at Blake&Cs*s.
—Ladies and Misses hosiery at cost, at
Blake and Co's.
- A new stock ot ladies alid gents bow s,
scarfs, and th-s. in all the new shades at
Blake and Co's.
Hercules Supjuu ting Corset, at Alex-
ander A Aron.
Our. lhess Ooods lH'iKirtiuent is now
complete. AleJUUidtT A Aron.
.\ gre^ variety id" laces, edging.
rushing, corsets, law ns, linens and zephyrs
of all shades, at Alexander A Aron's.
—The mammoth carpet stock at Alex-
ander A Aron i* now complete
examine life same.
—Custom ma 1c
(.all and
ing lands: eulerptising people: teacher,
ti. W. Oiloiu; first years work teacher
in the county. Fund
Frairie Crt ve, n<> school. S.-hiud fund
$1 !• .- .
Brushy, iiorthea-t from !• ainicrs\ille:
good community: tim land well improved.
Tvacher. C. M. Stvilham. School fund
Si* l 11.
Forest l«rove. r. miles southeast from
MeKinney. good community; energetic
jK'ople, tine farming lands. lVacher. .
11. Chambers, a successful educator, iiolds
lirst-grade certilicjitc. Fund 5-2-">s. I'!.
Walnut tirove. or 10 miles northwest
from MeKinney, one ot the best tarmitii:
i sections iu tin* county. Teacher. 1.
j Chambers, who ranks among the best
educators i:i the comity. Holds tir.-t-grade
j certificate. Fuml S27s.71.
Mount Fisga. in the eastern portion ot
rich and very productive, thickly settled,
niostlv timbered land. Teacher. A.
I "arris. Fund 121.1!.
Wilkins. northwest o| I'lano. good land,
thickly settled. Teacher. Mr-. M. C. t .
Thurni iu. I und 1 .***.10.
Tlnunpsoii, northwest ol Farniersville.
excellent farming lands, timberaud prairie.
Teacher. W. <'. Beeves. Fund 222.:K
Kill. , east ol Mantua. Teacher, doscpli 1
I'.enmtt. Fund 121.21.
Lebanon, in the southwest put oftlie i
countv. a rich soil, a good conununity.
Teacl-er. Mrs. Bettie .l.dinson. Fund |
llose 11 ill. northwe.-t of Farniersville.]
land all fenced, soil rich, highly improved, j
No school. Fund : 2.! S
MeKinney. Teacher. Mrs. ( . Il.llobbs.,
her tirst work in I he school room in this
eounty. Fund 22.').
Kowlett creek, wc-t ot MeKinney. rich
land, but not thickly settled. Teacher.
W. Shradcr. I und '.KI.'.C?.
Sabine. No school. I utid 112.y'.'.
ing Hill, in the eastern part ot the
its and indomitable energy have built up
a very large trade. They have recently ;
added to their business, many improve- j
mcnts. for the purpose of increasing the |
manufacturing of boots, shoes; skilled
workmen themselves, and hiring only '
skilled assistants; they arc prepared to
give satisfaction.
Francis Knier.-on was born and educa-
ted in Ireland; came to America in *: !;,
a,.t ot ! did business in Illinois and Wisconsin :
come to Texas in \~>S and did business in j
Dallas; came to MeKinney in ; is a large
real estate owner; lie and his s*ons T. II.
and T. T. arc engaged with him in the |
hanking business; they own the only!
hank in the eounty. and do a very large
A. d. Kr iuse A t o. I*. Turbit and A d
Krause compose the firm. Krause was
born and educated in lVmisly vania. Has
s.-eii a goo.I deal 4§he world.; commenc-
ed business in this place in W0 ; is an
old bachelor and wants to marry.
W. L. Boyd was born and educated in
Illinois: has been engaged iu merchan-
dising all his life : commenced business in
MeKinney a- a member <d the linn ol
West. Murray co.. in W>(>. afterwards
■ became sole proprietor and has continued
business at the same stand
— Yard wide Percales lor 10cents.
—17."> pieces dress in all grades.
Ardingcr & Co.
Church Directory.
Cumberland Presbyterian church—ser-
vices every 2d and Itli Sunday at 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p. in.
I'niou Sunday school every Snnda\
fteruooli at o o'clock.
W. P. Ci.ovn, Pastor.
Presbyterian Church—services every
Sunday at II a. in. and i;.IO p. in.
Sunday school every Sunday c\cning
it .'I o'chck.
Baptist church—services every Sunday
at 11 a. hi. and 7:: 0 p. in.
Sun.lav school every Sunday
10 o'clock.
C. II. IIoiuis. Pastor.
Shoes, and
Fine Kid
Button and
l.ace <i loves.
Misses and Chil-
dren's Siloes iu every
variety. By March lsi.
we w iil have display ed the
finest -lock of Spring Slip-
pers. street sandals. Newports
and all si vies of Ladies. Misses
and Childieu-.' low cut shoes.
Parties from I'lano. Van Alstyne. Far-
mcrsville. Weston, and other points,
sending' orders v. ill receive direct attention.
llHI.VliS IN
Fine Groceries,
A. & W. Hunstable s Hosiery
Will open «i| • the Spring trade w itli a large
line of line cinnroidered hose, bal-
brigan. and medium and low
► grade of cotton goods.
Prices low as the
Selected leas, Coffees and Spices,
and liovs at A-
W. Dunstable's Glove De
Etc., Ktc
South side of the Public Spire
I hristian < liurcii
third and i'ourTli l-f
ind 7:;{(,"p. m.
Sunday school even Sunday morning
at J'c'O o'clock.
Methodist Church—Preaching secf nd,
third and fourth Sundays ol each mouth.
Sunday school every siinday vivriiuig
at !)< 'clock.
Pt iver meeting every " . .liiesday even-
,1<r '' T. . Pikijck, Pa.-tor.
a prosperoii-
ever since.
.1. 11. Jenkins was boru in Morgan co.,
111.; came to Texas in I> 12; came to < ol-
lin county in commenced the prac-
tice ot law in \<AK
T. P. McLean was born in Nova Scotia,
is proprietor Merchants tVl*armcrs ^lills.
w hich he built in !*7'> i~ a blooming old
bachelor and auxioi*.. to marry.
Dr. tiA Foote wa< born in V i.. and
educated in Miss, graduated in Mis-. Med-
ical College in ' l*>. practiced medicine in
Collin county 21 years, has a acquired a
a large fortune since his residence in the
county, retired from practice ten years
since. Read his article on game and see
how much love he ret tins for his gun and
C. 1C. Time
Express and mail
Local freight
Local frciuht
going son n.
and mail
.. ir a. m.
,.. 11:2- r. M.
.. S; 1". M.
r :oo A. M.
I:.r 0 r. M.
'.i:0."> r. M.
l^i i-r.NiiKi:v. Agent.
We kindtv ask Hie eil;:-eiis ..I \|. |\imie\ and
( ..Mill e'lunty tn uix <■ ii- a calI xx lieu I hex .I• -
...jre jui v *ls iu our line. W • liax e t
ii..\x in MeKianey ><-;..ree|y ei^lile.-u
months, and the amount "I palrotiav
xv.' liave rc-eive'l is ia il> sell enough
t-. warrant one and all, lliat .• 111
prices are i.oxvki: than . x.v ia
ioimi rt.skxvtn-.kk, and "itr
roods |lie x. rx ln'st. .We
have superior adxanla;ce.- in
liio in^jjoods. 1 rom t!ii-
rea-on our resident buy-
er, Mr. S. I IJIake. is
eoiistantlx in tin N«-xx ^ •• i'k
.nut Uoston markets, and ev-
er ready t< l*n> harjrain- for n -
wiien they pre.-eut He attends
the xxeekly xxh .l' -;de auction ol-
hankrupl sales, and luiys poods Ii .m
•J_| to .VI ).< I" eelil less til.'lli market x .due
and this advantage xve alxxaxs oft. r to
<nir pal roiis. < ur stork i-now tilled with
poods .hat were houplit at loxv liiaii'.'s, and
those that xx ill favor us xx itli a "'I rial Kill, *'
xx.- promise t" sell tlietn at prices that none can
Ui: WI I.I, t'N ! Ki:sK!.f.
lla\ ing had a large
Trade the past fall
We will continue
to carry :i large line
for the spring trade.
Metis gloves in buck,
.log. elk. kid. id'
(Jamietl Fruits in Vtirirffl,
Sclioilnlc of l>epartme and Ar-
rivals ol JIails at 3lelvnuiey.
.\ rnvc.s
readier, s. A. Chapman. Fund
the county, line land, feachcr, II. t
hoes and slippers for j (.wi< Fund ?114 .12.
ladies ami children, at very remarkable w|||arth llin,.>noith troni M. Kinney,
low price*, at Alexander & Aron 1 soil good, timber and prairie. Teacher.
S|>ecial bargains of silk handkerchiefs Wihucth. an old teacher in the conn-
* * % 1 . . v .. >* a 9 A •• -II* ^ 1* >11 . I*. 1 1 t k.l la'
I tone, cast ot
Fund 'Jo I.T.'i.
Prospect, northeast ot
Teaeher. M. II. Byrne. Fund
Lur. ka. in the so ithwest
eounty. Teacher.
$lt 2.i l.
Alexander r -n.
-Paul tiallia ii in town yet. and ready
for more work. Bring on your signs.
—Ajer's Sarsaparilla contt il- iron
purities tlj * blood.
northeast from
ty. Fund 5dt)2.4i'
Stony Fo ur.
MeKinney..-o l g. o timber and prairie.
Tcicle . C. T. Lewi-. just entering the
pro e-sK'ti. Ft n 1 !?l'"*s.^7.
Fund alo*.'. !•*>.
doncs. N school. Fund SI t:UL
Frank'otd. iu tl e southwest part ot the
county. Tea h r. J. S. Alhn. Fund
s *i.f>r .
l)r. llubottom. greenback candidate tor
representative paid its a visit this week,
and h it his announcement. The Doctor
is a genial gentleman and has many
friends over the eounty. w ho w ill give him
a hearty support. Though w e hope to see
him defeated in the race, we have no hesi-
Shephcrd. Fund tati,,n in saying that he will make a good
representative it he i> elected, and that Ins
prospects for election are not as gloomy
as his po'iti'-al foes d. sire.
jeirt of the
vol. i T. a 1 er. Lew is Foster.
Attcnt on Everybody.
Wilc'i has just n c ived a h-r.-c lot of
M'IvINNKV fo I.t'.'.VIsVIt.I
Leaves Wednesday at a. in.
Friday at '•> a. m.
M'KtNM^ I" GAtNISVII.l.i:.
Leaves M. Kinn. y_ Monday at t#
Arrives Wediu sday . p. m.
Leaves MeKinney Monday at 8 a. in.
Arrives Friday • p. ni.
M'kinnkv TO i i:N'toN.
i eaves MeKinney Monday and Friday at
7 a in. Arrives Tuesday and Saturday at
7 a. in.
m'kinnky to fai:.mi:s:svh.i,k.
Leaves MeKinney <htily (except Sun-
slay) 7 a. m. Arrives , p. in.
m'kinnky to i:ii gk.
Leaves McKinnev Tuesday and Satur-
dav at 12' p. m. Arrives 12.
Mails for all points by rail closes at J p.
Our Salesmen
Ladies line kid
'.l..vcs, the gen-
uine Alexandria.
Trewcr, Level.
and others, in
two. three and
f.ou button-.
The latest col-
ors alwavs in stock.
A. &W. Hunstable s Hat Depart
Men's Fine Fur Ilats in lilack. Hrown,
Maroon, and other colors, all shades
and style.-. Silk IhH- Still Ilats.
;:nd a large line ol Wool Ilats.
Mexicans, Planters. IJoys
and < hildrei-.s Hat-.
Jnloisoii. Kirkpatrirk k fo.
Millers Merchants,
Al-o •• coniph'ti
ti-ually kept in a lir-t . i
Also Fruit. Vegetabl
|s-.iitmelit ol l*o.
" i - - stoic.
Goods Delived in the City Vr«e.
Having leased llill s Mill and gill.
Hilltowu. in addition to our null n
Lebanon, we are prepared to
turni-h our pati'.uis with
lir.-t cla-- Hour at both
place-. In our -tore
We keep a full
stock ot
General ^Merchandise,
i i x. i i
l> 1*1 x: 11:
Saddlery & Harness
tr\ pr
leaf the LOWKST I'lSlcKS. <
tiluce taken iu exelialigc.
I have now on hand a
fell assort mend of
\i" conr I .' polit'-. and attentive to ni-.
loiners, and take plea sure in sliowin.u' our
itood-. W'e s|."ci.illv ask thai x«.u look al our
,N„ WOBK ,:v
p.t i.l.V ,, IMI'TION. A
1 r >C«iT< It « <>1.1.A l.s
eiitMls Itefore X oil I.UV .
make it to xou'r interest.
I •••.« Ie
x>. XX ill
A lull Of '^V^Vlock
rade made .o ornr jh
;:iddt faux
1S noxv In^ r aiMl^more^eoiui-^^ vvlliHl I
Not III Siile Square.
MeKinney, Texas.
People's Market!
1...lore carried in lian exer
t . sell at I.oxv. r ■ i-no - oi.t
L. A. FOO'fK xV l'*ro.
- Ftop'r?
X'ortli sj..<
1- :;m s.piare
MeKinney. 'l'cxa
J. W.Tiiomas. p. M. McKIN MOV,
Keep fresh nccl. pork and mutton con-
taut Iv on hand. Faindic- supplied with .
pickle meat-on older. Fav the 11 " '
cash price for beeves, sheep atld bides.
C..r iii" spevlj « * . lirrmifcrlil "ii l.v md.-
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Al>ilN. TKX AS.
Plans. Sikh ilicalions and KstiiiMt* and
Superintendence of construction fumi-hcd
lor both public and private buildings.
S!*L< I AL IA .
' | ■"J.T J Vrrl .is I iron K Ii'
ISefiTs to th*- . ..unites ol ••'"J*- * '''"'-'r'
* miii.iI. Ilopkiii.-. M<< mIIoi.Ii,
iVe., &c. 3 1' ly
Collin, Am let

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Baines, Joseph W. The McKinney Advocate. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 1, Ed. 1 Saturday, April 3, 1880, newspaper, April 3, 1880; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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