The Texas Miner, Volume 1, Number 2, January 27, 1894 Page: 4

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they Say,
That Gordon is a good fellow
That Arch Fiew is suave.
That Weston is only fairly so.
That Ward knows what's what
ThatCronk is a money maker.
That R eeves is go)l drujáist.
That "Smokey j.ill" is all right
That our camp is improving all the time.
That Capt. Ready is a good postmaster. . <■':■
That the saloon sells the best beer in Tex is.
That — - is the best clerk in the store.
That Cooper is the '«est machinist in Texas ¡ ;'i :
That Britton knows how to treat men nicely.
That Miller knows a "hawk from a hand-saw "
That our train crew, works thirty hcnrs a day
That they can kill a horse quiver and neater .than anybody's road'.
That some of our Italians aré mighty goo I miners.
That our U. S marshal is every where at the same time.
That Mo >re speaks any tongue that c ones handy—we-we "
That Hall m ikes 'em "'do business" at his window ."
That McLure "knovvs just where he's at" at any point underground.
That some of the bjys have signed "I O U" as a result of the big
That the <>Td Colonel" has a pet habit oí diappeniivg ground. when
you least expect him.
That some of the boys failed to represent at the breakfast table
last Sunday morning.
That Jim Williams weighs 2).ounce-" to the pouu1 -an I more'n
that when lie was a kid.
That Lit Williams celebrated his birthday last Sunday, tie 21st,
and that it was not his fiftieth, either.
Thatour colored citizens are gQ > I, paieeabli b >ys— >u 1 >' once in a
w hile ilo they t£<> on a "high lo.iesoiuá. " _.. pt . -
That o ir Italian colony H increasing fast by Immigration and oth-
er >\He, witn the accent on the "otherwise " _
'¿hat some of our bo/s are t) > to ay t jr a cul cimp. ah I s'ioild
live in large cities where there' is aiij opera troupe.
That, there are pé | íi who doubt MeLure's iceberg yarn—hi
whiskers being the only evidence that he floated, in .an^itjebefg lo:,uQ)
years. ,
ThatThurber is one of the most, piaceable towns' in Tex is—but. if
anvbodv is just dying for lickin' there's no need of going any further
up the road—just get down at id hiten
That every in.tri, worn in and child in the ramp think more than
they say, and if that's so—oh, heavens, whát 'á^pilé of thinking niifU
utaitories we've got in this coal toiyn.
Tliat there are 12,5)J cliil ire.i in the public schools of Salt L ike,
Utah, and as many more who are too yblbig to attend 'Squire
Williams says this town can double liscount Salt Like in children
per capita. Now as the 'S jiilre is an ol 1 bitchelor it m ty be a case
of "sour grapes" with him:
That everybody reads The Texas Miner, and that if you afe iibt
already a subscriber you Ought to be—only Si.l "for twelve months
Send US$1 and voiir name and liálp ús to gtow.!
•' - : ■ f'f.- A
A Surprise Party, ef i
On Saturday night last there was a liUle ihrpHse;party at the res-
idence of Mr. A H. Miller, in this town, the event being in honor of
Mr Miller's oldest son, Arthur, who celebrated his fifteenth birth
day . Numerous friends of the family and admirers of Master Arthur
gathere I and liid-hlged itidancing and merry; making, and between
figures lunch and refreshments were served. A royal good time was
had. : _ ■ ■ ' :
trade notes,
Mr. Gordon reports a short output of coal the last week, arrisiri
solely from the scarcity of cars, Hie railroad companies claim th
cars are not unloaded," am I that they are giving tiiem a« f tstas pos-i
ble. The factis the railroad companies have not a sufficient number
of cars fur the business they undertake.
■ Mr. Gordon savs a better lotiof men than our miners never en-
tered a coal camp, vmd that,thie pit bojses.;tre just?At in a diamond
The people of theeoiintv seenrto appreciate the , determination of
thé Texas and Pacific Co il company to sell good^ cbeaner than, they
are retailed in anf town in the .Hate, and,.in con sequel ice,, our ¡town
has liad a good representation of our county poople nearly, every day
during the past .vyeek.
Mr. Gronkinforms us that his.dry goo Is s iles the past moh'b are
nearly:douMe that for the same ..ton « l:u«r, year; that his motto is
■'quick sales and small profits," and that the nimble si?pence,. is
better than the slow.whi 1 liiijr ' •
Subscribe for The Texas - Mixer, only $1,1
"* Aj Birthday Dinner, ¡ ¡¡
On last Sunday, the 2Íst, Mr. Paul Douglass celebrated his nine-
teenth natal day , and in honor of the occasion the guests of his pa-
rents' hostlery were provided with an elegant dinner. Paul is one
Of the most popular young men in this camp, and his friends wish
for him that he m ly live to celebrate many such happy birthdays.
Our Schools.
No town in the Lone Star state the size of Thurber can boast of
better schools. There are but two here—one white and one. colored- -i
Both are well attended, and the facilities for improving the Biiind&e# >
"young America" are Al. • v 111 •• -rtf-'
The first, theVhite school, is presided over by Prof J. F. Yan-i
Bell and Mrs. Mattie Wirt, both of whom are instructors of unques-
tioned ability.i: This Prof Yandell's éecond school—first effort here:
—but hid succes in discipline and as an instructor provee that a
good selection was made. S. :
Mrs. Wirt is in her second year in Thurber, and her sueceBís'in her
fir.-t school made her selection by the commissioners unanimous: 1
This is a nine months'school, and there is an average attendance'1
of 140 pupils, tfióíigh over 2,)3 are enrolled. The school clógtís the
latter: part of. May
Many of the pupils who attended here last term were sent away. to
Various points this term, and it is gratifying- to know thev¡|p every
instance stepped into an I liold tlieir places in the first classes in
their respective grades. r •••> . k
Of the colored school, presided over by Prof. .1. 11. Riddle, no less
compliment can be paid. He is a wide-aWake, energetie^teacher:
and the colored citizens of Thurber are fortunate in having so com -
petent an instructor for their children
If you are not a subscriber send 111 \Vour /name,
personal mention,/
Mr. David Roark was nursing a fiet throat this week. .:rn-.f. h.. . jju.-.-
1 Mr . Cooper, a merchant of'Gordon; visit ThurberSatimlay. ¡;- f
Col. R. D. Hunter went to Fórt Worth Saturday. '
Co li ty Assessor Robé ísón is doing the camp'this week *>«'J
M r. iL I\, Thurber of The Miner spent the Week in Fort Wortif. '
Mrs. WilliaiXi Morgan Lewis called at The Miner office Tuesday'..' ,
Mr. Allen of the general store was this week 1 lid up with a severe
throat trouble. , „
M| , George II, Muuday of Houston was a visitor in camp several
days th,is Week . .. .... ,r ,
1 : Messrs. Mackey and lere Hart, the latter a cattle buyer, of Strawn
wéré. het*e during the week. i
Messrs S M . Dial, Z. J. Love and Hrackeene of thiil County"'
\|^ré ÍH;Tíiürher this week . /■
i Col. L. A. Sullívíih, one of Gordon's attorneys, was a vifeitór i ft
camp Saturday and made us a visit.
Mr, Arch IJaworth fromlEkldy, 'N M /arrived íri'VUtfí^' Tuesday,
and is assistant to Mr . Reeves, the driiUgist '[ •
W. T. Leagup, attorney at law at Fort Worth, paid us a visit , lie
is a genial ^en.tlemiin as. we'll as a :)róiuineh't'lá''WV'áfi.1
Miss Carlisle, quite a pleasant lady who lti;ve,M. áb'out eight ni¡p}'.¡
from here, was a visitor at Texas Miner office.
-Mr. R. IJ. Higbep of St. Louis lately visited ,us.; He says lie lias,
seen many coal camps, out' this one is the banner camp. '
W - J v (Sfot ty) Crawford ; car..inspector in the yards here, has been
quit/d.sick, but reported forvvqrk Aionda.v.
The old reliable Charlie Wilson has returned from Cisco, and ca =
be found serving customers at, the hardware store .
Masters Arthur and Fn nk Miller, who are attending school at
Strawn, came home Saturday and returned Monday-
Engineer Finniifan had charge of engine No 103.:in the yards here
several days last week during¡the absence of Engineer Gylfoil, who
returned from Fort Worth Monday.
Geor e Watspn, the w/'lí-known miner who left Thurber during
last, summer for tJoloi-ildo and tin; northwest, is hack, and declares
this, c i nip i> good eliougii for anybody.
Among the (.iordonites v siting here this week we noticed Denuty
U.S. Marshal Kinney, Dr Walker, Dr. Wilbur, and John Oder, a
leading merchant. -. ,: , ...... ,
Mr. McC-ord of tlie extensive w holesale gr< eery ¡¡firijrj of McCord-
Codins á, Co., Fort, Worth, visited Tnurlter. Mr. Mcpord is á son
of the Mr McCord of the well and favorably known grocery house,
of Nave-McCord & Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
Diek,t W'opdi*, connected :v\dth; tb^i.coupting,^00ims of t'.e general
istorej, is bai:k lroin-ait*yo weeks' ai)(setice; in Kansiis pity,, where he
sye.nta.s a witness U a ¡ni¡n)rtaut land suit. ;
Ed McCollister, editor of the Gordon Óoiirier, Gordon, was in
town Sat,yrd,%v,faud4r^n^e,ar<j^j^i,d and gave US the rig^.thand of fellow-
siai,p ?a"d wished Tlm'n^.,.. Ji^C) the Sjime
the. Cotijier,.and. \>'hen you're dow n in tliepe diggin's, .drop in a
see US. r,f ,.... !_.

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McAdams, Walter B. The Texas Miner, Volume 1, Number 2, January 27, 1894, newspaper, January 27, 1894; Thurber, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Tarleton State University.

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