The Standard. (Clarksville, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 13, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 28, 1854 Page: 2 of 4

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Im Mr m
$M rnKSKHUnm
■trictly to the unity oftlod. It k
mm) ktorestkg otreumstoae* that
i belong almost exclusively to tlw
:«m, which «m Um Int ohsmplons
It was vetoed by Um 0«*.,
bill mom into our House
making ikt mum great of land
m« of the oltfaetioaable fe*tur*s.
"" ■ Tut" ® *** * at
Tke rulM w—*a* *udad —d to* Mil iaaHy pa*-
W* hav* had a stormy tbn* (a Um Hons* ft"" the
18M. |M Uwre d*js "o tto Kcbool BUI. This bill mm
asUk two mlluow V. 0. Bonds to Um Mb<>°l fond;
provides e fto* school system. Onyretorday
evening It wa*'«ngro***d by * krg* majority. I
sutod agate* Mm w«iwmiH for th* reerea that
1 tfrfa* Um wmt too much; do not think that
**ught to appropriate *s«re than ooe millkn.—
I ton faforer at tort paykg **r debt at It# *eakd
utenid Am applytag a rrerenabk portion of Um
sarphw. If eay, fcr aununiii schools.
Tbo Legislature In my opinion wiU not adjourn
before Um !Ath of Pebraary. Business la ooming
in aa faat now aato any tin* during the ee* ion.
Tbo State Democratic Convention wet on yre-
terdsy evening In Um OW Capitol-, but ft* eoun-
Uto having rent dekgat**, various gentlemen vol-
unteered their eerrioee for their respective coun-
ties; Mnjur Sim* and myself took Um arepnnsi-
bilitj to reproeent the ItofMwracy of Hod River,
and are in hop** that It wlU meet the approbation
i 1a qaimnftm lki 1
•aw Um-
luaU^and tora
palji '*
I an an idea
ad tip the curtains of Um'
, and which, of all Um Ka*tara
Jityand enargy. More-
_ I taparfaat, tooling of
•no* wnl*b they hare eherlahed through
I toll fortune, bontoina Mm genu of for-
1 to this religions movement there k
, tending to Um dissolution of
LTTT-W ... ^ ^ ^
ri_, « gradually osa-
tha KaeTern raoee, In
bad b**o,lf not abeorb-
Now many of the Mas-
an ohacure longing after a
r_ _tom. Thla naiing eipraat
oe Itaair toore la diaeaUeAMUoti with U elr preaant
'MMpM Mum in any clearly deftnml struggle af-
af lb* papOT,to toko place aboat Um flrrt of
Urged paper baa bean her* for
Tower Preea haa baen at
the middle 4 Deoamber, but
k • water to gat UlMi%w#lto to wait
n of Uiir elomnnU.
ttt The Naeogdoehea CkrcmieU of January Sd,
mm to na wIMi the raledlotory of J. 0. Rarrbon
Ie<j., Mm founder and former editor of the paper.
who, with hie partner Mr. Moore, raUtaa from Um
buaioaae. Another column eonUln* tho well writ-
ton salutatory of Mr. E. W. Cavo, who, for aome
months paat has edited Um paper a* thai repraaen-
toMra of Mr. Ilarrlaon, but who baa *bw purebaa-
ad the aetobUakmanWand WUI, for Um ftitare, eon-
duet It on bla own aooount. Mr. Oar* la evldant-
ly <i«a)UUd to give Um paper standing among the
Pre* of Texas, being a writer of •prightltneee
united with atrengUi, and having a testa for Um
editorial probation, We doubt noMbe Chronifle
wUl in ail reepeotedo w«lt under bis guldaiM*,—
and we tondsr to bim cordial weleoime, as to the
fraternity. • .•
>i<imi i*t
Jan. 4 —The . 8.
> a long debate on the
'■to two Jodieial
•He Judioiar
t later tbsn the accoaaU
the Africa. Tfca foltowug • samawiy of
la reply to Um resolution of
liug for infvrmeWwV^p
be placed on the (Oa^rVM aad
simply eommuakating certain
—otmaiiiting of ata papers ~<m
oau afisiia, Oaiwoeu Measra. Cm
LirnmKrt, SrtftKfhW kas been1 a
mod demand ia the Cotton aurkat since the
departure of Uto Aftfca on tkel7th iaateat, a«d
prices have been ateady. :IW,a®lgftt week _
* "" 45,000 bale*, of whloh 6000 were to- j I^jrd Clareudoc to Mr. Orampfon, '
* •' J 7090 for export. jaf May last, enoloaiaga eopy of the
' |I.a / ■ ■ 11 — ^ m A il----- - S.t ^ A . |
ey, and Claraadou aad Sfr.
Qasrn'* Advocate regarding the'
Tbo moat important doouiuent ia alitor I
It is aadetatSTUwtTwSTwas indiwed 10
declare war agaiaat Turkey by a direct promiso
from th* Kmp«ror of Russia, to remit the debt
due by Ferris, and to the Utter country tke tor-
ritory which bas been in dispute between these
.-.wo nations. Tho Shah has «Med to nUoo
thirty thousand troop* at the dlspoaal of tho
Oiar. ' Ai;r"
Xatry sf Mm OnaMato Vtsrts.
Tb* French, the BritUh snd the Turkish fleet*
entered the Black *a on the 10th of Decemtar.
It waa believed that their destination was 80-
bastopol. Three ships of each tqdadron remai-
ed as a naval guard for Constsutinople. This,
measure causos much anxiety in Europe, and
the result is looked for with great interest as tbc
Emperor df Russia has repeatedly declared that
he wo<M c<mt)tfor (he entranco of thoae fleets
into the Black See e<|uivalcnt to a
of war. It is espeeted that in conseow
this step, the Russian Minister* at IV
London will immedUtely withdraw.
They did uo more than to call the Convention
togaUMr, aad appointed aommltoaa, aad sdjourngd
meet thla evening. The committee on the ap-
pointmaat pf,*M**w will reporHha foUevring °ft-
rem: J. A. tlroor, for President; Sam. Bogart,W
8. (Mdham of Mils sity, and J. C. Wilson of Mat-
agorda, for Vice Presidents; K. It. Peek of Trav-
is, J. 0. lAwhea, aad 8. 0. New tun, for fleoreta-
The otjwt of the Convention is only to try to
adopt aome plan by which the party can lie organ-!
the Queen's Advocate as to the 1 ..
treaty. 1^ CHarendon says that Kng2&
er contemplated to renounce her right mm
own territories, nor her Protectorate
qui to The Queen's Advocate oon_,
view of the treaty, aad pronounces the ]
token by Mr. CUytoo incorrect.
The Senate ordered tho pap )ri to be
touether with the opinion of the lloa.
Jounson on the cubject.
Mr. CUyton complained that his righto a
senator bad been invoded by a review of b I
speech having been sent to the Seiuto, aad m
eeoded to diseuss the arguments advaiwed by tk
Queen'* Advocate. * IS
( n Wednesduy, the bill extending the tan.
housing system wu passerby the Senate, at
also, were the following joiut resolutions:
4 1 .Mtiiin; /W,r'/' k • T1,nt «he thanks of Concreas m
nu n™ hercb/ ,<>n,leriMl Brevet M4*
e<|uouoc1 of Qcnornl John K. Wool, for his distingukhrf^
ns ana vicog jn tjR, juto wnr w;th Maxioo. mnf|
ly for tho nkill, cnterpriso and
T he Rusfian^ra^ip Ml attack on Kal^ ou!^£ui«^ ^
tho 4th of December, but were repulsed with ff
great loss. The caraage was great ako on tho\ That tho President be reqMtoad to
Aastoar Attask. uenenu « 001 as
courage whUkl
cauilu^l at the battle of Bueaa I
„,nn- „ . testimonial of the high
Two Ruaidan toamereand aome gun-boalu at- .entertained by VongicaiLof l i «aUantand ja^ l
" ~ cious conduct on that inemorabu< occasion.
tacked Mtttvhitk on the ISth of December, but
the reault had not yet been lcarnoU.
flatolvnf, That the Preaident be mjuoated to
cause a .copy of tho foregoing reaolutiona to hi'
isad previous to Um aext Oubernatorial election. I! of grain at all Turkish porta.
!T my, 71 The vacancy in tKSish (Cabinet, caused
Um matter. Th* Stoto Is too Urge and the dele- . ^ re#j 'Uon of F.lmomton, has not
u> tmm i* toaiiiil In nwlaa S.\ mu! Ia. m * aP
_ -. "K 1
Nothing later had been received from Ask. transmittod to Uenarai Woof.
•ith rejmrd to tho movement* of (he armies The (^ucniion euine up whether tho-Hoo, Sam.
there. The indication* were said to bo rather uel "
unfavorable for the Turks Fail
*rp«rts l Orato. ; the Senate, caused by the death of ScnaWui !
The Ottoman Porto has prohibited tho oxport||lgro entitled ■ ■" —• *• r
to bis *cat or not. It wi*
gates hav* top for. to travel in order to get
Bute Oonrontka. lours, be.,
W. B. 8TOI T.
to a
yoi boon
referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr
l'holp*' eomniiiwion reads tbua: "To aorve uatU
the action of the Legislature.''- A* th* legis-
lature failed to elect, ho ckima that the seat is
Stem, on the Irish Cast |«li11 Thj" «"«. 'f gemerU. It ha* m.
Heavy storm* have recently swept tho Irish precedent. The opinion prevajls that the ckia
coast, and many ships have boen wrecked. The i cannot be substantiatcu. Tho appropriate ckaaa had gone ashore at Kxford (Wexford?) j1,1 the ( onstitution roodn as follows:
This Bill (A Bill to oncoursge tho construction |with one hundred and flfly passongera on board. •' j"";tt,lc,eL ""PP6" ^ resignation or oth*r
At'sviy, Jan. U, fit.
..... mcourage tho constructio .
of Railroads in T*x**, hjr donations sf M) has! The passeugen. ami care.1wort saved
paiioiIUi* Sanate aad k now bsfora the House, aodl ^ duel has taken place betweon Mr. Soule,
set for una day noxt week, ' "-'-L '* ' - — - - - " - -
, during the recess of'the Jjogukture of
any State, the Exccutiro thereof may main
tcinporarv appointment until the next meeting
. . j[lHU lltokd lu a
haoaHy amoag theiUkrent
a lius of demarcation betwi
dues dUforent ebaiaetorktk foatures
Separate aaUosaUtka mast grew out of rue h a
state of things, aad with Um * conscious feeling
hMUvkkal *' '
of their Individual sxl«t*nee,anart from a oommon
(Mkntelkto. Although thla formentetlon has not
yet worked long anoagb to produce great results,
all their)
JfcT ~ " l8H'
in Una* ra**a whljBh are
tact; we re for to th* Turk*
trees J. aep*ekHy
*nto daily eon-
the Arabs, At
In Han of
> Uto poor, and theater-
M anu animal eraa-
Fin every shape,and
I and sUgaiaUsed
1 equity and he.
' paretfla*. One
to* Mw*> slm-
> wide enough
ik had
Um wot. . tret M aha melanism sunk aU dlfbrenoea between
■■"A subscriber *l Indlaii Grove, Omyson
County, write* to us that the Standard U n moot
welcome visitor, but that the subscribers at tkat
0IB00 are frequently delayed ia the receipt of,it, in,
oooaequenea of the P. M. at Bonbem, aandingUis
Indian drove package toward Dallas, Imtoad of
Sherman. We have beard thla oomplalnt before
and hope the !'■ M. at Uimlmm will-he careful In 'j,
fbture to start the package in the proper direo-^i.,
* * ® — A <lucl uai Uken place betweon Mr. rjotilc, f temporary appointment until tue neiit in
t ,*t- 1 Uiink it will pats. tj,0 AmorteniMinister,and tho Marquii Turgot, j of the Legislature, which shall then fill
Thsrs am Seme things In It I am opposed to,; tho French Minister, ut MadjjJ^md one hot wenn-pvananeios. '
and i all probability will vote ngalnst it, thou^li 'yoting Mr. Pfeulc and the Fhiko of Alba. No
I am not yet determiued. It is that part allowing I damage was dono in either affair.
tbo eoiupanles to locatethoir lands proWou* to the. Nkw York, .Jan. 0.—The following arc ad-
construction ef the road. ditiouul items of tbc news brought by the Csn-
Tbo Senate are yet engaged In the discussion of fttk-
the conquerors aad the conquered] now tho con-
trast between tbsm grows overr day stronger. So
long ns Mahometan Ism was die sJI-uulMng, all-
governing spirit, there wen wars for supremacy
among tha rulers, but no hatred of raoee. Hatred
of rae* Is, however, now growing out of Uie feeling
of anlmoelty. and Jealousy ranklea In the broasts
of Turks and Arabs, All aew regukUons of the
government are accepted with the greatest reluc-
tance aad distrust, aad are restated aa long as pos-
sible. - *
I New Youk, Jan. 18.—The Collins steamer
■toU-mrniHJ, p-UM, 0,.,; m. JBSa-Sa regard to ,h.
will t#ke tho vote thi«e«oniu^ on thr ongrusauient. Kn^tern quention, is to tho effect that th? 11W. ilino tlie uccuuuU brought by the Canada. Tke
I sheujd not lie tqtpriaedifitisa tio vote. Khonld 'flt^ts entered the Black sea, with the intontiou tfollowing «re ii e prittctpBl items of her news:
tho Senate I shitlt vote against it in our of umiutaiuing tho armistice. 1 Eastern AAUrs -Mors Hegotiattsos.
hoose. j The British Government siul Louis Napoleon ! Negotiations on the pcaco prtijcet liavo been
' The Vcliool bill setting asldo'.wo million of del- *«* fully resolved to use coercion with Russia,' conitnenced. It is reported, but not generally
Dm lards sad Ue lefts I kra passed our house vesterdaj by a lorge major-!"11'1 tho d,uir, l' commanding their roap^ilivn'believed, that the Ottoman Porto hnx cmsonted
Mr. CutUng of New York, introduced into the Ity. Major 81ms. Rob Tsvb.r and my.olf against instructed U, scire Uic Russian to tike a part in them,ami the Sultan man-
«t n . ., _ .■ .. ,, .1, 1, , . ,. , . ,' ,. .. . „ . ships found crushing 111 the Blnck sea, and foroo 1 ifcsts u l^dfic disposition.
nTTn.i.^Tn ':,'' n ^ '^"^"•hen we w.lljadJol„. B„. ,i,cm back toHcbasupol It i. rumo^d that an, The combinedXets were aOil at Bryooa.
to bring before Uie nousa tke Oatlirk aad ^..slness oomeslnas rapidly now o at thocommcncc- -cgugcneut bad token place on the Black scs,| Tbo Uwaskn steamer PruCbnJ set two Tur.
but nothing uuthcntic was
Nbw YoaK,Jan.0 —OnHundsy, stj o'clock
In the morninc aire oommenoad in Uie Imtcens* V"* ""y So the dog U dead
block of buikllng* on Broadway ooutalniag tke
Metropolitan lull and tke Lawronoc Howe.—
It burred aboat two hour*. The destruction
waa complete. Nothing remaiued standing *i-
o*pt tho marble (Vent,
Hill had b**n Irered by Gharlea Wright,
"tedJn th* mwt msgaHeent style,
th* furniture waa burned or torioui
soa controversy Uie object being, of course, to j M"nl session. but nothing authentic was known at London ki«h steamers on fire by throwing red I ot bail*.
1 a strong expression, If uot a vote of cen-i The health of this place and surrcundiiiK couu-! whpn the Canada sailed. ( Russia aad Persia:
sure, against Uie Administration. Mr. Orv made "7 l« gwd. Emigiant* are still |iassiiiK through' Tho Vienna journals state that tlic combined The overland mail ha# arrived from Iudk,
a motion to ky Uie resolutkn upon Uia tehle, aad I here. Provision are plentiful but counidornblv ] ®U0,B 'iaVu entered the Blnck ^ea on a peaceful bringing cnnfimiatlou of I lie intelligence that the
called for the yens and aejr#,whkh being entered,: higher than in the Red River l>istrlet- Lend rent «'«T inl,tlieir object being to prevent further col- Shah of Persia had left Teheran with an army
the proposition to lay upon the table was oarriod; i' g«at deal higher hero than la any s.ctiort I ''^na botween tho Russian and Turkish naval,of 80,000 cavalry, one thoarend piece* of osn-
lisve heartl j£ lands renting as high as ten d-|. ^ ! lion and il.rec thotltond «mal h ds.0f ammum
lars per acre And I bellovo none for I«k« tliun Ave.
Yours, W
P. S, Tho Senate has adjourned nntli Monday 'Constantinople. It bear* rntlicr hard nn Tur-
Tho Pnrii jouriiiils hare published 11
deeu- tiou for tltn sssistnnoo of Russia. The Shah
Itf Wo are indebted to our (Vlsnd Lwatsttk
WiATuaaaan, at San Francisco, for a late 8au
Kraneiseo paper.
nvutitoM Dwh followed Um
itf' mnturiiia
fur tho
M u
last re-
: to aa
aged by kaaty removal.
The Hotel waa th* Isrgeat aad aiuat extonsivu
building of th* kind In tk« eitv.
Tke In** exceeds half a million.
Th* ltotol WM lnmred at one hundred and
ninety thousond dollar*, and th* ftirnlture aaid
to axoeed aay thing of th* kind ovor made In
tbo city, only Inaured at W0,000—one sixth of
the eo*f .
PoaTi^wn. Jan, 0.—Th* Cuatom llouae
baildlng rt this city, took fire this morning.—
Th* *at]re block ia now in rains. It waa occu-
pM by the peat oiks*, th* AtknUo Bank aad
atMia. The lo«* k heavy and folk principal-
ly oa tba|tr ornmcnt. It k eatimated at on
kundred aad fifty tkoaaaaddolkre
HauvuC, Jan. 9,^-Th* Brit Mare reports
Frenokeo'a engines not work,
swept, aad tke aaiolte
'y*.- ... "-aasniem ■■ ^
Tho datoruetion of the clipper Great Republic
to jwiijr. Mn*-'—" ■ ' * ■
" wsaaot
'We are Indebted to Mwr., Hmt,
incut purporting to b<< the letter of instructions, Imd aUo sont an envoy to Dost Mahommed, to
B- S- from the Four Powers to their nmbaBsadorS at) point out to that Prince the advantuge of aiding
snd ham not taken the vote on the loan bill
ritli Pi
£ '<mtn.urinu dcvclupiuvntH ha ve been brought
• 'Smrpt Svocv for public doeuments from Aus-
* We sre ludebtod to Hon. (lao. W. Smvtii
for public itoeuments.
aiO*t*d to be a public calamity,
, lw t uf the meet beaaUfol ship,
war built, kit borextmonilaary magnitude aad
jjto antiripatlon* eeaaccttht with her hsd reused
tortiht h* prtre, reads a shook for beyood the
ee«B*«rekl ekss, among Um great
na* *rko are ia the habit af watoh-
l«*d enterprise ia
ho waa a ackatif-
v > leant from Iter
On the 80th at November the Russian fled,
from Kebastopol, under Admiral Mschinofl"—
twenty-four «il —appeared off the Turkish hur- ,
r— ■■««■ . ibor of Sinopc, where Vioo-Admiral () mnn Iky
my wt coinmeotl to the Minition of our rtftUom j luj with fourteen Turkish wu'l. A bottle im-
tks arttol* from th* Kdisburgh Herlew, on Hsliom-, mediatoly commenced, but the batteries of the
stoats* in Was tare Asia. It la foil of information Turk* heing of no
of *sp*aial Intersst uow. It wss so Isngthy how*,- ("feed the harbor.
•r that w* found oursslf cemp*llsd to curtail it.
kev in its terms.
The fnbthiic Porto Is rcpirteil to linro rcfus- to light with regard tn this alliauco, indicating
cd to agreo to nn armistice, but mnsenta to send that tho emperor of Russia has long been pre-
n representative to the projK>sed coufcreuco. 'paring for the preseut crisis.
Ti c Emperor of Ilnssia is also said to have n,, BatUe ef Biaep*.
consented to send an envoy to tho conference. letters from Odessa of the 8th December
The loss on both sides in the recent attack,Male that a 00 gun ship belonging to the Ras-
' sinn fleet wiw destroyed at the nattk of 8inop
but of which no mention was made in tho
upon Knlafat, was statod at 4000 men
The latest advioea from China, state that a
Hreat forcc, the Ituaaians
lie Turks, it Is said, fought
battle had taken plncc at Ainoy between tho In
snrgonta and tho Imperialists, in which th* for-
mer wcro defeated. They continue, however, to
Ws lt.rn that RlohM Uesls, an old snd wtll
I f transports were hat; aud soverel thousand men
•sua. a. * ""NTMl"; for *Mfctor. l tsr-1 bava perished. Oimau Iky, tho Turkish Vice-
re Uf as usual, U on ear toM*i contains "Nstlonal 1 Admiral, token piiaonor. " " "
Oallsry, A UU*r frnm Ura HnutiVanh. Ths Nareot-1 '"h *hip* had, beaides the
•to ** IMalie lat Part 111, A tow Mors words on I lrooP* on hoard, on thoir
de.ner.tcly, and would not surrender, but W- ""7,7"' uo,ca,c" f "f t0"".nu
t J on with desperate bravery, till one ship af-* h°,d nn"
tor another of their fourteen was sunk, blownI„ oonseqtteuee ot thoi nsiimcti
up, or burned. Thirteen woro destroye<l—but! tbo llussisn authorities have pkc„
friratos!"^. JfJl.^°n Turkish | tho Provinces under martial kw, including lkss
'rig*to*, two corvettes, one steamer, and three arabia and Kherson.
ciul bulletins. Tho Aidde-Cauip of tha Turkash
Admiral died at Sobsatopol. Tne Admiral him-
known «r m.. i „ -- —««wn, mown f lu coiisequeuco ot thci nsumction in Crimea
dars u T^3' UU,J * ,*w "P' °r burn^ T1.1.U',.0<5U *oro destroyed—but | tho llussisn authorities have placed several of
daysslae*. in a renooatrs with the ov*mer of Mr. ,mc remained to tell the tale. ,Seven Turkish i' Kn Pm.1^ „.,j„ i.i i:._. ..
Joa*s wbo beegkt ■**!•'• old place. ''-
Turks in Oretfto. 1
Tho Turkish army had crosscd the fruutiers
<ke—A TaU of
UaUsrslty Reform (concluded), Rapping Um Ques-!* q« ntity of money to na,
" ~ wn Magic. Rtal snd ld a!l „ . T^ rk* burned 0
n Magic, Real snd ld a!l„ . , x «• . ™> unuinm vnruvau (: i.wnwi
oreaty, The Quiet Heart; Parti. Russia and Tur- B-of-ba lo ships, three 1 wos abandoned by the Russians or their approach
self had n limb amputated, and at last accounts
Was lying in a dangerous condition. The Turks
estimate the loss of tho battle of Sinopc st twen-
ty millions of piasters.
Mors Levies for Resets.
Two now levies of recruits for the Russua
army have boon made In Pokud, and 18,000
men have thus been raised.
Aid for the Turks
&Mh of the Turk- j of Uoorgiu, aud at (fie last sccounts were toiireh'l , It 5
crow, ei|jht hundred, mg upon Teflis, tho capital of that country. I . '? ilin! ' f,'r ,1.- Turkish nrnn
way to Cirresaia, also, They wero recivod by tho Oeorgians with welcome % Tsmpsst in tke Bteek tea: t
y the fleet. All is 1 everywhere oh tbeir route. There lias been a violont tempest in the Black
or sunk seven of the | Tbc1 Turkish forces <>ccUpic<l Olruvau ( ),which , *.«, during which oighty merchanU vessels
wero loat.
[r>r' tw0 "retners. The remainder of j Tho recent report oif tho defeat of tho Turks
i°J,that U Iat ,ho bnUl" of ( now doubted, u is
Xagland Minis try:
- liallCs
i only unk mirn!
The difficulty «n the Rritiali Cabinet has beoa
r, tkat n battle waa fought atjPtoohod up, aud l^ord Paluierstou has
that place, with considerable slaughter. j nk otteo.
_1 a m. ^a, ef tke Steaaier tea Vreaetoe*—MD VMnsktot
Knw VOsk, Jan. 18,—-The hrlg Ktbbj arrived her*
wlUi llio sad. intalligenea
The battle htftco, ccrtain, however, tkat a battle wan fouvt.i natch cd un. ami l^ord Paluierstou has resumed
h consid
Hnta ai
hp* occti
I England ... nvmiinvu ui wa: I lo-Oav
Turkey, k aaid to have been caui- j San rraiu^eco bad foondcrcd at eca, an the 5th last..
that th*
th* HtoUl* Vallsy
k t night'* wall we learn that Q,nl tl^fo. rT^.8ul, " °fTu,rkaJ[. '« **"«-«, has no ideau A1,nruro ^ ^"Sl'ro,UtioM uf
Wtth something of national danhasretereedfoomMealeotoeommuakatedl- !ll^' '"f 1 ■ <! "fleeing into the'^ and England The dcclaretWn of wa:
ttotlv with our Qovarmnetit ... ,, depths of A*ia., Ho 1,1 building a new nalseo 1 a^ainrt.Turkoy, ie aaid to haTe been caus --^_r — ...
tieatv for Um umU. rA u ^ h1* 7!",gBd b' "•""'hUio ttnUttrr thus dow-ribca: "Thowkco 1ed ^ *" itlsult Twe,v*d from the British Am-I"'1 <«" l^ndred end forty of her passengers tost
••Hp for th*p«rehaa* of theMecllla valky, which is of atone and marble; the woA Ibasgador Ueirlire*. Among the lost arc Col. George Tayljr
r. i uLT"* ("r""U -°^1 r<it Mwlwa. n- odihmM; (Im ftuitsm numd* «W ,h. Til1' BrilWUCoMul M Jamy, ku a ^ ^
*Me«nti egfttktod o be paid Is somesihere aUmt "nd m,ut have a facade of upward* of one tbftu- ti ^ 1 ef War ; the pawengers saved, The hark Three Bills heato-
$20,01)0,000. Tb* nnrehaait of H>u 11 ■ nd feet; tho alttiatlon is exiiuUite. TKr ,,.1 . Rnaaaitot tlovernmont has notified all for so arrived with some of the Saved, and tbo riM*n-
aa of frem'our tola>iM0 b ,tkJf «*«^a^* WitU^Tbi chimlty fkJS "'"'th'H "hip" for.T®fki"b
'KsSSSS SSBfcOS* * - ■1 H =w
*k , or wk*tk*r our
iTT y.(V<wtiw' ,f hreonto* ear own territory It wlU
"7™"' ml ha in " ••*.! ib. *.
■ j .. .
jjftv+e -r ^
"hat the toL Ro.
J#o South
lof th*orewwere
* w^toa
•to h* dlA*alt to paotoet, and tke ladkn* wUl be
IA. TWre U MhlblUag at Waabte«lMt«
ypim, we(tWn< Mg pow*. ^ %
Mkw f*a«*. It yaare eto, weighing M pouada.
■*- Waa*kae> k4^itoir la tohli «*■.
O^W. fltoyth for a pap*r ^ Tuba*to tort, t*m
VwritefeANo. W* shall b* pkasMl to dUtri-
hutotptogtteMe of oar friends who will earefM-
ly auhhratr. '
n*4k*. 4.0. Brown was,mi th* 7lh teet. *toc-
■ . to*.
™ theBMiiofthe ah',0ttgh lh"y **3 Un"
II jnamelM slate exquiaiiely punted
Tho pn
sud pointing,
native*. The baths
ton alabaster. Tbo roof is
veto balk and
wtoly manner in
tod by Italkaa
ted np with
^ 1,1 ^ palaces^and
only th***, are oovervd with that netol. The
fcawia of tb* pake* contains
*• thren.or lout hundred woi
„ .floor, °"""prises U is stated positively, that Kosauth left Loo-
*ted up in a most don, on the 28d of December, for Ceostaatlao-
intini. **ecu-
are It- _ freasa ail *-■«—j- _
The report.haa been circulated that the sia-
renty of I«uk Napoleon m bis allknce with
Turkey was dirtrustodU Eti^kud. Thk h*a
reared great indt«n*ti* h Pi^mrithn French
,!,n*t ^aa conM<lered it expedient to make an
explicit denial sftote obargo.
so arrived '
der sre on board the Skip AnlarcUe, bound for Liv-
erpool. The Captain vkad erew are among Um tov*d.
Those who wore lost were srasbed overboard.
^^"Vtut, Jan. 10.—Crittenden kelected
TJ o Democrat* voted for Oov-
vote stood, Crittenden 78;
1T. 8. Senator,
lernor Powell.
Powell &&.
SJ im!
Tito rivet k a* low if int knrar than it has
toi«fcW Uto* during the ssaeon. It was
p*^UMl.rk*h.dtokM,pteceahov* S
#08 was paid for ttoebere' wagre tke pato>ear
. Elver
Cimwwti, Jsn. JR.—Th* river hers is still tto-
lag, aad haa swollen 14 inches during the paat 94
hours. J}, ...
' >«tt*Str*0. Jan. 14.—The river her* Uaewrkte
rapidly, with 18 feet fl Inches water la tk* eh*SW*i.
The Allsghtnr and the Monangaheia are to*k «re-
niag oat.
. 4*h. 1ft.—Ths nomtnatlbiu'df^Mr. RedtoM and
other collectors bav* b«aa *ent in to th* 8ea M.
The Pope's nuncio, Bedlal, Is In Wsshlnjtost
Tiir llAtirna.—For tb* last four jmn Ik*
Harpen bate published, on an avenge, twenty-
five volume* an lour (or ten bow* a day, tore
from three to fburthmManif pe*on* haw* obtela-
ed a livelihood from their empkqMto||s ^
to Mwt
<«s T"- 'T'
LRTTKBR uf adwlnktration ds km
the will annexed,
undersigned ky tbc Bon'.'^o'T^lv Coart *f
Bed River County, on th* 12th day to <
ketant, «R persons having claim* agalhW toW **-
tatc are hereby notittod to present tkaaa, witkk
Um tmse pr**eiib*d by law
■> Mtl il
M^jrerets par aatre, to as**
Are'fJUA, 1M4. m.
i "—'•**) -r>-~y---..- — '-T :
urta- 4
Jsaaary iftik, igj|
! '4 ■ I _
l\ *a *seell*at •rilete and cbre* aire * kig* tot
, * BUsksto sf *H kinds, st II W
tlllM. ft Bros.

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De Morse, Charles. The Standard. (Clarksville, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 13, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 28, 1854, newspaper, January 28, 1854; ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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