Inventory of the County Archives of Texas: Number 62, De Witt County (Cuero) Page: 15

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15 Historical
Boundaries (First entry, p. 25)
Boundaries of De Witt County, as created for judicial purposes,
were as follows:
That all that portion of the counties of Gonzales,
Victoria, and Goliad, comprised within the following limits,
to wit:
Beginning at the corner of a quarter of a league
of land granted to Jesse M'Coy, on the north-east bank of the
Guadalupe river; thence, in a direction north seventy-five
degrees east, to La Baca county line; thence, with said line
of La Baca county, down, continuing the same direction until
a line, running south seventy-five degrees west, will cross
the Guadalupe river at the lower corner of a league of land
deeded to Luciano Navaro, near Price's Creek; thence, continuing
the same course, to the Coleto Creek; thence, up said
creek, with its meanders, to the fork of its main branch;
thence, north fifteen degrees west, to a point, whence a line
running north seventy-five degrees east, will intersect the
river Guadalupe opposite the beginning co rner, be, and the
same is hereby, constituted a separate district for judicial
and all other purposes, with the like privileges enjoyed by
the inhabitants of the several counties of this Republic, except
that of separate representation in Congress, which shall
be regulated as heretofore.66
Boundaries of De Witt County, as legally created, were as follows:
That all the territory comprised within the limits hereinafter
prescribed, shall form and compose a new county, to
be called the county of De Witt, to wit: Beginning at the
lower corner of a survey of one fourth of a league of land,
granted to Jesse McCoy, standing on the north-east bank of
the Guadalupe river, in Gonzales county; thence, running
north, fifty-one degrees east, seven thousand three hundred
varas; thence, running south, thirty-nine degrees east, fortysevGn
thousand varas, thence, running south, fifty-one degrees
west, seventy-two thousand varas;' thence, running north, thirty-nine
degrees west, forty-seven thousand varas; thence, running
north, fifty-one degrees east, to the place of beginning.
The boundaries were re-defined as follows:
That all the territory comprised within the limits hereinafter
prescribed shall form, and compose thie county of DeWitt,
to wit: Beginning at the lowAer corner of a survey of
66. T.A., Feb. 2, 1842, .Gamrmel, Laws, II, 761.
67. T.A,, Mar, 24, 1846, ibid., 1324.

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Texas Historical Records Survey. Inventory of the County Archives of Texas: Number 62, De Witt County (Cuero), book, January 1940; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed May 4, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

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