The Mineola Monitor (Mineola, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 41, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 7, 1888 Page: 1 of 8

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<W!S<Ww,Pu*'' "J'MM ' ' V
Advertising Rates
! made known' on application.
■ 81..X)
. ' Wit
NO. 41.
i ear. .. .
• nto . •. : Vvntljs
Or.e Of.IV.r .Mout'uB
Liberal i>l««'Onn1s fu
The Pension Plunk.
To the Labor On:an
h. uakt.
ha fi r
41 'k r:>'
T. t'UADoot K.
i iliADiXK!K.
Union !jnl>oi'Nntioii!il Plntt'orni.
General discontent prevails onj We demand the passage of aser-i
, I the part of the wealth-producer. | vice pesuoon bill to every honera-i
ri;e Monitor .ins been reading,, fanner* are suffering from poverty j bly diaohtrged soldier and nailer |
with amused smilea your IVantic y/hicb hi s foreed mos* of lb em to i of He United fciatev
Law, | ef'ovf«
tin tiie
t notify 'lie' Derision plunk : mortgage their estates, and prices i
Union Labor platform,! ol products aiu so low a* 10 otter 110 a graun
•• lieJ except through bankruptcy
'l'sv,cti • > n '■ . .'>lt
rousts ox' me SUto
HIKi Federal iWtll'ltl J !
> • an. s , . ' , i relief except through bankruptcy
(adopted at Cincinnati on May 16th.; Uborer(1 ^ „iukin* ;,lto
nnu' ;,Vr ! v°" noi expert t' gull1 dependence. Strikci; ore resorted
Tyler. i the people of Van Zandt county by I to without bringing roleif, because
i : . cA't
Attorney - at Law,
,Y. . .'I'KXAS.
j the pc..r„ j ,w
any such chart aa you have crowd-! of the inability
of employers in
led" your columns* with eihee the!ca8PB to ,Pa-v ,ivinS
■- ... i whne more ami more are driven
| Democrats promulgated their plat
(format St. Louis. Now, honest
jly, do. you recognize any difference
.ted income tax i the
The leader in Quality of Groceries
Hi cr
mi*' cpn* vble system ol laxution, iqwij 1/vyy> "Dw r%r\c,
placing tn burden of government'anQ lOW FriCQS.
on those itv>c cdh best afford to j
|^;«d' prSiSf j paid for country produce.
ing millionaires. bondholders «usd|
into the street.. Business men find
collections almost impossible, and j > sisiiKti s-iaiks skxatk. ^ jTHKY MKT IN CONVENTION, equitable rates everywhere estab-
mc&ntimo hundreds and millions | We demand a constitutional | i lished.
people 1
lies. \i a
oon'TllACT l.AIIOli.
Offers fass professional l".!,''e I between the pension laws at thov : of idle public money which is need-j making United States
sople ot Wooo and 8nm>unuj«g mih-i ur.-vt-u uu. j.'.u.iou n uy | , , 1, ,e. , . - . . , nt
■ iv. all the rourts ot'|now ()Xj8t H,i(j t'ne j„)n^on jiuv; ed f' r releif is looked up in the | - i
tin- redei'iii court ai .. United states trensurery or placed
; proposed by your rotten Cincinnati | without iutercst in fovJor(,d 'banks,
; platform ? Is tnere no distinction j in grim mockcry of distress. Land j We demand a strict enforcement i
j between the piinciplc aud policy • monopoly flourinhtM hv never he-|0f]^8 proliibiting the importation j
f of giving ft pension t/> «oldiern and| fln(' nnor^ pwiioi'^ ol the ^oiljof of foioign oountrien un
I sailors who have been disabled in f0 <Uil-v4 }>fC0,ninK Ur^' .Wnftn
transportation corpoiations still I
\v. a.i <
Aitwiiif) -
M * V vo' \
- Lft >v
It. STAt'l'OikD.
AttOT-C; " at " Law,
A M A>
ReaS Sstnte Agent,
• M:.NW>LA, T:;XA?;.
3. No aliens should be allowed
direct vote o! | The So-Called Farmer**, Jitoi k ,o own or hold real estate in this
Kaisers nud fjaborerM Jlenl thate, or in the United States, and
l i Convention at Fori j that all lauds now held by foreign
Worth. 1 syndicates or individuals be alien-
, uted within five years to actual
I >phn settlers by sale or otliorwise, and
The bam, old Lreui of Jirokcu-, tb1V(, no fuvther grants of public
! Down, Politicians' llauflnfl on i . i... i. t_ ... 21*
succeed in extorting their profits j
'the service of their country, and
| thus prevent
I a livelihood
| giving a pension to an abl« bodied. I^e become an open scandal
]ha!c, hearty and healthy man?I
I The Democr
evented from earning a on watered stock through unjust). 0 uomanu >.ie pasea^
tod, and the principle of I charges. The United States sen> ,.SU 4, ^
...... i. _U1.. i is.j 1 tttfi lias lu'cninn an mwn amuidftl. i Wli* ...iibOi.UOiv OXclUde
Ctl 1N Kd K.
Wo domusid the. paaeage and ert-
legislatioi. hp.
Politicians' Hanging on
ith Ihf Vain f for (tjfiee.
membership being purchased Infipr ,'rc"11 '-he Unitorl
woman sukvbagk.
amis Iib made to corporations.
' 4. We demand that a conatitu-
! tional amendment be submitted by
• vcltub" tho Phi I him. rakmmk mwonrnovi v- «I'L'mf1 United States Congress to the
itod stftt'Bs. j
States senators and postmasters
Ok' mpparo, who was <*AI.T.Kit
1 estly administe
i w s enneted
ciatio party hasbut hoii-ip0j)U]ar wjjj_ Various efforts are! The ri^ht. to vote is inherent in ' " tounnHr.." | elective by a vote of the people.,
mistered the law as it, are designed to empty the treasury j citizenship irrespective of sex, and' I p, ~ — * * *
Will urtu'tit'pi in aii itie eourks of ill** , , . . .
sevVnU JndlMat IHstrlet. SpedaJ. ot. | *"d .Mist prmnple c
tentlon slveu to collections of all kinds, j teeing to the dissbied «■
tentlon «,
Rcnnttances juomptly made
Attorney - «t - Law,
by the rich in open defiance of the
ular will. Various efforts are
designed to empty the treasury | citizenship irrespective of sex and; ^ For some time past, the remains' 5* We fiivor the enactment of a
upon the time lion-! without paying tlie miblie debt, is proprrcv vithin the province oft ... . ..... , tnational uauiy law.
prmnple of ^uaran- ^ese and'other ulariuing | stat*. V^aiion. .ofUie W^o convention of '•Stork-; «.• We demand a free ballot box,
ti«Hoied -oldiers or i conditions we appeal t he people, otj • rAKAmount issues , raiders, Fanners ami f,nbor?rs" j a count; Mi{\ that tampering
l„r„,,SM-o-oMW-!rr cmmtr^.t0 com* uaL The pa. amount issues be|have h(ifa tht4,?tel n« 5n|with bfi,,r>t ^ ^ waiaUtoW
, 1 . " . i ty orgaiuijafions. whoso mdifrrrenee UoWed Mm Mcrobtj of liuiaanitv convention again and iuui named one of the gravest of crimes.
" - o£the public weliare ^ tjf0 Fort Worth as tho poiutof meeU 7- Jcmad Ui. immediate
lor this distress, nnd aid the Union . . i • > . , , t iMiyment oi the national debt at iU
Labor party to repeal existing gj H LJ value.
partiS fo" creaUni itl SSetua i ^'"Stn ProSrame a of ihwn j H. We are in favor of &t
Hn«; ib«'«.. monstrouu evils. i got there, but not all. Kesslor, of) unlimited coinage of silver.
r _ Will also t ,
buy*au<l «'' rent'real estate and in- i an t
vestigate land titles; render nnd ra71 who have lost their live- in the j o£the public welfare is lesponsible
taxes on same. j service, a reasonable support. But
| you: party, in your olatfoim, goee
f'nr beyond C V wii Republican greed
i&tid proposes to punsioa all of
• 'em—fugitive slave soldie;, foreign
fclttss legislation and relieve the
distress of our industries by estab-
lishing the following:
| Democratic .Kudlctnl
New Hrannsfils, of Republican j We demand a graduated in-
arc in lavor of a well
fame, lenigged and refused to Come | co"|"
Priw'ti*'®** in thw District, Courm of hireling soldier, who did not fight! . i ijunveuuua. ii..i mil *" " *or oi n wen
Wood and surrounding counties, and in | ( ,f f rmT)iTj but for what j VV 'ul.t we thnt. t,hp,. V™?' A < 'onvntion of the Democratic | p ^ , i * j -«guIated system of public achools,
du Suprcnie and Federal couite of the, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | er solution of th^finaiicial diHtresH ^ q( []m 8evcnth Jwdida! m_ j Broyloa and Stump Ashby were on • 8S upon the edmiaiion of the mass
Surgeon Dentists
j saiary h« got and for what he eould j wjjj greatlv relieve those now in
~ js'wwil from the down-trodden South, j douger of losing tlieir lioines by
MX A SON K- «own-,™n™ nouui.; aauger ovumng u.e.r ^meB ,7 by called io meet at Wills Point, ficc seekcis >
SON «* ©ON, J \oui. pkttorm proptses to add!mortgage loreelosures, onu enable ^ 2anJ, (,out|l T on were not so i
lentlsts, Jovvr on, huudicd and tidy Wednesday, Angu/>th, 1888, for ths ^y
j lions of dollars to the ta* buroens | jr8^n we • lanH monoPoly ^ often.
! «ons of dollars to tU tax burdens |
, . j. j Oi th& fcoutli iUid tliu Southern ho)- j... pvitv form (It'iiiaiiitl tlie fori^i
All work wrrrsnted and satnrfaetion , j in every 101m, uuuaiui ine mrieu-
guaranteed Plato work a specialty, dicrs, imd •io TtTidows tuiu ofpnaita I tire of unearned grants, the limit-
Sffiwj OVM Co OiKi,.tiv« B'uitp. ,cf «A „ ProP.;Urab i™,por.r7 rhairnan. It I >J
I bravely on a tnonsand baitie fields: i °;' °,r ^.9 j i, .f' eily come before said convention. . . , . , n •, , i 'aws-
r .. . m i , , ulation in lands and holding it un- • >>* n , .,T j was not the shorn Lamb Oi ",<iiid|
why *• added burden ? ^ i used from those whose ueeessities!
.person to a horde Cv I reo^iire ii. We believe' tho earth
' bravnh
party of the Seventn .itimetai ms-j;—V".T —-.-v _
triet of the Slato of T«xa« is liere-iiliinJ, wiUi |>erhap« a few other of- es depends the hope of Hie uoun-
s Point,! ficc seekers who had got left, but,j^ry ^ perpHtiiity of our 10-
o well knowu, owine to tinstitution*!.
. it . , * | II. We are in favor of rotation
had not got lelt HO in office, and are opposed to third
the purpose of nominating eandi-
dates of «i'd party for the ofiictfsj
of Diatric and District At- About eighty delegates aasem-l 12. We are imquaHfiedtr op
torn*>v - district, and fori bled, and elected • man named i P0!M"' the change or rej eal of
1 | our present homestead exemption
bs. We favor the pao*>a^e of
'bodiml men who served in s war j was made for the people and not
Wiiiftboro, Texas.
.Indicia' Dipt, j county lie serins liav# «Jiaap.; -ompulsory arbitration laws by
peared front toe ptTv1! 11 ...i.: -i. .. :—a —j — •>
was another memb«.'
j require it. ^ We believe the^jiartlij Tyle", In!"'J, 1888 j peared from the public ga/*. It j whieh a jwat and speedy settlement
nnber oflhat meok 1 oiffrirenees «>an be had between
I corporations and their emplo t
j and the repeal of all laws that
Situated in the centor
rtess portion of
1 defeat. As a matter of plain jut? ;
the bu«t-[tiee, the South has uncomplaining, j
First Jly paid her pari, uf the Uixation
e)aS8 accomioo«U'<,ion^ and reason-1 winch goes to pay pensions to in-}
abio prices. i valid soldier^t ?.nd to ♦.hose made
W. F. W 11.1'JAMS, (widows and orphansb> the war ou|
vl l-n40-ti Pioui'.etoi. Union i. dc. Jliit woen ii-.
1 cornea to robbaiy for which there I {be poopl
Iis no precedent in history and no i postal system
I loan elation i.. principle, when i j
| roll/OS u*- iocilitiiy >]. bjh':
♦ ion ♦,<? nh who
. . , , , , 30th ciay of June, 38SS, do declare
dents or wtisons ■diou'.d not be al- th , ' r!u(jrf„'
lowed to own lands in the .United'
exempt, it
10 rbomeXad ^ b, t ^ ^ j apoke; and seeing be had no oppo-
IV , „ ir rartv. )ii Ui« tint- A 1 A i_- \
t*. (*> a limited e I<•!)i. trom e* ■ i • / f, f . . r-, • ! sttton no rm to reply tc him—he
lomai i rm!.'tiuo .i ct. 4ajuih. . , . ,
nor taxation. land trcbeailiJ- en'tiorao ou. State! "aiied ,nto tho democratic party.
Tf* .*
fJ ii^ in C0iv0iV«<r.i*fcv>«>ti HUO i
' pluiiWin .'.idopled ui. "Foil Worth, j andmadejliia'pldsisl speech of A T).
transportation snail
tTUm ,X
is 5 Co I!:
b>;^il by ! the per,
United SUesJ^srrir e^-rr..^', by supporting
j at the ii i-'iei box s e.d on " ■ i other
occasions th" v.oin' ot the party
to assist in lo3C, when he was chasing around I
• „ .,/innvf •
geiiei-a- -nvita.; Tho establishing cf a nationa!| uy avo*.
appened to fight j monetary system in the interest ofjnioualy fc.-idome >
| for the Union ' mit Seigel," ' aa i ^e prndtvwr, instead of the npofto-ifo, Congresa f.
i ,i , i., • ••. ! lato*-and nunr^r. b" v.'oieh th" cir j o,;r >. lub
,.w c tTD., jvu • p..hC. i." ine j Du,dium in necessary niian. i voting mcmbora. "ndc
,e Ux tt'ifdeneo, unpensmnen J tity and lull legal tender, «hall be is- i cou:<!? it,,. j.rjvjf 0]- ^
welljas cverybou/ else, m trie tin.iue
iof toe
1 . - * • •
i Southern soidtsr *he Monitor en-j«ue<l directly to tliooeoole without Jit« de "*«.ei«<i
I M PORTERS, | tc'*H a eoleain proles., ealbi for ailhe inter •011U011 of buiific. and loan- j bo" jvirty
1 halt and asKs that the line jed to citizens upon land beouiity ati By motion
j alow rate of interest :;o as to re-1 instructed to
| loive them from the extortion
pLobab.y juaury and enable them to control J
i ,
| orawn.
; The Labor Organ
V .^tnil* <i ev
j not aware li>a. Jonathan Hussell[the money anpply.
i and Bill 'Farmer have been forced j dig* banks should b'
i ami wbile we have l'r< e coinage of' it
inrty i , — , , . , •? ii.t
1 gold we Hbould iiave !r".ti coinage day I
' to step dowr. and off their
Postal sav-1
"r 'flblisil"dj j
J. ii. tlUVi\
« .
I I FO PO i I ) I ' . . . ; .( ' - 1 goM >ve s
j * -1—'a v—j . a..« • | vo c-puli.-2, f itibvkK)i in, b i ^j* g||y^ji
1 p«
y i
, . , • . ,r. (.n inirn that <lo
eie< eu la h wax i beat equal!v uiion capital and
*« on platform. ; tabor, and the. enactment' of laws
Then tho eloquence gushed in j fo* the regulation of corporate and
our faith in the j torrents. Of course Bill Farmer I '•,""""nt..rr«M s-n ns to' protect the
" - " — - 1 _ j people against oppression and
M We demand that, nil rea* es-
tate held for speculative purposes
be i,; to the full amount si
whicb it js offered to purJiaaers.
this eoimtry after the greenbnek 1 'addition to the alatve, a reso-
doetrinc on his old v;hite mule, be-! waH adopted dernnodtng the
! fore his brcad-cloLi. and gold-invad-' revenue laws,
National | ed eaxe dayn. The pM« >b hnd -i | 1,<J one complimentary to
(' wo uiiam- < fo«/ '*?*!',nfimf'nts bvtnr.t mjinv. It ' ^fmion Ab.itin and^ tbe peo-
M. .las. H. Jones |^vould jUve possc l foi the ,.im« i l,:" "r'1,h (W?Ms') (list,let to
. I old H,.eeen. 'c>'' him ,l(' CongreBB.
the i Stump Ash by al&o spoke and Md : «>" rosvafrtos.
Since his I I'-va!: Jones. of Itrath conhty.
/. • . ! Governor.
tinsttcseaslto !■)*•■*> two year" Mi/oir, . -. .....
. AJ: II. *>■ tvviw ot I arrant. Lieutcn-
f l\,- was ! Ccl- Jnrv,!'; 'onnerly of this} al>,, Governor.
"•••vjv.'.'si liie i\fotdU v!county, for the btate Senate, be! G. W. G ers, Denton county,
b'lv. ! has kept moaiiy in the shad . The (Comptroller,
i Ch ;''pint" to Asbby:a jokes is tHM. 1VT« Fadden. Willi,>mson
' dull ' I couuty, Trtaaurer.
! i i,, . • i r tiM, t J. I'. Philpot, Miueotone eoun-
l Colonel mppard, of Hill coun-11.,^ f'ommistloner of Land Cilice.
m. Diun.cb.
Monitor in j a few obsolete jokes.
V> Union L*-
:-cu v. rroU'Ui.
■ i it v*;0 j '.Of jor lilt'.it
i a
i J\Dfi fo?! r '*r y*\
t it. Shame, shanic,
to s'an'j upon.'idiato application of
We. demand tbe iiuine- ilaya vn.w
«1 l
t It *125* u: A
i on
to uphold | in the United Stale*;
f j the payment cf the b
end eondemv; the lV.rt'
j ir.tere«t-bear:iig bond'
the rational govr.rm
/itiO'i ./al>or piHttlorrn 1
RysiiOl says lu;
cl'tfj lllulli..y i *
t'J orthiiry t j r
i.lcd dcV.'hc.., i
'T 0!*' t^V' "'1 *
rifh^r by1 ?*•" 1'*
'■if; man who j ty waa then itttrodue^l and made n j Ward Taylor, Marion county.
;/.ng the !• -. ^prv";ht pr har " )g*:tt. Judging | S ip«rfntejid<,Tit pt bl!c Instruction.
! from .the report of his effoit. wc! Wm. Chambers, Chamber noun-
. :\"i.'33 nuo i ii- • ♦•v. Attorney Genera,'
n,„,t < • wounl ai n mm up as a a«eonii cdi-. •,/ . '
^ • J. 0. Kearby, OailH« eounty,
' ■ Chief JuoMeM S't>/.'«iae Court.
i •« t i o (inc*.f) h. ^
|: of the pension grab ph
f I T,v i',ii a ocn^a.o to t-ba.
i frotri tbisi seel mo. i
i . ..'the national jrovrtui ;:t bv'
UOll k . . ° u, • * 1
The :
! i lat« •"
.... ...... i..
*i| f- 'jfJ/ •)# •
t< ritori"" or m'inteir a|iti« a
r. ncoountj !"VBl,u
lk: vot he! Arbitration should t!-.-
i* 1 finf** ot 'i*jr [}>}"
COPy*)ViMi>u j1 *- '• -• - •,'-
^ r> f
(>li« !H*ff I'lw of
7he lotting n-r
'tax burdened constituency, largely|bor to contracsois abo
otagnei «'•
on Winsbor
i-.iijr miles fro'-. '
qiu iitv Oi
Pine ShtngiCii. 1
s' Hawkm".
)t Foj r- A-('!cit"'v
Pine MMi
<et<oroe. a., in v.. m Hi; C0nip0j,, v.
-.nd H"wkina road i Confederae.y
■ti. Vlawkins. cut
" i. -soldiers
HI ii. ill©)?
widows and
hibited, and the contra.1
ir vivim,'! abolishyd on public >
5. . . hours of labor i:idu ti'..,'
:t:it me , , ,
• ,. . . • mcnt lie reuueert comcns
tiiiu | pioceedmg'i of mat coiivcntion
;rb"r dis-
or.vict ip.-
i)f ftt'v-
systein be
•'■'- • the
nv Organ
•••nip' and j tion of Col .lohuathan Kn°<"
{.qU^ty 11 '" O IU G
, and a^upid. !le .jaid be loaned
I-VI per tit., a month, and
di'tr't; tn get five per In th' b .ir, J
—.*1 ■ 1 a si i 11.. iy ilk •jiicbi. of ^ (>1. Jon a.,. <
;.h.- 'leg.', money at 2 1-Vi per tit., a month, at
o'.'t'd -ii'.' I jtCleveland 201. el^eted he bxtiw4'
, peri'ii'i.
! ed
' 'e.low
oi'ni.) -v
i ovev
(he increased productio
aiso a; reported in full lit their koran, the'aaving mnchinery. ""
' ' ' b.jdily ' '
A i i < hi t) r
,'ney ii* • o
and one a. ) "«"! Chicago E.
< where thi" rertim
i La'/OWP 'we to his feet
.... . i <1.. ai',ainat. this onti a^e
i njtinjtooii.
; 'Ui:- V) SQ(*NV
braggart ever
•tid protc.'!' •
''.0"h «otithere
Tl tW<-^!\ Cc.ui. .-Journal and. fp;< HYS?.«5rWA ad Liver Com-
,, .> i r,, , e a.ut, v.,u ut ve ti printer uuar&iitce on.
in. Monitc: "nb. Pr- ember ..:,, ; ViT . ffettj3 f,.^itaiiier. r;!trt,nrr-
y . /try
•>;vv for n i <j•"i*. U/i ij")T.vj
iioiov, ,i • rt .ntnr.".i no
.,*-, .... , ' * .
...... i . i •
:1,;."M —' '/" i by !'> 'A . t ■(>
Mon of 1 'blic ii ill
t'**rM!{; < • !4'. ' ] 'ft;,' •
Wl)') ittf ' U i V *• f 1 ! I if«• *\
V« li'fiH, j
rate With ; Ka„f,;ic. , .
"y lab/)r 1 the 1'rtmk
'• ?ro;
!,?UA'i?«rc ■ '
«mxos, |
'i killed on
(1 ^"d numb of
•U'-.da- . ,•
, ... i a for.". ■
ntelli-1 rt.
., , rflar.
v " y to
•; (f ^
)r in KO
• lion-
j. 'I hat tnc National
>ihouid tj-j ,ro; ihuc:>] and tnc
•-"Kn , i^,^,
Oiiilk I
I • !■,
i:i;i ! govornmo;
5 i 'other benhing "on onv
Jen a1 , ,. , • ,
Terrell I
quantities U> meet the
' drmands of t,ho ,; onlo.
1S8^, for orte doI5«rc «•
at once.
vib-rribe ' scv'.V faila to
| Arineti'cng.
h q 'M
.i I-.-
I'or sale l y K. ,V the i (lu'Htion which •.'nonld f*e se-1f'1"-
"ft r.'J Oliit.'; ' :.t..
i-'iic- ."audio
he io,
2. Tim means u ronimunicftt'on,
, cured to all by proppor legislation. | yoara star.uing.
T. L. Nugent, Kratl. . oimty, VV
1C. Iloiuan, Burleson county, As-
sociate JuoLicu*.
H-' W. (Jrecr. JcnVieoii comuy,
. H X-irt-hart, fort Uend «M n-
"(t'rr -- Con-t, of Appeals.
• ——J
Spealklng at Wf<lt i«r.
than. On Thn 'S«*v,y thft ?•'. 1
1 reporter! o platfo-m which jnvcr ; 0„ .^1(U1,.,.iyi j„ljr .,Ut> lhwrft
I wb: he a t> >ii.> ratio speaking at
! be dinner on
• ,i r r 11s< on no Speaking all dav.
iUkii'.U 1.4/1-1 I I- jil 0lull, lllili " *
in lieu thueof w , ('.'mo iihI thnt «•-.; Wesar« l>^G-aftonr>d, !'a1e, 8Uf-
govejoment hbal! iratie. at! money • Kn«««e!' and oi,tiers Iiave been
iPreci io th" peop • end thai he|jn •ite.l. and ,tlv> oandidaUs for
'' !'•) I ooiiiiiy oflices ai«' invited to epeak,
!>t4- t money aball bo a fmi legfti"Wide -'Tn* U" ° J^U>rI<os am also most
f liJt | anc1 should b' iv+Wi] ir; ruHi«;lcv;^ | r'>ri'
i:uitod to aoLend, bring
„ <".suarviont their Kpeakctv: and join in dts-
■""ic-in,; 'he issue.-! of the day.
i.hiU' of f,,n ' and Irabsporl&Uor. chould b« own- { 'I he bets in New York arc two
lua' ]' ' i ed an controlled by the people, aa to cut that Cleveland wili mnveed
lis the United Stateu postoflicc, and|himself.

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The Mineola Monitor (Mineola, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 41, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 7, 1888, newspaper, July 7, 1888; Mineola, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Mineola Memorial Library.

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