The Austin Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Ed. 1 Thursday, March 12, 1891 Page: 1 of 8

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i mm
1 It
r"rui J-9ior.M- Napoleon Dying at His
lvnlUiii n Nome Friaoe Victor
t HU Bedside.
I I -onMN tlaiob 8 The National Federa-
( ii-.w conventi'in opened in this city to day.
j .5 .vein McCar by presiding. A letter from
1 .iichb shop vVitlsh was read in which the
' aribbishop m'A that four-fifths of the con-
! st!i.uenc'.es wt-w ready to follow the lead of
Kilkenny ; I'ai nell's policy involves the de
t:-i:i:tion of liia work of the last ten years
Saltern of appioyal of the cou-se adopted
by tbe MC.t uiyites were read from Arch-
' bishop Ookf mid most of the bishops in
Ire:aud. Sir J'tionias Esmond secretary ol
the uu-ivmitii - slates that 115 orgaiiiza-
-tiouH bad sen! delegates. Letters had been
rrci'iviMt from liiuety other organizaiions
atii'i.i); ihitt 'heso organizations would
Auport M.;tVihy.
ill l.'ai..hv smd that the League bad al
lowed iiK-if io be captmed in a recreant
way by the " -rowbar brig-tde." The fed-
'eruiiim he t'ecl ired was well rid of the Na-
tio.-iai league It was thought by some
. thiif. Uiey bad waited too lone; tor the
Lt-.)- to Ihm action but they bad felt
.biii.ii.-; to li; 't on to the hope that the par-
ty Vfu'ild r main united for Parnell. For
tti.-iu he bil i o words but those of com-
in following a wrong course Parnell's
- rw lib lii.-i. n Uer of the Irish (parlianienta-
j) )ariv bii.t become sealed.
' Mr. 'I i os tii'iton membt-rof parliament
to.!' v Belli. st made the statement to
tbfl it?- t. tiiai during the Boulogne neg.i-
'.Aii' im r preventatives of the tutij rity of
'.S.v .(-jbu par.iamentary party offered to
!i' .v i ilio cbiiiriiiansliip of the party open
' 'a : .10 "' ii Parnell would retire tenipo-
i.ii. y In. in ibKt position
7 .t i ''iLioiis pioceededon this basis.
Tn lit-ll b leadership he said is no longer
v.jn the ran .e of political politics.
' (; ;s re' d to beliere Lord Salisbury
'.' wmi a m .! ile to the queen against
-?t;r v.'itod' mi regard to iht relations be
'; .- .tvi.'inv and Frahtie The queen
tsUo: ;.';. d. r'j; :ed the kaiser in his greiv-
- (; !i a irie French and announced
b:t ' i-i . (' i ' f abandonine her visit to
pari:- .iv ?i:ipree Frederick nceived an
p-.l'-.y 'r.i'i: tiie French government for
thi r. ..ic . 'M shown her in Pans. Lord
f.i:-i'!j li'wt-ver succeeded in inducing
.ti e i.i.fe:' t" oarry out her original pro
(?fn:i fK! ';;ivi: fitnpress Frederick out of
t!i . - ! k' the empress therefore re
tt'..- 'i.ii'.iiy instead of accompanying
hi- .i. ; ii- v ..- iad beeu arranged. The in
-n ; itv. i: J ised great biiterness in court
;i . :; w;i". . i ; intensitted by the knowl-
ed: ' b:u :;o '. -ince of Wales has had a
? .-i- ! 'i '..iii . i with bis mother on the sub-!-:'
's.ue !'ortnn it is believed the ar-
'j .1 -A-.i of ' Salisbury.
!. . : . M-.?ch' 10. The blizzard in
Olivi a ;. iid continues though the
' i i .t iii ! ndoii is mild. The snow
.1t'.';s 'lire stopped trafflo on the railway
' !)! .-i'tii coiii;ry roads.
L; .ui '.'tioi it the damage done by the
mori i:e Tb ii-ies has commented to rise
' io . l;oit:-rGL" .y rapid manner and al-
. !.-;'' y :i;i ii(iun'sthelowiiiig aisinci oor-
.lni!.K on Hie iverfrom Kichmond down.
'Tbo yintii croo-srs at this city nd elsewhere
' -.-are ulst iril. suffering from dearth of veg-
!abl. s. elfl .i U wagons coming from the
nco ii- ad iound lor London and covent
'.p'.rlet: iiav --'en snowed up along the
.Voi. l.i ii-adu p into the metropolis and
.. fivi.o. t:vis i.t.'I rise in the price of such pro
Aiai' i may u looked for during the nexi
. - ! y i. vv "k about the various docks
-i'i'n.'.l uo.'ut London has been partialis
-'Sva'if.'..-.M o ; tic to the mass of snow ac
' .mi';: tut ' it the docks and ships.
;.; '.utb Devonshire the snow storm
..-t i :.i .im its violence. As this dispatch is
;iM'.. Vi bi -ailroads are blocked an
n!) '.. :t i r i bi .iid from Soulliamp'on for
!'o i1m. kii'ired up at some unknown
.. k'. i s s ' l Channel Island have been
ui !. muw from all communication
(-.tii i . ;i oilier. At Lydl a vniall sea
Von is wi Kent whi e the coast guard
laris-iisn.i: Mug to the rescue oi an en
nVii r. i v.h cl the boat capsized ana sev-
ufi'i o(' H- in: l it occupiints were drowned
fiar tia-iiii t'S Sussex county anoibei
o;.iii. r b- : o sn caused by the blizz r I
ai.o five liaiii-.. smacks have been wrecked
tu ii .'pr.vii.i! a large number ol poor ttsb-
trim n 9 fjioi.ii'8 of their only means ol
arnit.g !ive:ihod.
Wl.ii" ;: fihing boats were being
weoke-l ibree lisbermen were drowi.ei the
otlterii l.'an-iv t leaped with their lives. In
.adi :'oi. t j'niins already referred to as
lit nvici in. -je'eral were blocked in the
vic;t in diiTeient places along the various
inu-sM' railways. In all cases passengers
D'i ut) -red Acutely and several persons
are nni'ig "''d believed to have found
dejLiin snowdrifts in which they have
tiHC-t: r.iuvbl while endeavoring to reach
pla'' of f!ner. This afternoon only
vKitiT'' telf-pratns have been rec- ived from
TArjiMif: pans of BnxUnd and Wales. The
Ui.r -. ;;! 'iiding to these dispatches are gen-
r.A.liy bb ckei.l.
i) t :itrbes fom Sbeerness received this
afiiT!!'' n say that passengers bound for
lf.unt' (''im l ie cotitiii' nt have been lore
d to stop al Sl-.eerness. trains being unable
to -rc-ed Any fun her on acc .unt of snow
wl ici i lorKs. Traffic on the Great Western
-f.:uny is C'li.oletely blocked and trains
or In .1 ro-.o w.'iich were caught out in the
srorin .ire uiowsd U" at diffetenl points.
A i. p : :t from H:irwick brings infor-
i'!.'. 1 1. i.iat the yacht Soppshire owntd by
l ii.pi.f tilasnow has been dnvm
agliMM cbrre during the gale. Mr. Mac-
l.aue fhedispaich adds was wasnea over-b-.
fi :i.'.d drowned. Information has been
WP.-U-I..1 from Cardiff this afternoon to
yig : ut ii al the storm rages in that
v3:gbbo:ViC3ii with unabated force and se-
deriiy. and it is already known that muc!
amage has been done and it is expecte 1
bat wnen the s"ow clean awiv it will b
t'ound that the loss is exceptionally lar;e
A dispatch from Dover a'o received thi
tfternoon states that the Admiralty piera
hat place has been so battered bv th
waves that huge stones weighing so much
as 10 tons a piece have been displaced and
that blocks of iron weighing 2 tons each
have been carried away bv tn violence of
he angry wafers. Added to the list of
lives already known to have been lost is
nat oi a man who has been found frozen to
death near Uorkingston Surrey.
Ottawa Ont March 10. rrofessor Wig
gins weather prophet says thero is at this
moment on the north Atlantic and ap-
proaching the American coast greater
storms than any that will happen during
the remainder of this year or 'Mi.
There will be no earthquake beyond n
few shakes north of our equator durintr
these two vears. There will be some south
of the equator. Owing to jupiter's southern
jecliuation which is 12 degreess. liis large
right ascension in twenty two hours will
contribute greatly to the storm now pend-
ing. There will' be no great earthquake
with displacement in North America until
lui'4. This will 'ock the surface from Phil
adelphia to Prince Edwan's Island and
mav produce some damage in the maritime
cities oi the northern states and the domin-
ion. MEXICO.
Citt of Mexico March 10. The French
war ship Nariade Admiral Coven ille is ex-
pected at Vera Cruz.
William Landa Kscandon the new vice
president of the National railroad is a Sen-
a or.
El Nacional newsnaner claims to know
that MonsignorGuillow will be named arch-
bishop of Mexico though popular opinion
demands Monsignor Montes be Oca. The
Inter-Aceanic railroad has received zoO
freight cars from England
Rome Marob 10. Princess Clotilde. wife
of Prince Jerome Napoleon who is dying
at. his residence in ibis city t day brought
1'nnce victor his son to the suit rer s bed
side. Prince Napoleon recoeuized Prince
Victor and said "I am eo'iig; all is over."
I'livsicians in attendance sav that the
prince is in no danger of immediate death.
Bod a March 10. The chamber of mag-
nates bas passed the Sunday rest bill
which defines Sunday as extending from
the close of Saturday to 6 a. m. Monday.
SUPREME court.
Galveston Tex. March 10. The Su-
preme court today rendered decisions as
Affirmed Board vs. Bonner & Eddy
from Anderson; Jobe et al vs. Albre from
Gonzales; 8. A. & S. P. railway vs. Ruby
et al from Harris.
Reversed and remanded Pool vs. Muel-
ler Bros. Manufacturing company from
Walker; Ellis vs. Bonner from Harris.
Reversed and rendered for appellant
Flewellyn vs. Proeizel flora Harris.
Motion todismissovermled Norflect vs.
McCall et al from Gonzales.
The court approved the findings of the
commission of appeals as follows:
Affirmed Missouri Pacific railway vs.
White from Grayson; Bouner&Eddy vs.
Whitcomb from Houston.
Reversed and remanded Alexander vs.
Solomon from McLennan.
It is Reported Iloore and Cockrell Will Ge
Over to Gen. Palmer.
Sfbinofied 111. March 10. There is nc
longer a possibility of the election o
Streetor. Moore and Cockrell held a con-
ference and decided to refrain from voting
to dav. but that to-morrow after confer
euce with Palmer and fully defining their
posiuon to the public they would vote lor
Palmer. It this decision is adhered to it
will give Palmer the necessary 1(j3 votes to
elect. One hundred and fifty-third ballot
to-day: Palmer 101 Republicans and
Partners not voting. Adjourned till to-
morrow. The Republicans this afternoon discussed
the advisability of voting for Represeiila
live Moore tomorrow as the only means of
preventing the election of Gen. Palmer.
Sacramhmo Cal March 10 The first
ballot in the state senate for United Stutes
senator resulted: M. M.Estell2C. S. Fulton
7 Al. H. 1)-; Young 4 O. A Osrom 10 scat
it ritig 7. In the assembly the vote for Uni-
ted staies senator resulted: DeYuung 17.
fcstel 13. Blanchard 6 Feltou 6 Ostrom
(Lieui.)15 scattering 16. As there was no
choice in either branch of the legislature
both houses will meet in joint session to-
Annnal Meeting of Stockholders anil Election
of Directors at St. Louis.
St. Louis Mo. March 10. The annual
meeting of the Missouri Pacific was held in
the company's general office in this city
today. A total of 372 2.6 shares we e rep-
resented. Tbe following directors were
elected: Jay Gould Sidney Dillon Samuel
Sloan Russdll Sage John P. &unn Tbos.
T. Eckert A. L. Hopkins George G. Gould
John P. Moore D. D. Palmby Edwin
Gould of New York E. 8. Greely and S. H.
H. Clark of St. Louis.
The annual report of tbe first vice presi-
dent and general manager was submitted
to the meeting showing gross earnings of
the system during 1)0 to be $253704;
operating expenses $18002728; net earn-
ings $73'i7HI5; net credits to income ac-
count $i.2.j76u2. Total Burplus earning!
and income account credits $0.(io7.2L7: in
terest dividends etc. paiu during 1S90
$9204201; Dalance surplus. $401010. Only
two members will be present at tomorrow's
meetiDg of tbe board of directors and they
will adjourn the meeting to New York.
A Dude Arrested at a Religion Entertain
inent as an Escaped Convict at Fort
Worth State News.
Dallas March 10. The NortbwestTexas
Cattle Raisers' association which convened
bete today in its filteenth annual session is
one of unusual interest and is largely at
tended. The session was opened by A. I
Bush Jr. president of the association. The
report of the executive committee showed
that during the year 1421 head of stolen
cattle were recovered by the proteciive and
detective department of the association af
ter they had got beyond the reach of the
owners. These cattle were soio
for $14149 and the proceeds prorated
among the owners. There was also cut
from the trail herds 577 head f Btraved
cattle that were returned to tre ranch
amounting to $0924. The protective and
detective rules of the association were more
effective during the past year than ever be-
fore. The operating expense of the asso-
ciation for the past year was $14000. re-
ceipts $13400 leaving a deficiency of $-HJ0.
To provide tor d-nciencies it was recom
mended that 10 per cent oi all ca tie
caught and sold each year be appropriated
to meetdtficiencies.
Thirtv-one new members were taken in
during the year. Article 11 of the associa-
uon 8 consiiiuuon was auienueu to proviue
that in the future all applicants for mem
bersbiD in this association must own or1
control cattle and must render the same
for assessment to the association on becom
ing a member of the same. Article 12 was
amended to require the initiation fee of $5
and each member to pay yearly dues of $5.
Th vearly dues are required to be paid
in advance The treasurer shall retain for
the benefit of the association 10 per cent of
he proceeds of all cattle caupbl at nispi ct
ion points or otherwise and sold belonging
to members of the association and should
the business of the association demand it
an assessment shall be made on each mem
ber based on the number of acttle con-
trolled by him.
rue association aaiourneu io meet tomor
row morning r roiiunent cattle men are
present from Colorado Kansas Nebraska
Missouri Illinois and the Indian Territory.
That Fort Worth Is in the Hands of
FortWobth Tex. March 10. Several
ago Zyfried's jewelry store was robbed of
diamonds and watches to the amount of
$2000. Today it was learned that Zej fried
has recovered from the thieves through
third parties all of the custom watches
stolen from his place and also a portion of
the new goods. In order to get back what
goods be has recovered Zeyfried bad to put
up about S3GJ which money he paid into
the bands of third parlies. The
value of the goods returned is
over $1000. Zeyfried is not inclined to talk.
He says: "1 don't think it is sale tor me
to make any statement about the matter
because the fellows might waylay me and
kill me " It is now thought that the B. C.
Wells $2500 robbery of last night was the
work of the same gang that robbed Zey
fried's house and that an attempt
wid be made to return the good
on tbe pavment of a small
parr of their va a. . Two rings evidently
dronoed bv the thieves were returned to
Ft n WeliRtndav. Mr. Wells savs he bas
already been approached by a man who
stated that he knew who committed the
burglery and if money would be put u j the
stolen goods could be recovered. Numer-
ous recent burglaries all tend to the belief
that Fort Worth is in the hands of a
gang ofprofessional crooks.
An East Texas White Girl Follows a Negro to
Gainesville Tex. March 10. An officer
from Greenville TexaB came here today on
the hunt of a young white woman who ran
away from her home in Greenville last
Sunday for the purpose of following a
young negro man to Guthrie Oklahoma
Territory with whom she was in love and
i here to be married to the black masher.
The officer ascertained from the
Santa Fe ticket agent here that
me youti girl who is scarcely sixteen
came here last Sunday evening over
i he Missouri. Kansas and Texa aud pur
chased a t'eket for Guthrie and left for that
point over he Santa Fe railway on the 10
o'cl ick train Monday morning. Tbe officer
left this afternoon for Guthrie hoping to
be able to find the girl and return to her
widowed mother before the meets the negro
lover who went to Guthrie several daysauo
to arrange lor the arrival of his intended
white wife he having told her that they
would have no trouble securing a ma riage
license and getting married in tbat terri-
tory. The name of the young woman is
withheld on account of her mother and
other relatives her family connections
being most excellent people.
Aaotlier Fort Worth Fraud.
FobtWobth March 10. Sheriff Rich-
ardson t3nght walked into the Young
Men's Christian association rooms where a
social entertainment was in progress and
arrested Rube Arlington as an escaped con-
..:. ii;imi ma rirpssed in the height
View ..fv.. j i ...
. rn..i.;.. wau uiirriuiiided bv admiring
Ol laamui " .
friends male and female. He accompanied suerin io jau imuu "j t""
Carious Verification of a Dream.
Chablottb N. C March 10. Last night
Engineer Dillon of the Danville Macksville
and Southwestern railroad dreamed that a
large rock had fallen on his road near
utherwood; that his engine bad run into
it and been all smashed to pieces. The
emu do wiimea on nis niino mat ne re
t'llRPd tn an rnt An lh. im ... : ..
When be made inquiries at Sut her wood an
unnnror wna nnwl L-.n A4nJ u :
" o iciuiiicu Limb TCJJUCU UIH VIS
inn. A moaoarra xt'na 4AaoUnA k.m). K
...v. kjui rto uciaijcru UdUlk IUHI
huge rock had fallen on the track within a
I m it foaf nt 1 1. I .J . -' I I i .
vi tno lueuuunt umuo uo-amen
ithniif. nnH thaf altt...t. uA i j
. u.v ninuufu tiiv UHLIUB UHII
been working for hours to remove it the
naujL n as oiui uosiructea.
Election of Officers and Other Important
Matters Transacted.
Galveston March 8. At a meeting of the
directors of the chamber of commerce held
in the commerce rooms under the Tremont
hotel to night the following officers were
elected: W. F. Ladd president; Leon
Blum first vice-president; P. J. Willis
second vice-president; J. S. Montgomery
treasurer ; F. L. Dana secretary; Tom
K chardson press correspondent.
The execu'ive committee is as follows
R B. HawUy. C. H. Ricker J. C. L-ague
n. a.. Lamns ana Leon Lvi. Messrs.
Dana and Richardson are eimaned until
the expiration of their contracts with the
Citizens o mmittee nd Live Oak club. Bv
resolut o i the execu'ive committee we e
authorizt-d to incur such expense us wilt Or
necessary to carry on the routine business.
Upon motion the aii'hority of sending
certain persons to Austin to represent the
intt-restx of Galveston was pla ed in the
hands of the executive committee. The
treasurer will give bond tbe expense of ob-
taining the same to be paid by tbe cham-
ber of commerce. The lunds of the associ-
a ion will be placed in same bank to be
named by tbe executive committee in the
name of the chamber ol commerce.
The duties of the secretary and corres
pondent were clearly outlined and each
will be imposed upon them by the execu-
tive committee A committee will be ap-
pointed bv President Ladd to meet and
confer with P.esirient Manuel of lhe Atch-
i -on Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad in re
gard to the erection of a new Union depot
la Galveston. President Man
uel will be in this citv
some time during the present week. It was
especially requested that all committees
soliciting subscription and membership
report to a meeting of the directory in the
committee rooms Saturday night March
14 promptly at 8 o'clock. The complete
plan of the work to be accomplished was
discui-scd at leng k the meeting holding
uuui n:m p. in.
A Big Tea Firm Goes Under On Account ef
Too Much Endorsement.
Boston Mass. March 10. Tbe failure of
Dudley Hall & Co. was announced at noon
today. This firm has for many years car
ried on extensive importing business at 140
State street and bas also dealt quite largely
in su.r. The business of teas bas been a
profitable one but the indorsement of
paper by the senior member of the firm
Dudley C. Hall for accommodation of
personal friends proved too much for the
firm. The assignees are Francis Flint of
Unubridge and Wm Ii French or Win-
chester. A meeting of creditors will be held
on Saturday next when tbe debtors will
makeafullstatementof their affaire and tbe
liabilities of the firm itself are about $400.-
IX 0 a large part of which is secured by the
conveyance ot real property ana aeposits ol
collateral securities.
Tbe firm's assets consists largely of cani
ties in real estate which has been conveyed
by the senior mamber as collateial security
for the firm's debts. Other available assets
of tbe firm consist chiefly in stock and bills
receivable amounting in value to JjO.OOO or
An Annexationist.
Montbeal March 10. General Traffle
Manager Reeves of tie Grand Trunk rail
way admitted his road persuaded between
500 and 600 Canadians to return from
various points in the United States to vote
against the government and says: "I am
an annexationist. 1 have been for twenty
years. 1 would like to see tbe stars and
stripes floating over every mile of the
Grand Trunk railway system." This decla-
ration by a leading officer of a great Eng-
lish corporation has created a profound
A New Railway for Bonham.
Bonham March 10 Messrs. Rosemer
and Rawlins who represent the Omaha
Kansas City & Galveston railway are in the
ci y. They now propose to the committee
wuicn was appoiuteu me ouitr uay mm ii
they would give ihem right of way through
the county and depot grounds in tbe city
they would build the road and c nne bv the
way of Bonham. There is a probability of
this road being built. Something is be-
ginning to materialize although tbe com-
mittee has done nothing yet.
The Mississippi.
Arkansas City Ark. March 10. The
river raised two-tenths for the pss
twentv four hours the eamie to"inhl
reading forty five aid teven-ienths. Whi'e
tne levees are null in good conamon ai a
can easily stand two feet more of water
the outlook is not encouraging.
Democratic Caucus.
San Francisco Cal. March 10-The Dem-
ocrats held a caucus last night and agreed
to givs the complimentary nomination of
United States senator to Goucher Ostrom
aud Coleman each on separate days.
He is in Jail.
Pabis Tex. March 10 The examining
trial of William Jackson for the killing of
his brother John was coticiuueu tnis even-
ening. His bond was fixed at $2)10 which
he was unable to give and is now in jail
Don't Want It.
Chicago 111. March 10 Judge Gresham
declined the nomination of the Citizens'
committee for mayor last evening. It is
understood the nomination was afterwards
tendered ex-Senator Harwell who also re
fused to allow his name to be used.
Rrfuses the Gift.
New Yore March 10. Senator Schooner
eona Ha fa In r r rtnnAHlnn fnr MiK Krt nfRxA
and wtnts nothing within tha gift of the
Matteni and Things of Interest Picked
Up By Reporters Throughout the
Country General Domestic
News Items.
Washington Marcn io. statistical re
turns of the department of agriculture for
March are estimated of com and wheat in
the bands of farmers proportion and pres
ent value of men hat table corn weight of
wheat per measure bushel and other points
in commercial distribution of grain. Tbe
result of the tabulation makes the farmers
reserve of corn 30.4 per cent of the corn
crop in comparison with 43 0 per cent last
year. In bushels 542000000 against 970
000000 last year. It is the lowest recent
reserves except that from the sunt I It crou
of I8n7 and that from the crop of 18S3 the
per ceniage retained in the Beveu corn
siates is less than in any other proportion
Histimates lor consumption where erown
s relatively large 87 46 instead of 81 3 1.
Tbe quantity shipped and to beshinped is
therefore only 1880001 00 or less than half
the surplus of last year. The proportion of
ne crop ot merchantable is 7 5 per cent.
against. 85.7 per cent last year. It is slight-
ly u derthe average in qualitv. The aver
age price of merchantable corn is 55.8 cents
per bushel: ol unmerchantable 32 9. The
aggregate value of the crop on this basis is
701001000 nearly S7000.000 more than
December. The valuation la at an advance
of about 1 per cent establishing the sub-
stantial accuracy of the December estimate.
The proportion of wheat still in the bands
farmers is lower than an average for the
iti3t ten years Deing zt) to a percent.
It has been lower only in two years of
the last ten after the meagre crops of 1881
and 1885 which were smaller than that of
1890. including merchantable stocK tne
supply is 1350001 00 bushel the consump-
tion of the last twelve months is estimaied
at 299000000 seed used 63.000000 and ex
ports baye been about 980000u0 from March
Lower per centages of the soring wheat
state are especially notb able. Half of the
present stck will be required for spring
seeding rue proportion ot tne crop esti
mated tor consumption within the country
is 52.1 per cent against 48 1 last year. The
average weight per measure of a bushel i
57.2 pounds the average of 1889 was 67 7
pounds wh ch was the precise average o
the seven crops from 1883. In bushels of 61
pounds the aggregate is 381000000 9 1000-
000 less by weight than the preceding crop.
New Orleans March 10. At the meet
ing of tbe Southern Afternoon Press bu
reau held here yesterday twenty members j
were present. It was decided to hold a
special meeting in May at Louisville and
to change tbe place of the regular annual
meeting in September from Chattanooga
Tenn. to Dallas Texas. A resolution was
unanimously adopted tbat members should
stai'd together in order to strengthen tbe
association and give it prominence.
Montgomery. Ala. March 10. Alabama
river s ands ibis morning at forty -one feet
and seven inches above low water mark ;
a rise of five feet and seveu inches in the
last thirty-four hours.
New Orleans March 10. In the crimi
nal court room to-day during the progress
ol the Hennessey murder trial Politz one
of the accusd fell on his knees and said
in Sicilian: "Scoflidt killed him."
New Orleans March 10. No information
concerning any breaks on the Louisiana
line of levees has been heard up to today
and state e gineers are hopeful that the
dykes will successfully restrain tbe fl od
though in the northern portion of tbe state
there are several levees about whose sta
bility some apprehension is tell l he water
s almost up io the crest oi me levess on
liavou La buurche aud some fear is fe.t
the're as La Fourche intersects Territory
richley dotted with plantations. Thegov-
erninentengineer here is making arrange
ments to charter patrol boats to watcn uan-
nerous points along the river and to check
if possible crevasses in their incipient stages.
Lieutenant Mills government and State
KiiL'ineer Richardson have gone to the
front on a tour of inspection and to take
precautions against the inroads oi tne Mis
New Oblsans La. March 10. Po-
lielz created another scene in court oy
falling on the floor this morning ana cry-
ing. He was carried into the dock
the door into the court room being
open judge natter uas ueciueu tuat tuts is
sulncieut legal presence lesuiuoiiy uu uo-
half of Polictz was then begun. Tbe
Grand Jury was in session and fr .m infor
mation obtainable tuey investigated tne
charges of tampering with some ot tne
tallsmen caneu in me uennessy case.
Chattnoooa. Tenn. March 10. The
Highest of all ia Leavening Power.
I 1 - C7
orst of the flood is over in Tennessee. A;
11 o'clock this morning the guage nisi Its ;m
f'-et. which is 6 feet n bove the danger linr
rising very slowly and fading abovi. (t
will not go above 40 feet.
Preparations to receive the seoreti.ry of
war and disiineaished party are complete.
They are expected tonight. The city is he-
ing decorated In honor of the occasion. To-
morrow will be spent visiting the Ulooki-
niauga battle field.
investigating the jury.
New Obleans La . March 10. The grsiii
jury are now investigating the case i t the
jurors who were approached with a vU-w of
inniiencing tneir verdict in the ilenneir
murder trial case.
Memphis Tenn. March 10. David Pon
ton one of the best known lawvers in the
city was shot and it. is thought filially
wounded by H. Clay Arkansad cot-
ton planter in Court i-iouare about noon to
Cotton Circular.
New Orleans La. March 10. Atwoode
Violett & Co. say :
Futures 1'here seems a profit in buying
on depression and selling on advances. A
decline of 7 points was followed by an im
provement of 6 points and again a loss of 3.
Liverpool lost 2 3 61. Many cable enqui
ries are being received asking if the damagn
to the growing crop is as serioiu
as reported. This sh- ws the character of
the information that bas been Bent abroad
nice Saturday last. What is against the
contract market bere is tbat it gets its sup
port from spots the fatter being pressed tor
sales with few buyers and this seems to be
lbs case throughout tne souin. a better
lemand mav arise but receipts continue ou
so large a scale as to discourage seemingly '
exporters from taking hold.
Slocks At ports tonight zzouo larger
han last year. Receipts at Memnhis and
Louis very Urge and considerably an aa
f last year. Port receipts to-day Itf.iX.O.
against 8000 last year.
is u a Bales o.
Spofs-Quiet: Bales 2500. Offerings large
and the bulk of salt s was under quota-
Alleged Bribery.
New York March 10. Considerable
publicity has been given the statement tbat
a fund of $751 00 was raised by tbe police
force of this city to help wheels of leglsla-
iou and secure nearly $1000000 additional
pay for patrolmen. Tbe board of poltc
commissioners today ordered Superintend -enl
of police to make rigid exaniin t
lion. The commissioners directoJ
him to discover as soon ao
possible what members of the force biut
been tryinir to improperly Influence the leg
islative board; lurtlier uirei ttd tne superin-
tendent to take measures looking to the ar
raignmeut of those who have trid to iiir
tluence legislation in court. Everything
possible is to be done to secure the convic
tion and punishment of the euiitv members
of the force.
Fire In St. Louis.
Buffalo N. Y.. March 10. H. W Burt'a
five-story brick and iron building at the
northwest corner of Locust and Pearl streets
was burned to the ground this afternoon.
The Burt building was occupied on tbe first
floor by C. V. Tormes & Co. wholesale
dealers In woolens and trimmings.
dealers In woolens ana trimmings b. U.
Haurouth & Wohlers. shoe manufacturers
and wholesale dealers occupied the upper
The Dental manufacturing company1
brick building on tbe northeast corner of
Pearl street was also destroyed. 8ix horsea
in a barn in the rear of the dental compa-
ny's bui ding was burned to deatb. Lass
$225000; fully covered by insurance.
Death of An Ornithologist. '
Topeka Kas. March 10. Governor
Humphrey received a message from Neosh
this morning stating that Col. (J. S. Gos
state ornithologist died in tbat cify this
morning of heart disease. As soon as his
death was announced in the legislature
tbe senate adopted a resolution setting fort h
bis invaluable services and tbe irreparable
loss that his death bas brought to the
Identified Her Assailant.
Doveb Del. March 10 Louisa Hofflng-
ton aged 8 years the victim of an assault
committed by Jas. Thorougbgood colored
was brought to Dover today and identified
her assailant who is in jail. The penalty
for this crime in Delaware is death. The
assault was committed six weeks aeo end
was so brutal that for three weeks tbe lime
girl bovered between life and death.
Missouri Kiver Lines.
St. Louis Mo. March 10. There was a
joint conference today of representative of
the Missouri river lines and roads embraced
in tbe New Orleans Traffic association to
discuss and revise rates from New Orleans
to the Missouri nvor territory. The busi-
ness of tbe conference was not finished and
there will be another conference tomorrow.
Tbe Nebraska Imbroglio.
Lincoln Neb. March 10. Governor
Boyd this morning filed answer in the quo
warranto proceedings instituted in the su-
preme court by Ex Gov. Thayer. The
answer holds Boyd is a citizet to all intent
and purposes even though his fa' bar
cannot produce bis second naturalisation
papers. Gov. Thayer's counsel at cac
filed a demurrer to the answer which vU
be argued next Thursday.
U. S. Gov't Report Aug. 17 188$

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