Catalog of Abilene Christian University, 2005-2006 Page: 50

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50 Chemistry and Biochemistry

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)


S ta n d a rd ................................................................................................................................. 1 3
A C S ............................................................ .. .... . ............................................. .................... 1 0
H e a lth Scie n ce s ...................................................................................................................... 12
M inim um G PA for graduation ........................ .................... ............................ 2.00
M inim um advanced hours ....................... . ........... . .... ................................... 33
M in im u m to ta l h o u rs ................................................................................................................. 128
Courses numbered 0** do not count in minimum hours required for degree.
Bachelor of Arts Degrees (BA)
Admission Requirements
Before being admitted to the program in chemistry or biochemistry, a
student must satisfy the requirements listed in the SAT/ACT Placement
section of this catalog.
BIBL 10 1 Life and Teachings of Jesus .................................................................................... 3
BIBL 102 Acts-Revelation ................................ .......... ......... .... ... 3...... .......... 3
BIBL 211 M essage of the Old Testam ent .......................................... 3
BIBL 212 Christianity in Culture ...................................................................................... 3
A d van ced B ib le ........................................................................... 3................................ . . . . . 3
ENGL 111 Com position and Rhetoric ................... ........... ..................... 3
Literatu re ...................................................................................................................... . . . . . 3
COMS 111 Fundamentals of Communication ........................................ 3...........
H is to ry 10 0 -2 9 9 ...................... . ............. ........... ....................................................................... 3
B IO L 1 12 G e n e ra l B io lo g y I .................................................................................................... 3
C H EM 133 G eneral C hem istry I ............................................................................................. 3
_ M A T H 124 Preca lcu lus II ....................................................................................................... 3
E X S C 1 0 0 + 3 activ ities .................................................................................................................. 4
U N IV 10 0 U n iversity Sem inar ....................................................................................................... 1
TO TA L U N IV ER SITY C O R E ......................................................................................................... 4 1
ENGL 112 Composition and Literature ..................................... .............. 3
Literature .............................. ......................... . ........................... 3
Social Sciences/Humanities
Choose from: anthropology, economics (also AGRB 261), geography,
history, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology
(maximum one course per area) ............................................. 9
Foreign Language (requirement waived) ........................................ 0
Fine Arts
Choose one: ART 101, MUSM 230, THEA 220 or THEA 250 ...................................... 3
TOTAL BA CO RE ....................................... .... 18
CHEM 131 General Chem istry I Lab . ................ ....................................... 1
CHEM 132/134 General Chemistry II Lecture/Lab ............................. 4......4
CHEM 221/223 Organic Chemistry I Lecture/Lab ............................. 4
CHEM 322/324 Organic Chemistry II Lecture/Lab ............................. 4
CHEM 323 Chemistry and Biochemistry Seminar ....................................................... 1
CHEM 352 General Spectroscopy ...................................... ..................
CHEM 353 Analytical Separations ................................................................................. 2
CHEM 453 Biochemistry I ....................... .............................. 3
CHEM 454 Biochem istry II ....... ..... ................... 3...................................................... 3
CH EM 463 Biochem istry Lab I .......................................................................................... 1
CHEM 464 Biochemistry Lab II ........................................ 1
BIOL 114 General Biology I Lab ........................................ 1
BIOL 113/115 General Biology II Lecture/Lab ...... .................................. 4
BIOL 312 Cell Biology ........................................ ............................ 3
T O T A L ............................................................................................................................................ 3 4
CHEM 413 Physical Chemistry/Life Sciences ....... .......... .......................... 3
M A T H 185 Calcu lus I .................................................................................. 3..................... 3
PHYS 110/111 General Physics I Lecture/Lab............................................4
PHYS 112/113 General Physics II Lecture/Lab ...... .................................. 4
TOTAL ....................... .............................................. 14
M in im u m ........................................................................................................................................ 2 1


M inim um GPA for graduation ............................... ......... ....................... 2.00
Minimum advanced hours ........................................ 33
M inim um total hours ........................................ .......... ....... . .......... 128
Courses numbered 0** do not count in minimum hours required for degree.
Cooperative Bachelor of Science Degrees (BS)
ACU awards the bachelor's degree with a biochemistry track to certain
qualified students who have satisfactorily completed three years of
prescribed work at ACU (a minimum of 104 hours) plus one year
at a recognized professional school. See the Health Professions
Cooperative Degree in the Interdisciplinary and Other Academic
Programs section of this catalog for complete course requirements.
Minor in Chemistry
Chemistry Foundations
CHEM 131/133 General Chemistry I Lecture/Lab ........................................ 4
CHEM 132/134 General Chemistry II Lecture/Lab ........................................ 4
CHEM 221/223 Organic Chemistry I Lecture/Lab ........................................ 4
Advanced Chemistry
CHEM 322/324 Organic Chemistry II Lecture/Lab ......................... ............... 4
Advanced Chemistry selection from:
C H E M 33 3-37 5, 4 13-4 54 ............................................................. ......................................... >_2
T O T A L ....................... ... ............................................................................................................... >_ 1 8
Course Descriptions
Please see the Course Descriptions section of this catalog. Courses
offered by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry include
those with the following designations: CHEM, GEOL.

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Abilene Christian University. Catalog of Abilene Christian University, 2005-2006, book, 2005; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Christian University Library.

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