The Weekly Democrat-Gazette (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 38, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 10, 1921 Page: 1 of 16

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THIRTY-EIGHTH YDAIl (tMablM February 7, IHHI).
McKlNNEY, C'OIJJN COUNTY. Tl XA8. Till Its) AY, MARCH 10, ltal.
In tho anti-rut ' auipuigu whiOi u !• w days uuu in Colliu coun-
ty the lilu jiiiiluh. school won first
priae having 1LU0 ruts. Tliirty-oin
pupil" of this school turned in i"ii
tail*. .1. C. Uiukluy oi Clear Lake iiu.l
a lilt UC'li killed SOU "III OI 31-
rulh un nuil iii. Tins dog won tUo col-
lar given Ij> U. J. S. Walker, •• i i -1
Count* Agunt G. I>. Kveivtt todky.
There wui'u rut tails turned n in uu-
number of ,574. liut in addition to tliiw
number tin*io were hundreds oi the
rodents killed whoso tails wi-rc not
turned in by tho persons sluyliiii
tbein. |
Following iM tho list of tho schools
and Individuals and tho number ot
rats killed:
Bloomdale School, 11 BO.
Hhoa Mills School, 854.
Harnett School, 797.
Cottage Hill School, 688.
Lone Elm School 607.
♦ ♦ ♦
Mi Tee of Harriet
Hensley Freeman of
Gornhl Sountug of
School 418.
Albert MeGulre of
Rhea Mills
Frisco Hln'h
< Hear
Houston, Texas, March 9.—Tiu* lie t
si iiHion ot tho bl-unnuul convention oi
tile Woodmen Circle und the \\ oOt.
in'.a oi tho World was open d her.
uiiN altornoon wall an addi • ••> by \\
.V. eraser, uni.tiia, Aob., sovciolg
commander, i.. L). lieiuj oi Sun a;.
loiiio also spoke.
ill'- IIISl U,.huiu-1 aiaolOM u. tile or
uuiuzaiion will bo oponcu al lu o clov k
tomorrow iiiuminy at iho City Audi-
toriuip. During ma session, com
iniUei. will be uppoiutud, reports of
officers read, uloctton of sowrlfcii
camp delegates and the election in
head camp officers concluded.
Mayor A. K. Amerman delivered
the welcoming address this morning.
Other addresses among this Hue were
by Chester 11. IJryun, llurris Count)
Judge, und Juhn Charles llurris who
■poke on bebulf of the citizens of
Houston. Hosponsos -were made by
Mrs. Mary IS. I,a Itocca, supreni"
guardian of the Woodmen Circle: Mrs
Hattle Ij. 1,1 vers, grand guardian on
bchulf of the Head Grove of Texa.-t;
W. A. Frasor, soverign coinmunder;
Martin J. Arnold, past head consul, on
behalf of the Head Camp of Texas.
United States Senator Morris Shop-
pnrd of Texas, sovoretgn banker, wiih
1 .ike !"10 speaker, who respond for th
School, 312.
Fay Smith of Cottage Hill School
"ijoyd Sawyers of Lone Einl |Harris County and John Charles Hnr
School 231.
order to the addresses of welcome by
Mayor Amerman on behalf of the city.
County Judge Bryan, on behalf of
rls, on behalf of Houston's citizenship.
Mae Thomas of Harris School 203.
George Best of Farmersvllle Hlfrh
School. 203.
Elvln Proffltt of Bloomdale 198.
HI Hard Kdmond of Blomdale 14 7.
1 ,acy Hownrd of Bloomdale t 'M
Cecil Howard of Bloomdale 122
Vernle Bales of Bloomdale 11*.
Tjoon Howard of Bloomdale 111.
iieai/ih wi:i:k give*
To Greet an Early Easter
h'lV it, !ini. T e*dli> cvoulll,K in the
auditorium of (lie Boyd II Kb School
ii 7 M o'clock \v:ts In i .1 l> :tlli iiilcd
lironulii.v !-oine I wo-hundred or h. v.
utieiits, friend - it.ill putroiif el Co
Si llool attend lit; Tho Mlhjei l ,1 IS.
K. ulviil That tin open '.hop nnm
mi ut 111 I' slioiilil lei elve llie
support of | ublic opinion. The ..i
liliiiutlve side was repi csouli d by \!
bort Jackson and (Owing .M I'11.. 11,
while Clarence Garland and Ka, .111
tin presented tho negative sub
1p11p1.1l 1011,
After uln\psi every plias
M J. farter of I he Foote cnmuiuni-
tj has returned from Ft. Wut'lli winm
b look a hog to enter 111 tllu show.
Mr. Carter says llnil there uiv only
tlireo car lot shipments of hogs at tho
I'D, lat stoe 11 s b o w, all ot which m■
Ihiioc Jerseys. Two ol the cars are
from Collin County, one owned by
<'hurley Carter of Frisco and olio by
Ifimincif Stanford of Frisco. These
two cars, Mr. Carter sa>s are in lino
10 will first and second prizes. rI10
hi .Moiliou ilroH. of riospcr are showing
ol the twenty one bead ol Durocs, one of
which Is a cutiilidule for Kianilchim-
ol the plon In class. Mr. Carter says lie haa'1
question had been illscusseil b> I101I1 never seen so many single outrun in
J sales, consisting In rebuttals, etc . ihe.tho hog cIiuihos.
vote of the Judges Hon. Wallace I J. W. Hasor of Frisco Is showin*
ItughHton, John D ltees< and A. M sixteen head of Short Horn cattle at
jWolford—was taken. The vole stood.
J affirmative 2, negative 1.
Tho JudK'<M then repaired In another
room to choose Iho two hoys who
should represent Iho school In the In
terselioluHtlc moot of Collin eountv
After several minutes of careful de-
liberation, A. M. Wolford nnnouneed
that tho judges had drdded that M-
bert Jackson and Clarence Garland
should bo the ones to represent tie1
Boyd High In tho rntcrschnlnstlc
meet In Collin county, where dele,
gales will lie chosen to ko to tho I •(.- -
Irlet meet, thence to the State Inter
scholastic meet held at Austin, prob
ably pext month.
,1'l'ltl/K' \\l Killl lt MAIISII \1.1,
the show, J. II. Graves, W. M. GIImoii
and other Jersey men from Mellasa.
Henry C. Harlow la at tho nhow and
•will put In some of his iihort horn cut-
tle In the Hale. Mr. Harlow and Charley
Carter ijre nlso showing some Hump-
shire sheep.
There nre perhaps more than one
hundred and fifty head at the stock
show. There are a number of other
breeders not mentioned lnjre who are
exhibiting at the show.
Four car loads of slock were ship-
ped from Frisco.
C0III11 County Is always In the lime- .
light where good stock Is featured.
| Airs. .1. W. Marl In of Tulsa,
What the farmer* Am Rein* WM tn
fhr ■■ l'r>ulnrt.«—Hnrfi"*«l to lm o
Feinlstiiff and Grain.
to 7Bc
j I>r. Munton M. vAirrlok, state 'ii>ulth
1 officer, has devised a modern "Tori
I Commandments" for Health week,
which will l>o observed in Texas, be
!(.rinniii .T March 18. They arc:
Uoinembor thy garbage can to keep
it covered; every day shall thou fill
,lt and then shall the scavenger empty
It lest thy garbage become a stench
M11 the nostrils of thy neighbor.
Thou shall cut the weeds on 1 h>
vacant lot lest It become a hiding
place for old tin cans, papers and
d vers sorts of trash.
Thou shall plant many trees for
the sun will smite thee If thou sltlesl
not in the shade; thou shalt plant
flowers anil shrubs that thy liuhiiu
lion may be lovely lu tho oyes of men
Thou clean out the habitation
of thy horso and thy cow frequently,
lest tile stable fly flourish und
In luiitile paralyaiB and other death
dealing disease^
Thou shalt starve
the fly in the
spring, that thy children unto the
third and fourth geiicrullon shall not
smlto him later.
Thou shuit build a sidewalk upon
the ground before thy house that they
man servant", the stranger and the
book agent bog not In tho mud there-
Thou shalt not harm thy neighbor's
garden, nor thy dog., nor thy
cat, nor th yhon that ii without thy
Corn In shuck per bit
Bran per cwt.
Shorts per cwt. . .
Chops per cwt
Hulls per ton
Oats per bushel 60c
Wheat per hu. (basis No. 1.) ..*1.66
Alfalfa hay per ton 120 to $26
Mlllot hay per ton *12 to *16
Johnson graiw hay per ton *10 to *12
Prairie hay per ton $16 to *17
Bermuda hay per ton $16
♦ ♦ ♦
Produce and Provisions.
Bacon per pound 26c to 40c
Butter per pound 26c to 86c
Creamery butter 46c
Chickens, fryers per pound .. . . 26c
Old roosters, per lb 8c
Hens, per lb
lOggs per doz. (candled) 20c
Turkeys per lb 26c
Lard per lib 20c gate.
Irish potatoes per bu *1.60 I 1,00k thou not upon the milk when
Sweet Potatoes per bu *2.26 it comoth from an unclean dairy, for
• • • the doctor will not hold thee guilt-
Live Stock | loss If thy infant sickeneth therefrom.
Jlogs per cwt $6 to *8.2ft ■ Verily, verily .thou s'mlt clei?:i thy
Beef cattle per cwt *4 to *6 house thoroughly, wisely and often
Sheep per cwt $2 t.o *8 that germ breeding dust shall not uc-
♦ ♦ ♦ cumulate to afflict thon and thy Iiiih-
Ootton. ! band and thy child and the stranger
Cotton per pound 7c to 16e that llvnth in the next block.
Cotton seed per ton $1" Verily thou shall vote for men who
Cotton seed meal (4 per cent jhave the health of thy city at heart
protein) *1.60 nIU] who will pass laws amply provld-
Mlxed hulls and meal cotton lng for thy city's mnllatlon. In Insure
•eed per cwt *1.10 jthv health and thy children's health
• and the health of the stranger thon
McKINNFY MADF IHNTIUItl TING knowest not; for verily if the .itrmiRer
within thy city's boundaries Is afflict-
■ ed with grievous dlseimo because of
The King lice Sales Co. of Dallas thy carelessness, the rile* and ol'ier
will open office bore I11 the immediate : vermin will visit thee and his nfflie-
futnro. ilon shnll become thy children's and
The King Hoe Spark Plug Co. of St. thine own. But If thou will 'do tliv
1,011 is selected this city as a logical duty and clean thy premises
point for Its distribution. | compel thy neighbor to clean
The King Bee spark plug is manu- premises, then shalt thou live
factured In St. I^iuts. It hiu many happily In thy ?lty and thy
features which surpassed other well ren with thee.
known makes of plugs, It Is said.
The King Bee people claim to
have tho only Intonsltler that will not
burn out a coll.
Tents nuide recently by the II. S.
Navy resulted In a very high indorse
VAKIOl'S lu'iuiiif 01 wt'inlior are
sure to lie delivered on Kiislerdiiy
In different sections of the country,
hut whatever the weather the day
will he greeted with spring!Itno milli-
nery. HSvory year proves that even in
the extreme north women anticipate
the spring and brave wintry stolen with
cheerful hendwenr that belongs to the
new season. This year liut> make It
easier thnn ever for them to follow
this Inclination for many of the new
models are nuide of brilliant mill ner.v
fabrics and of braids and silks— often
In combination—that nre not too sum-
mer-like to face 11 snowfall. They are
In lively, lustrous color" and nre dedi-
cated to spring.
Four hnts out of the five pictured
here ninke a safe choice In lliisler
headwenr for dwellers In the north.
At the top of the group the hut nt the
left Is made entirely of futile -II! , In
this Instance. Itiniuoise li!:ie, but a so
ihown In other colors. - ns a -ec-
tloiml crown and 11 soft in 1 (he bit-
ter entirely of corded hI'k • to' e*<-"* d-
ed Into n loop and knot at the rl-rht
Bide. A Klcatnlntr of rhlnestones
forms the head of n pin thrust In the
loop. Another hilt of corded silk, ut
< )k|a*
! Jeff A. Bishop Iiiih returned to Ills;' and her little daughter. Pail-
tin' riglil. Inn- 11 >oii upiiirned brim home at M: 1 < 1111. 1 Hiliilioinii, after at- Itno. loll McKinney Tuesday lor homo
with workroom made ornaments set lending the funeral of his father, Win. alter attending the huiiul. last
,j, | Bishop, who was burled last Holiday I Sunday of their father und grandfutb •
At the center of the group nn nil- 111 '''"rest Grove. Mr. Bluhop
Inn 1
d In tile Bishop
Wio< or, the late Win. Bishop, honored old
house blind farmer 11111I pioneer eilUten who
black, wiile-hrituineil model shows how'"'1" , ,11,.,1 i,.Mt i• •1., ,.„i,.uiu i.iu
. , coiniiiunity but left our county twenty """ 1111,1 satnniiis ot pmaiysts :at liltt
effectively hair braid In an iilry brim V,,M|.S )(„. a where home I11 the Bishop Schoolhoiiso coin-
may lie joined to a crown of cello- ||(, ||||s vl,,.v w,.|| |„ a bnslnew nlty. Mrs. Martin was formorly
plinne. The hrltn Is irregular In wiillli WI1V „n,| enjoys the esteem of his Miss Amanda Bishop, who, for a 1111111-
mid very griiceful ; there Is an odd,1 friends and the public generally In ,M'r of years, was a faithful corren-
shiny ornaiiient set a uu 1 list the crown bis adopted home, Marshall county, pendent for this paper, from the Hlsh-
of this luld-NUlnmcr night's drenm lu ,iiklaboina. This Is proven by the,op hcIiooIIioiiso conimillilly. Whllo
millinery. One of the new lustrous tact that last yeur In was the siiceoss serving In that capacity ^for our iiaper,
fabrics In henna
•olor makes the!1"' ''anilblaie in a lint of twelve run- '-she made the uneiiualed
hnl W|„. ..(i.i, ting for th office of I 'ublic- Weigher having sent In a letter for publication
origin mil with long odd ftiitlii r i|uliiA, | ,. , ,1,,, every week 'without a miss for four
record of
making ti spirited brim trimming- od-
dities in trii'.'ii lng nre the order of the
day. II seems and another example of
this appears In the satin hut that
finishes the group. This model hns nn
eccentric hrltn covered with rows of
narrow braid, showing 11 cut-out por-
tion nt the left side. It Is one of many
models with n seetlonnl crown and Its
trimming Is n brush like ornament of
oC MurHhiill enmity, which Ih the
paving of lie the county. We like years. Mrs. Marlln is still a suliscrlber
to hear of our old Collin county rear- •" ' reader of 'Pile Democrut-Gaasetl <.
ed bovs making Hiiecesses when they , Her husband holds a responslblo
go out elsewhere to live us Mr. BlHhop position in the circulation depatl-
lias done. While lu McKinney, Tueii. •"" « "f ' >" of Tulsa's lending daily
day, Mr. Bishop called to enroll for newspapers. While In McKinney Tun<-
Tho Weekly Ilemoerat-Gazette to go day. our office wai proud to receive
to his address at Madill In order that I'ho visit from this faithful friend anil
Former Army Captain Appears As
Attorney For Wife of Man Who
Served As His Sergeant In France
VlfTOR ORION at'ornt'ys presented their
V IV-IV-JIA vyiMVyil rirguinents In the case of the State of
R ARROW f^R A MO VH- Coldle McNeil, charged
D/\I\I\\JVV 1 l-J with forgery. The case went to trlai
/-it I J|r\¥/^\\T 11/^/^ Tuesday aftirnoon. The state was re-
( |~j\J(j presented by County Attorney A. M.
| Wolford and his assistant, H. Grady
1 Chan Ih r. The defense waa represent-
Thut Victor (Jrlon, owned by J. J. ed by Hons. Wallace Hughston and
McUiln of Aunu, is a proven siro of u h. Nellson of McKinney and Hon.
tho correct typo of hogs has been! Scott Heed of Dallas. Mr. Iteed
proven ut tho Fort Worth Fut Stock1" h'ternul revenue collector for the
Show whuro the Motion Bros. ofil'allua district, lie was u Cupta n
Orion. It wits tho keenest sort „f 1 with tho American forces In France
competition In which the Mohons li.xd during tho World War and Mrs. Mo-
to show which makes the winning j N®"'" husband was a sergeant under
oven more coveted. The cash prise oni'1'1" Franco
lie may keep posted on old home
news, lie Is the oldest of the Ave
living children of the lute Wm. Bishop
and all of them are now on the sub-
iterlplion list of the Domocrat-Gazotte,
of which their respected father was
a charter mihscrlhor.
FAIt.MI'ilt TAKil'iS WI.FJiliY
I>nn Bishop, a prosperous farmer of
Cuinberlaiid, Oklahoma, loft for home
Tuesday after having been called here
on the sad mission of attending tho
bedside of bis father, tho late Win.
Bishop, in his fatal Illness. Mr.
I'lshop was reared on his father's
farm, four and one half miles south
nist or McKinney but left our county
seventeen years ago. lie married fin
Oklahoma girl and Is the father of
1 ne child, ife owns a good farm In
Iho WnsMtn river bottom and is get-
ting along nicely in life. Before leav-
ing McKinney he enrolled for The
Weekly I lemoerat-flay,otto for a year
In advance !n order to keep posted on
old home county news.
this was unusually largo and attract-
ive, resulting In bringing out the best
fat hogs of ijll breeds in the state. This
barrow Is a litter mato to the tw.i
Victor Orion gilts which sold In the
recent county tpalo In McKinney and
which were bought by H. M. George
of McKinney and E. W. Sontag of
Frisco, tho latter topping the l)uroc
John C. Hnldermnn, fleldman from
tho Poland China Journal of Kansas
The plug Is made in such a city was in McKinney Tuesday and a
way that the carbon cannot form on 1 part of Wednesday visiting with local
insulator or metal parts, doing away, Poland China hog raisers. In Mc-
wlth short circuiting or inisllring. And Kinney he was tho guest of Mr. and
will tiro periectly in oil pumping Mrs. Jim Cunningham, at their upart-
cyllnders, snld Mr. Moore of the King ment, 302 South Bongo Street. He was
Bee Sales Co. 1 met In McKlnnoy by It. A. Ijong- of
* 1 Melissa who Is ono of the commlttoe-
WKKKIjY WOKS TO EACH 'n en from the Collin County Poland
OP FIVE CIIIIilMtJON. china club appointed to confer re-
guiding dates for tho fall sale propos-
Joff and Bun Bishop order the ed by this club. Mr. Mnldcrmun also
Weekly Ilomocrnt-Oneetto going to conferred with members of the Ithea-
tho address of their late father, Wm., Mcl^iin Co., Poland China hog «o:'-
Blshop. Itonte 2, McKinney. changed poratton and with other breeders. He1 of tho from Collin County,
to the add reus of their sister, Mr" G went -to Arlington Wednesday to nt-
C Scale, Itonte 2, Jones, (ikluliome tend the I,on Alexander Poland China
The defendant was tried in one
case of forgery Tuesday, found guilty
and her punishment nssessed at two
years In the penitentiary ond her sen-
tence suspended.
♦ ♦ ♦
I'ntlicUc Caw. .
This was a vory pathetic trial. The
defendant a frail little woman of 24
years. She faced a jury of twelve
The Second Degi'oo Staff of W. C.
Burrus Lodge No. I. 0. O. F.,
has been rehearsing for stvernl we« k -i
preparatory 10 making the itlp to the
Suite Grand !.,o.U- nt Waoo ihnch adjournment Saturday
former correspondent Mrs. Martin
says that she will never lose interest
In the welfare of her old home newi-
I11 piesentllig to the audience TueMj^
day night the members of ilty Fed-
oiatiou who had made tho style show
such a success Mesdames J. 10. Wiley,
V W. Wiley and Joe Wilcox were ab-
sent to the regret of all. Mrs. J, E.
Wiley, chairman of tho ticket sale, is
delighted over the financial result. So
far us heard from the sales *<>^5.45
•was realised. There Is still one club
In report yol In their sale. The Federa-
tion desires to thunk the modi Is, tho
singers, the speakers, the lieconi-
panlsls the helpers and every one who
assisted In liny way towards the splen-
did success of Iho three shows. We ,iro
gn ally pleased at the result and
thunk the public one and all.
MltS. J.Ell\\ IN,
President City Federation.
Senator Woodvlllo J. Itogers has ar-
rived home from Austin where hu bus
been attending tho regular session of
tho Texas law making body. Tho
legislature is winding up its business
22 for the purpose of exemplifying the
dig roe before llril bod y. A I of the
diprces will in confer,•id by different
lodpes as follow: Initiatory I cm is-
vllbj and Hlllahnro, t'lrst Wfico;
ond, McKinney; Third, Ft. Worth. Tho
work will be nit on at the Cjtton Pal-
ace on a largo f;oo>- 00x120 ,'e?i. Thr
building will weat several Ihouiaud
Tlie First Degree St irf of the Mc-
Kinney Ixidgo has appeared before
the State Grand Ixidge for the past
two years. This year tho lodge select-
ed the Second Degree for in r irt of
the work. A special Intorurban car
will bo provided to take 1 ho team to
one! Waco. All Odd Fellows who wish
Itogers is one of tho attorneys for S.
M. Cole, churgod with tho murder of
W. L. Joffress, which case is sot for
trial In the Fifty-Ninth District court
Ho was the author of tho bill ap-
propriating fl,500,000 for the erection
of a sanatorium at Kerrvllle for ex-
service men suffering from tuberculo-
sis. Tho bill passed the senate and
house without a dissenting vote and
was signed by Governor Neff.
Goes To Itcdnldp Of Father.
rz-vs:™r^^1^..go,,e to«
the Fat Stock show this vein Thev ''V I'"1' I" McKinney the latter part or will bo provided to tuke tho to.iM to Stockton, Texas, to attend the bedside
,1110 hat Stock show tins yeai. inoy • sho hns one W|u,n A„ 0(1(, K(,llows wllo wish to of his father, J. I.eland Franklin, of
are showing Durocs and Southdown ^ o|(, (ind pxpi>ote„ tojmnko the trip with tho tern ,r- this city, who was taken wrlously III
b.nLcs are featured at the Fat -me a mother ,«uln in a few .pies,ed to report their t-ames and I there several day. ago while visiting
baf months. The defense placed wit- money with which !o pfiy tare. to
nesses on the stand to determine Hie transportation committo not
Mi's. Scale left for home Tuesday all- sale and was neenmpanied by Mr.
er attending the funeral and burial of Cimninghnm, Jim I/'Wls White and n
her father last Sunday at Forest few other Collin County Poland China
Orove. The Weekly Democrat -Ga*ett ■ enthusiasts.
is now going to each one of Ihe five •
children of the late Wm. Bishop, who NEW CONSTRI tl'ION ON I.K.M'Olt
was one of Its charter subscribers nt; l/AW HV JI'STICE Ol" PEACI'
the flmc of his death. i
T | Wichita Fnlls, March fl.— -Ilnvlnr
ni'SlM'WS MEETING OF F\RM whisky, other intoxications In one's
lltrREAH HERE ON MARCH 19 possession, \v,th tio evidence of sale
■ or other vlolntlon of the prohibition
A business meeting of the Coi'ln lews, does not justify Individual's
County Farm Burenu hns been cnl'ed being held for the grand Jury. In th
to he held In MeKlnnov on Sntunlav, op nlon of Justice of the peace It. V,
Mnrch 12, In the auditorium of the Gulnn of this city, who released Bltlle
Chnrnber of Commerce, J C. Ye.nrv of Baker, nfter he had been arrested bv
Farmersvllle Is the president of the a Texas Unngor. nn,1 several cpinrts of
Farm Burenu. whisky found In his home.
Stock show this year. There are
isr «.. . >«. * r....
tun tmm Pnilin Pnimfv. I wttii^hhoh all tcMtiHed to tho effect tiekotH wl!l l o bought nil the mm nn K
| that tne defendant ut times acted us of tho trip. The special car will leave
FICTION IS PI'T TO SIIAME BY | though she was not In her right state , McKinney, Tuesdny moi'nlng, March
THIS TAhE OF MAN'S HEROISM, of mind. Dr. W. T. I urgent when 22, nt 7:511,
_____ placed on the stnnd by the defense!
B reckon ridge, Texas, Mnrch fl. isold that lu her condition at the tlma ' REfrilN T<) HORIE ri'nFRAL
Catching a twenty-ouart nitroglycerin [of the forgery he iielioved she wns not j AM ER A IT I ,NIHNO FLNl.l
torpedo ns It was blown from the ens of sound mind nt tho timo the trans-j \fVer« wife mui two ehll-
Inir hv nn tinoxportod flow of rn* iu'tion« ocrurrod. ' Ifomt r Myers, \Nif ami
Pnwil Wrlprlit hold It until fifty pur- action* ocoi'.rrod. Tho Jury roturnod dr©n. ®
sens and 200 quarts of nitroglycerin a verdict late Wednesday evening Sherman nfter c mili g
o" n wagon reached safety. He then tlndlng the defendant Insane
mpod hack Into the hole with the
■eiling gns and escaped.
The derrick was wrecked by the im-
•"> t und the well caught fro n mln
the funeral of Mrs. Myers' father, the
Into Wm. Bishop. Mr, and Mrs. Mvori las.
Ills daughter, Mrs. C. V. Compton.
Tom Bisliop Returns Home.
Tom Bishop has returned to bin
home at Antlers, Okln., after having
been called to McKinney by the death
of his brother, the Into Wm. Bishop,
whose burial took plnce at Forest
Grove last Sunday.
Fred Bush To Halloa.
Fred Bush, who has been a promi-
nent. young business man of the cl'.r
for several years, haa moved to Dal-
iwdniK-s ConfcctioncrY were renred near McKinney. Besides ,
I iircimses t ontei noncry. ^ children Dan and tin, Mr. I Thanks to our old friend W. It.
and Mis. Myers are rearing Hiihy, (Bob) Johnson, of SIS 8. Chestnut
the little ilnughter of Mrs. Mnrtln, thelstreot for his subscription to Tho
S. W. Steele hns purchased the Kin';
■e later when the torpedo wis lifted ^strl7t°?ram ^"voU A Kerb,' dcce'ased sister of Mrs. Mver. Mrs. Weekly Democrat-Gnsette and tho
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Perkins, Tom W. & Wilson, Walter B. The Weekly Democrat-Gazette (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 38, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 10, 1921, newspaper, March 10, 1921; McKinney, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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