Corsicana Democrat and Truth (Corsicana, Tex.), Vol. 40, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 12, 1925 Page: 1 of 8

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• NO. t
Theae CAB be worrlsea* «aestlone—ian* usually are—
U y*« 4o not om the fireproof, burglar-proof rutti •{ •
atrong, dependable bank.
Our aafe deposit vaults ara af tba moat modem type,
constructed of tha flaaat ui maat indestructible steel *M
capable of giving absolute security to your ultikli
A prlrata compartment costs yon only a few cents § lay
and provides tke ottormoct prfvaoy and
State National Bank
"Man can't sleep out of doora
What this country needs is not without freezing to death or get. | Moso Wells wag bitten by a The fololwlng program waa car.
m re organlatlon but i^ore separ. t'ng rheumatism; he can't keep1 dog a few days since and Monday rled out by tba American Legion
ation. his nose under water over a min. he smeared before City Judge 10 tbe observance of Armistice
Good trings are invariably over- uto without boing d owned. He Mele-ru and as ked tlmt the dog daV here- Wedneadayi
done. ia fbe poorest, clumsiest excuse I be killed and the head be sent 1 Ba®d coscert ntt.
For Instance, a group of men of all the creatures that inhabit to tha Pasteur Ir.s'itute at Austin ,ro® 10 to 11 o'clock.
will go off to the woods on a hunt, tba earth ™-~ —*
lng trip and have a fine time, 1 "He has to be coddled, swathed
Someone will suggest that a simv and bandaged to be able to live
liar party be held annually. A' at all. He ia a rickety sort of
president and aecretary will be thing any way you take h!m—a
elected, altrough there may be regular British museum of Jnferi.
only four in the camp. Anything oritles.
with a president and secretary be- j "He is always undergoing re.
comes an organization, and func. pairs. A machine as unreliable
tions as one, witr dus, notices, as he ie would have no market,, and all the stereotyp- j "The lower animals appear to ua
Allyn Pfcrk
11 o'clock.
ed machinery.
jto get their teeth without pain
Or, let us say a half dozen fol. or inconvenience; man's come
lows eat lunch together a few torture, at a time when he is
for cxaimlnat'on t° detedmine Flag certmony at --
whether the cauine wjs afflicted Armistice hour. Tht flag will
with rab'es. Mr. Wells stated be raistd to full maat and imme
that the owner was en willing for ^lately lowered' to ltflf mast fof
the dog to be killed for the pur- one mjnute.
poseg of ascertaining whether tho Prayer by ^ev. Qirard Lowe*
dog was rabid. chaplain at tbe Jobnaon>Wiggins
The officers state that there Pcst No- 22-
could be caution on the part o FlaS raised to full masf, The
all, cit ens anl dog owners, that band w'1! thtn P'W. "America.'*
the rabloo thrive in all seaaens The Statt Home Band led by
and that cold weather ia no bar. Joel Tumble and the Odd Fellows.
Owners of dogs are wadned that Ban(1 '®d by W. O. Barlow, wiMr
there is a city ordinance against play "ternately between teh hou>
• - £\ 4* 1 A AM jl 1^ m 11l
iv jb a cit j uruinniice agaiUST •—* -—•-- -v '
ogs running at large. Dogs must 01 10 and 111 Both bands will
..coo ocni. i rey una iney enjop • ae gets iaem mey musi do j be kept up or they will be im. 11,1188 P|nX w'th the rendition cf
i comnanv. Somnnnn nulled out aeain. Th<* second net naundert hv tha bnu.i "America,'' dtrtcted by Mr. Trlm -
live on any such amount.
The home in the Country needa
ice as much as the home in the
City. Milk, Butter, Eggs, Meat.
Vegetables can be kept fresh with
plenty of Ice in the refrigerator.
We doliver dally in the City,
Suburbs and in the Oil Field.
For those who coma afer their
Ice, our Factory is open day and
night. Also our Station opposite
the Post Office la open during the
It is economy to buy Ice, and a
loss and discomfort to do without
iti. ] ,^l
Your trade is appreciated.
Southern Ice & Utilities Co.
each other's company. Someone pulled out again. The second set pounded by the Ctyand killed
suggests that here is basis for a will last for a while, but be will
flst little club. The group gets nevoe get a et that he can de.
itself organized, and thereafter Is pend upon unt 1 the dentist makes
robbed of all charm, informality, one. (
and spontaneity. | "Man starts in as a child, and
(Organisations are being formed Uvea on diseases to the end, as a
on pretexts that approach the re. regulalr diet. He has mumps,
dDculous. We havt Associations scarlet > fevtr, whooping cough,
of school and college classe; croup, tonsllitis and diptheria, as
societies composed of high school, a natter of course.
•nd college alumjni; college fra-1 "Afterwards, as he goes along,
tednity mtn are organised after his tffe < continues to * be threatened
graduation into inter.fraternity at evafcy. turn by colda, coughs. Aa.
groups; former newsboys get or- tbema, bronchitis, fever, btynd-
ganised. we have president's clubs, ness, influenza, carbuncles, pn«u.
aalesjmanagers clubs; noon clubs, monia, softerfsg of the brain and
night ctdbs, home town clcba, a thousand other' maladies of one
home state clubs, ameteur musi. sort or another.
cal clubs, writers' clubs, cross- I He's just a basketful of pest'i.
word cluba, literary clubs, novel lent corruption, provided for the
clubs, picnic clubs, danlding clubs, suppirt and entertainment of m'.-
economic clujbs, bridge clubs, mah crobs. Look at the workmanship
jongg clubs, prilosophlcal clubs, of him in sOme particulars:
f&VVrWTOto daubs, and so; on J -'""WWb -Ills appendix foT? It
fln(1 on- has no value. Its sole Interest is
Only a man of strong will pow. lie and wait for a stray grape
er, with a wide streak of mean, seed and breed trouble. | of Dependents.
ness in him, can keep himself "What in this beard for. it !e, THE STATE OF TEXAS
We're no longer satisfied to be At the Boon hour the America^
paid what, we're wortr—we can't Leg,on wil1 ho,d a W'n<juet.smoker
at the City Lake Club House, at
which time officers for the neat*
NOTICE OF FILING ACCOUNT-— 6aP w 11 be pIftCe<1 ln nomination,
ESTATES OF DECEDENTS. j The **ternoon be tfken up
THE STATE OF TEXAS |wlth football g«m^ bttween ftm
To the sheriff or any Constable of North Da,laa hiKb team and th*
Navarro County—GREETING: .Corsican' high team.
TOU ARE HEREBY COMMAND* The d*y w*• clo«ed with a hlf
ED to cause the following notice!can,lval Btr*et 4*ttCe- beginning
to be publihbed in a newspaper of * °'clock ia the evening i
the evening an0t
iv ^ fc u nuHou m « nowBptper or —
genaral circulation which has bean C0Bttnuln* until mid night
continuocsly and regclarly publish- ' "
ed for a period of not leas than aWNINq FALM DDKR
oi^a year preceding the date of WEIGHT <*F VORKhmL
the notice in tha County of Navar.
ro, State of T«fas, and ypu shall Wh,,e PdPar,n8 to P*11* a '«
cause said notice $o be- printed on the front of the buMd,ng °®-
at least once each Week for the, cuPled by Ooor*e Laibban. add
period of tewenty days excluaive Bn'ndIn* on the ^ning shelterin*,-
of the first -day of publicatioa be.' the a'dewalk °f th* Labban Conr
. _ .. . x'i ■ fo^iinnapa otnin om>n4n«
fope the return day hereof;
fectjonar|;.,stoaa, -lite awning gtvdt
way and precipitated the men td
from being sucked in. Once In, just a nuisance. All nations per.
it is nearly impossible to get out, however, always keeps h,im sup.
without insulting someone. New plied wiih it, instead of putting
presidents and secretaries are It on his head.
elected yearly—high pressure fel- "A man wants tl keep his hair,
lows, determined to make a ,m rk It Is a kraceful orn&mjent, a com-
during their administration. Mem. fort, the best protection aga'nst
bership ccmpaigns are inaugurat. weather, and he prizes It above
ed, dues-paying weeks are an. emeralds anl rubies, and half the
nounced, ambitious programs are time nature puts it on so it
launched. , won't stay.
I am firmly resolved that if I "Man isn't even handsome, and
join another orgnization within us for style, look at the Bengal
the week it will be a Solitaire tiger—that ideal of grace, phys'-
Club. Meetings will be held cal perfection and majesty,
or twice a week, and I shall fine ' ' Think of the lion, the tiger
myself |6.00 for non.attendance, a d the leopard, then think of
dropping the money into the Sal. man, that poor tinkg! The animal
yatlon Army tambourne. If I dla. of the wig, the ear trumpet, the
cover that after years of racing glass eye, the porcelain teeth, the
fron| meeting to meeting, and wooden leg, the silver w'ndplpe,
club to club, I am unable to sit a reature that is mended, all
alone in a room, enjoying my from top to bottom."
solitude, I may admit one dumb j Mark Twain,
animal to membrship, prefehably
Get it from
McCammon & Lang Lumber Company
a dog
By the way, here is a good
idea: Next time you are caught
without a good excuse for not
attending some half dead club,
The great seceret of success in
„„„„ tluu life is to be ready when your
just say: "I'm awfully sorry, bet opportunity comes. The thing
the Solitaide Club meets tonight y°'unK men and women muBt keep
and I'm scheduled to preside.:— I 'n ~'~J W""J
To all person's interested in the
Estate of Jennie Willeford, a per-
son of unsound mind, H. D. Wflll-
the date of the notice in the
ford has filed in the County Court
of Navarro County, final account,to.
gether with his application to
be discharged as such guardian,
which will be heard at the next
Term of said Oocrt, commencing
the first Monday In January A. D.
1926, at the Court House thereof'
in the City of Corsicana, Texas,
at which time all persons inter*
ested In said estate may appear
and contest said account, should
they see proper to do so.
you then and there before said
Court this Writ, with your return
thereon endorsed, showing how
you have executed the' same.
Given under my hand and tbe
seal of said Court, at Corsicana,
Texas this the 2nd day of Novem-
ber A. D.( 1926.
Clerk County Court, Navarro
County, Texas.
By L. E. Hnrvey, Deputy.
Nov. B.12-19, 19/5.
Notice of Filing Attount-—Estates th® 8,deWa,lt They escap.
* " • cd unhurt by -clinging to to tha
awning <nd coming to the walk
with it.
A man passing at: tho time
escaped Injury, only getting some
paint on his shoe.
No obter damage canie of th«
For good work at reasonable prices
116 1-2 West Collin Street, Corsi-
cana. Plhone 961.
William Feather.
Justice B. K. Duncan has re.
j . , uuuHe iney can ho 11 n is tne
Ppnfo pi!„° ,.1® the | trained mind that must be looked
mind is that business is not
concerned in the least with his
or her need for a position but
simply with their capacity to fill
The true buslnosa man or wo.
man of today asks for work be-
cause they can do it It is the
Chas. Pisek
West Colin Street, Corsicana, Tex.
u. . . | trained mind that must be looked
to talc* aCe ^1° Pr<|0 nCt N° °ne Iup t0 in actua' business conditions.
L l ,Pr: ,bUBine8B' hav- When it exists, there is no limit
, 038 T. A.jt0Vhere it can go.
The0 rVi ■ AvenU3, j The world is filled with wishers,
The resignation went to ihe k . j *
n . .. ^ 1 hopers, dreamers—men and wa-
t-oitiiniss oners Court Mondav and . .. ...
..... i , ,, y a i men who could mount high up the
" Z J, T. T 1 ■«"' ' « ■"
unevnirprj11 ° n 7 °i #Ul 1,16 wi" ,,ecaU8e they are not willing
unexpired term by the court. t0 pay the prIce.
0 And what a smnll price It Is
(•c org( \\ a sc.mii Appointed after all. Merely the spending of
Constable of Precinct O. a few months in training from the
A. M, Jones resignd as Constia. unprofitable, wasted time in every-
hie of Precin*| (i, and Monday the one's life, devoted to training. Get.
Commissioners Court elected Qeor- j ting ready—that is all.
ge Wasson to succeed him. j Men and women with restricted
-— ______ | earnin)?g satisfy their consciences
The way some men brag about j with the excuse that they cannot
mileage they get from their gaso. j nlTo.-d to go to the small expense
line and tires leads one to trlnk involved, unconslclous of the fact
they are on the payroll of the oil that they are giving the best rea-
and rubber manufacturers. son in the world why they should
make the necessary sarifico—un-
conscious of tho fact that they
Pay over and over all thru their
lives, by restricted earning pow-
er, for the training that yould re.
turn them a 'thouand fold for a
small sacrifice.
If you are Ifired of long hours
with small pay, if you want a bet-
ter position with opportunities as
well as better pay, then support
ycur Rmbltion with training. A
few months fn Tyler Commercial
College at Tvlor, Texas will e<|tiip
you for the business world, will
Put your servies in demand. Send
for the Free book, "'Achieving
Success in Bus'ness," and read how
ycu can turn the wheels of com-
merce. Just 1)11 in and return the
coupon which is printed below and
receive free the large book.
We have no branch schools any-
where. We lohdjr, others follow.
Tyler. Texas
Name -
Pee the editcr of this paper for
a scholarship
Consultation by Aproimtmoat
Residence phone 191
Offi<je over Davis' Clothing Store
Operates at P. A S. Hospital
CEND TODAY for this won.
^ dcrful book of savings. Its
800 pages are li.crally bursting
with bargain pricQS on the
world's best merchandise. Al-
most evervthir.2 you need is
listed among the 35,000 items
pictured, described r.r.d plainly
priced—priced at a very definite
and substantial saving for vcuu
Ton, Order VtifffJ IVukm 21 Hourt" <
{ Scan, Roebuck and Co. Tc 300 !
| Chicago StilMhl^hi, D.llw S*M*W Knh. CHf S
J Send Ukm Ontrral CiuU*.
j Ntm*
{ PomAti.
Rural Routt .
Dot No..
j llltr .
Strvri Mid No.

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Corsicana Democrat and Truth (Corsicana, Tex.), Vol. 40, No. 1, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 12, 1925, newspaper, November 12, 1925; Corsicana, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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