History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties. Page: 375

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also owns a one-third interest in a gin, built
in 1885, at an outlay of $800 by our subject.
Mr. Wingo believes in raising every article
of consumption for the farmer, if possible.
Politically, he is a Democrat, but does not
belong to the office-seeking kind, having held
no office save that of School Trustee.
In December, 1873, Mr. Wingo married
Mary Jane, the daughter of John Sharp, an
Alabama farmer, who was born in Alabama,
and who lived arid died in that State. In
September, 1875, Mrs. Wingo died, and in
December, 1878, the second marriage of our
subject was consummated with Mrs. Mary
Lou Nicholson, a daughter of Daniel Moore,
of Georgia, who had been a pioneer to Texas.
Mr. Moore married Miss Annie Allday, and
reared two children, of whom Mrs. Wingo is
the older and the only living one. The family
of Mr. Wingo is as follows: Frank, Mary
Eugenia, David Allen, Annie, Charlie, Clinton,
Eva, James Calvin and Alma. Mr.
Wingo is connected with the Little River Masonic
lodge, and the family are members of
the Methodist Church.
J OHN M. HEFLEY, president of the
First National Bank of Cameron, merchant
and in many ways connected with
the business interests and history of Cameron
and Milamn county, is a son of William V.
Hefley, a personal sketch of whom appears
else in this volume, to which reference is here
made for the facts relating to the ancestral
history of the subject of this notice.
John M. Heffey was born in Henderson
county, Tennessee, October 17, 1845. He
was in his tenth year when his parents caine
to Texas alid settled in Milamn county. His
boyhood, until he was seventeen, was passed

on his father's farm near Cameron. At that
age, May, 1862, lie entered the C(onfederate
army, enlisting in Company B, Brown's independent
regiment of cavalry, witli which he
served as a private, mostly along the gulf
coast of this State, until the close of the war.
Returning home after the surrender, lie attended
school for a year at Salado, Bell
county, and then went to work on the farm,
where lie remained until 1868, at which (late
he engaged in the mercantile business in
Cameron. He is thus one of the oldest inerchants
n0ow in business in this place, as lie
has, at all times, been one of the most pros
perous. His line is hardware and farnmiig
implements, and lie controls a trade reaching
to a considerable distance in all directions.
In August, 1889, in connection with a number
of other gentlemen of Cameron, Mr.
Hefley organized the First National Bank of
this plaee, of which lie was elected president
at a later date, which position he now holds.
lIe is also president of the Trinity, Cameron
& Western Railroad Company, recently organized,
which has for its object the construction
of a line from east Texas through
central and west Texas, and gives promise of
considerable in the way of increased transportation
facilities to this section of the State.
Besides these interests Mr. Hefley has extensive
real-estate holdings, both in this and
other counties, which are yearly growing
in value with the settlement and development
of the country. He is one of Cameron's solid
men of business and progressive, public-spirited
citizens, who interests himself in what
interests his town and county, and who contributes
liberally of his time, money and personal
effort to all enterprises tending to
stimulate the industry and promote the welfare
of the community and section in which
he lives. A Democrat in whom there is '" no


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History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties. (Book)

History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties.

Book containing a brief overview of the state of Texas and more specific focus on six specific counties, with extensive biographical sketches about persons related to the history of those places. An alphabetical index of persons who are included follows the table of contents at the front of the book.

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Lewis Publishing Company. History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties., book, 1893; Chicago, Illinois. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth29785/m1/399/ocr/: accessed May 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

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