Amarillo Daily News (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 59, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 10, 1914 Page: 4 of 8

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PuLIUhed by
Corner Sixth and Tyler Street
Euiuieu Office 471 Editorial Room 472
filtered erond tla rn.iltrr at the pot-
o(lir at Amaiillo. lexat under the n t of Mar. h
5. 1079.
Only morning Newtpaprr in the Arnarillo
(.'ourftry. Coveri the I'arihandle of Ira. Lant-
ern New Mxiro Southern Colorado and Wetrm
Oklahoma from twrlve to twenty four hour in
dvanrr of iJrnvrr Dalian I rrt Worth. Oklahoma
City end other papers carrying telegraphic dt liei.
I he I).nly Newn vill be l-li vr-rij by farrier
anywhere in Amanita or by mail oulmide of 1 1 4 -f
iiy for $ .00 a yrar or OOr a month in .idv.tit'e.
they should be. orne in' tpa itated die or obtain
a job eU-whre id'ir i r ould hardly be sup-
pltrd ami tor ' 'ry 'nr h he provided for a
trained nri'lT'iJ'iv who ''iiil'J drop fiiitornatif ally
into pl.i"- v. ( -r '.I'lori mnjht require
'A Inn tli- e;a t through he had ) n ml 1 1 'J
dr'l'r .irid ysii i n ' J-(j.irt rri-rit with .in e
timate.J visirr '.I f J ' a )'ar iri fiTiwi .trid
Willi 'i h reyulu.'y .iiid sys'ein i r the keeping of
the r-''rd that i'i't..r 'hat required attention
rould L' ( ' ' ' 'i k-d or lomt siybt
of I hr if .'ivi;.. h i r- iimii '.hy there should
not he the mall.e t t ' : " f . - V I" ill' 'oridurt of af
fair in ill''i -t 'i ! .i iiiij rn ip.ilily a of a
private i orpor.ili'.n ' where piilli oflu e i
merely ( prr.a'e ir..i
. B
M 'i Hi (Ml I'm Hhf M
l i Speaker Sweet of the New t'oik A"Im I'm he ha no i onnn lion wild the
I mm!
.S.oie again for I'.iriel I'onl lupiesm tales
h.iVr mluntped. altrr lo theme many .mil iniillilii
1 1 1 1 II Ml H ItlOOiim
A" or. ling to the limrn. Ihr I vrryl'odv V.'
to Inn. h idi-a t KiinK in 1 .1 I'axo l w.i wmtl
front p.iv'r pa r.
Juration il V. Kant. ha mil a .hi' with th' namr of 1 rott who proponr. In
't a pair il rnninrK and win in a ranlrr
' Slrpp H hkr thr frrring of wal'l" aHsrrt il
fM(i wntrr in a r- rit artulr. "Nualt'r
Janitor iuvd nr thr radiator lmtrd
If th'V do put ovrr thu pr' prrlrrV
mr primary wr want it drtui tly nndrrnlood
that WiNoii wa and i our piuo ny i Inure.
In il.' f' H'.w
( app'r. .1 l.ii. Ii f p
ll'W .pi.p f Hid '
lit (if hillKiH. ' 'llllf t
id'-i I 'A i! nii 1 M' i
'. ' I i-i V r in i ' 'ill
r-xp'rl k ri'iw I'rl .i i!
li.ili'irn i Hiirp.i I '. ii
Will I r J l ll'i Hi fil . r i
Inr ri I Ii h p.i' ii' .' i mi .
i il n . In i 1 .1 r i 1 1 . .' -' !
I i ' '' '-prion ..I 'I.' p.
ill. mid pl.iy in tli- ill. i. is
r . ill I v l'i '"ii I i ' f i- v
i hI .i i i d I it .1 . 1 1 1 f -1
ill not Mi' Ii i in. in
K..mH.n woman want to It awn ialr jiiMk r
of II" .uprrme ourt If -.!.'. I.U hrr n.Mrrv
hr h..uld It to hand l..wn 1..11T itunn.nk?
il' iimril
Krl hai juot won a prir Inr ItM
.Shunlil "in'-n I ro
t 1 1 r I'l
Hi' hmond
nwr ' th' 'pi"tion
po' M.' vv ' I r man prop..r
And 't or" ' ihoiild It ultn irnt
And now innir a do tor who .iHirrl that
Hryan' favorite Leverage urape pin r. i tronv-ri
than heer Mut a few million Amern an wont
h'heve it until they make a nimparative t't
Q -"
n ri( ir.( v in i'liu.ic M in id
CommentiriK on the ule t d inrreaed elln
i'n-y in puhhr nrrvire the San Antonio l.xpre
.iV :
An 'ffiiirnrv rxpert front the hureaii id mil
I ' ip.i! r''.U'h wn introduieil into the viipphr
d'p.iTlrri'nr of the S'w York C ity ( iovmrnrnt l
e A 1'ioiild not lr. lighten out thini.' at hit and
i-du.' r.iv while in' reaxiliK elfnieniy
I!- I rst llnny th' expert did w .n tn order the .f all swivel hair with padded roh
u. d' nil iMution therefor nf hard hottom
ef r;. i'r nmi revolving variety. I hen he
had .11 roll rp d'kn. behind whnh lav
- iii'ind '- 1 . f r Arthur
. .hi . a i i r i.f a ml r mi; of
i .nid d-io- for iriv'rn
ilyr to lli' il' l'lie o 'rem
poll' V
ton i pri-mil'lit whoV
lni'.r v ..f p' opl" ainl
i oi In r ! it' I In
1 1 1 . p i 1 1 . . I lli' r ud i N o I
I H lll'(li 'lOll'll 1 III
ii w-ll iii.inv think
I I tin- iin r n an nation
Mm h'Timph'i'. a
!d iv hi l-l.i- Willi the liri
liol .
' aii not sii. Ii i in. in aIih ' in hoilllv loil'h
Willi ih' otiialioi in Mi-. o I' l.'-it'-r Irnttefl (o
il'i what im WM- .in I r.i'ht tli.iii I lie lil intention
! itien iii i oii.'i' oi m the r inks '
I he people o M.-n I the p!C'nt lime
are totally unli'led l"t ' il i-'iv 'i nine nl a we un
denl ind it I In- po v I1 -ii i.'.d" ii .i iini) h evi
hllioliaiy an il ih i r oh it . .1 . .i i v Mxi. o h le.irn
IIIK ll ihi.i Kv so I i . d )l the litteHl out il
thim iolili l.elwiell pettv I e Vl ihll ! 1 1 1 l"U .1 n'l r)ih
her hand rnuil imm .iii'e thr native le.idrr who
will remi ue the louiitry Ifiitn diionli r and dark-
ir. Ii i amply Imiorv rep'iiliiik; its If.
' It ham hern emliniated that we would refjuii)1
an itlinv of half a million ynunu ni'ii to effe)t
ivrly p. ihre M'-xno in ' a me nl ol il.le mterven
fornble intervention Mexn o would mean:
"An aimy of a half million Amrm an youth at
a roml of mm h more than 1 1100 MOO a lay. and
niaiiv hvrn nmkeil in a dalu'eroum i limate probably
lor yr.irm
A .oiilinuoim hornewar) pr. em-ion of phymi
i al wreikm ami li'W bloiul forward'il t) replar r
ihem lir.nnini; the nation' vitality
I he mpie.iil id morrow in lloinem now happV.
the dimlurham e id ie.u rful iinluitrv and I'om
llii-l. e mole peiimion hur'lelK .1 generation fretted.
Who air falling lor mu h a mainlne)
. 1
I' l.i'.nnm to look tii a man up a tree a if all
th""- who riid'.noi t- ol.stru' t the Wilmon poll)
in I dim. the Mri o milualion. r- beinK ehm
mate. I I . in in. miti. Mis of llilluni.e Ambil.iroT
I hnr I i"e Wilson had a policy id him own; and
he warn p it wh'-ie he
I ''. H-i-.-l
I ...
i ' l!y I'M I' STMMi. i
'Mi roM. Mi - winter I. i ir:i
aifaln With I' ! ' ' ti I
' I lianaT'D the u i' .IlleJ li- .l l.l!
; ti aioir's. Tti. - !.'H.K liirils im
'iiiiK'T bn iik tie itMii: s -..Ii lit air
Tlie Mllililtinn of i ritiK HIi l SuiiiriiT
no lniigr tl't ' lai.nrer li.rf. l.
M-) viorK Tin .-" h r'l-h a-.'l
1 I irt llf tll 1 .II ill.e 1 4 p I -'
"!!. work anrj rrv of tin- nni m
I "ill Is t n "d'-r Ainfir ...t
; at hi ry liom.
".'Inter Ha t u:.r. a nl ;
I I I Ilie. a (Ih for tneil I .it
Anminl llie firi on luiiir tlii-.r
i v i.lir.' niii h. in..!)- time u r..
i n llie hs h il.ui for l In. '
1 ' 'in II oIkihI. - i an -o M'-n
t'oiil.l tak tin tn 1 1' in i) i -i I'M-.
' ' i-h ihrinir h! I'l ' 'Te I- i
. '.ite of iiilml I tnrik i-.i-iri'
"iinin ami ymi i. 'ir" to ? I H'-'i -
oi W inter i ' me for 'tui.kini-
tor ! H'l v nut fie : .i : it iii i'
l.r' at .. t;i I' -a'.l o'
ri at iilum T! t -' ' '!! 1 '
i! tory i'lH f i.i.i hi rlie li.i'M..
I ! lil-. lull In tin ' nl. I''-" '
of I'll' Kenerillr. ' ' nlii 'n.lli'l 'I M
. ii torionn iirniy ' Is o in ' i ''
lav 'if'- M-n 1 1 ' . 1 1 1 ! ! ' i ' Hi.
I a ijf ii- are Mint' nn 1 'c - I o 'i
i.--.. lire tlinir : n " 1 ' :i I- i- -I
1 i tr.i'li'. H'nl . in. t " 'i.i i '
. .tii itn'lr r ' : 1
. lf lllHllll ! ' . I I ' It I
n ; l. . ...
' I. r lull O; i. inn t '. 1
I li r ili'l not. I': -I " '
f 'I' 'I 'll.lll Hi. I. .-: '
.! U 111 II II S 1- I'.'.' Ml. -111.
r -inM a nt 1 1 i : '.. . . : '
I'l.itilillitf. I llerel i ' i.' ' ' i
. ml i!;tn vi ell r- i ' o ' ' .' 'i ' 1 '
i. linn-.
w In'i r lime . a ' " ' " : '
Reductions in
ft -ik -r- v r -uflj K A
36x4 1-2 No rim cut or clincher plain tread .... S35.G0
36x4 No rim cut or clincher plain tread S25.95
34x4 No rim cut or clincher plain tread S24.35
33x4 No rim cut or clincher plain tread S23.55
32x3 1-2 No rim cut or clincher plain tread . . .516.75
30x3 1-2 No rim cut or clincher plain tread . . .515.75
30x3 No rim cut or clincher plain tread $11.75
-B 1 f fc&
m mm J Ti .W m IT-ni 14 m JLW L r v JW
i iw us j 4T mi i. xm. ra ri r w r rr-i t a -s.
r i m ck. Mi iff y r a.: :i- iv i rs v FMm.
-i cv jnv&G
1 v
M 71
I lie man v. It ri i t- t
in;Nii-r iiiiiiM -'Ian' lire ami lirm : al
ml iila-ii'l nf tlni' l'i '
iniii iliilit e slio"
r rnriiut: 'Hi i 1
" ii3 mTFintisimmwiwrm.
1 1 1
' I .lll'U llf pel 'le ' '
I i.l tills Vi ll 'er III I !
i . . i r - or at r' lint- ' "f
n I'. onn i III l'i pi " .
in. ini'l next Hi! iner t'.i i
". it tliey I
nt only I. null h in. l -
a a. lj Hhon' ' lai. i' i:
"k 'liiiiiK tin ltitii 'if
ii . ' i in me n I ii u . oi i-"
ri' 1 1. r are l-wile nf iiai un" .t. im. I !.
ni 1. 1' to (In I iner.- i f I In I an
m. lie ill t'll .'Vay i c i Hi '.ii
III. 'lll'er to llt'l Mir I IliiT' !! Ii U ;i
I II .1 I II I 'il Willi It II Of tllee -l-liHH
ii'ii' tl.i v Iii a pi r ineniM ni - m i
t iit it it 'I'll r- !lei; 'la inti 'I it I
In -e i reiji J teV." '" ;l l"'" r I"1
iii ci.s I'll 1 1 1 Ni.r 1
I i ' . a . i'
aka l . :
I lull III Ilia k ' I ' I In I'l le
line :i;il :i lan 10 n"iu '."in i
a ill il 1 1 v I nu U n imui
W ll V in
ars In i Olit.nii liter. iinre miiVJ
llijeil '.nil Wi i to ll'liiv anl'tl'J
el to win I I In' II ul v lis in nl'- t
i A'dv ' 't make t a nun inak
irom "ii it h . 1 1 lis t ii.' I.r a
I "ir in i 1
i iks n i .'i
T. I
I'lllll .mile ' I'-
ute ..lie lia!; "I
o r in .i ' !
:-i' I llilV of ! I
lie I' liihaii'l ! id I
ar I kIht In Hie
iiiii.ih.T v iti'i-t r
i'l(i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . a l'i
a Kri :'t ami In
It'll M I' M.I .-' '!
t . i . I. i . ! ! a i
n ! I . i n '
'.I' ; .1 " In I I n . 1 .ii
i.i ! tax avlfr: cnj.te
v.'a - I'd u nititil . I'ii n
l"i i :i" lia i . riTi-i i'i :i
I .ni- I . no r thi t -r
( t '.' "tiiiiii ii '
I lil- nun tin I: ' :rn! It i-
p :t ! tn I'i'l tV . I.l.ii. III.
.1 pi
i" :
i ' i';
1 - ii! Ii..
'i. i! I
I I.
:..r. .1
I" I'
I . -
ll t .1 iitipells til i:i
'1 t:i.-. ..nia; Vi-M
i ! a n I ni In r "f nl In l'
i. Law- a'ifiil'il Ilit''. inn'
v. it ii i III I
i'lnl lie I
' nil i'l . i a
T e I. ic 'I '
- l"-t..-:tiA
I . i l ili'
.'l.iar till 1
lleat tlm wattr f r the eotlrt
liinisH. (id hot water and al'
au want at any time day oi
n't tit. .'-v-'
o l; arn V?m ajW
ilni'-s n -ii-
I n t
mtnii tnitnsi l . tin-
I r e 1 1 i e 1 1 1 . i ' I ' . I
Willi the .islim.'1
el rls ate i . sir i
r W a M
oiilil mil rx'ii imr it ; Sir
..mliassadiir Witm an ob-'
i. an poln v. ami l I'1
... 1 . 1 1 ieita im not m Itannony
m views ami yiaduallv thr
.1 ml urn ain hr im to I.f rr
tlnl-i' ru s
. I- ol '
.1 jll-l
('- nine
t ami '
J l i tlie III '
ii n'l ! I ' '
.f the ii.irlll '
il at'i iiiil
Hill I i I- it'
ii i.i k
Ml iiiincs
it II 1 IV
N'iiII.' I i-.i-e t -
I i 1" t
t vielil mi.
i ise Imi lit '
1 1 i
r f 'icitiwiiirvn'f -.".i..r"'.r'Mt.tMMM
e ma
f .- s
I ?a.e-j -m. a im J yj I mtfutas.vjfai n I r mil i
V. I I l -s
our I '
lirtwern Im
lamt is I -.! I
U llat you l
i umulatrm at vou- -'
on Si-l.-i I viiiii
ilerkm .o.i'mI Lite remove.) and flat tj drskm mn
MitufeH mo t'f. . ! rmployo wrlf put "out in tin-
NV. etpet arrsnttrrl to Itavr all trUphonr
f .llm drst at-vse.) y a loy to line! otit wlio ami rr.f.Kt l.e vantr.l and. if within hi rapaloli
do to afrri'l t. tr- nrrd or wimltr fl thr prr
..n at thr n'Vi efi f thr wirr without;
i.t .1 . .!..) ... .e.terriirtrd in hl mork rx I
rrpt whrn nr. rvar'.
Amonir oM.rr lnir ditvovrrrd l' hr rxprrt
n prrnnir tHroiin thr one drpartmmt ol thr puh
l.e itrrvnr to whnh htm attrntion wa dirrdrd warn
that t rrTrJ ..Lout l day. to Irt a contra t
am aZaint two o thrrr day rrquirrd by a privatr
corporation to do thr lame thing nd in thr totr.
r.o.i.r drparlrr.rnt l.r found uch jumble and
fonf.jMon of thr artnlr. atorrd that it nrrdrd a
rrh warrant lo find .nythin whrn nrrdrd Of
rour hr had all th-t alraihtnrd out at prompt
ly .nd rffect.vrly po.atble. Thrn hr wrnt aft-
rr tbr -nd.n'n-bJ-" o -rnployr who
Ud bcom o much prt of thr rvre that it
( .
1 ".. -v iam )
ill 's I i ' i i omplrtr Journey
itioii- I he (nmt im Birth thr
itw.i i. .. the 'a Station..
m t - - - Hr ami ut r ar-
ps at ; i- t. ay Station.
on . '!. i .inn wo A iv Mation.
I he ih;! r! .i is loiny ii II with you. in thr
I si i i ; 1 1 1 ; n p p. i.p iUP of your
tin. u -h ! u.irl'l im thr Judgment and
r ikr r.i i tu-.;v ttnl otesik-ht and L'r that
f ike !.. vM1 ir and arr while you
' 'X i !alinim.
ii vi ' i i.iii iwi Wi Station.
I tie M u sl t'liitim that Imr erty Railroad
. ir' iT m l I'ini-K rtiinuh. But they make
tin I'. i U . tie ( ihr Kailroad Symtem! a I I'-i'k at a i minttv mliirr .dion n New-
j bo- on t it. un (arfie. am low Boy. pictured
j alone. I Is ' and ( onmionplace. But it
warn trni'i h"nesilv atid r irnrmtly performed Mt
these iiiipue!; Way Mation that finally linked
Ml sl Is r lll.-l -K.N "t
i.i ihi i: i l n :
k i Hi
i'in to ljretnem
'l mi e!ei t ntir own Way Station!.
o i ae at . In mi. merit at one of your Way
Station. Are vou makin vnur work there
Count' Are you getting the lamt ounre of Value
troro ymir I'rement Way Station? Kemember
if you where you are .omrone is going to
eomr along and grt what you failrd to get and
from Irrntory that you are able now to Master
(irt the M.t from ear h me of your Way Station.
The V i '
nnsi k'ii-.i
i' ir.i'i'
ntn !i .it ! .i
lllllill 'I!
he kl ltf .
I'UlTi-'l . 1 1
till He t-
Ili'l I.T . -line
:rt i
Win mi
lie tl'f.' '
r Jim !!
w ii or t 'i . .
)i"i - ' .
. tl t; i
lizi ii. r
nr "i I
all.. - . '
ma- i-t .'
altv t.n.
iiss i t r
i i-
' lien a. I
mail.. r..
'Ii'i.fl ; i .
m. I n- I ."
.a fins! .
nei ii tut.
trine si. r
irri'.i' i.'ti
Jul S.i".
:llj ir.v 1. i
ml 1"'
'ltll I'l '
tllell uf" 11
.til lit Iv It K a i it t Im !
Bllite r '-.I'
. r.wi.l is r'i h
- It tt lirle ael.l Im ll I ?J
to filter out tliil
nvt-rwnrk. 1 " 111
tiliatlVH . lei. Hjtt
s ktii.ltn y Ir' ul' i'. J'
ami a general .'
i 1
klilnev f".'l Ik'
ilv. full ( se.ll 11 tl
Kll tit K-ek t'ii.'
.. .Inr ti i- Un- li-'' ' Ji'ji
h m. k I..- . i fj
rour lia' k huri . '
pello. i I'l ft '"' IH' ll. lei
.'tiiiiiiti-m it t. r.
e ii'iii ." i' ...
ir ounce i.t I
tablt'iiMinf il in a
rforr hre.ik:a-i ' .r j
your knln-vs Cj
rhi (anmns s.i.t i- t'f
arid of
.it tor
nulate iifni i knl-
ie llie a'lls in fa-
tlKT lt a snnri e .
andii.ic MaiMer 1 1 -
mm '
V. r -
Advertised in This Week's
Saturday Evening Post
1 he Best
'Ss r '
j t ' wi W tI'"J"'hiiii mmmtim f
; -.. ' - - - ......... . - . . .
neI'Is; fJI't' '
delltli!"l etiert
r. bevrraire atnl I
' Ir1' t'"iv t.
tin!.. ..ii. h.jh A nil'lr I'T tia'!-: J
c 'l kt.l l:.i i flunlilni; any tune
On the
Sold Exclusively By Us In Amarillo.
Phone 79 417 Polk Street

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Greer, Hilton R. Amarillo Daily News (Amarillo, Tex.), Vol. 4, No. 59, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 10, 1914, newspaper, January 10, 1914; Amarillo, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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