The Rusk Cherokeean (Rusk, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 37, Ed. 1 Friday, April 9, 1937 Page: 1 of 6

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The Rusk Cherokeean
$60,000 Motor Registrations Cherokee County For 1937
S. C. Farmer Makes 12V2 Bales
Of Lint Cotton On 5 Acres
$1,080,000 Appropriated
In Bill
A deficiency appropriation of
$1,080,000 to augment the rural
aid or equalization fund so that
all approved qlaims this year
could bo paid was passed Tuesday
by the House of Representatives,
134 to 5, after several amendments
restricting expenditures were in-
corporated. | ceived by 45 bands and 15 orches- !
Several school men from this i tras, and many more are expected j
Cherokee county Farm Debt j
! Adjustment committeemen will j
Eastern division State Band and j meet with O. E. Lillard, district j
Orchestra contest, under the aus- j FDA supervisor in Rusk, Monday,
pices of the Texas School Band April 12, to discuss problems of
and Orchestra association, will debt-distressed farmers. The meet
be held in Waco, April 15, 16, and will be held at county agents of-
17. The three-day program will j fice.
be sponsored jointly by the Waco, Tjiese committeemen act as ar- !
Public schools, Baylor university, bitrators for both debtor and
and the Waco Chamber of Com-, crecjitor, and keep well informed
™frce; , . . on sources of farm financing so
Rusk band will represent Cher- that their suggestions have onab].
okee county. | ed several farmers in this county
Entries have already been re-1 to avoid losing lheir property.
Farmers or creditors wishing
county wet e in Austin Tuesday,' by April 9th which is the dead- j * ® group s assistance should plan 1
working in the interest of the j line for contest entries. More; 0® at the meeting at to a. m., j
House bill. Those men who went! than 5000 students and directors
from this county were County j will be in attendance at this out-
Superintendent D. C. Stockton, [standing event.
W. C. Wisener, superintendent of Judges will be: Victor Grabel,
schools at Wells, and E. S. Erwin, Director of Chicago Concert Band,
Sr., superintendent at Dialville. j Chicago, Illinois; Mark Hendsley,
It is believed that the appropri-! Assistant Director of University
ation will pass the Senate without of Illinois Band, Urbana, Illinois;
and have with them complete in-
formation about the debt. Those 1
with particularly difficult prob- j
lems should contact one of the
County Committeemen before the ;
These committeemen are:
W. O. Whatley, Jacksonville;!
Slate Prize
nyich opposition. Several thous- Otto Kraushaar, Assistant Direc-! J- Cates, Alto, and L. D. Long, j
and school teachers and superin- j tor of Iowa State college Band t Rusk.
tendents were in attendance at the and Orchestra, Iowa City, Iowa; [ This group is a section of the
session, and crowded the balcony, i Captain James Nielson, Director Resettlement administration, and
Yield W ins | worthy of note. After preparing
the land well, Mr. Arant planted in
rows thirty-four inches apart. He
applied 400 pounds of fertilizer
analyzing 8% phosphoric acid, 5%
Nitrogen and 5% potash. This was
Around 880,000, the biggest total in Cherokee county history, went
through the cash register at the tax assessor-collector's office for
automobile registrations during 1937, J. W. Pearson said here this
Last year proved to be the largest up to that time. A total of
$54,000 was taken in here that year .
Of the $60,000, a total of $50,000 is directed to the road and bridge
funds of the county, with the county and state dividing the additional
$10,000. This makes Cherokee county get around $55,000 for main-
tainance and other work caried on by the county commissioners.
•$> Twenty-five dealers licenses
were registered for a total of $185,
with 3,194 passenger cars totalling;
(531,760.52. Ninety-five trailers
cost $2,048.90. There were 614
commercial licenses, totalling $19,-
657.36 and 775 farm trucks for
$5233.30. Chauffers, 132 of them,,
paid $396, and there were 429>
transfers for a total of $107.25.
Assessor-Collector Pearson stated.
Handled during March for the
balance of 1936 was the following:
P. M. Arant, of Pageland, S. C.,
made the unusually high yield of
12y2 bales of lint cotton on five
acres, winning a $275.00 cash prize bedded upon ahead of planting.
= ? r 'i
*>' f 4
Appropriating of this amount
will mean that several schools in
this county will continue for at
1 M'St another two weeks, although
plans had already been made for
them to ciose within the week.
Will Investigate Expenilitures
Expenditures of the deficiency
appropriation would be restricted
to amounts approved by a joint
legislative committee, which also
was orders" vestigate the
distribution lid lunds by
the Depart i: —lucation and
the Beard of Education, under an
amendment app: to id.
Edgar Keefc. co-author of the de-
ficiency appropriation, sponsored
the amendment with Bryan Brad-
bury and Virgil Fielden.
An appropriation of $1,500 from
the contingent expense fund was
provided to finance the investiga-
tion. The committee of. three
Representatives and three Sena-
tors would be given wide power
to change or deny grants prev-
iously approved by the depart-
ment and the Board of Education.
Recalling there had been ex-
tensive debase on the method and
efficiency of previous expendi-
tures, Keeke said: "I am merely
of Instrumental Music, Oklahoma
City University, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma: Bruce Jones, Little
Rock High school Band and Or-
chestra, Little Rock Arkansas;
Roy Martin, Director of Green-
wood High school Band, Green-
wood, Mississippi.
The Eastern Division contest,
one of four regional contests in
Texas to determine entries for
the National Contest, will be un-
der the d'rection of William Krau-
ledat, Jr., who is contest chair-
man for the Eastern division of
the -Teittiw Uenool Band and Or-
chestra association. Other divi-
sion contests to be held over lhe
state are as follows: Southern
Division at Kingsville, March 25,
25, and 27: Western Division at
Lubbock, April 29, 30, and May
1; Northern Division at Pampa,
April 21, 22 and 23.
their help is free to farmers and
farm creditors who wish assist-
ance in refinancing chattel and
land debts.
in the 1936 S. C. state-wide con-
test, in addition to making a net
profit of nearly $1,000.00 for the
cotton. His staple pulled 1-1/32
Because of his high quality yield,
ter the cotton was chopped he ap-
plied 2S0 pounds of Arcadian
Nitrate of Soda per acre as a side-
dresser, along with the same
amount of muriate of potash. He
planted Coker's Cleve-Wilt strain 4
Mr. Arant's production methods are j variety.
Bones, Scrcp iron New
Source Of Revenue
To Texas Farmers
p ■
Officers are searching for a
negro, believed to live in Fair-
field, after a fatal stabbing in the
negro section of .Jacksonville
Saturday night.
The Jacksonville negro who was
stabbed died Sunday morning.
Sheriff Brunt and his department
were called in on the case Sunday,
i but the negro was not to be found.
| Calls were made to Fairfield
j and other points, after Brunt and
| his men received information that
he was heading in the direction of
that Freestone county city
Rusk P.-T. A
Charge Ra
*3 U-U
rig ram
Continuing the policy of having
a special radio program every two
weeks, the 12th Congress of Par-
ents and Teachers association of
East Texas and Cherokee coun-
ty arc reaping a harvest selling
bones at S10 per ton and scrap
iron at $4 and $5 per ton, accord-
ing in a survey iust completed by
the Texas Planning Board.
Most of the bones are being
purchased for fertilizer, chicken
feed and bone meal. The best
rade of bones are being bought
factories for use as a
Sheriff's department Saturday
night raided three "liquor shops"
in Cherokee county and arrested
proprietors of the establishments.
First stop was made at Lee's Fifty-eight pasenger cars and 54
Lodges, operated by G. L. Bicker-1 commercials, $80.89; nine farm,,,
staff, and a quantity of liquor $7.58; two motorcycles, $5,42;
confiscated. Bickerstaff was ar- nine trailers, $21.74; 80 transfers,
rested, but later made bond. . $20; seven duplicate plates, $7
Roekwood Inn, operated by Joe one dealer's licenses, $5; 17 ad-
Weaver, was the next stop for
the raiding officers. Here they ar-
rested Weaver and confiscated 3
pints and 5 half-pints of whiskey,
and 3 cases of beer. Weaver also
made bond.
Jacksonville was the scene of
the third and final raid of the
evening. Clarence Mathew's place
northwest Jacksonville was vis-
ited by Sheriff Bill Brunt and
Deputies Halbert and Yarborough.
Mathews was arrested, but he
also made bond here Monday
ditional receipts, $41.54.
Senator John S. Redditt, Lufkin,,
expressed the opinion Friday that;
no new taxes of any kind should
be levied during this session of
•be legislature. He amplified this,
by nay;sig that the entire subject.
— ! should be deferred until next fall,.
McDonald i O Speak ! When the needs of the govern-
' J will be determinable much.
tc-ly than is possible.
a, iV t « *. ? « e s-r U? j* v* *
. . . , .. i j , Intent will be
Athens ridd'efs Msg? • r- accruatc
Texas presented a program over!?
station KNET in Palestine Wed- j blea°chfng agent for pure canc
nesday afternoon with the Husk!
organization in charge. j The sc iron js bei
Mrs. W. H. Hanna was in charge chased b b „ representing
, of the program and gave a short joDan
The Fairfield negro eluded the talk, being introduced to the radio j E „ farmers who "plowed
Jacksonville officers early Sat-, audience by Bonner Frizzell, su-'
Plans to entertain 20,000 pers
ons in Athens on Friday, May 23,
on the occasion of the Sixth An-
nual East Texas Fiddless Con-
test and Reunion have been made
by the East Texas Fiddlers assoc-
iation. A program which calls
for a number of added attractions
listed in the United States Army
and was assigned to the Infantry,
trying to see that the school chil-I Fort Sam Houston, Texas. This
dren get this money and that it1 is a very desirable branch of the
is not put out for any politieall, service and we still have a num-
purpose. It possibly may save the ber of these vacancies left. Any
state $200,000 or $300,000." j one wishing to enlist can make
R. H. Wood and Joe Keith ob- j aplication at the U. S. Army Re- j
tained adoption of an amendment cruiting Station, Post Office
allocating $3,000 to the State Au- Building, Palestine, Texas, Wil-
ditor for a detailed audit of prev- [ liam R. Schaefer, Captain of Field
(Continued on back page) ! Artillery, reports.
James W. Baldree of Rusk, en- j urday night and a negro man j perintendent of school in Pales-
came to the officials later and tine. The Rusk High school band,
told them that the killer had hired under the baton of Fred W. Mar-
him to drive him to Fairfield. j tin played two selections and Miss
Officers are still investigating Lorrainne Currie gave a reading,
the case. j The Grammar school choral club,
directed by Miss Dorothy Mar-
Hold Sheriff's Sole
An historical sketch of Chero-$ county. The chief of this tribe
'r ♦
kee county, compiled by a com-
mittee appointed for that pur-
pose by the citizens, and read
on the occasion of the celebra-
tion of the fourth day of July,
1876, ♦he 100th anivorsary of A-
merican independence
The committee appointed to
prepare thi: Sketch consists 1 of
Sam A. Wilson. A. Jackson, Wm.
T Long. Ara Dossett E. B Rags-
dale, W. J. Riv; da::'. John J.
Bowman, and L%ac Lee.
This i nkon from the scr:p-
book of the late !•!. C. Dickinson.
ra -t One
The territory embraced with-
in the boundari of kee
county in ihe year 133fl,' had
been for several years prevtous
thereto, a portion of the < ou \y
known as the "Cherokee Nati >n\'
was a famous Indian called "Gen-
eral Boles" and his second in com-
mand was an Indian called "Big
Mush". Boles was a wise and
powerful chief and possessed of
superior cunning and courage. He
lived about 8 miles southeast of
the town of Rujs> at the place
now occupied by Geo. W. Pear-
son, known commonly as the
Leonard place.
Another noted Indian named
"One Eye" lived on the place now
occupied by Hen. L. H. Dillard.
two and one-half miles south-. Given
bhall, closed the program with
several selections,
■c j . ■ . Several members of the local
I UeSday Morning : Parent Teachers organization
' went to Palestine with the group
„ , ,, , to be present for the broadcast.
Two sheriff s sales were held at j
the courthouse door here Tues- • -«T TrfcTTw TkT/~vm
day morning, to satisfy judg- i £)AN CUPID NOT
ment issued out of the district wx ^/-v ¥
court in its last term here. | SH U/fcjLL
First sale was made as result a—H-JJU
of judgement given Z. Gossettt, j . tum h
banking commissioner of Texas1 , , * - i f 4
against A. O. W. Fredrick. Land I ™n,s thoughts to love, but a
sold is situated four miles north- j check-up in the county clerk s
east of Jacksonville. Banking ! «ff'ce Friday showed no marriage
commission, represented by John licenses issued in the last three
C. Box, Jr.., bought the property I days which is something unusual
for $100 and costs. i even in Rusk.
Second sale levied against Vir- Last license issued was that of
under" thousands of head of cat
tie for the government during the ]
AAA cattle buying program are
now writing a glorious end to this j
phase of the New Deal by digging;
up the bones of the slaughtered |
cattle and selling them for fifty j
cents per hundred pounds.
It is uncommon to see scores of
wagons scouring the country-side
in some parts of the state for
bones. In several West Texas
towns huge piles of bones have
taken the place of the usual scrap
iron heaps.
The j unk dealers and every
small boy in town have been j
combing the streets, back alleys;
and farms for old iron. Tons have j
been stolen.
Kedditt's study was concerned?
only with the condition and prob-
able needs of the general revenue-
and the available school and old-
age assistance funds. His con-
clusion was that the available
school fund arid the old-age assis-
tance fund are assured of all they
including a full day's program of i will need from the existing tax
fiddle music, a display of Texas-1 levies and allocations.
made products in the show win-! As to the general revenue .fund,
dows around the entire public | he estimated that its receipts from
square, a gigantic oldtime square j existing lax levies will exceed the
dance and other features have j probable total of appropriations
been mapped by the directors of that are payable from it, leaving
the association. The event last j a surplus to be applied to the re-
year attracted a large number of, tirement of the deficit. In this
fiddle bands, and more than 12,- j view, the additional taxation
000 lovers of oldtime fiddle music needed will be such as is neces-
from many parts of Texas. ! sary to finance new commitments.
The principal speaker this year1 such as the demands of the teach-
will be Hon. J. E. McDonald, j er's retirement fund and new un-
State commissioner of agriculture, dertakings in compliance with the*
Mr. McDonald, himself a lover of, social security act. The need
oldtime string tunes, will recount will be determined largely by the
the part played by pioneer fid- 1 fate of the tax remission bil.s now
dlers in the traditions of East pending.
This year's program, as in the NICHOLS SPEAKS DIALVILLE
git U. Smith by the National Farm
Loan association on a tract near
Jacksonville. Loan association,
represented by John Guinn of
Jacksonville, bought the property
for $200 and costs a ! assuming
Outstanding debt on the property
in question.
Jesse Woodrow Smith and Miss
Jack Hardee, issued Tuesday,
March 30.
of Ri
.h of Ri
thi? Indian,
ca'led '"J!,iU!<
of Ri
One Eye Creek,
takes its name from
Aspther noted Indian
Bean"' lived west
at the p" ■ i now known
as the 1 - -vis Rogers place, and
B■?;< i'r Cresk takes its name from
this lridi^ji. "Tales Creek" west,
of Ru. k also takes its name from
S noted Indian of that name who
Forestry Lectures To Be
Efex Civic Clubs
Choral Club Sisigs
Kiwcnis Club Here
Friday At Noon
Constable Earl Pryor raided a
still about five miles north of
Wells and arrested Finis McNor- •
ton and Will McNair, operators
of the brewery.
A quantity of liquo
fiscated by the cons'
^ uide the raid alone,
12 barrels of mash.
Still had a capacity of arour.
50 gallons, Mr. Pryor. who w;
itor here Tuesday room in
past, will be entire
general public and
on the courthouse
special loud-speaki
will be in use.
C. H. Stanton of
general chairman
free to the
v.'ill be given
square where
ig equipment;
Athens, is the
Rev. L. W. Nichols, Jacksonville
Methodist minister, delivered the
bacculeaurate sermon to the Dial-
vi;!e senior class at the school
auditorium Sunday afternoon.
Commencement t.xerciscs will
be held at the school Anril 8th.
pai i \• rr I'M 1 *' W 4 V-Q IS
JO 5. i \JLi IJ.^1 A*5 JL JU3
was co
ible, w,l
is well
- it, ■:
ii u-1 ll^r
F rom
and up to that year was occupied^lived hear it.
by and under the control of the \ The Cherokee Indians claimed
f Cherokee Indians, a tribe of In-
dians which emigrated from the
state of Alabama, and settled in
this section at an early day, as
far back perhaps as 1827 or 1328.
The settlements of these Indians
extended from the San Antonio
Road northward and embraced
Thirteen forestry lectures to as
many Bas.1 Texa ci ic club.- is
the plan of the Texas Forest.
Service for April. 1.5. Keontz will
deliver the talks.
Mr. K.oontj: will be heard at the
local Khvanis club Friday of this
v. oak, April 9.
The lectures will cover the sub-
ject of forestry in Texas, forest
resources, and the work
Texas Forest Service.
ehim was well founded we have j Special emphasis will be placed
no jiieans of knowing. For some-; upon the importance of the com-
tim\ previous to 1836 these In- mercial timberbelt to present and
dian'x had become troublesome; future generations living in and
and dangerous to the White Set- adjoining this vast East Texas
tiers Vithin. their vicinity, and i area. Enlisting the cooperation
Drawing a r -u
lati.e from Kiw
■stry Servi
t Week
of h#art5
ins here
a 1
McNor !■:
the cc
; tfial.
lis country under q
cxico, but whether
grant from
or not this
& ^ wm. T. ■
ym portions of Smith and Van Zandt; had perpetrated a number of mur-, of civic clubs in the area to sup
\ counties. In 1839 the tribe numb- i d rs. Among other instances of port the program of forestry and
/ ered about 1000 warriors, and of i their savagery was the brutal
j this number about 600 were lo- masacre oft the Ki I lough family
llfi cated in what is now Cherokea (Continued on back page)
cby noon. Miss Dorothy Ma;si.ali's
Grammar school choral club and
the .quartet from that school gave
the program.
The choral club rang nioe num-
bers and the Quartet sv-W' two
Dr. George Francis, chairman
of the | of the program committee, an-
nounced that a representative of
the Texas Forestry Service, out
of College Station, would speak
at the Kiwanis club next Friday.
A movement is on foot for more
reforestration work in Cherokee
fl I?
Findley Gossett, "25,- negro liv-
ing in Woodvitlc. negro communi-
ty near Atoy, is in the county
jail here, charged with rape.
The alleged attack took place at
Gossett's place, where it is said he
was giving a party Saturday
Gossett is said to have run hi:,
county by large landowners, and [ friends off, barred the doors and
this talk next Friday should be of attacked an eighteen-year-old
. ; 58.70; Cm'
when County Ji
e Jr.. v ei'i
rsd figures Wfrq
000 InmprC' c 1
tior.s and the o
thai was respcr.,
of thousands of
aided the coimi
siderably, While
er current tn:<e
has been be tic
they «
.f 6th-
fire prevention and suppression
conducted by the Texas Forest
Service will be emphasized.
interest lo all members, Dr. Fran-
cis said.
negro girl.
Slim Maness wasV: visitor in
Dallas Monday,
Road and Bridge Fund Is Lo"
Road and Bridge funds of the
various precincts ended the quar-
ter with balances in the hank as
follows: Precinct No. 1, $1,293.08;
cks due
Ma in 1 his e<
e. with the
the she
.vould al
Mo. 4,,.
U ; 24 per
V ivill get -
March > 31st,
' OML-: SSSh-SS,:!^
of the toun-
!"oy -ver t^ioir
!te end of thp
• ' come
7-eents per
y while ChGT-
" counties of
14 -cents. Fee
ost lake care of
the alary situation if some othei
kind of cov.ld bt
made to leave the sh^sh fund her?
instead of taking it to Austin first
•. vSI

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Miller, Elton L. The Rusk Cherokeean (Rusk, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 37, Ed. 1 Friday, April 9, 1937, newspaper, April 9, 1937; Rusk, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Singletary Memorial Library.

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