The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897 Volume 1 Page: 389

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Laws and Decrees of Coahuila and Texas.
(389 )
Executive Department of the State of
Coahuila and Texas. j
The Governor of the State of Coahuila and Texas, to all the inhabitants
thereof: Be it known, that the standing deputation, associated with
the executive council and the members of congress now in the capital,
perceiving that the present state of affairs in the republic requires
measures at this juncture which may contribute, without causing em-
barrassment, to sustain the federal institutions, in exercise of the
powers conferred in article 90 of the constitution of the state, has
thought proper to decree as follows:
Art. 1. The executive is hereby authorized to levy and organize such
number of the civic militia of the state, as he shall deem proper, for the
defence of the federal institutions.
Art. 2. During the continuance of the present state of things he shall
proceed with discretionary power in the enrollment, organization and
force of the corpsand companies, without subjecting himself, to the steps
and forms provided in the militia regulations of the 6th of May last.
Art 3. The Executive is hereby authorized to make whatever dis-
bursements he shall deem necessary for the object set forth in the two
foregoing articles.
For its fulfilment, the Governor of the State shall cause it to be
printed, published, and circulated.
Wherefore I command it to be printed, published, circulated and duly
Given in the city of Monclova on the 26th June, 1834.
J. ANTONTO Padilla, Secretary.
Art. 2. During said sessions measures shall be dictated for the safety
of the federation, for the permanent restoration of the public tranquillity
at present interrupted by the collision of the supreme national authori-
ties, and by pronunciamentos, invoking religion as a pretext, which is
yet free from harm, and for the avoidance of any internal overthrow,
which such events might occasion in the state.
Art. 3. The regulation of the public treasury shall also be discussed,
and with that view all projects there are pending, relative to so important
a department, shall be brought under deliberation.
For its fulfilment, the Governor of the State shall cause it to be
printed, published, and circulated.
Wherefore I command it to be printed, published, circulated and duly
Given in the city of Monclova on the 24th of June, 1834.
J. ANTONIO Padilla, Secretary.

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Gammel, Hans Peter Mareus Neilsen. The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897 Volume 1, book, 1898; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 5, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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