Galveston Weekly News (Galveston, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 1, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 9, 1861 Page: 1 of 4

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-i -1.
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-A - '
of m
81iflfawrpyiri(pjlQWtttW M
0efitttreof-fiVtnint tr(HctrUOB tl 00
- ' each eubsequent In?. M
BeiH"raUonofaffladvert'aemcntpeeaOuare CO '
at reduced rates ; ad eon'rteta fcrchangtable adm lse-
BdU sostey given amouniwia uemaueoa muuciatc
'HelueSut Law aadBaJT-3aBUiik..Elll Hnili Circulars
ramphlets ana Uootefroma nantSscae vliltlng Card
t a Mammoth rpst-r. '
' TheNaws JonOmcitiaseparatedetartmeiuwitu
Sve hand-PTwies nfl two steam swrr ptea.tngeihH
with an extensive Msuittnrnt ot types ana ornaments on-
equalled by any ottennuWHmnaH' the Sta'c.
TliCfcsBAV....................Arr.IL 1 1S1
.F-We are glad to ee th.t "dtaplle the changes
of years the throts of politici the dissolution or
old wid formation? new governments the uprising
ol new literary eatetprlses the veteran -Knickerbocker
Masi!ae under the excellent management
of 1 gymlal editor Mr. Clarke stUlbolds Its cm la
merit tlrxelirenees and popularity. H baa Im-
proved of late very pinch and ve hope 't taiy al-
ways bt. as. .welcome .a visitor fir and wide ai It
Mi 0
Snrr-'Kxws. Arrinii Aprl! 1 " -ark' Stir Hi
Berry from fiotton. vtih be to Adams. Jourdan A
Oo. fichooriexLidncy.Vrlc from New TakwlUi
tatrchanaUe'lo Taokersley & Co. :
Capf. Healv of Steamer Unit's 'reports al Brians
Santiago: Brig Joo. Jevfett anaihooner J. E. Wood-
home from New Tark; Schuouer Colombia from
reasaeola and sehooaerShark from Oalveaton.
Oa rrlday moraine March Mth Pass Caralla
JJght S. a 16 miles distant spoke brig Mys-
tic SO dayi from New Tort Tar ladhoola.
There. wars oalyfonr Schooners Up In New York..
tor Texas porti on the 2Glh March two 01 truth are
for thirport.
The narana DIarlo delaMarinaef the lath ult.
says: "The esajUnj icir. Bjiarve Oapt. Oonxa-
lea arrlvedhere from Cardenaa.'btlnglngthree Indi-
viduals belonging U the American ehr. tJaetus
which was en Its war from Texas to Ne.wToi-Trtih
atattoorhldrs Ac.sod wr-ckeaon the lee abort
-vjr;Janic;atpont called G'jlra where the wreck-
ed persons wcro picked np. The cap'aln wai lelt
there with the' remainder of the crew except one
who. In attempting to swim aihore when 'the aeel
teat occurred ru carrlel ava and Imt."
The battEatera"Slar arrWed naU from thli
crt. Hatch ath. t 1
The bark J. C Kahn arrired at Flothlng Bag
March 4th.
The bark Qceaa Golde Woodirard fromKeflTi0'1.
TTalea for Galretton with coal u abandoned at
rain a tinting itats Feb. 14. Orew tared br the
Cuoliae AgnMfrom Itondnn for Bnmtar "Weh
iratiiferred them on 21th. Jch. to the Sormao JO
Soxer arrired at rij month Eir.
The ateacsshlp Otnearal KnikCtpt. 8mlUihai
arrired from lndlanola April lit Y. M.
She left in port the brig Yetia from New. York
dbcbarglnr ; tchooaer Etampede. from New Yoik
leading for Kev York ; acaocaer Mary Einni 1 cad
InglorKev York- brig Lavaca ontalde iralllEg for
rcmalnderof cargo for Sew York. 1
The tteanuhlpi Orlitba and Matagorda irlll'leare
to-day. F .
Tlie (teamthlp Coatiacoaleot left on the eTenlng 01
Iht Slat hr Nct Tort -la Iltrtrs Tiih 0 H.-
Iroopi. Tht iteaisshlpa Star J the IT til and Em-
pire City wire Ijlngoff "the Bar Kaltlng ftrD.)S
trocfi ; alio the U..6. ateamtr Mohaxk.' .
t5B ilr. G. W.Lanc Trhom LinWn has up
pointed U. S. Jadge In Alabama is a resident
of Madison conntj andltaa scrrod in the State
Legislalnre. Iitocoln is thoaght to hare been
hoaxed into mating Ihe nomination.
u -
pg" On the STth ult. the Jfcches rircr tvas
falling rapidly.
"TfattajlD&ins commenced opposile
IAUle Ilocii on iho railroad to connect tbal j
city irith Memphijj t
Dy J Bongtbe Mississippi Companies that
hare responded promptly j to Prcsdt. DaTis'a
rallforlBOO troops7forPensacola we notice
ihe?ort4zibson Kiflcmen Capt MeEeeTcr;
the MsdUon Utiles CsplJo!ph NR. DaVw; the
Ysxoo Rilles Cpt.Smitund the Ticksbnrg
Cadets Cept. J. E. While-
The Hiesisstppi troops are to concentrate at
Mobile elect field officers and then enter the
HtTice i the Confederate States.
Tee Bocrarits Pixiibrs. This .is the title
of & March and Qoiclstep for a military brass
band arranged for the piano "enidi has jast
been sent ubj Mr. Angost Sachlleben the well
knoira Tunsic dealer of this city. It is pub
Inhedbyiiim 10' tircedingly sett stjle the
"Seven Stars bcin.jr-respleuileht in roio ol
the title pace. v
Ihemnsic traa composed by Mr. E. C XThaty 53iife
tnn .ii:ttitf.ditar of this Dsner. andigjivA" 5 Z
....- ... .
uicalea to me ooniuera tuiuuhus.
T3T The followinff is a list of the C
i.ivi.ii mmsiand the tea comnaniea
TJ.!mi.nt nrtincnud Kificmen orderc T.; frtritUed for ou: A r?.r riL llenrT E. lieCnJ
rounrsna r li. ieiaonoi liexar ;-iin
by of Gonxales-; Milton Bogges fef iil
James H. Fry S. Q. DaTidson' 'En Ja-
BanT and Jo. A. Titts of Trnris : and W. L
pnke of Union. Quarter Matter Mr. L. llill
q t r
KrsTncKr.-rB5nate commilfee on feder-
al relations itflheTKetltncky Legislatnre on
theSSthtilt madatwo reports Tae majoritr
report proridea for a border Snie Convention
to meet at Lauisville'oa the 1- f Sepfem c'
nest the delegates to be elected At the Augu
The minority report proridt-s for a simili
Convention. (incIndicFthe aiare States no
border that hare not receded) to be held id
frankfort the delegates'to be "elected in May.
Both reports weretoade the special order oi
the follotring'tJaT
'" a t a
Srsnaocs CniEACTEES. Fonr persons na-
med SUke Newman Johnny and Mitchell
hare been takenrtnto custody upon suspicion
of being theirel and burglars. Johnny bad
neTr green clottf--coat gold watch and a gold
ahirt bntton in his pos;ef sion which were ta-
ken from a gentleman who was robbtd last
Satnrday night in the Island City House He
also bad a diamond on bis person for cutting
At the lime this robbery ; committed an
other gentleman in a room opposite bad
about two Hundred dollars stolen from him.
CocyTKiurEiT.Jlii.LS. Within the last day or
two a great msny counterfeit ten-dollar till
upon the Citizens' Bank of IJouifiaca have
been circulated in -the city and many smart
business men havebeea Imposed upon b
A.few days ago uptrards of twenty thousand
dollars worth of counterfeit bills on tbe Bank
of Nesr Orleans.'circula'ed in New Orleans in
the coarse of ft few hours. An individual it
now in custody for having passed one of the
Citizen Dank bills oi'ilr. J. P. Bennett of onr
city. He was taken at the house-of Vic Mor
fC Mr.JIamilton is elected we learn to
the State Senate for'tho district composed of
tbeconnties of Traris.JBarnet and Bastrop.
Themsjority is snTaU-IIe succeeds Mr. Towncs
resigned. He will have tolake the new oath of
allegiance hefore he can take his seat.
Are the voters who put Mr. II. in the Sen-
ate aware that in tbelate'Fcdersl Houso of Re
presestatires when tbe Coercion Resolution?
of Mr. Adrain of JTew Jersey were voted on
Mr. H. staled that he desired to vote "yea
ill t for other reasons would Tole "nay.
a ea
The ExiOBaXTs to Mexico. The Goliad
Messenger of the ZOth nil has a letter of the
20th from P. M. Box in " Camp near San
Patricio Udnquete" giving an account of thr
"emigrants" who Jefl "Western Texas a short
time since for Mexico. They numbered over
100 fighting men armed and equipped cqn-o
je with Minic rifles six-shooters etc. some
of ihem with their wives" and children. Ko
disorderly persons no gambling or drinking
all in good health and spirits. Their leader; is
Capt Jim Boij tbeir'final destination the
base of tbe Sierra Madre Mountains the home
of the Apaches. On the -51st they were to
take np tbe line of march .for the city of Dur-
ango Mexico.
riF- We find in the Sherman Patriot (Gray-
ton Uo.) n diagram of a new State it proposes
to ford ont of the upper counties together
with the Indian' STation. rThe Sherman Moni-
tor has a rumor of the intended removal ol
ex-Gov. Ho'uston to Grayson connty with tbe
design to 1)0 a candidate for Governor of tbe
ove new State. As the ex-Execntive once
kept etore in 1he Cherokee Nation and went
.about disguised as an Indian .no doubt he
-would have sgood many Indian rotes. "Won
derif he'll take tho Intelligencer along with
him. Its military editor wanted to go to the
upper part of the Cherokee Nation last year to
settle a "chicken dipute;" and the Indians
who are a warlike race might be induced to
Eubscribo'to tbe Organ.on that account
3T .Among the late arrivals in Mobilo is
that of Col. TV. B. Soylcs of Rhode Island.
If e has held for many years a prominent posi
tion with the Democracy tbe North and has
especially distinguished himself by his bold
adroeacy of the rights of tbe South. He foun-
ded and conducted for many years the Provi-
dence Daily Post one of -the ablest and most
influential of the Northern Democratic j'lurn
als and to the courw of which may be attri-
buted the advanced position on siiu.d dnctrio-
eccnpTcd by Rhode Island over -all ths ottitr
New England States. Mr. Sayles seeing llist
all bis efforts at home in the defence of the
South have proved futile proposes to take
np hie residence in the South at no distant
Mr. 3.3s confident of theptcICc intentions
of the Lincoln administration and looks to a
.ysaceful eolation of the present difficulties.
rip ' V
?ffr?La . 1
vEnT-mbii' . TF 3-
vol. xym.
Ratification Mootlnc
It beingaseertained yesterday that Messrs.
Jennings Kainey end Armstrong members ol
the Convention had arrived in the city the
previous evening on their way home the op
portunity was taken to invite them to address
our citliens on the actionof the Convention
especially its recent important eonrse-in which
they held a prominent position.
The occasion was taken also to carry on
what had been pten f icre to old r
meeting to ratify the action of the Conven
lion a body which originated solely from tin
people in their primary meetings thronghoo'
the State; nbich had carried ont trie Will 0'
the people over all opposition; and whose acts
tbe people sbonld now stamp with the seal ol
their approbation in tb. same manner that
they created it.
. .The time was short and it was lata in thr
day ere the placards calling the meeting g"'
ont; and many perions who w tbem wen
considerably purxled by the rallying cry a
tbe foot of the bills. Inviting the attendant
of all who were in favor of the " Constitution
the Union and the Laws." Some thought i
toattempt of the jold Union party to start an
open opposition tct the neir Southern Dover'-
ment and much indignation was expressed
thereat sundry determined individuals vow
ing to go to the meeting "and interpose strenn
oos to "this "net old Opposition; but tbe.i
'were speedilycalmed by tbe explanation that
the Secession party may now be consider
the Union party hence the appropriaitveneji.
of the motto.
The meeting was held as nsnal in that ele
gant and commodious resort of ihe Muses
lb Market House which on sh occasions.
displays to the stranger's admiring eye not od) .
the bone and muscle but the beer of this com
munity. The attendance was large the feelinj:
of the people hermonioua and enthusiastic anc
the proceedings were carried out in the most
gratifying manner.
The meeting was organired by Col. AHmi
moving that Mr. Medard -Menard Peputy Col
lector take the chair which was dene. Mr. J.
P. Davie acted as Secretary.
Mr. Mason or tbe Galveston delegation io
the Convention and newly appointed Confed
erale States Attorney for the District of Texas.
ben. briefly explained the object ot the
The 'first speaker Hon. Jlr. Jennings ex-
Attorney General of the State and Convention
delegate from Cherokee connty then tiok tbe
.stand and spoke for an boor explaining thr
course of the Convention throughout and the
motives that bad governed it. He alluded to
the action of Gen. Houston and Mr. Hamilton
when some one cried oat "iaog theml" Mr.
Jennings apparently did not nndtritand and
asked t "What did yon ty sir ! " The other
replied: "Iaay.hsng them ! "Mr. Jennings
again repeated his question when a number ol
voices from Tarious quarters exclaimed : "Kill
them 1 nng them 1 "an expression of popu
lar feeling which will so doubt be exc:edinglj
gtatifying to its Objects;- Or course no ne
presumes that any such expressions would be
carried out pratically here or elsewhere in
Texas; they merely symbolixe in strong me-
taphor the view tbe people take of the coarse
of their tx-Execntive and tx-Mis-Ueprcjen-tativc
Mr. Jennings was followed by Col. Bainey
Convention delegate from Anderson connty.
When he had concluded Gen. MeLeod moved
that the Chair appoint a Committee to prepare
tcolntions e;
sire of the sentiment of thr
carried without dissent
R. Smith A. C. Craw-
VArmslrcng w
;.-. --
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V"'- Jtj.- ;
In tV-JE"" -(0-
irrfSSSJJ Jf.
TheChairpatx-' "
-Aye!- reponuea.'fc--i.c
-- jr.-- - -
iV- - - '-"K'
inoux. air. xiau rmittfijpz&&?
J . ' iM
the "nays" called. T
it tbe
vole aad again the "arts'
cally and generally a few gentle vl hays
mnrmnring with them. Again we believe.
Mr. Dan Phillips and others objected sayinu
the question was not put regularly but thi
Chair opined that tbe meeting bad fully ex-
pressed it views; when Mr. Mason stepped
forwtrd and by permission ef the Chair sgain
read the Resolutions and saying "Now Dan
t wish to give you a fair chance to vote "nay"
again put tbe quction and a universal "are I
pealed ont Mr. Phillips himself joining in say-
ing be wanted to see the thing done properly .
so thai no one could possibly object and i'
was snbquently rumored that in his off-
hand way he had invited the crowd to call at
Ins Castle" and honor the ratification in j
proper spiritnil atyle.
We trust to e this good example set by
GalreslOB connty followed throughout the
State; and that the peop'e in primary meet-
ings will cloe what jn primary meetings they
commenced ; the peaceful revolution that bat
demonstrated so amply their capacity for self
torcrrjmeiit and their determination sot to re-
train under Abolition rale.
Ceors Fnosr Etc. A correspondent of the
Houston Telegraph writes from Ellis connty
on 2Sth nit.:
The wheat crop vat never more flittering than al
present. Every farmer has a larger quantity sown
ihan any previons year. Corn has als been pliat-
d on a large seale. We have from time to time
during the wiaW and sprier had abundant rains.
Crops of all kinds are Indeed flattering bid fair to
leM an untold bervest. Corn at present Is wnrth
2 00 per bntbel; dour t3 00 per ewt.; beef li to
3 cents per ponnd.
Ellis seems to be well adapted to sheep raising.
They seem to be a native hers and " to the manor
The past winter has been the nildeet one yonr cor-
respondent ever saw In any eeuntry. Stock kept fat
all winter. Beeves are too fat for the ahamhles."
In fact this seems to be the best atock raising county
lu Korihera Texas.
The frost of the 19 th did but little damage 4o
crops near Uempstesd Anstin county cotton
not boisg advanced enough to be much allud-
ed and com not being hurt. In other parts of
the county the corn was killed to the ground;
but will grow again.
In Collin connty the wheat was slightly in-
jured and the peach crop blasted.
In Cherokee county the rust has appeared in
tbe wheat.
In Milam county the weather continues io
be spring-like and the grass range is coming
ont finely.
In Colorado connly the frost killed beans
corn and potatoes. Toe corn it was thought
would bare to be replanted' in some places.
Near Urenbam the frost did but little dam-
age. It was to be observed only on low lands
or where corn had been plowed during the pre-
vious day.
In Nacogdoches connty the corn crop is
thrifty and vigorous and larger than ever
before planted. The small grain crop general
ly looks wellandpromisesto yield abundantly.
A heavy bail storm tookplaca in Anderson
county a fortnight ago.
Tho frost was voir heavy tn Grimes connty
and tho corn potatoes etc were hurt by it.
In McLenoan and the adjacent counties the
wheat is reported by the Waco South-West of
the SOth ult. to be in the most promising con-
dition and an overwhelming yield is antici-
pated. In all tbe frontier counties the crops
arc excellent save that a black frost appears to
bave done some damage.
Tho frost did some harm in Victoria county
but it did not destroy tbe stand of corn.
The Jefferson Herald of (be 22d says ibo
weather has been unseasonably cold in Mariqn;
county with heavy frosts at night chicb bars
nipped the young corn severely in somejo-
cslities. Tn Jasper coiinty more corn is being planted
this year than was ever planted in any ono
tear previous.
In Goliad connty the frost cut down tbe early
corq in tho rallies; but it his done no serious
damage to the crops.
In Matagorda connty a good ratn'was needed
on tbe 23d. So says tbe Gazette of that date.
The frost nipped some of tbe corn on Caney
but it was not seriously injured.
In Bastrop county the frost vraslight and did
but Iittlo dimsgv
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t t'" " '.J--V -' : iitai-rThls lair pri-sldea Ib.-Viti prcasw here? 1 he laid and rplotalnd that as-niufh had beep:
-i '"i "" fd-undwexecutlon.shallaetNfwo-lnWlotjejthttdy-. rsk ' S .
' --"" JT-- ' -.'-vpraIsed value with other provlsns relatl.f?iiT -j"uwelt at largevupAhe dieroos taxalloc'of
: V " ' -' y-i- e motion to reconsider .dvgatew br ft- "f.TJft S
.; 1-i " - ' -T -'-Tf. tlnrean. Walker. Chamber. farson. .nflKJBft JM ttat ondec the Tats D. S. the tar ptr capita
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Letter front Auatln.
Editorial Correspondence. ''
Acsru Frldiy March 59th 1551.
Neither branch of the LegUlsture wat In seiilon
reiterdiv afternoon but a night in:lon wai held by
the Home the whole of which wai coniamsJ on a
bill allowing the County Courts of certain eoontlw
to pay the iberUT. a jalarr In aM!Un to their feet
of office a .urn not to exceed $200 per annum. TM.
I. left to the diicrellon tf the County Ccuru of
qoautles named In the hllL The argument In raror
of the bill wai that In rainy oount!i tha legal fn
do not amount to a lufadent compeoiatlon Io leenro
ajmpeleat and cfflelent iheriffi while the argament
galmtltwai thitthls hill mkei the heritfiprtly
iilarled Offlctrs W hs paid by an Increiied W ea
the people and that It It not proper to confer this
nw. i inr.. -. bnrihens of the neoBie on
.ii i
Buy H4i
the County Couiti who will not genen
lacKa discretionary pnrcf.bntif given will pr
rtly be loflacnced to glre la all caits ths full
mount of 200.
This bill has o:cupll ntarty all this forenoon
fitlon and has finally been engroned. I think It
50w embraces about half the eoacilei In the State
houh I am Informed Galveitoa connty linot one
if them. It will prohahly receivo loma further
ehtngti before'ltii tnallpieX
AJolntBesolutlonli now under tllcoiiIonIn the
iloaie approilog of the Ordinance passed by the
Convention ratifying the uonsmuuon ot mc u-
eiterate Stalei. .....
r c..t. n.W. . Wnf.wnrnnrtatlriT S19S for
he payment of Oapts. Jno. S. Potd and Sir. flu'
mv v-.c K---u ... --.-r -o -
lingsworth for I ervlew and moiey expended as
peclml ramenrirs to and from Montgomery.
A communication was read la the Senate fraia
he Hon. L A. Paschal tendering his resignation
Senatir from the Bexar District. Ko resioni ai-
.lrced. Also a bill distributing the School Fand or the
jaeYeuth of thererrhne arlslog from taxation.
Several other'btlli ef minor Importance passed
rhe Senate. .
- Tde .ex-Qovernor of Tex is again makes Ml ap
pearance before the citliens of Austin tonight at
lluaai' Saloon when the bills say he Is to make an-
.ther ipeech. Whether he li going to make the same
rehearsals as heretofore. Or whether he will lnlrodaee.
somt new devtlopnen'.i or th.puior futurtorhli
career no one pretends to know. AS Gen flagg
suted the other day the ex-Oovernorreminas onj
very much of the anecdote he has himself so often
repeated In Ms speeches abouflheDntehman'f bn.-
.. t L ..-1 ..!. -n.naR.fl till
Utig ram who butied againit a suspended maul till
oathlng wai leftof him but his tall and that was
fouadja the moraine wjEgtag it the maul. la lite
nanuer. Gen. flogg ears our ex-Governor. eeea
determined to butt against the Convention and Its
recession acts till he fears very little will be left ef
him. 4
I learn that a barbacae Is to he given to Gen.
llouiton next week when I snpposo hi will entertain
his Mends etlth still another speech.
I have examined closely the financial bssis now
rroposed for the issue of one million of Texas bonds
lllowing tbal the taxible property of Texai will In-
crease for the next sixteen years till the bonds ma.
'nre at the rate of 10 per cent per annum there
will be lufficient w py the teml-annaal Interest"
of S percent and leave a surplus for a Slaking
rand wMch by 1STS will amount to three and hslf !
millions of dallan even without taking Into acconni
he Interest this fund may bring In lfeafely Inveite 1
la bonds cf the Confederate States paying also S
per cent. ai Is provided la the hilt Will any capi-
talist isy that this Is not security enough forone mil-
lion of Texas bonds t W. R.
Acinar Saturday March SO '61.
The Mouse during last night's session continued ths
dUensaton of the Joint Itesotntlom approving the
ratification of the Permanent Coastltotlon by the
Convention. The debate rat psrllelpltd la by.
many members. Messrs. Sheaan Branch Crorki
and others spoke against the resolutions express-
ing the opinion that it was an act of usurpation on
ihe part of the Contention to ratify that Constitu-
tion; that It should have been referred to the piii-
pla. It was admitted however on all sides that the
Permanent Constitution was free from all objections
and that the changes made In ths old Federal Con-
ntlmllon were a great Improvement.
uTtr; admitted also that If referred to the people
;t-Woiilibtau0edby them by even a larger vote
:- "niieTTen.lorsecetsIon. Same of the epeakeri
-''! jj-i95fe!4notbe 0Tr oa la fifty of ttelr
Jc 'V "'l Sir Wf wonla TOte aKl'l'lt- Kotwlth.
n. . -Z$" .y f.-tS. V admlistons they insisted that It
...xW :";v - 'j'rAL-';'2r?JTea to the people thongh snch
.ijA;sjeln.bitraW. and .
- ' - .- SBNV 4.-..5I - i.&Kji
.?- s-iiJav4
it - . ." i"rni 1 . --.iiT..
-:UonofdeJ-'""' """"
i.'. ' S4 neonle wonM
" f?-'-i toIe'sre'lheUhuslneiiandga
'-t : --i-?- .'
fi-'f;-: i-fomed wlib-st dirpesmg oi me
JtSK -." 'fains rr.s bef q iper.tln dl.cuaslog
J'satof one milrion oi ciaie uru"-.
' i - 'V'beeirvbecaptM'todsj In the die-
r- Jo'n.ojeconsbJ't a hill sappltmea-
fc...l -Kl l.v .O.alnr. Patter And OuSn.
W- e.n.. .lA.nit whl!. iV. nirallon waa'nnder
To-day Gov. Claik has scat In Ms Sfeesage to both
'loises. but I presume It will not be read till Mon-
Qn Houston delivered Ms speech at Boats lsst
evening but these who heard It nyitwai the old-
slaty over again of grievances Inflicted en Mm by
the Coov'c?llob and denunciatory of that body.
He expressed fheJiope though a l ery laiijtone that
the Legislature would not spprave the ac's ct that
Hody. -' ' W ar4SKtn.
i" gs . o ' l
U. S. TnSop JttfTaxjis. Companies E. and
G.'2d Cavalry under Capt. Stoneman and LU
Kimuell and company E. Capt. Bowman 3d
Infantry left Brownsville on tbe 19th nit. for
Urazos Santiago and on the. 25th ult. two
'companies of tbe Sd Infantry under Major
Sibley from Laredo left on the stentaer for
Braios. These were the last to go that route.
Four other companies on the Rio Grande
.would go overland to indianola. The Cavalry
went to Indianola. '
Lt. Witherelf of Cspt. Stoneman's command.
was accidentally drowned at the mouth of the
Itio Grande while on the steamer Mustang
watting to go out to the Webster. He fell
overboard in tbe night. After a couple of data
eareh the body was found "and wai interred
with due military honor. The deceased is
epoken of as an excellent officer and a gentle-
man ot fino social qualities.
Nine companies of troops left Indianola on
the SOth ult. on the stesmcr Fashion and sehr.
J. G.. McNeil to be taken to tho steamer out-
ride the Bar sent out for tbem.
The Goliad Messenger of SOth nit. says;
Two companies of IT. 5. troops O. and K. en roa'e
for the cont nnmherlngliS men. eacsmped OS th
river In this place Thursday evening last.
The K. company la from Camp Wood the C. com-
pany from Fort Inge. Two of the soldiers paid our
sanctum a visit and we found one of them an old-
expert typo.
The Indianola Courier of the SOth ult. saysr
EIx of the comparcles belonged to the 2d Cavalry
and were under command of Ceplalcs Eionemao
Drs:kett and Palmer and Lieutenants Harrison
Jenifer and ChamblL-e. The other three companies
belong to the 1st In'antry under command -ol Cap-
tains Slog Carpenter and Caldwell and Llenten-
ante slower and fiherbourne. The aggregate force
is 105 exclusive of ladles camp women and chill-
ren. It la soppoeed their destination Is Jiew York.
These troop! have been In camp near the city sev-
eral diva.
It Is understood that ten corapinlei are now on'
tneir nsy nereiromsan Anionic iwo oi which -rived
at the camp this morning. Major Larkln
Smith remtlns at ihe camp In commend.
The Courier adds :
Major E. Klrby Smith of the ?1 Cavalry passed
through oar city this crock en route for JJontgomery.
He has resigned Lis commission In the U. 8. Army
and ioteeds ottering Ms sword to the Southern Oon
federaey. He bis seen much hard service in Mexi-
co and on oar frontier. Promotion awaited Mm but
believing the South had a right to his serrlce lite a
patriot soldier he Ignores self and offers his swo rd to
his native South.
Capt Shepherd's company 3d Infantry and
Capt. Jordan's company 8th Jnfintry arrived
at San Antonio on the 2Stb on their way io
Indianola for embarkation.
How Docclas Held Liscols's Hat. A
Cincinnati paper gives the following incident
of the inauguration of Mr. Linooln :
Oaf of the ltepref enlttlTei of this State In Cop-
grpss reports an Interesting and rather fanny lnfl;
dent of the Inauguration' which not having B'en In
print we record. Oa approaching the platform
where he was to take his oath and be Inducted Into
thr offlee ai Chief Executive Mr. Lincoln removed
Mi hat and held It In hli hand ai he took the leal
assigned Mm. The article seemed to be a burden.
He changed It awkwardly" from one hand to another
.and Anally despairing of ijadln'g for It any eay po-
iltton deposited lt upon tbe platform beside him.
Senators and judges crowded In and to mike loom
for Item hrteraoved nearer the front of the stage
carrylnghls hat with him. Again lt dandled unea-
illy and ai Senator Baker approached to Introduce
Mm to the audience he made a motion as If to re-
Slaee the bat on the ttane under the seat when
onglas who had beea looking on quietly and ap-
parently with some apprehensions of a catastrophe
to the hat said: 'Permit me sir' and gallantly
took the vexations article and held It daring the en-
tire reading of the InaagnraU Dag mnstJiave re-
flected pretty eerlouily daring that half boor that
Instead of delivering an Inaugural address from that
portico he. was holding the hat ot the man who irsi
fcssvWe coniipue to rcceivp by mail examples
cf tjje axiom that "slow bnt sure'1 is en indispu-
table argument Jor.tbose who arc of the patient
class of mankind. - A few days ago tbe
BrpwnsTille Flag of November last came -to
hand ; any number of Northern papers of De-
pemberbavo dropped in dqring tho past month)
and to cap thp climax we received this mor-
ning an "extra" of tho Weath erf ord-White
Man dated Dec. lSlb 1800. W? live in hope.
. O ea ' k
jgy Capi I. O. Stafford of Houston who
commanded the Gentry Guards io tho Bio
Grands expedition has been commissioned by
Gov. Clark to raise a company of 100 mounted
"man for the Begimcot. of Rangers for the
Letter Prom Austin. ' fc
- - Artis Baturdiy March SO JS5U
Spetr'i' Con(li-nJncs f tha Ktwi.
Misibs. Editors. It was txtealrlT.adrertlied
throughout the city that on Friday evening at 4
o'clock at Buna' Qirdcni Oen. Uonitcn would ad-
ilrtis the people once 'more forever upon the vexed
incillon of hi ilepoillioa and the deipstiam of the
WTu Io hot pcrmltung the Chief "llv. "
. 'he Slate to hold on to the emoluments of the oHIce
afterhe hadremtedto take tha ntce.isryoath to
mpport the OoaitUatlonondet which the people now
; live.
j Of couri'e great anxiety wai- msnlfeeied among a
. eertaln e!a to hear whit Uieold oEIee holder had
i H. y. Ith.dbeen curttntly rumored about by the
Baok-j -ho butt around lilipcrsoa and who obte-
' anln.1. - lls.It aiij Mnaai' tn tmt Whlfrt Will
i-"-i r. j. . . .
' gain them favor In hfi sight that ho Intended to make
I ... .. .. 1U. .
some new and Important "polati." Ai thli was a
thlog which he had failed to do for many pait years
there wai a natural and very commendable drilre
among bis attache! that a large and enlhai!atlc
erowd ihould hear him upon thli "poilllvely the
lat chanoa in thli city."
At the appointed hour hiving nothing elie to do
yonr correspondent found htmielt within tho "gar-
din walli."
Theladlet who as li uiual npen all occasions with
Gen. Ilouiton. had been "sneelallr" Invited were
present In reipeetkble numbers. BJeti their dear!
hMrU j 0ensri fcn61rI wei - that.where
' the lidleigo there alii will ihe boyl'go and Tie li
! . - ... . ..... .. . .
tno xmich of a philosopher and.ltkesXoo well to have
the brtye preient notto offer them every Inducement
to hear him In one of hli "big Indian" talki. Your
'enrrctpond'nt admlti that the ladles attracted him
andheljnotaihamedor rnU to lay U; not that
there Is any danger of admlltleg the fact for the
presumption is at least that Gen. Houston hlmseir
is io fond of ladlei loclety that their presence in-
vplrei him to round his periods ilth becoming effect-
aodadds ease and' dignity to his really "becoming"
Everything conneKid with Oen. nounon upon
this "hit occislon" will have hlslorle fame and
therefore that the truth may be spread upon the re-
j cord I shall be minute In describing his "person and
hit surroundings.
He had on a half huntsman half military biae
eloalh coat iwailow uilid and with bran buttons.
Ills vct was a full breasted blaek istln aod hi
.Tt T .nntitn't ret a "i'rV.1" at. lie had two band.
4crclJeft. oae a white cambric and the other a red
1!t0 4r wfcil j .eneriij known on a plantation
' . ...... ..
siabindaaa. He used extensively the white one
and kept the red one s tfeilngoulof his coat pocket.
The General .IdenUy onuersUudJ that "dliUnC
lendi enchtulmeat to the view" as he studiously
j tpt b! f ict turned to the ladies and his coat tali
owdf u enis. Upon the Genenl'i left was
seated at a small table Mr. Tendlelbn taking notei
of a ipeech which had evidence of great looseness In
"ettllagup" sudbmjlog himself lu geinngreaoj
for the phblte eye so mush of It as might be deemed
advisable by the Generslerter careful consideration.
Tho ladles were seated to. the right of the itand and
the gentlemen made the best of it by standing sit-
ting an-! walking aboat as suited thelr.lnclinallon
or at opportunity afforded.
Bnt to the speech. Geo. Uoaston commenced of alluding to his early lervlees io Tex
as' a Republic and as a tate and by showing how
he had been Ihe Ileiven-appolnted agent to carry
the people of thla Stale from a condition of vassal-
age nnder a weak and loblclle government to the
high poslilon of a free. Independent and prcrperoni
nation. lie traced hli hsndlffatk In evrythlog that
had proved to be beneficial- to the eoustry aod
gave Uie demagogues and politicians the benefit of
evervlhlnr that had worked the reverse.
It is useless to follow him through the mnlllfarly-
ons meandering of the early part of his persona'
history as Is it presumed that every yonth Int.?
land Is already aequslnled with his oft-rpea-t -.
story. '.
lie had come before the people to talk to tl.
about the wrongs injarlef lusnlta'y
Convention andtrglslaturehadheaped upon?- -
and through him upon the people who hade - '
'. . . .. i 1... -j Ma. RArcmlM! . .
him ; ana me xcbmbi " -w . ..-. ?
My decent person forojjany Ides or the t.--;
.t.-m-d.tlon. the abuie.the low eoane vcUM
.... .n..i inwirrl tha bedtes alluSed "to no p r .
your correspondent do himself the Irjuattce torn -
" -. . ..l1- LiflMteiv ttiaSi.
peat thli languege. It was certainly eeaiuas .
foeafe of the bar-room and had all the odor about
it peculiar to inch places.
The fa-IIHy wlih which he taUrepresented the
it .ndadtvand boldness of some tl Mi
-positions' and the weakaeis la a logical point of
tlew of his entire address cenaiaiy gives eioi..s
...iii. . h.rrt that tbe Geaeral had been
Lj-nerousiy nteii.alael previous ta his eoralag on
llie grounu.
For instance who would hive supposed that Gen
Houston who heretofore has always alluded .to lis
early achievement of helping to throw off the.Mexl-
can shsclles from thefalr form of Texas jjoujd
now be gattr;ofrfay!5ttaUae Conntryiasi6t
lnelled anT br Vr K . - y
Indeed tohur hlnrtsUtfme would tb'lfik that Al
the people of ihll State haanesn ctssverteit to the
- nl. ilir.. Alla1i Kill' ihat nml.r tli. n.w or
der of 4'."M It was snchaddB; uoukou ezpecis to gun mo people oi . '".'- "'..'
He alludts" tvlhe faet that woJ..growlrfg:wisbe-.
comlcg-qnlte profitajjla TexTaivud he laid the
Confederate BUtei'tV Imnoied rUth"-. lax upon jt
that for ever thoctaodlliri warm ofirool
grown theprodueer hid to pay out'of thatantsUBt
teethe support ef the Confederate States' ssVun;l
IT-u uutinia. .. auiu was uci- a turn nii.v. - -- "
school boy la aMs o canfate. Gen. Houtton'Beslfr
T.xre! Taxes It was the -"urden of bla eonsvlff
Uim " Revolntlinlsis." thes- " Traltor."'TheSr
"Anarchists" these "deadmen" who hadMi'pet-a
Mm. were allowed to.pnreae Ihelteontse wMnjU'efl'
he offered ltis predlctlcSf and hi rle'ilrtd littitfj
Hence to reatsjA' Mi Vril"5hal !iraless than;
elehteen months we' would JiaveKlng.av!s Instea'd
of King Cnttorr?ifitSi' .". '&
He praised Mr. uneein eauea.jiim a "gentleman"
and road'- fan of "Jeffa" Davis and aild thai
'iJifft '""U aagry rrlrt hlmj -had-'irrHlen ilm'sh
Insultlnitrtjagethroagh Ms Secretsrvof Sta'e or-
dering hl-Jte give up th" Government!1 property h'e-
tiuif w hat "snuooea" Jell" wnentney were
'both In the U. S. Senile I He had'ntlX'creat opinion
lof IrDivls no how.
Jia. wnav may.jje caueu me aangerousparis 01
Gen"tloh"ton'i speech fir Ms personal jilliisione
are'mtrely the ravlngsof a def-ated and chergrlned
old oflleeholder were his frequent appeals to Ihe
Interestsof the non-slaveholdlng portion of Ms an-
dleoce; calling slaveholders the slave-arlstocracr
the slave-oligarchy the slava-monarchy I If tbe
speech had been delivered by Seward It woull have
heen called "attra" even by Free-8at!rra ; bnl de-
dveredby the late Chief Executive of the slave-holding
State of Texas in the slave-holding Confederate
Hates against that Stale and against that Govern-
ment with the Intention of exciting the people to re
belllon. It an be called nothing less htrsb Ihan trea-
son and lt only requires a declaration of war be'
tween the governments to make the party n'terlng
such sentiments the mbject of the vengeance ot the
Thank God when such language was used towards
the government there was bnt very Utile If any ap-
plause even In Travle county. The people here are
becoming tired of making a resistance which can
effectoate In no good to themselves or their coun-
try. Like good and loyal citliens they arebeglnlng
to see and feel the effects of such resistance to the
overwhelming voice of their fetlow-clllleos. They
had fought hard to stay Id the old Uolon; but their
fellow-cliisens hy.lhemost declalre msjnrlty thought
It beet to aet otherwise and they are now willing to
abide by the decision of the billox-hox.
The Legislature it Is thought will not close their
labors until the latter' part of next week If then.
There Is much and lmpertant business to do and lt
eeems to bo the disposition of the members to leave
nothing undone which can well be done. It Is pre-
Imneotly a working Legislature' and sfneethey have
gone Into local legtslatlqo It wOnld perhaps bo best
fpr them to stay tptll everything of Interest to the
country J disposed of.
The claims of virions prominent gentlemen for the
position ot Governor are now being aotlvely dlscass-
(i In this city for the Aagust election. Among the
names rnentjoeed Is Jndge Gregg ef Fairfield a
gentleman of abllllr and experience John Henry
Brown of Belton Jadgs It. O.'Campbell of Galves-
ton and various others; The names of John A.
Wharton ot Brasorls and M D. K. Taylor the
present Speaker of the Uouis are mentioned ai
probable candidates for ths position -of Lieutenant
Mr own opinion Is that belter miterlal could not
Ta . -a" fnm If lIl.DUI. l..f t t.B tVaaMt1aV
Wb ItrllbHUJ HUUli At HI& ClttlS I1JU lU UC S1IUI U tA til J
.c&BTftptd Pf otmblj before tfte djocrnment of tbe
L-fgitiiiare lose oi men cenuemen wiu dc &n-
noaaced. JL
0 ' '
Fhom toe Rto Grande. The Texas troops
somo-iCOin number under Col. Ford took
possession of Fort JJrown on tho 19lh. The
"Stars and Stripes" were lowered in profound
silence and taken away carefully. Tho Lo(ng
Star (jag was thgn raited atgid be ghcer? of (j
salqts of Ijjgqns and the enthusiastic cheers
ofthe troops.
Ori"the2Gth Capt. Edwards and his Company
left Brownsville oh tho steamboat James Hale
to garrison Binggold Bir racks' at Bio Grande
City. Colonel Waller acting for General
Nichols State Commissioner and CoL Lath-
am CqJIeclgr of the District1' went qp on the
same boat. Col. Waller was on an Inspecting
tour of the Forts and Garrisons ou tho river
to Esgle Pas3.and. thence to San Antonio and
Mr. ffm. J. Moorboad of Ksw York died in
Brownsville on the 25th ult Uis remains are
to be taken to" New York.
CUT" Mr. Whitmore Representative in tho
Legislature from Harrison county was after
tjja Qs jeson of the Legislature requested
bj nearly al) of bj$ ponsfitupnts to resign on
apcoun of hs. an(i-aecession views'; but ho
has not thought proper to 'acquiesce and Is at
Austin attendinz to bis duties as if he and
his constituents were the best friends in the
HH The Copfederate States' Commissioners
toJurope lion Wrri. h. Yuo"ey andilon.Mr.
Rest accompanied by Mr. Fesrn of Ala. as
Secretary of Legation left New" Orleans on'
Sunday on: the steamer Uabjana for Havana
to take thi JideHsh steamer for Southampton'.'
E"'On the SOth at New York tho TJ-S.
steamship Release was ordered to get ready
for.sea it is presumed to take supplies tothe
I U. S.Tefselsintho.Gulf.
tCorrepeodenceot.Uia Newe.) r x
JjCitor from tIto Bio Graatlo.
Tzxas Aaur Fort Baowx I
BeowjsviLEtv March ti3d'JSvt. J
Mzsics Enros:-rpfm1sed ycu In myYlettctof
Ihe lS'.h Inst to write you-from thli pertS- TCe re-
mained encamped orf the banks of the Rio' Grande
until the lOih. No sickness was reported among the
different companies. Col. Fjrd arrived In csstp on.
the lllh and we made active preparations to late
up the line or march. The Colonel Is erjjylng good
health and Is very.popnlar amnng the troops. He
Is a thorough soldier and ihe Ooaveotlouof Texas
conld not have selected Vi more competent man for
"this Important pas-.
On our march we passed a. company nf TJ a. sol-
diers on their way to embark In the the Daniel Web-
ster. The IT. 8. privates fivor our cause and we have
.several who deserted and Joined onr itandard and"
prove to be our best soldiers. Wei rejected utjnr
others ou the grM6d of our raakrbflmf'liil.L. Tho
officers as thej passed looked sul'enly attil.aad we
came to the conclusion Ihat they were Jnot our
friends. This belief has heed strengthened hToor
finding copleaof the CMeago Trlfuneln their Ute
quarter?. We have done a goal wotk lu compelling
.uitffl to leave ur. "
The endntry on oar mtrch preiented but few oh-
jecw of ifllerrtt. A MexIcanrancheroccMliinStiyV
was all wi sawlo rr'I-ve the batmn Uml;cpe
As wo aimrnaehed h-nnnaville. Oli th?2Iit. Cot.
Ford placed the dlffi-rrni comp-injes In their places
'for entering bd taking pitesenslon of'tlft-fort. Each
company nao tue liOne Pttfiugat n nrau. ano
citliens turned ou and gave uT klndwelcotje.aud
X doubt if ny body of troops wai everaara jrarm-
ly received. &-' '
The Arltlery under Sergeant-MsJ'ir RKeUr
Bred a tbe Ine Swrflag arose In Uieplase
of-thelaleU 8 flag " ' .
Previons to bur'enterlng Col. Ford addressed tho
troops a spirited patriotic discourse- II o rimiaded
therauf the impnrt-ince ot presertlr.g order and of
abstinence from airong irldk. I notice that this
address has had agood effect upon our soldiers for
a drunken man is i;dimeen. He told "ui.that we
were votanteen and he should treat us not as hire-
lings but ai Mends n.l fcll(iwH:ltjaai. He referred
to the chiralry of Texan. Id fprmer 'days and he
was confident we eoaM ulre ai good account of our-
lelves as oar lathers did of yore. He was warmly
applaaded thrnaghoat.
We were vlslti d soon irter our arrival by promi-
nent clliirns who kindly Invited us to their offi-ea
for ihe purpoie of wrlilng reid'n?'.8- They ai1-
notloojcuponus as soldiers are generally. Amonj
he most prominent of those whowelcomeduslnthls
manner was Judge Blxlow a regular "chip of tbe
old block."
Fort Brown Is sprite that Is not to be sneezed at.
The buildings Inside the pickets form a respectable
village. They are In a good state of preservation
sail the natts are tastily lined wih shade trees The
site ot .the rort Is upon a high bank of the river and
command! a fine view of Malamoraa.
A general grab game wsplayed by the V. 8.
troops when they found we were golng"W force them
to deliver up the Fort. Tnls was done while we
were at Braios Santiago. Horaei and clothing eeem
to have been the fivorlle plunder; but we have got
tame good horses left.
Col Ford commands. The Companies nnder him
Company A-- The Mllim lUflee Capt. Edwards
-lumen. .
Company Bone Star Mites; Cspt. KedwoOd
.60 men.
"Company O Cavalry Co. Capt Waller 1M men-
Company E Hourton Oo. Capt.' Donelly TO men.
Company FOoait Guards CaptTOmllnson 35
Whole number of men In the Fort 315.
Cspt. Powers Company D Is Jn garrison at Bra-.
ioi Santiago. It Is composeu o w men.
GaDt-Wallei's. Oomnanr. it will be seen Is ihe
largest. The Csptaln feels proud of ;hls boys.. He
onya wemiresn oeei ana piyi tor itou.oi.iii3 unu
Brownsville Is destined to be a .arising el'y. The
lite I am laforraed Is In a very healthy locality.
The bulldlogs are mostly composed of brick. Many
fine edifices adorn ihe city and the citliens seem to
be an enterprising class. Many Mexicans resld:
here and are a qalct Industrious clas; but I am
aften pneiled as to tbe mioner they obtain a livell
hood for ttey lead au easy life.
I .jeeterdiy 'made a vlilt to Malamorai and wis
agreea!-'?ojprInd to Bod lt snch a ple'aient loca
Ut'- - 7-N'koulle larger Ithlnkratherlarger
f . J . -ie siree'i-are cleanly and well
r- 4 " ' "ny good looking buildings. A
.- ir the river with seals and other
:"".t'. " ' Jtors. The market places are
Xt Texas towns would do well
-. :. i'cnr neighbors over the river.
'"- --- ' aed In different parts of this city.
' . ' osed of a white Jacket and white
'it trith a red cockade give tbem
- . '"" "Z& swords by their side and aro a
I" - . The el'tsens show much respect
'. .--. "-ieytf? not like to converse Trlth'us.
'i' tSy aoo man who seemed tq underrtand
' '; ' u"ired to know the mmei 6f some of
t 7"i.niiltutlons-i5. But If I hail wanted
..' "..-'laile with them they would have uadcr-
i': .jVittced In eome of the New Orleans pa
. teaalr fni a rnv-FiniaKUe.i. .. In
:ino oouui.
w..V. lne. s. earrMn.nn.. hani. In.
. . -hat the Mexicans art.Jealous of the tn-
tfc j. theTai ic.
'Mor I have taken considerable pains lo'l-arn the-
truth of this report and I ra coavlcced that the
Mexicans favor the course the South has and is pur-
suing and they do not have any fear that we will
ever troable them. They seem anxious to keep up
a friendly Intercourse with us.
OoL Ford will doubtless .dispatch some of the
troans to Ih. tinner frnnlier Sinn.
f There are but tsor eases f neVnc.. Ja iheOarf
son chills and fever only. The troops are ainn tnr
best of spirits. CoL Ford has forbidden us the free-
dom of tho city unless we hare a written pus from
onr Captains.
Ford Is bonnd to. make temnerate men of the to
ners' to thedetrlment of trie grog sellers who abuse
nicr-or'ao rtoing. u every General roiioweii nu ex
ainpfe; the Doclori'irculd have - very light work In a
'If f am not ordered out to the frontier I will write again soon. Tour s for the war SIOUA.
.utr - -
4aaT . - .
ITS it IT.... 4 TT Vlw.
UOLSTUS A5D 11AUI1.TU. uu. . iy-f-
idson Convention delegate from Colorado
county writes to the Columbus Citizen under
date of 21th ult :
Houitonjrllfully placed himself on the track of the
PeopleVGovernraeot and leftTus no choice hot'tn
atop the car and retrogade-Or run over an sacrlEc-
hlm. We coold not and did not holtate. llepljce
bimielf 10-ihe way.wlth the design of embarwili-g.
reiarainsj.ordefeatlng tho movement and he wo.
jieaoeasbj -kindly and geniw remove'! ana m
llnvernuent in-ired o-i Itllilt a elnck being fe'r.
m'litiiid jaiviitncittniinia. after the Mexlc-"1
Jgfj. .niTue.i epe-ch here o
jeliu. largely la vltupero
?b0ftni(on. and tried to Indo.
111 1U..1C U JICUI lli WM i. . m ".-
.uoti anu seas'- oi 'i'
etrlnate the people
:iJGJItlperIn tni a brlDK aboat atrKe bj pr-
lurJini: firctl?nal dbcord aod it war of elarses
TnongUm at home.
IUu..lon followed. I dM nat remain tv hear h!it.t
hulunJersten-l It was blturlj rtenoncaUTe or n
ityhflcfomhem movement and as It lack Hepubllcan
MJhtracter and principle as e ver was uttered b
(tiwcoia or rven ve or uiuuiui iui..'
-L'. . .11. l...u ... .!'.. it.. h Ij an ami.
npautuu pre mi. mvic va.ii..j ..... ..b tu ..
ajtj of Lincoln or the Black Republican party an-
Hhathls busloess In to operate so as lo.prodacestrtn-
Bn Texas by exciting pr.jndlce agjllns'. the Cnnveri
tlou" ieiil5ln'end popularjrsTSrliy and bring
Hboat an actual collision this li v be achieved b.t
exciting tbe paeslons and prejudices of the nnn
slaveholdlog class ai'atns' the- elaveholders M thai
Lilegree of madness that will bring them to blows.
Mr. Davidson then mentions a report going
round that ex-Gnr. Houston designed stnl
considering Governor (a position
he assumes in his Message to the Legislature
since) and that to hold it he would call uo
Lincoln for military assistance and the U..3.
troops were being concentrated at Grcon Lake
near Indianola for the purpose. Mr. David-
son sy?this is scarcely credible as involving
too 'much personal danger to suit tbe well-
known tumidity of some of the factious clique
at Austin; but he adds..
There Is one thing too clear to admit of doubt;
and that Is they have u settled purpose and de-
sign; and that purpose li unfriendly to the move-
ment Inaugurated. by the people of Texas. and their
good and their wlllare.not to be consulted no mat-
terlf It Is almost unanimously expressed. Forone
I have no fears" the result.
Nor faarc we nottho shadoyrof a' fear.
Tnisos ix New Yobk. The'N. Y. correspon'
dent of the Philadelphia Ledger in hia letter of
the 23d ult. says:
.The Customhouse returns of the foreign trade of
this port for the past week exhibit more strikingly
than ever the commercial paralysis dccssloned by
the distracted state of the country.
The figures tell their own stary. And If lt needed
any additional Illustration it maybe had by a walk
down Liberty street and most other thoroughfares
In that nelghborhoo-oywhere the wholesale dry goods
trade Is transacted. Qa almost every ware-hoose
may be seen little plac.ird announcing " lofts'1' to
let at low rents and not unfrrqacntly tho entire
house. The marble-faced stores shlchwere ereited
In Liberty street between Broadway and Greenwlek
itreet during the flush times bare proved a melan
choly Investment. To-day there Is scarcely one of
tbem I 'am told that could not be purchaied for
cash at about one half the original cost. A little far-
ther up town In Murray Warren and Chambers
streets there Is more business doing and real es-
'tateji lufierlogjes! depreciation yer even there
the vast f.lllg off in buslneis Is la a variety of trsvi
painfully visible.
ft Is 1JI: (o dea7 that the foreign Importers are-
greatly alarmed lest this state of'thlnrs bad as It Is
now. Is to be aggravated by the Morrill tariff and the
anticipated competition from the seceded States. It
Is also true that ml a few of them are- making or-
rangements to transfer their business to the-8outh.
There were further shipments' of arms yesterday
for 8avanuih lilies gun carriages andcimpequlpi
age. No effort at concealment wis .made-on the
Sirt of the shippers. Tbe Poller Superintendent
ennedy was apprised ofthe facteAry In the mor-
ning but declined to give orders to"h'i subordinates
to lnlerfere!ay!!;s ltat as r.oboJy seemed disposed
to second his endeavor's hitherto to prevent the "en
emy" obtaining the1 advantage over us. they might
import as many arms as they chojer without Mad-
ranee hereafter from him. ' ' '
J f35 It wouldappear that Henry E. McCul-
Ioch is to bo Colonel of the Rcgimeqf pf Mount-
edMon for the frontier ordercdto bo .raised
' Frg3id3nt HitYJa. A Jetter frftji tho North
ern Frontier informs us that tbo appointment
is unpopular there- noffrom any strong objeo--tion
to the appointee but to .tha' system of se-
lecting officers to "defend those wfiobavo borne
for years the brunt of Indian foj;ajs. have 're-
pelled tbem known" protect their homes
and think they aro entitled to the positions
confcrred.on'men from the lower counties.
AspoJ. U. E.jMcOuIIocb hits cincaboeq ap-
ppinjed C: g. Marshal for he fe'tiste by Pres.
flavisjhe tjill '''doubtless' resign tho military
ft e
fTMr. LincoIn'jjPpstma9terGenepl is ex-
periencing somot tronlitu oboul'lifs 'new mail
a-rens'ln Yfrgiuia.'Tbo people' along- the
rqiites"tbreateq'tarand'feather3td tho unlucky
a.gents if Jbey attempt 'to"'do their duty and
qqe has" nlready'resiaued and another is ex
peeled to throw ftp Ills commission. Several
Virginia Republicans haye presented jthcra.
Aelrps for tho Tacancies.Snd ft is asertod will at all 'hazards. If the'peoplo'lnterrupt
Jhpmit is said thomailajsre likely tp he cut off
Tbo Department has de.terrai'ned t6 postpone
the' appointment of Pcstm'asters and mail
agents throughout the. Siato until after the.
fWMBwsiv.i . wj ay.' vicaiTTBiyecp
.. niAnimn n ni a '. wnv n ..u . .
l.'WHi'tuen tie maoe i
. i BJ ' fc7
ICandtnud feom Ihi ITea Orltant papera of
Tuudtty and Wtdnelidai April 2dandZd and
WaVew York papert p2T(b andlSlk March)
Ifiore-JKri.lVotvo From Wunliingtoh.
In the Ftderal Senate on the; 26th nit. Mri Breekt
.Io ridge and Mr. 1) juglsi had a debate on tbe latter's
reiolattoaregardinlr-tbe VAlljy the Administration
designed pursuing to vards the forts arsenals etc
lu Ihe SeceJed State- that resolution being finally
tabled by the Black Ilepubllcans.
In the debate; the eld blue pa Slavery In the Ter-
ritories came ud. when Mr. Dcmtai took t-.e eronnu
ihat the Kepubllcan party in oiganlilne the new
jciiHuiici ui a'scnia.i voiorano ann nevaaa in
omitting any provisions clncernh'g slavery had
backed down frcm their Chtcsgo platform and that
this wai a promising step towards a Oston-savlug
compromise laasmncU as It was a recognition of
squatter lovereigaly.
Mr. Breckinridge replied that the- Republican!
found It necessary to sty nothing about ilayery In
those territorial bllh aod. therefore did lay nothing
in oraer io pass inem so'as to provide a lot Ol las
Mllees fnr hungry K-pubilcAU oulee'Seekers. There
Is co compromise In the matter at alb 0 i the coo
wraity th.organItatIon.of those ihrvom-w-Terrltorles
i(jder;R"n unti-.lisrery aImtnlstestioif renders saper-
flabns' any prnvlsloa' In the organic territorial law
fI cither cue for.lhe exclaslon of Afrlcad slavery
Oa the 20Juihc Cablnet.had under tad.ideratroa
the qnrit.on of evaeiMllog Fort Pickens The tt.
T. Herald $tyt there'll good rras-m to believe that
the fort will be abandoned by the federal troops
within .tt.lrty days.'4- .
That eyeolng..the Cemralssloaer of the Confeder-
ate Htates dined with Mr. Corcoran the Washington
baliker1H cnmpsoy"I:h lh fireign.Amta'sJors.
Tno Oomm silorjerS'jire U Is said on friend y. term
with ihi Eiiglsh and French Sllnlsters i. circum-
stance" regarded as very significant.
Therel a strong eff.irt belg msdd by tbe more
conservative repubtlcant.tb persuade the adminis-
tration to appoint conservative men In the border.
States to Important pnsl Ions It Is understoo I that
several bave been tendered but as vet Lot accepte 1.
Before these perioni iccVpt they dcsleto know the
policy to be pursued towards the Southern States.
Upon that depends trie queittou of their'acceptaeee.
John 3. Mlllsoo of Tlrglnta If he Bill accept will
get'an lmportaut foreign appllntcient.
On th. STth. Col. Limoo Mr; L'ncoln's special
envoy to Fort Sumter returned to Washington. The
particulars or Ihe result of ills ml-sloa bave not yet
been made public but says the Herald It Js kpowu
that Fort Sumter will be evacuated as soon as the
vessel detailed to convey away the psrrison shall
reach Charleston harbor and arrangements furthelr
removal have been completed.
InaconveriatloaMr. LI"Colnhad with a gentle-
man on the 57 he sald'that M.1J1V Anderson was or-
tiered to report hla eocfmind at another ptace and
would embark with hU troaps as soon's j the facilities
for doing so reached him which ' iroald be In a few
In the U. S. Senate on the2Tih a long debate took
place upon the question of taking up SenatorBreek-
Inrldge's resolution advising the wlthdrawafof the
federal troops from the seceded Plates. Upon tak-
ing the question the vote stood 19 to 10. As'ib'ere
was not'a qnorum the subject was dropped and the
Senate wentlnto executive session..
W-sJWxotox April 1. The Commissioners from
the Confederate States have received satisfactory
evidence that Fort Sumter will be evacuated 'and
that no effort at relafrreiog Fort Fickeas will bo
It Is Slid that Fott Pickens was reinforced more
than a week ago and that several hundred Doited
States troDDi were taken from vessels off In the
stream by small boais In the night. The .Southern
Commissioners however doubt the truth of the re-
port and profess to have assurances from Ihe Gov-
erntnent'to the contrary.
There Is a probability that Mr. Lincoln will issue
his proclamation for an extra session of Congress.
WAsmsorov Aprils. Mr. Lincoln has appointed
Mr. George Settle Maritulor KorthCarollua.
The bids for the nesr'Ualted ktatea loan average
about SHtf.
The Boston Courlecpubllshes a letter from George
Peabody theAmerlean Banker In Loudonf lu refer-
ence to our national crisis. Id which he ji '
"The anticipation of a bloody conflict between the
North and lb a South has already destroyed eonfl-
denes In the Colled antes Government stock and
many of the ctate securities and millions bave
within a few months been lent home for a market In
consequence. It is only by concession on the part
nf the Northern States and a compromise which-
would secure the best feelings of the border States
towards the North" and West that we can reinstate
our credit abroad."
New Y0s" April J.Wfha Bsnkeri of Neir.Or.
leans have hereto-dav three millions sterling Jn re
serve against which to draw. '
icenew aiorrui larta wen. into eucc.uere yester-
day amid loextricable confusion.
In every respect its working was found lobe 'bad
and ihe merchants are already universally disgusted
with lt.
Sterling exchange' rules dull but firm at 103
which is the rate note asked.
The news by the" iteameri New i'ork and EoruisU
caused an Advance of )c. lu cotton. The sales 3-
SOO bjlei at 12;ic- for.Sliddllng Uplands.
The coonly elections. In this Slate foe Supervisors
which always bring out full votes' have reaulted In
aulnrrea&cd majority for the Black Repabllcins.
Secretary Chase remitted the fureltnro- of tht
schooner K;tUc4 on payment of all costs charges
and expenses.
The steamsh'p Bienville from New Orleans via
Uavana to New York was placed under tbe surveil-
lance of the Revenue Department at the latter place
nntbe 23i ult. by colUctor Schett. on a charse .of
fJwrlB; jrti.ltr.lft liAjl. -i J-iIS .JO anodic!-
by an act passed nay 27 n ISii Jrne snDjrct u
ubmlttcd to the Tresfury Department Tbe steamer
vat allowed to depart on her retara trip her owners
going bond.
Nxw lUrss April 3. The Black Republican
State ticket Is elected by an Increased majority .over
the late Presidential election. The Black Republi-
can candidates tn both branches of the -tale Legis-
lature are elected. Mr. Eogllsh Democratic candl-
datd for Congress I ebete't by 800 majority. Id
the other three District! Black Republicans were
Toledo April 2. The Democratic candidate for
Mayor Is elected.
Sasncsxr April 2 The ntl-Republican candi-
date for Mayor nf this city Is also elected
CisoissATi April 2 The entire Democratic
LTnUn ticket lt elected by abou 2000 majority
CLsr.Ltgp April! The entire uemocratlc ticket
Is probably elected.
St. Loci? April 2. The Antl-TTepuMIcan munici-
pal ticket Is elected by two to three thousand ma-
jority. VIRGINIA.
r.tSK0'tarch28.' Ih ihe; Convention tn-dav
Mr. Preston made a speech In.'evor nf the m'Jnri'y-
report making a ctrar. distinct demanrl upon the
"onh v'l'h ihe alternative of separation tlcbe-
'ieved tha'rthe present was folt-if-hrtpe from bth
ecllons for a fair and BnalaettlcmeLt or the exist-
I gdlmculiles.
Mr; Wise took ground that the guarantees d.eman-
ird ateln-uftlclent.
. Mr Nelson fallowed sgalhstsecesslon for arenedy
f the existing causes.
Mr. Uall effi red the Constltnllonot Ihe Confeder-
ate States as a substitute for.tbeCommUlee's re-
port. Suhstitne read nnl debated till a late hour
Ricnvoso March 27th. The Convention last night
rrjeewu Mr Hall's substitute; 'the.Carmltnilon of
Jie jtoufejieraustateslor the; report- of tho Com
ml'tee on Federal re'allons by noes JS ayes none-
In the Committee of tbe Whole to-day Mr Turnr
f Jacksnn offered a substitute for ihe majority .e-
imrl maklngnow an eq-itvocal demand relative to
Tbe substitute was rejected ycaa 87 cays SO.
Mr. Montagne moved that the first resolution of
the report which declare that the Mates when the
federal Constitution was formed " were Independent
sovereignties'.' be amended by asserting " and still
are." It was debated till the recrsi.
31 r. Wle was In favor of the amendment apd Mr.
ItcFarland agalnat It Mr. Seawell offered to amend
'he am.ndment by making the r solutions declare
that' the States when the Te'deral Constltatioa vu
formed were Independent sovereignties and still are
sovereign.'' Mr. Montague accepted the amendment
when Ihe committee rose;
RicnstosD March 80. The Convention by a vote
ol C3 agatnst31 agreed to terminate tbe debate on
the pendlog proposition.
Ic the llquse of Delegates on the 2Sth on a report
that the War Department had ordered the removal
'to Fort Munroe of some cannon at Mellon-. Arsenal
near Richmond the followlngresolutlons were adop-
ted by S3 to 21:
"Whereas the people of Virginia In Convention
arc now openly considering whether they shall re-
same the power delegated by themro the General
Government and are almost' unanimous lu the opi-
nion thavthe exercise of such rights In the rec-ntand
present s'ato of the country by any ot the States
shentd not be sought to be controlled or followed by
a retort to force and tbe failure of the President of
ihe United States fully to explain bis Intended poli-
cy In this respect gives jast cause of mistrust; bell
"IttiolttZ oy He General Juem.ilj cf Ylrgi"
nla. That under existing circumstances a proper
respect to this Commonwealth Imperatively demands
that no movement of arms or lnreue of arma-
ment or troops ofthe General Government within
Its limits should be 'authorised or permitted by tbe
sa'd Government and could not occar without set!-
onslyhiiardlngtbepublle peace. '
"Jletolccd That the Governor communicate tbe
foregoing resolution to the President cf the United
On Ihe 1st Inst. the House of Delegates passed a
bill giving authority to (he Cimernor to arrest the
contemplated removal of arms from tbe Belloha
On the SI Inst. the Senata agreed to (he fIon3e.
bill In" regard to-tho transfer of gun's from the Bello-
na foundry. Nine Senators presented their protest.-
which the Senate refused to record ou the journal.
Uttrope--Advnuco In Cotton
Advices from Liverpool from 10th to 2Qth B. .
The news from America caused ao advance In clt
qualities th'omsrket.acl(ye aqd brioyanr. and ''clos-
ing with upward'tendenc7.
Middling Qrleans &. Middling Pplands.Td. The'
maiketln a very excited itate.
Ihe trade at jtancnUter active.
Confcilernto statei.
CnlBLrsTOS Mirch 25. The State Convention re-
assembled today. .
- A resolutfon'was offered that all supplies mill fa-
cilities Ac afforded to Major Anderson he Immedi-
ately cut off. The Convention refused Immediate
consideration hy a large vote.- It comes up jo-morrow.
II Is thought will be voted do wit -
There wlltbe seme discussion on the Constitution
ot the Confederate States and )t nlll'be ratified by
a large dalorlty.
Ksi WiesT March 25 The iteam gun-boat Cru-
ader left to-dHy.wlth stores for the Fensacola fleet.
Fort Taylor Is on a war rooting?
Judge Mann ofthe US. Court for'the Southern
District of Flotlda h resigned. l"
The Brooklyn arrived hero lonlay. It Is the gen-
eral belief that she had landed troops and supplies
at Fort PIckensY f
Pessicoli MirchK. The St. Lonls and Sabine
are off the Bay. The Wyandotte la near Fort
There are 1600 troops here. The ich'ooner Carry
was captured on the2oth lu an attempt to take coals
and other supplies to the Wyandotte. Tha schooner
was taken right undtf the stealer's boss by Capt
Steedman.o ths Alabama .Volunteers.
B f r-
To Ti(i MtTtroDiiTs or Atlanta Several months
ago a paper called tha Meth dlst.waa Issued In New
Yorkj gotten up'very nearly lu tha same atyle with
.the etv. YorlcOtuerver. It has been edited by'Iiri.-
Cooks and McCllntock published-! believe .by a
Rev. Mr..Baagi (not the venerable Natrun Bancs.l
It has been sent to nearly al( the Itinerant Methodist
ministeri t believe tn Alabama and to someof
them circulars .were tent with inducements' offered
lor act as agents. It professed to hold con-
servative ground on the exciting lsaea' of the day
and at firtfdlsgulsed Its abolitionism right cleverly.
But It has 'lately held forth tho daetrlae'that the
" Union must be ma'.nti'aed at all hasards" favor
Ing the coercion of seceding Southern States It Is
.therefore animated by the demuriplrlt.tht .would
fata crash us 'and this article. is to call upon my
brethren to suppress the vile' thing as far ss they
can and'sOorn tn "any "wise to
. .Alabama Conference Ml E. C. HJutb; .
Papers (h.rout;hout the South fttii pleass publish'
ths'subttahos of ihe ib0Te.- ' '
9 1861.
Tbe KasIIak" papers and tbe Southern
. Ti !
Tbo English Press discuss American affairs
at considerable length and generally regard
tbe establishment of the Southern Confederacy
as A fact" accomplished.
Tbe London Times in .its article of tbo 8th
ult. on President Davis's- inaugural concedes
that the high tariff legislation of the Northern
Congress M most favorable to tbe South.
"Tbo tend ncltJ of trade are' Inexorable and our
manufacturers will Infallibly find" their way to the
best market lli-.herto dor exports hart chiefly beea
eocilgne.. to Northern merchants while our Imports
greatly exceeding them Io Talne have been prin-
cipally -uppiled from the South. It may be that the
southern population wui nownecomeour best eaj.
Of Ante J that a" permanent1 secession can be effect-
ed by "a peaceful appeal to ths ballot box" and
that the moral and economical evils of slavery do
nofprove f-ttil to 'a 'society based oa' It material
prosperity will not fall to follow unrestricted Inter-
Cursr aod the fre8f Atrs irllf JOcir repent an act
i which brings needleu discredit on the Intrinsic.
merits of their cause. '
" It Is needless to dl-jul.e the faet that so long as
the Washington Oocgress adheres sad even adds new
restrictions' to protective potfey tnsr glv their
enemies the bes 'xcuie for hostility and cat them-
selves off fromtie ajmpithy of their friends. Clr-
cnautanees'Iiave 'almost Inaensibly taughtt&e South-
ern 'Slates of America a lessou Irr-polltlcat economy
which the laborers of lli-ltuon and Feel and the
pirsy warfare" of a whole generation barely. aixBced
lo Imurels on the Eoe'UU mlod; The Inhabitants nf
a-lmatrr eXctuWrtyrfertfri'-tae'Ttrosrai'Brc-j'
crop fur the productlno of which It had unrivalled I
fatuities in lu sou anu cunjue conia never be dapea
by Ihe. fallacy wblch treats each nation as theorctT
cally self-supporting. The very sama law of'nature
ip which they owrd the pract-cal monopoly' of the
cutuin trade cotird ntt buto-cur to'them'as the fun-
damental law of commerce. and ther have ceased
I to rrbel against the tariff by which their prodacti
and Imports are taxed ostensibly Ihe benefit of the
Union bateau they oetleve li gratify the blind sal-
fiahness of the North.
The London Morning Chronicle of the 81b
ult. sajs:
" It would belmpoulble to Ignorethe "Importarice
or iiie-rewnaiion iRe.uonieueraie states or Ameri-
ca. In msny polo's pfvIeiriheyBare solid claims
to rejrafit sot to say respect. The south has cofi.
trlboted more than Its share to the military glory of
tne uniieuataies wneinerwe (ace me revomuon-
.ary war tae war of 1S12 or the gen-rat services tn
the army and navy ot tne states. Some of the most
eminent aoldlera and tailors of the republic hive
been soqinern men. 10 tae elements or rasterlal
strength It needs no boasl to ths ihs ritse of the
3)tith; the country that prodaces cotton will always
command the attention ofthe world. It must also
be borne In mind that the development of theeotlon
oaltureof the South lsnotabnethe mere accident
of suitable soil and cltmlle; many p"srls'of the
world are more suitable for lu cultivation; but the
capital and energy of ihe South hare Increased the
growth of cnitoo until tli ay no supply-to the world
Very nearfy 23000000 pound sterling prth of thai
product alone. The Increase alii. Is much more
than proportionate to the Increase of negro slaves ;v
lor we us 01 new maenmery oeginntng wun sne
cotton gio has really lead to this extraordinary de-
velopment of an Industry Important to the world.
-' It has been said by -Northern men that the two
millions of slaves are a source of danger and cf
weakness ; but however tru. that might be when the
slaves Stales were connected ulth the North where
the anti-slavery sentiment Is strong we do not be-
lieve that slavery wtll be more a source of danger to
the new Confederacy than It Is to firsxlL where
without the least dread of abotUIonlsts lt la I'.lli
steadily maintained. Into the. ane-llon railed by
Sir-. Helper and Mr. Olmsledf of the comparatlrd
cheapness ef free and slave UbJr we" hate no wish
to enter at fall length ; It Is a very wide question
and the tacts before us are not as yet sufficient. But
however the moral feeling of England may revolt at
the mere ran or slavery ana more especially at tne
horrors' that occur even though bat occasloaally. la
connection with the forced servitude of the negro
race we must uot allow Our sentiments to blind us
ti the fact that the negro rice 'within the Southern
borders are a direct source of weslth. For lnsiancefc
tne most earnest aa locates 01 coons laoor as asuo-
r stitute for slave labormuit.admlt.the.greater cheap
ness 01 the laller.
".for the be obliged to hear "lnllhe
Congress at Washington the strongest denunciations
and the most cutting sarcasm directed' against the
Souths was mors thsp huoaa ' nature coatd be ex-
pected to tiesr. The South nuygiln nothing mate-
rially from Iti secession tmcli gains ths advantage
ofnothavlngta listen to .every energetic Infective
axalnst Itelf. The'NorUtwtll also lose materially
by tbe secession exaatly W Eigland would lose If
seven 01 ner ricresi agricultural counines were swal-
lowed np by the sea. Is may be that to the New Ea-
gland Stales may arise 'he satisfaction that they will
hare fewer slaveholders la their political communion
and visions of the entire extloctifn of slaver may
float before some eyes. But without any hope or
the extinction of slavery we thlok It not lmpontble
that when'the abolition fanaticism dies out In the
North tbe old wUh to mltlfatt slavery Into a kind
br patriarchal servitude may arise again' In Virginia
and Kentucky at lt prevailed 'forty and fifty years
ago-before " abolitionism" was known ; and that in.
the South Itself th'e free dosi from all Irritation and
fear of neg-o vliiozi provoke 1 by Northern In-
cendiaries w)l Induce much milder laws and regula-
tions for the negro race."
The Manchester rirtiacr of the 7th ult..
saye 1 & 4
A feeling akla to euSi.ernaflon pervaJed a pOr.
of the iron trade on 'Cnsoze ta Wolvarhamnlon
yesterday at the intelligence that the Morrill tariff
wuld la all probably become tar. 11 me out
should receive the signature of PrrsUcnt Buchanan
Its effets wonld be most disastrous to" the Iron trade
In Grrat Britain Inasmuch aa scarcely any Iron of
Rrl lh m-ke can with such a duty as thatproposed
find any sale In the American markets.
Our latest dates from California ss:
The chaliman of the Brecklnrldg. State Central
Committee has called a meeting of that body at Sac-
remento on tbe 20th to consider tne perilous crisis
la onr national affairs. He urges the following rea
s-rs for the meeting: Let us have Union If we can
peacsrul dlssoluil n if we most; but cooclet never;
If a ptaceable dlssolutlcn. comes why should not
Callfornli remain with the fiee Slates? It a bloody
separation why shonld the not establish- a pacific
nationality ! Isshe wlllina-tobe'diaggedTatr. iwar
against a Southern Confederacy of her sister. ?
Should such eonrederatlon be irrevocably establish-
ed ought not ahe to demand or the other tree Stataa
fo cons-nt tn a peaceable separation. If any most
com" ssan unyielding condition of her remaining
with themt Dj-s not Upooln's foreihsdowerl pulley
of executing the lii In thr seceded Stales Imply
coercion war ? Are our people ready to plunge In
to anarchy jnrt snffVr-the ravages of such a civil
war? -These areth- momentous questions to be con-
sidered aud which la feared win aa loonr r.qalre ac-
tion. Therefore a fall meeting of the Committee 1'
rtquested. -j
The feeling of California It has been repeat
edly averted iz.tvith tbe North and against
the South in the issue arising from ths pre
rent crisis- Tbe followm; extract from tbe
Los AngelosSurof February Gih gives a dif-
ferent coloring to the maltert
We see that Senator Latham hal said :
"That la hU opinion there would not-be fire hun-
dred m-n la California' favorable to a Paelfie repub-
lic" and that California will go with the Northern
Slates although lt Is constantly denied."
We think Mr. Laiham 1 sllxbtly mistaken in this
couny. alone he woud find more tban five hun-
dred men who favnr a Pacifis republic. In case of a
dls.solallon ; cor do- we Ihink he! coqM Qnd more than
a corporal's gusfd" In all theie sou-hern counties
who would ta with the North la any event whatever.
- We are on the highway to and from the South.
tsar emtaranrs come irom tne oum; oar popuia'ion-
are or the South and sympa'hlie with her. Why
ttienehnuld we tarn oar baekr on our friends and
join ihelr enemies to Invade IspOTerlih and despoil
Tessessek. Tho Memphis Avalanche of the
29 tb ult. says:
Nothing cnutd better evidence the certain and Irre-
vocable dissolution or the Union than the demons-
tration made lu our city yesterday by thepeople and
military upon the reception of the gsllant soldiers
of Mississippi who passed thorngh here er roufe for
the prospective scene ef blocdy action at Fort Pick-
ens In Florida. Memphis'!! In Tennessee and Ten-
nessee part of tie l sited States yet- our people
titrned out lo-welcome with open hands aod welcome
hearts the soldiers of the Confederate States.
Tbe demonstration here yesterday shows that the
popular heart of Tennessee Is all right. It la with
the Confederate States and not with the Northern
The people here care nothing for XIaooIn or Ms
Administration as was' shotrn yesterday. General.
Chalrnsrs and his noble regiment "of MIsslssppl sold-
iers were yesterday the subjeetr of universal admira-
tion while Llceolu'andr hU Administration were oa
the contrary the victims of unanimous contempt.
Tbo Mississippi troops that were so hand-
somsly received at Memphis were five compan-
ies 430 men io all most o (ftem frcra Da Soto
Tha Mobilo Meroury aftor noticing their
arrival id Mobile aaya :
Tbese troops left their homes. on Wednesday and
went to Memphis. They were met at the depot by
an artillery company which' fired a salute. The mil-
itary companies of Memphis and the cltlzecs gener-
ally turned out to honor them and greeted them
with lively demonstrations of respect. Lieutenant
CJonton cf the Panola Guards Informed ua of a
very singular Incldentthey were escorted through
ihe streps of Memphlswlth the two Sags the " Stars
and Stripes" o the U a and tha " Stars and
Bar's " (it Jo.nce Hooper lasuts It shall be) of the
0. S. i. fljr lag OYer then tide by side. The Llea-
teosot thought It a strange and unoiual circumstance
that gotug to the wars troops ihould not only pass
qqMy through a portion pf the enemy's territory
bawthat they should be met with shouts of welcome
and that the enemy flag sboald be throwa over
them as au emblem of hospitable riroiaatloa.
The Panola Guards received au addition of thirty-
five men in Memphis. MeupMs Is' certainly almost
acting reeUiousagaIniV lis Government.
TnE Twq TAEirrs. Publishing in exlerut
both the librthera and the Southern tariffs tho
N. V Herald says :
It Is impossible to deny to the Southern tariff an
exemplification of statesmanship ebllghtment wis-
dom and a knowledge of governing a great and en-
terprising people" which are wholly wanting la the
.other document.
The two measures. In fact ulnar aa asueh la spirit
as the eighteenth and.tho nlnoieeutb. 'centuries ; they
are as widely as the leglslatlonof the Moun-
tain n reioluHooary France or the Puritan legisla-
tion of lfl old Commonwealth of Buglaad; and the
legislation of these to countries at the present day
as any commercial man who understand! Ida subject
may see by comparing the one with the other.
The tariff of the Washington Congress U the most
Ignorant xseless blundering and pernicious enact-
ment that eyer was concocted for the avowed pur-
f' iss of bettering tbo Interests of the eeuntry. On
e contrary the tariff of the Montgomery Congress
a sound practlcat and Intelllglbla measure and ss
inch It trill command tha admiration of the states-
meu of Hcgtaod and France and alt the commercial
nations' of Europe.. They will discover from the
comparison that tbe art of government Is with tha
Sooth and not-with tho N'orth and they will be gui-
ded by that conviction In their policy as regards the
two lections.
tar Mr. Oshorn at Goliad on theSOtb from
Live Qak county informed tbe editor of the
.Messenger that'there was still considerable
excitement" in that section in regard to the
lie says most of Ihe men pf tils neighborhood were
out in search or tne savages wans the ramiuea were
collected" together at one place.-. Those who have
been out on the trail feel satisfied that as many aa
teventy-fiveaavagra have; come down on the Altai-
cosa. ;ix p'erson bad been kUled. and several hun-
dred head of hones had been;. stolen; 'Qwlag- to the
bad conilllloa of their horses ihi men bad cot been
able' tootrt take' tie red sklni"" "
NO. 1.
The KeaoB roBatlieeeattoB.
We present in cxUUo the remarks before
the Convention by Judge R. O. Campbell of
the Galveston delegation on tha subject of at
once ratifying tbe new Constitution of tbe
Confederate States :
Judge Campbell of Galveston said that the ques-
tion before the Convention; was' not one as tolls
nower to aet. every centlemiu conceding that tha
right to accept' and approve the Constitution was
clearly accorded. It was a jqaeatlon of expediency
merely ana la bis Judgment every eonraersuoa or
expediency demanded the prompt and Immediate
adoption of the Constitution. Wera.tlie Convention
not to adopt this course they would leave Incom-
plete the structure; they hay's for-'weeks beea engag-
ed In erecting; the creation of a permanent tie w tn
the other seceded Slates was the cap stone of the
great political edifice. Were he to cast any other
vote than one sustaining sncnndltlonal approval be
should expect to hear the rebuke ofthe constituency
be had the honor" to represent
Oa his retarnxis his home after Ihs adoption ofthe
Ordinance of Eecessi-jn Instead of meeting censure
for having voted agalnat- . reference to the people
AnaelhoBewcDC3lderd wise the people of bis en-
Ugnteeed county applauded pts course.
The rectnt bonolar vols oniht to be considered
decisive on thi. pilot By some aJ.OoO m-Pirtty 6uf?
of 60.000 votes ihe rawies had pfonouaceri Irl favor
of Secession and from every1 quarter thi manifesta-
tion were conclusively apparent that the people
were wltheaarkahle unanitalty; lu favor of per-
manent Southern Qi'afed racy la an economical
point of view ft jraa-dealrae- notto refer the in.
stltatlnn back; AnetaetlODton theoow hand and the
AVEnvVWwota. fl.n......l.aJ ..aa.a.lW f.o.
re-coaveatog or Bi tTulslaieare on u oer loon
TrrcM48i.eriraiB4-Uv iaavprtrt
GOO ; an aouunt Mi Stale was poorly ibla (a loose as
lata peuoo.
Oar coarse had tofffar compromfsM the cHateto
allow of delay. ShehadarTexaa Io President Davla'
Cabinet ; she had delegates In Congress ;-she tad ce-
ded her forts ; she had made bhang"? In her Constitu-
tion suited to the character of her new reiatlnoa. la
fsct many thlagi had been doae of a nature let com-
mlther. The prompt approval of ths Corji'Itut'onr
6nld strengthen the position- of the Confederate
States and secure for them a moral and material
wetent In both' the slave and free States north of us.
and Is would Inculcate everywhere use Idea that our
determination was a fixed one not to thlok or any-
thing' else bdt ths establishment of a permanent
Southern Nationality. Alsbama Louisiana and.
Georgia had ra'lflttl titlhout'isbmlttlsg tbe perma-
nent organic law of tho Confederate- gum and
Texas should do the like. In frecnslor) sba was the
IsstState; In this matter let her stand higher orr the
list Ir delay were allowed. It would only lead to ma-
chinations by Llaeolnltes and their friends and emis-
saries In this State (and that there were tbe last he
did not doubt la take tu bsck Into the fold or Black
TC . . ... t I l !
i.epu91IC30!Hi to place ua Duse aaaiu lu t"? fit.
of ear remorseless. Implacable enemies a fate to
which death itself would be preferable. A party
was In the process of formation with leaders able
and ncscrnnulou. but whom lt was sot necessary
be should name bent on tbe 'defeat of the Constitu-
tion and the reattalument of talace and power thai
they miht use the first and exert tbe last for the dis
graceful enslavement 01 ins Btateoy wnicn iney
were nurtureA Tbal rrfierable party reduced
thank God to a faction and under the lead nf a
fosalllxed dace hunter who has fattened on offiee
till office holding has become his norma! existence-
will not attack the new Constitution : an Instrument
Incomparably superior to that old one which they
hive been euloalalng as the perfection of govern-
ment. They will attack the Convention and Its act j
and eadeayor.ln that way to'defeattheCAnaiitiIoo
Itself. By at once adopting' that Constitutloa ths
Convention would remove from that party tu very
foundation ; and no matter how solid- the supposed
superstructure lt will Inevitably topple to the
ground without a bails on which to plant their fej-
crum all their efforts will be la vain. That Usui
baying been takes rrom taeas they must create ons:
fortdeaelve; they mnsthKOBietbeaeceatlonparty
and the friends of the CoSvederacr the Union party:
and at ihereiponslblllty of Inangarallag and con
summating secession wis urown oy tne oounracy
of the late Governor and his friends upon the peo-
ple of Texas he will have If be and they hope to-
effect anything-In dlsruDtinx what we have done 'a.
Imitate us la the plan we have so successfully and
skillfully eirnea out. uippuy me people now oe
Ing alive" to" ihe policy of our loes wBI strangle the
serpent la Its first pulsation of life.
lie would conclude by Invoking the Convention cot
to beiltate In adoptlng.wlthout reference the Consti-
tutloa we are considering the most perfect aa ths
eloquent WUcox of Bexar said that the wisdom of
maa had ufr devised In wUeb. opinion he fatly
eoncnrredMtie people had not distrusted nor-woold
they dlifrim us. They confided In ur patriotism
and In oar devotion to the holy unto and their best
Interests. Around as are arrayed under this lead
ot powerful. Insidious and deeply vindictive leaders
the cohorts of truckling non-reslstent snbmisslanlsts
ready willing anxious to lead our glorious State
back again Into the fold of Black Bpnbneanlam.
Bydelaylng whilst the defeat or the Constitution
waa notto be apprehended nor the cause otseecs-
ilon to any serious peril for bolb were supported
by the popular seatiment cf tha couatrj yet we
would only glre to men who hits us and set cause
with a holy ferver the opportunity to plant within
osr Slate the seeds of strife of party and personal
discord from ths effects of which she might not socs
Adoptthll Constitution at once and unconditional-
ly which he had demonstrated the people wBI not
ditapprosatc and our enemies become shorn of all
power rorevU. They will be driven Into the dark
hales and miserable recesses alone suited to their de-
tectable ODl&lonsr aadbearinr with them the con-
tamelv and eontemnt et everv vetrtoSlnlhe-laDd
-hair fata srtH ta bs. the fate if all thesa wao bave
bad the temerity to attempt to place upon the necka
of freemen thayokeoftne oppressor.
Hs i.ln entreated the Conrenlloa not to healtau
sot to defer bat at once 10 place Texas among
her galtast sister States the brightest luminary la
that galaxy or glorious States States that exhibit
the grandest Btastratlon of spirit patriotism and
wisdom ever dlspla.ed on thi continent. Io btl
humble Judgm eat by dotogso they would be bat re-
flecting the wishes of the people and consummallnjr
aa act glorious to themselvev and preservative of
the best interests of those they represented
) f
England aud tlte South.
Extract from Tricate. Mercantile Litter!.
" LrvxarooL 7ebruary 23 1SC1.
"I have beea well occupied since my return In
discussing the great qurs'Ios at Issue with you and
although t find a decided msjorlty la sentiments
oppased to the South' yet there are more than I ex-
pected who can see and admit that the South bave
grave cause roe complaint acdinore stilt who with
the prospect of increased hualaesa woaloT forselfish
ends wish your cause well. I cannot describe to
you bow little Inclined any one la io believe a civil
war possible or a practtcal division at the Unloa
probable The general belief thai the South Is depen-
dent on the North for her capital and that ihe Is
novertv.alHeberi- foateri the f-ellnpthat ther ean ha
no leparatlon. The world gal&a thai opinions from
the New Tork papera ana 'tber neighboring cities
and Southern fcellnga and character find no repre-s-ntatlve
there Aa people here are so skeptical
upnn the final disruption or the Uolted States the
occurrence of tt win have moret effect; and If lt enmrs
aboat by force so strong li ihe aversion In England
to war between you that you will find ns mediating
and thus a reconciliation mav lake nlace or an Ami
cable adjustment arrived at ending with your recog-
nition" aa a nation."
' MaxcstsTix Pebrnary 20th ISol.
" Tour secession movement la growing (a Mpu-
Isrlly here. We don't generally like to see slavery
extended but oar Interests are Identified with you
and the power of Ihli'place which you know wilt bs
nied to encourage anJ promote the cans of free-
Trade. We don't care now about the quarrel be-
tween th North and you. If tbey had aood eaiuo
to rebel against aoodKIng George joa have a bet-
ter excuie to dissolve partnership with thesa. As to
war It Is all moonshine ; the Tankee kcows hli owa
Interests too well to attempt to fight. Y..U may res:
assured this country will not permit a paper- block-
ade; wo cannot permit a stupid quarrel to Interfere
with our supply of cotton. I think the Influence of
this aeotlon will be used to bave your Minister re-
ceived:; It is and always baa been tbe policy of this
eoantry toreeagntxe de facta governments andyoa
wUl bs received; aeir-lnterest Is a powerful lever
and w: know well where ours lie. Public sentiment
la changing too on the slavery question. Wbsa
the world lees a nation prepared a a git and de-
fend the Institution they ara InJuced to reflect and
examiner the subject In all Its Importance. When
this becomes geaeral you wHl find that many oppo-
nents hers nov will become partlxatur not front in-
tesest alone but front jodgmeat and principle.
Tour cause has my warmest approval."
s e
Gcx Boats" pob the Soctit. Alderman T.
J. A. Boole of New York oily has been awar
ded tbe contract for tha construction of forty
gan-scows required by the Southern Confed-
eracy. The 17. T. Leader has the following
details of the matter :
These boats are to be seventy feat Use bv twenty-
two wide and five feet deep Uoublcplanked and
with sides of ths regular naval thickness. Etch
scow la to mount ana central ton-Inch pivot gun and
two thirty-four pound carronad'S. They ara an-
chored ta Ike months of the .Mississippi and vartoua
exposed points up. the river thus guarding alike
against attack from the sea or a descent from ths .
northwestern Sutec. With their full snaamentou.
hoard they will draw thirty-six leches of water thus
presenting but a very narrow target to tha enemy.
The plan of these boats as a cheap substitute for si
Southern navy. Is due to Commander Hartatelo aod
they are to be completed f.r S3200 each the arma-
ments to be fqruei by tbe Richmond foundry.
Twenty cf taese scowa are to be delivered on or bt-
fcre the 31st of neit 'July and the balancaky the
end of October. Three of tbem a; now in progreis.
to be called rcsnectlrelv tha "South Carolina."
" Mississippi" and 'tGoorgla" and Mr. Bool la confi-
dent that to can easily complete Ms contract within
ths time specified.
as m
Abtxoka akotub South. Tho San Francis
co Herald of the 15th February publishes aa
extract "from a prominent and' highly intelli-'
gent geqtloman of Eastern Arizona" which
breathes the true spirit and ib.ovrs.tnat the
South has true and starling friends in the far
West The letter says r
The neonle In both Eastern and Western Arlxona
svmnathlis with the South la ths oreient crisis and
beiliye that now or never Is the time for her to de
mand and enforce her constitutional rights. I mint
the time for reconciliation Is paat and the cry of the
French revolution "too late" is roily appucaoie so
our position. No compromise or settlement caa or
will he made lator onlnlon.. At Plno-Alto. where
there Is a large American population tha lone Star
Bag is raia na soma are saognico enoutjn w io--.
tnr thaa-naetlv abaorntloaof Sanara and Chihuahua
by American hands. The Idea of a Pacific repub Ho
baa na friend here. We ahalt go wlth-Texas and If.
a Southern Confederacy Is farmed. ahaU expect from.
lt a territorial organisation uaiuornia aeeajs a tt.
too much Unoturen wits epaDiieanumauu w. u.
not touch her.
0 0 .
Ma- C'arrTKXBif at none:. Mr. Crittenden
was warmly received io Kentucky onjiis re
turn home. He mada a speech on national af
fairs in the hall ofthe Uouieof Representa-
tives at Frankfort on the 26 tb ult.
Ha believed the South right and the North wrong
In the controversy which has given rise to the pres-
ent gloomy state of affairs lie had no confidence la
politicians but thought If a baste of settlement
could be brought before the people ot the North
they would eodose It. Us waa strongly and decided-
ly against coercion and In favor of letting the sece-
ded Statei try tbetrexperlment In peace. He be-
lieved ths experiment would fall and they would
yet come back to their allegiance. Any attempt
at coercion ho said would destroy at ones and for-
ever all hopes ot reconstruction. Ua was la favor
of'Xeaiucky remaining for the present wth the UtH
Ion but adfaltted that there might be soma great
contingency which won Id make It necessary roe
Kentucky to go oat. What would const! ute such a
contingency he did sot tell his; -audience but said
that when It did come there. would be no seed' of
argament It would speak for Itself.
X& The steamship Daniel 'WVbsier from; ;
Braxosi Santiago; with four companies' of LT.J
Si troops Jor Key "West" and Toriugas Arrived
.' Jfew.Yotk on the SCifh ult4
or xw
6AL? .TW W.KKKLT hits.
'POTLiairra Jtviiir nnsrirrAT.i .
OHSOOI'T.pejciaiHn'li advance.......... S A
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- a fortwoyssrrs.msdvaEe9...... &
- PottmiatercrenlttkztwodeUirs and lit resat. '
MvaqcesabscrJber wlUM (eUUed to ths otker JftT Mil
I angle subscribers al a distance may it thalr fUtn
I .fhta-MV..-. " .. .4. . 1 ..1 .
tie Postmaster's recelDt.) ot oroenre rih Seivata Lin -
lancesaa'tliTymayliavscocMenceln.beJaitctlisi ir. d
AaVewvlswisar rlisfra
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TirPOr.-rCS3 and Da-ALK3 bs Paae and le
X Pry Oooda Lamea. Wana and CMIdraia'a dli-e
(iipeU Raja. raaaea5ouoas.AcA
Adfolalag A. Blum Erp.'e Clothing SlarV
Mari-et Street Calveafon
Are now opening a very extensive stock of cho'ce and
elexaat. Gooca. which having be.n pnrduLaed from the
first mv-.nfarrrrrcra they off-r theta at JS ewTork Jobka
Their stock coTLalataln pxrtof
AB Wool Defames MssHa leb:ne(. the tout itjassal
patterns Preacu. Merlsotv Glcghacas aid cthir ir4
Goodi too sumerous to mention.
Fall and Wlrrerrllk.
P.!ch Silk Bobes. Psvcactid Kobe- Double Skirt Setva.
Plain suka and fancr culorv ana run aaaorrm&ai of l;.x-
seUleaand PopHa&tika la all outers.
Aa exteUaive aseortmeut or fi-. a r-alrtcTer!aa. Swat
Jaconet and tce (toltara an; &ue.7cj Chexnlaet's. -lenebtaandAppliqsst.'ot.'arsssil
fulliets Mouratg' -1-larsaadSIee-yes.
Swiss Lrnena Jseoaet and IHn'ty'3- -.J
Swlssamljscnaetltdabgaud iesenlsg Laccaoj. all .-
scripnens. A large assortaeiit of plain hem-stitched aid eaa-
broMered Hindi enii?t.
Towellnarand Liavna.
Brown and Bleached table IHnrsai.Naplfea.ToVe-ajr
Ci aib.lrtah L.neTil.lrie3 Caaaaica.amea La waaCU.Tikaa.
TUsnasa .
Hood fttlra and Carseov
Ths latest Improve d.Ptteni of Lautea'and ChUdrea
Hoop Starts and Corsets.
tatovea and noalery.
A splencha stock ol every ccflcrtptloB aod -yarlaty.
Biankets tUcina.i;aameres.ComforLv. satlaet. Jet
Ac at
Ftaonela of every Ceaerit-tloiraacl colora.aad the ars-
tst nock ever tronglt io tm city.
Their stock of heavy. Shawls and '3caka emlrscteg
very novelty with a good .rock of TelvttsB(farr?
Cicths for Cloaks caaaoteturpaased by any 3oin.ra
house. -f
Their steek ef Plantation Go. da B'aakets. Lows j
X-tnsrya Slereya and Peatsaauary Gooca itlaaketa. Kaa-
tstta anoauatry heavy.
Planters and Merchsalawtil 2nd It to their advaatsue
to eauntoa on? atAcaepuAibAa'aa: elsewhere asct we
UTtte tied to call sad res for tlenn-tvea
Stwslrltcs Marset SOiet
sep"Ctwtw1r-& GALTESTtV . TEXAS.
tall axu wlStes teadk roa
A. BlaCIO. iC ItltO.
MAFAC!TOK"tK.-orcildogWnoleiaIesiid i.e.
tail Dealers is Bonta and Snoea Ilata and Cans
Bmrts tieDileinvo'j' Pnrntatliia Goods Treats aTaaa
Umbrellas Walking i-aaas.4c.Ae Ac.
Cotner cf Tremast aod Market Streets
have rscarvad their enteaatva atock orcrkrtMag
ova Eaaiiufacture. The same canaet be sttrsasaed y xlt
eotnhera hutuo. and comprlaea every valiety 1b ths Lao.
Tho pncea are such as to surt tbe stovt lankfiouas ajd
aariag ao proita to pay wa art able to sell aa eie aa
any If ew- ork Jobber.
Our stock of Boots aad Shoes Dabs and Caps SI ta
GeuUemea'a Ifuriuthlsgt Goods. Trnaka it la the la
ever brought tor ttta etryand havinl been carero Is
lected aad bcaiht ta. nure qaaantile. direct Xnsu j .a-
faccarara wa aAall sell theta at Xcw york prlcea.
Wo aSalt eoaatantlyrecvtvaaew aappnsa aad
soaxehaata plan tela aad ciii2easof Uatveatoa and Taaa
taguieral to exanxlne our stoear before parchaalae: tle.
where. A. BLUM tt Bill).
Cor. Tremoni and Slarket Sin . s
IT. B PlaattrswinilBd lt tithed Interest to cBui
examine onr large stock ofttusaetts and Clcthlaa ae-
gromar.! septaawtwl y
mnEnntJen-'jTedbers Jeareto state that ha ruth
A l(taUo9oleststdlrtuag.iatt!ac:tyafritclaala-
tleatn'a Clothing aad Furnishing H' use. Byte at n
aerwttbatargavaaafaeturinerbouee lamenaai-d o
keep my afcxk atwaja atthe berghtof ntahtoa as lb- ve
made arranaementa io rt verve fresh ehlpmeata everv -w.ea:
dunB4tthesesacn- slypreaent stock euatalaa the to -lngartteeatna:igradesOvercoata
tlresa Ceats. Bias cm
Solla. Paua. Teu. ora ikiads.
Myatoekof Pnraiahla Uoods la protsbly tVala. u.
evtrexMtuteilbyanf tic touse la this WT. Itos .aa
Shirts and Drawers in sQ varleUa ; rsderaalrta of ao- o.
Mertao Shaker Flasset Sad the purr LatabkWioi. a-d-nhtrts
Cravatsaadrseektles tn iaBumeraaleatytM: ha
Travehng sbawla ulaokets. Bats trunks Umars taa.
CarpetBaxa. Toilet Articles la short everytUng " 'y
kept ta a 2rst class tren tlemea'a OatSUa g xaxakKaMd. .
Jateadla to eatabPah a penaaaeat baainca la ttta w
I ahaU enuaaror by fair deallai low pricra aaa b aa
beaest repreaeatatton of my ST3hts for suefc a. tteyi e. ta
AerUtnepatrasazsof UoaewhoEaT fayormewith a uu.
Mystarelslathenrkkbuilri!agbeeaJ.A.SA va
andtteSewiOtSctTrcmout street. A fi!eaIy ea la
sondtadby AOP.i:S.NLEVl.
October s. wAtwtf Treaiaat rt-'.
THS saccaea I have met with. la my late expartceina
with tha ST RAM PLOW now nadea tt nerta-
liry that I devote mT cms to the faitber nroseeuJw-f
Uat prelect uarejervecry ; and. tberefnpe 1 can so losgesr
give my Farai that persoaal dtestlon wh ch It rsquh-'sa
My tjteaa Plow eu eiprle M pomU out io mc tha
aeeesjity of maxing Oalveatoa asr head quarter.. ir
which to operate ta Tex.s. aaa ta parsnaaceof ttiN I
aavlttew&seconclndedtosriakPlhlaeltymy ratarai- i-
ecnea. Therefore! now offer for sale ajl tra' esc - a
tract of -vatnahler laod.wilhtt extensive UBproveuv-
kaowaaamyPlSKlLADPAKMaltttatiInJe -
soaceukty aidbelag a plitof ths hedrlghtof l.t.
y acuta. This Farm ti tweiwrnlles west of Beau a .
rght ml'es S. X. of S-nr Laae. and but two ntlke ai. a
half north ofthe Texas and. Sew Orleans Railroad a d
which Is nowmranamgcrdtr&etweeataenvera
aad TllaJty arty roar mues.
ThaJTanaha.- threat rood lmmtiaeiaentaupea lt laa.
andaagcufaacAvarjcALI6aaaestBaitatecicurtrva: a
and tha whole contatsa ttSS acres. About SCO acre f
this faro la eraine th most ot walca Is "black laa -."aid
tae rettialader tlnibrr of the very best chs-acter til
Aa tithe character of the water aad the health of tats
locaUoo. 1 tuay safely chaBenga the Stale to ptoetu.-e-bettei.
I Lava bow got the Farm la a rtata ot lmpmyement la tt
wUl act require aco-hex Collu'i eapeaae ta prcparhia.
for the euluvattoa of a la-go e-op th cotalag eeaaoo.
TEX Paid Atwhtchtnurarm caa twpurchaaat.'-'i
beat tb low Janro of UCOO.of v.blca. $4009 aatt .
paid dovru and the rerralnder tatwa equal paviueMa t
n..ittwnitet:tn wfth'latereat A nercent. from datt.
LaaJeecnrediarnortarageiaa thxaretulsea or lfthsn.r-
Chaaerateraaareatopay au caa-i oa utaucuvetyua um
deed a beral dednctloa shall he nude.
TaeTrsLa to this property ta QaatnsrT aad ago-t
aad amdeatwaraateaoved-vrtu b axecatedto tha p&r
I havi appointed ABed n JAMSS. Esq ot t!MCir
of Galveston ttctuaf sgeat and w th wkeK I
aavt left pow er of attorney ta sell and execute title to ua
' U. W. DALAI) It.
Gatvffitos.Oct.SI. B6-wAtwtf
F.S.Aamtrad' Wr!ghtlBovlathargeot tcaiilcvs
place aatt who wUl reader aayaastruoce he can to- a-
deawhoeaBmsthearpoaoflrpectuiclt oW.r
TTALUAM-B LtUB FOR fc.VLfc-f wOi se. 7
V. very dearrable tract ot Land fronting upon Oslv
ioa Bay.ltbelngapartoftSalianterorSrr Wash f
tea lgueeoutaJn!!!g SS0 acres. T-r3 La.l haia U tt
at nearly a mile em the cayla su&dsainety located vd
weU.tiaib.rtd. Title Utcitntubte. the subataiber hav "g
trwaed axut-beea la poaseaalonof It tweaty years. Teta
one-tiUcaeathebalajtcetBoaaaiidtwo yearswlsk v.
1 will also sen tay m itstceswe. tt being -pant t
saras league froattng oa Sis Jaclato Bay kaovrt.
tiesoeat Place containing 119 acre. Thla tl coaaic ied
ooeof the beatlocalloua upos ta Bay for an agrttabU
-taSduee aoaecaasurpasatt.
uu3-wt(tr " ' ' SIDSIT aUEBXAi
K. rHT Mira Oahraina
TF f i u want to b7 .the beat mad Biaay ft a.b
j. uer rag? g9 tti
-"-r.'ss. ii-tilairrj.
VfUnsaa. BaUilu.
A '
e .
c: i
'a a
li .

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Galveston Weekly News (Galveston, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 1, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 9, 1861, newspaper, April 9, 1861; Galveston, Texas. ( accessed May 4, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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