The Corpus Christi Star. (Corpus Christi, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 4, Ed. 1, Tuesday, October 3, 1848 Page: 1 of 4

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Administrator's Notice.
Slot 0 Tata County of Sin Patricio. Letters of ad-
ministration having been granted to the undersigned by the
Honorable the Probate Court of San Patricio county on the
estate of William de Bcnhim late of s-aid county deceased
at the September term A. D. 1843. Tliereibrenll persons
ho have claims against said estate must present them with-
in the legal limitation and those indebted are requested to
make payment and William O'Docharty orthis county has
been appointed my lawful attorney and agent in fact.
JAMES DE 1IENHAM Administrator.
"San Patricio Sept. 25 1848. oct3 Gt
Commission and Forwarding Merchants
No. 31 Camp street New Orleans
WILL cive particular attention to the execution of orders
for the Mexican Market and to consignments of Hides
Wool etc. addressed to their care as well as to all general
Rifer to Col. H. L. Kinney Gen. W. L. Caxneau Cor-
PUsChnsli: James Puwtr Jwq Lite Oak Point; V. E
Honard bq San Antonio; II. Clay Davi Efq.tUio
Grande City. scp26
The undersigned is in daily expectation of receiving a large
and complete assortment of Dry Goods selected and manufac-
tured expressly for the Mexican trade and would respectlully
call the attention of .Mexican Merchants and Traders to this
point as being the niol convenient and chcapost to make
their purchase. Try it and jott will be convinced.
New Orleans and Corpus Christi
Sclir. WM. AND MART Capt. Smith;
Schr. T. F. HUNT Cap:. Mitchell;
Srhr. Capt. .
The above firs-t class fast sailing cssels will leave punctu-
ally cv cry ten da so as to connect with the Transporta-
tion Li'ics foi the various points on the Rio Grande and will
be command-d by captains experienced in the trade. For
freHit or palace bavins stipi nor accommodations apply to
J. W. KINNEY Agent Corpus Christi.
J. H. BLOOD & CO. Agents. N. Orleans
VOL. 1.
NO. 4.
Commission and Forwarding Merchant
Corpus Christi
Will attend to the receipt and forwarding of goods to all
parts of the country will rectus orders for the punhasc of
goods in New Orleans arid in the Northern cities and will
in fact attend to all business entrusted to Ilia care with
promptitude and fidelity. wptlO
New York and Corpus Christi Packet
The A I fat sa.hngbark MOPANG Capt. Simpton.jn ill
run regularly in thu trade and is to sail from New York
about the Ul of Not ember which nflbrds a favorable oppor-
tunity for sbipme.its from that point. For further particulars
apply to W. MANX & CO Agents
Corpus Christi.
sept. 2G J. II- BLOOD & Co. Agents N. Orleans.
Commission and Forwarding Merchant
Corpus Christi Texas
WILL attend to al! business entrusted to his care and
despatch it with promptitude. lie will reccne and store
goods from New Orleans and ship them to any and all points
on the Km Grande and will receive produce from those points
o.i storage to sell here or ship to New Orleans or ilscw hi re
N 15. lie has also a large and convenient warehouse at
Rio Graile City where he will also receive any goods on
sale or slorasc.
He solicits llio patronage of the public assuring all who
may cntru-l business to his tare that it will meet with the
must prompt attention and be executed on reasonable terms.
All orders for horst-s mulc marc sheep etc. will be
thankfully received and pru-nptly attended to and filled al
t!ic ton est market prices lor Lash. 5eifi
- TTvn'i'rn appuptjJ-Tfffnit' for the proprietors of the
town ot Cornr-yiTrreTTfand that large anil beautiful section
of countrj adjuininc comprising upaid of forty Lasucs
1 will be pn pared at all times to gnu information as alsoto
show the property cither town or countrj- which from its
pu-itionand natural advantage cjlurindulcmcnts to the en-
terprising seldom met with. 'J ho land will not be sold to
anj who do not ntend to become actual sfUle.-s. All Utters
adiire-'cd to me post paid will meet prompt attention.
lij-Galveston Ciu'mii ai.d ew Orb .ins Delta will copy
Informs the inhabitants of Corpus Christi tlin t she will
opena Day School on the 9th of October ISIS. The
courseof instruction will comprise English Reading Writing
Arithmetic Grammar Goograpliy and History.
Terms . Tw o and Three Dollars per month according
to the age and degree of improvement of the pupils payable
monthly. .
N. U. Trench Spanish and Needlework will be taught
if required seplfl 21
Gtnt-rl Cot mission and Ferwaiding Mcrthar.ts
Corpus Christi Trias
WILL attend to the receipt ot goods from Nc' Orleans
and other places for the pot.its en the Rio Giamh- ard to
Bexar. They will alto atiend to the slur incut of in h articles
of produce as may be tent those places to NenOrlcans
through this place. sep 1 9
Will practice in the couiitus of Starr Wtbb Cameron
San Patricio Refugio and Nueces and will attend In tin-
collection of Notes Bonds and Accounts; locating land
examining titles etc. A ten jears residence in Western
Texas gives him opportunities for mfoimation in Lauded
Matters that few poscs.
For information etc. he refers to:
Col. H. L. Kinney Corpus Christi;
Tit03. F. McIunivey Galeton;
J. H. Blood Merchant New Orleans;
H. C. Davis Kio Gmnd City. srplO
Mercantile Notice.
J. W. KINNEY informs his friends and the public hrrc
in Matamoros KejnosoCamargo Rio Giaude City .Micr
Guerrero Loredo Ccrralvo Marian Cadamta Monterey
Saltillo cct that he hit nou on hand and is in ilailv expec-
tation of j further supplv of G ro c e ries and Provi-
sions Hardware Crockery etc. all of which
will be sold at lower rates than were trer known in this
section of country. Corpui Christi Srpt I'J.
Shirts . 300 dozen all varieties
just received and for sale low by
septlU J. . JvIiNNEY.
Lost Certificate.
Lost Certificate No. 334 dated Juncthc6tli 1S35 issued
to Michael McMabnn bv the Hoard of Land Commisioners
for Ha-tis County for C40 acre of land. If not found n lth-
in the time prescribed by law I shall apply to tlic proper au-
thorities for a duplicate of the nic.
Corpus Christi 10th September I84S. l-4t
three month' and -end ai count tnliii-iilncc.
The untler'isncd wi'l jtic-id to the Higitration and Sur-
cv of all Mexcan liths to land ljiiig north and ca-tof the.
Km Grandj uilliin lujuriJictiO! ; al-oto the Registration
.-ind pacing upin the mapol all .Maxican titleslvinghctwirn
thcNueeisrnd the Km Grande within the hunts of Sjp
Patnun and Nueces District. Residence at the house of Mr.
Juhn Hjvcs opposite Meir.
'JAMES MANNING Deputy Surveyor
eepSC for the count of ''tar.
Wji. L. CAZNEif being now in the northern cities forthe
purpose of lajing in a complete stock of Dry Good is de-
sirous of selling off his stock now on hand and in order to
induce purchasers to come forward the prices liae been re-
duced. Come one. come all. w.2G
Administration Notice.
THE undersigned having been appointed by the Hon.
the Probate Court of the county of Nuects Stale of Texas
administrator on the estate of Rartlctl Anmbal deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate
to come forward and settle tlie claim" against them and to
all persons having claim chains! said estate to file them
within the tunu prescribed bv lave or they will be forever
Corpus Christi Sept 19 Administrator.
Transportation Line. .f
THE undersigned imprcjcd with the belief that a great
nnrtioa of the trade from Rio Grande City (Clay Davis')
Slier Loredo and other points on the Rio Grande vijll pass
through Corpus Christi have determined to establish lines
of transportation for freight and passensers from here or
from New Orlcaii to the above points at the following rates?
From Corpus Christi to Loredo per 100 lbs. $2 00
Return trcight S " " 1 SO
Corpus Chn.ti to Rio Grande City " " l? 2 00 '
Return freight "I SO
Corpus Christi to Mier 1 i 2 CO
Return freight " 4 -""r " " ISO
From New Orleans to Corpus Christi' per bbl 1 23
From New Oilcans td cither of the abovc'mention- t
ed points per 100 lbs. 3 23
Back freiaht to New Orleans. " " " 2 25
In Ihealiove points a line will be run to San.
.ttnmnio ue Liexar. liiU iiiueaj irom uorarji (Jhtisli al trie
fullrivvinmratcs: iT& V
RackYrcight " 75
From Corpus Christito ?an Antonio per 100 lbs.. $1 00
These wagons will start every two weeks and run at all
Beacons and it isjntcnded so to arrange their departure that
toods brought dov. n in the semi-monthly packets from New
Orleans can betaken aw aj as soon as landed so that the
method of conveyance will combine besides cheapness and
fcafety expedition.
From the central position of Cnrpu Christi to all the
enumerated poitns and in faet to all the Upper Kin Grande
Country the undersigned flatter themselves that their under-
taking will meet with success. r
All information desired will be liberally imparbd by the
undersigned. 'A
J: H. BLOOD Commjssjon Merchant
New Orleans.
E. FITZGERALD Corpus Christi.
H. CLAY DAVIS Rio Grande City.
... i ' BENJAMtSjeF. NEAL San Antonio
sep!9 V Agents for the Proprietors.
Boots and Sho'es. 200 parraLadis'
Shoes and trailer? and 150 pairs gcntlAncnV Boots and
Shoes assorted in store and for talc by
8eptl9 J. W.-KINNEY.
Corpus Christi Hotel.
Formeily callvd the "Kinnry House" having now become
the property of Mr. Gcoige Noesstl well known to the
citizens of Texas as mine hot of "Nocsel's Hotel" at
Bastrop ami the Colorado Exchange Hotel' al Matagorda.
Mr. sel ho the honor to inform citizens and rtranscit
in g"neral that the abov choiic is now open for tin- rteepiion
of all those who imy favor him with a call He Hitler
hiniirlf that he itoo well knonn to make further cummmt
neeesfarv. '1 he houe is now being matcnallv nn; loveo' tor
the commrt and convenience ot Iu eu-'tomir-.; end . the
proprietor has fishermen and huntsmen rngagtd l.n tahli
will always be well supplied with I'l-h Ovteraiid Game
of all descriptions. Tnc liar will alwav be will sujiplicd
with the choice-it Wines and Liquors.
Tor each meal SO 50
Hoard bv the day without lodging 1 UU
For Iodginjr
Board and lodging per month.
Hoard by the munth without lodjinj
For a horc fieii
Taking care of a horse by the dav
."0 Hi)
2j HO
I oO
GEO.'NOESSEL Proprietor
Subsciiption f j p-r atimiin. Advertisemi nts $1 CO
for the iirt and 50 ci nt- tor tub - qncnl insertions of 6 Inns.
The New Post Route Law The 'Victoria
Advocate piomisos to publish this week the law es-
tablishing mail routes in Texas. If the contracts
were st once given out this section of country would
be relieved from a great inconvenience. Amongst
other loutes put down we notice one from Paso Ca-
valloto Corpus Christi via Lamar Copano and
Aransas pass Also from this place to Brownsville;
from this place to Kip Grtinde City and from this
place to Laredo. "
jilVjis gratifying.jlos to be enabled to chnTdicIc
tuus mucn in relation to inc niuiia uui ve vvuuiu
much rather notice the 'proposals' for the routes in
question. It would bo more indicative of Cave
Johnson's determination to furnish us with the
fecilitics for regular communication with our neigh
bors on the Rio Grande.
Yucatas. The PeninsulaJhas again fallen into the
embrace of tlii Federal Government of Mexico and
the re-incorporation was joyfully celebrated on the
21st August amid the salvo'of artillery a religious
funcion and a grand ball. The oath of allegiance
was administered on the 19th. Vv -
t o-
TnrIrvin Funds. Some of the Northern and
Southern presses recommend hat the funds raised 'in
the country for Ireland ad not tiani mitted be expend-
ed in breadstuff's and'sliippcd to Ireland- Wo think
it a good suggestion for the potato crop having failed
will bring groat misery to that unhappy country
which in a manner would be' alleviated by the funds
now on hand.
c o
T Cholma. This frightful disease continuer is
advance and in the Austrian Empire s sweeping' cif
hundreds md.bundredf.
Major General Twioos. The N. O. Mer-
cury of the 18ih inst. interprets orders No. 40 so as
to assign the veteran Twigcs to this department. If
such be the fact then indeed will the department be
in luck for a more just and energetic man cannot
be found in the American army. In a short time
this border country would be as quiet under his ad
ministration as an old settled section. He would
Le just to Mexicans and Americans. Although it
mny be a little too far out to place one who has ren-
dered the country such services still for the interest
of the frontier we should be glad to see him here.
With thti exception of Buena Vista "old orizavn"
as they call him has been in every fight under Tay-
lor and Scott and in nearly cvry instance the
pioneer and working general. There is no general
officer who engaged the enemy as often and with
pride wc say not a regiment company platoon file
or cvgtt n single man of his division ever gave back-
one inch to an entm)'. We know this well lor we
followed his vittorioug command from this lino to
the Grand Plaza in the city of Mexico. '
We reiterate that for the interest of the frontier
we wish the gallant soldier and just citizen may
take command of the 8th department
From Mazafit. A person recently from Ma-
zapil in the Department of Zncatecas repre cuts
every thing quitt in that section. There had been
no recent incursions of Indians either on the borders
ofthat State or in Durango. In a short time a
small party of traders were to start for the Rio
Grande with the view of ascertaining the most
feasible point for their trade. Our informant thinks
Laredo will be the point selected and of course the
depot at Corpus Christi. In times past the traders
from Durango and Zacatecas were wont to go to
Chllutahu.t for their goods nnd in fact arc doing so
even at this day which having lc"n brought some
fifteen or sixteen hundre.l miles overland were
sold to them at e.'.etb.latit prices. Then when the
transportation is added to Z.tcatecns or Durango of
320 or 400 mile. it is not strange that they should
seek a new point at which to make purchases.
From Laredo to some Zacatecas it is as
near as it is from Chihuahua to Zaratrcas; and by
purchasing goods from that point the trader will
not only save the enormous carriage to Chihua
hua but by buying them on the American side of
the river he will also save the exorbitant duties
which arc added to the price of the articles in Chi-
huahua. We will take up this subject more; at length in
:r.other number.
The SiniuuMADriK Expedition. The Washington
Union of the 3 Est ult. refers to tbe statement that a
.arpc number of wjgons said to have been used by
ma nrmy in Mexico have been purchased for the use
of t'us expedition anJ adds:
We deem it proper therefore to reiterate our for-
mer statements that the Government is fully resolved
to evert its lepal authority to execute in good faith
the treaty v ith Mexico to preserve the peace between
the two cotintrtt"; and to repress any movement what-
ever in our country ut an illegal character tending to
disturb ntir peaceful relations with Mexico or to vin-
htc our position ot strict neutrality and noninterfe-
rence between the Mexican Government and any dis-
affection existing in the northern Mexican provinces.
Considering the many rumors now in circulation of
such a contemplated movement our Government has
already taken efficient measures of precaution in the
shape of proper instructions both to our civil and
military authorities on that frontier to effect these
objects and to cause our neutrality laws to be faith-
fully enforced; and neither vigilanceiior.tnsrgy will
be wanting to our Government to aen that these in-
structions are faithfully carried out. ""
Notwithstanding this move on tha part of our Gov-
ernment and none can doubt its propriety who have
read the oxtravajant notices of the expedition in some
of our papers should Northern Mexico take the in
itiative she will be assisted by Americans by men
whom the government has no authority to prevent
emigralhi; to tl.c States in question. In 1636 the
Government exerted 'itself to mnirttafh.its neutrality
vviin uiirxicoanu prcveui suiuiers inun uigmiiiiii; in
and embarkirje from her shores to aid the Texans.
This it had a right to do but when emigrants for that
country embarked on board vessels the Government
had not th'c novjer to say " you shall not go " Thu
emigrants'became soldiers in defence of.the country
they had adopted and bjr thetr co-operation drove the
invader from the soil. And should an et.ugrant ves
sel leave New Orleans now for Soto La Marina Tam-
pico or the northern bank of the Rio Grande where
is the power to stop her J Surely not in'our Govern-
ment m - 'jf
Our government will'wJlnterfere "between the
.Mexican goirerfimcnt andony disaffectioti existing
in the poithcin Mexican provinces" says the
Union. That is right and proper.
Tho Adjutant General has issued orders No. 49 by
which the Uuitcd States is laid off anew into de-s
partments and the troops assigned to them. '
We are in the 8th department of the Western Divi-
sion which embraces that part of Texas lying south
and east of a line drawn from a point on the Rio
Grando south of El Paso at the 32d degree of north
latitude to the junction of the Ensanada Choflau
(Cooctaw Creek) with the Colorado or Red river
and down said river to Arkansas.
The troops assigned to this department are the First
Infantry entire six companies of the 3d Infantry 6
companies of the 2d Dragoons and two companies of
the 2d Artillery. Col. Wilson late Governor of Vera
Cruz commands the fighting first Maj. Alexander the
old Third a regiment that has seen more active ser-
vice than any during the war and Brigadier General
Harney the Dragoons. Harney or Wilson will com-
mand the department. They are to be stationed along
the line of the Rio Grande and the Indian frontiers
of Texas to Re.l river. M
With regard to the establishment of posts the order .
"The posts which it may be necessary to establish
and t- e arrangement of the troops in Texas and New
Mexico with a view to the best protection and defence
of the frontisis will be left to the judgment of the
local commanders under such instructions as they
may receive from the War Department or the Major
General commanding the Western Division."
"The officer highest in rank of the line of tho army
on duty in any military department or post will com-
mand the same unless otheiwise specially directed in
orders by authority of the Pre? dent."
"Regiments and companies will be put en route for
their respective stations as soon as their ranks are
filled to the legal standard and the season or con-
venience of the service will permit. In the mean-
while the officers and men should be allowed such
indulgence as may ba compatible with the require-
ments of the service."
Tus Europe V Revolctio.ns. The latest advices
from Europe arc to the 2d September. Tho Irish dis-
turbances have completely subsided and instead of
benefitting the people have only served to draw the
cords of bondage tighter. The whole'affairhas ended
in smoke. The leading men have been arrested and
the Roman Catholic clergy have signed a memorial to
the Queen praying mercy to "the deluded Smith
O'Urien" and his companions Without organization
without the first attribute or revolutionists the whole
affair was full of sound an.i fury signifying nothing.
The best friends of Ireland in our country have lost
all hope for lite present and until the people of tha
Isle adopt a new principle of action as we stated in
our last there is scarce room for hope in the future.
Italy too has been unfortunate more so perhaps
than Ireland fir more blood has been spilt- Charles
Albert is down probably never to rise again; and the
Austrian army has its head quarters in Milan. On
his retreat he entered into "an armistice which brings
every thing back to what it was at tho commence-
mentT but the lives of the men.
France is quiet because the army of Algcira is in
Paris and martial law refgns. ?
. Arrival of Traders. During the past few
days several parties of traders have come in from
beyond the Rio Grande for goods. Two of the
parties are from the country west of Laredo. These
are the right kindof purchasers bringing as they
do the ounces of gold or the Mexican specie dollars.
They say all'the towns and haciendas in their sec-
tion arc preparing to send to Corpus Christi for
goods so we may soon look out for that extensive
Mexican trade which we saiJ would be sure to come
Artesian Wells. All the tools and imple-
ments for the boring of these wells came down on
the Win. & Mary asjdid also the persons engaged
by Mr. Rooney to assist hiai. Mr. R. will commence
his labors jit once.
Navigation. Wcsee bythe Advocate that the
Guadalupeis to be' narigated'by steamers as high
up as Victoria. That beautiful and.thnving town
will be consideiably benefitted by the arrival of
steamers at its landing.
Titan-US To Capt. Smith of the sshr. Wm. &
Mary for files of papers from New Orleans ; also
to" the ' Daily Crescent" for a bundle of its ex-
changes. May the Crescent flourish.
Arrivals. Since our last the scbrs Wm. &
Mary and Uncle pill have arrived the former with
house frames and lumber for Col H. L. Kinney
and the latter with house frames and groceries for
-- - . -i . .
Imprtant to Somuers. In the Union of the 6th
inst. we fitid the following important official notice :
War Department. Adj't. Ginkral's OmcB
Washington July 1 18IS
The very numerous applications to tho War Depart-
ment fe.r the discharge of enlisted soldiers will not as
heretofore allow special answers to tho applicants
unless it may be proper to grant the discharge which
i nut the case more thin once in a hundred times.
All persons applying for discharges hereafter will
therefore please to rcgara ui: nonce as me oniy an
swer wtucli me aauy uuues oi injs oincc win permn
when the application cannot be favorably considered.
R. JONES Adjutant General.
Applicants for discharges who would be entitled to
land bounty and threo months1 pay after serving out
the full period of their enlistment are informed if
they receive their discharge from service by way of
favor at their or their friends1 request that they forfeit
their claim to any bounty.
Gen. Lane Governor of Oregon Maj. Meeck the
U. S. Marshalof the Territory and company left
St. Louis for Fort Leavenworth on the Sacramento on
their way to Oregon. It is late for a party to leave
upon such an expedition but we understand-that it is
their purpose to accomplish the trip if possible this
season. If they get to Fort Hull before the setting in
rinmr. in nil its -irppritv. tliov mav accomohsh it.
I Captain Roberts and company C of the Mounted
I Rides tccompanis the Gerura! en t!: trip.

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The Corpus Christi Star. (Corpus Christi, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 4, Ed. 1, Tuesday, October 3, 1848, newspaper, October 3, 1848; Corpus Christi, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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