The Jimplecute (Jefferson, Tex.), Vol. 38, No. 15, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 7, 1905 Page: 1 of 8

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Job Printing of
all kinds
at this Office
Brief vnnd Book
A Specialty
VOL 38
NO 15
Neekwear for the Fall is Here
All the new Novelties Patterns aud Colorings
Part of Pall and Winter CLOTHING has ar-
rived but the best is yet to come We will soon be
in a position to show you new shapes in MENS
HATS new and fresh patterns in SHIRTS HOSI-
A handsome FALL and
WINTER line of
Crawford Shoes
Are on the way
Just give us a little
time and hold off
your purchasing un-
til you looks our
line over
CCustom shoemakers
make one pair of shoes
and jcharge from 8X0
to 1200 for them
1000 pairs of
are being made in the
same time
CHati wlithi prim art 350
anif4Mfor tht tamtcuttem ttjlt
and mattrial at art found in ttnch
mail S1000 pnduclinu
Clothier Furnisher and Hatter
Crawford Shoes for Men
Taken up by Sol Hall and estrayed
before ADCraver Justice of the Peace
Precinct No 6 Marion County one
sraull roan horse branded J A on left
shoulder about 3 years old appraised
at 1500
The owner of said horse is requested
to come forward prove property pay
charges and take the same away or it
will be dealt with as the law directs
Given under my hand and seal at
office this the 22ud day of September
1905 W F Jones Olerk
County Uourt Marion Ceunty
The following subscribers have
thanks for payment on subscrip-
tions J S Walker J E Wenger
Miss Minor Lee Kerr MrB W W
Williams J Bradfleld R R Spen-
Rooms Rooms for Rent
I have several largo comfortable
rooms furnished or unfurnished in the
Old Murphy Home
The most desirable situation in the
cicy for rent either upper or lower
rooms splendid well of water very con-
venient Address
The Dallas News came out in a
Splendid fiftytwo page eddition
Sunday to celebrate its twentieth
year in that city
Read large ad of Segal Era m
bert in thie issue Their millinery
opening will be Wednesday Octo-
ber 11th
OK Restaurant has opened up
Meals at all hours
M Ufi inwiiu jro jiiunnmi Tiiuijimiin
The Prudential Insurance Co
Home Office
Newark N J
John F Dryden
Over One Billion Dollars Life
Insurance in Force
A consideration of the policies issued by the Prudentil will
convince you of their unvarying liberality their moderate cost
their satisfactorty returns and their absolute safety
S H CHILES Manager
Dalas Texas
W S HAYWOOD Special Agent
Jefferson Texas
On Sebbath morning Sopt 17 1005
the sad noire flashed over the wlros
from Jlt Home Arkansas that Mrs
W II Nichols had died Hint at 020
oclock nd that her rcniainB wouldbe
brought back to Jefferson the home of
the deceased for interment
For many years Mrs Nichols had
been a great siifferor nt times but boro
nil of her nfllictions with with thnt
christian patience so beautiful in the
lives of those who have caefr their bur
dett on the Lord
It wrb a great psnsuro and source of
strengh to her paitor to see her each
timo a he visited her suffering to see
her display all the christian graces
nithont a murmur of complaint at her
It was with deepest regret and sad-
ness of heart that wo learned of her
Itwan thought by her devoted sons
and many friends thnt the chnnge from
the climate oo Jeflerson to that of Mt
Homo Ark would benefit horand pro-
long her life but disease had preyed
upon the vital organs of her body too
long to staud its ravages any longer
Death wns a relief to the weary sufferer
as it came to translate her from earths
sorrows tojheavens joys
None of her sons wero able to roach
her before the end came came but her
affectionate daughterinlaw Mrs Bass
Nichols and Mr and Mrs Matt Mose
ley rendered all the comfort and ser-
vice possible
All was dono by ber loving sons and
dauglitersinlaw that could be for their
loved one and they have the consola-
tion of knowing tbatthey did their best
for theirbeloved mother
Miss Elizabeth Vaunellia Lewis was
born in Saline county Mo Jan 4 1814
Her early life was spent in and about
Cincinnati Ohio
Early in life she united with tho
Presbyterian church of which she wbb
a member till her death
She was a charter member of the
Presbyterian church of Jefferson and
will be greatly missed by pastor and
On Jaa 31st I860 Vaunellia Lewis
M ri d t H W H Nichols of Jefler
rob Texas and has been a resident of
the town erer since her marriage
Four children came to bless1 this un-
ion one daughter and three sons
Her daughter Mrs Geo F Moseley
preceded her to tho homo above several
years ago but the thre sous Bass
Lewis Locket and her soninlaw Mr
Geo F Moseley with his threo chil-
dren are left to mourn her death
In tho death of Mrs Nichols tho
home has sustained an inrepairablo
loss tho sons a loving mother tho
grandchildren an affectionate grand-
parent the church a devoted and con
sistant member and tho community a
good friend and neighbor
May God sanctify this sorrow to each
member of the family May they not
sorrow as those who have no hope but
may tho God of All Peace comfort them
with the exceeding great and precious
promises that Ho will give tljom
beauty for ashes tho oil of joy for
mourning and the garment of praise for
the spirit of heaviness that they might
bo called the trees of righteousness tho
planting of the Lord that II might bo
glorified Isaiah Gl3
Wo exlend our love and sympathy to
tho bereaved family and point them to
their mothors God who sustained
her in all her trials and will savo and
comfort them as they accept His Son
Jesus May tlnjro be no unbroken
circle of the family in tho Oity of God
The remains of tho deceased arrived
here on ike I A G N train No 101
Tuesday morning at 10 oclook and tho
funeral services was held in the wait-
ing room of tho T P depot conduct
ed by Rey John II Bellot assisted by
Rev J W Woodson of the M K
The uiiermeat Was in beautiful Oak
wood cemetery
Blessed are the dead that die in tho
Lord Heis Fastok
For Kent or Bale
The prettiest cottage in town in
splendid repairs and every modern
improvements Rent at 88 fiO per
month or 8800 is sold
Apply to It BAJjLaUF
Jefferson Tex
Prof D W Proctor of Pylnnd
teacher of the Lasator school was
in the city Saturday
F7 Year tis Sa rif
v CMEAif
If Mm
M sm iTsffpioPmiiB
Man Has Both Legs Broken and Other
Persons Are Injured
El Paso Oct 4 One man was fa-
tally Injured three others wero seri-
ously Injured and several were slight-
ly Injured In an explosion that occur-
red In the wholesale and retail El Paso
Hardware company when workmen
removing a show case struck a box of
dynamite caps with a crowbar
Fatally Injured Major Sweeten
driver for a transfer company both
legs broken and Internal Injuries
Seriously injured Stefano Penas la-
borer struck on the head Morcedonlo
Marquez laborer struck on the head
by flying debris Alamedo Martinez
Injured about the body
Hardware was blown through the
roof Into the second story causnc
great damage there aa well The front
of the store was blown out rtoomers
In an adjacent building were shocked
by the explosion Five or six persons
In tho store wore fortunately In the
extreme rear when the accident occur-
red ascaptng with slight Injuries
White Boy Claims to Have Seen Gib-
son In Devils Pocket
Edna Tex Oct 4 Up to midnight
Tuesday the hunt for Monk Gibson was
still on A boy sent word he had seen
the fugitive Tuesday In the Devils
Pocket on Sandy creek
Soldiers Btlll guarded the Jail Tues-
day night
Jim Chlnn was put In Jail He mar-
ried the aunt of Monk Gibson and wnp
probably arrested on suspicion It
seems that tho sheriff arrested him
upon request from the posse
An Inquiry came from Ohio wanting
to know If there had been a conflict
between citizens and soldiers In which
fifty men had been killed
No Request For Soldiers
Austin Oct 4 It transpires that
neither the sheriff nor the county Judge
asked for troops to be sent to Edna
but that the governor sent General
Hulen and tho guardsmen on his own
motion He was afraid of violence be-
ing done the Innocent family of Monk
Gibson now In Jail at Edna or a burn-
Ing If Gibson was caught
Shrovoport Will Receive Her Gas Sup-
ply From Thnt Section
Shreveport Oct 4 The franchise
granted y > tho city council of Shreve-
port to supply the city with gas from
the Caddo City field has been accepted
by the Citizens Oil and Pipe Line
company and as evidence of good faith
two bonds have been furnished in the
sum of 150000 The acceptance of
the franchise Is taken to mean the
early commencement of the work of
laying a pipe line from the field to the
Dynamite That Did theWork Touched
Off by Electricity
Crowley La Oct 4 The Mormen
tau dam at Grand Chenler six mllea
from the gulf was blown fp by dyna-
mite About thirty feet of the dam was
destroyed near the lock on the north
end > and the walls of the lock were
damaged The dynamite was exploded
by electricity from tho north bank ot
tho river Watchman narrowly es-
Two Held
Lake Chariot La Oct 4 Jullnn
Baptlste and Chester Lynton negroes
wero lodged In Jail charged with the
murder of Simon Levcne at a negro
dance near Welsh The testimony at
tho coroners inquest showed that Dap
tlsto fired the fatal shot but that Lyn
ton also did some of the shooting
Those of Mrs Chadwlck Will Be Auc-
tioned Off at Cleveland
Cleveland O Oct 4 Judge Taylor
of the United States district court
Issued an order directing United States
Marshal Chandler to sell at public auc-
tion the diamonds of Mrs Cassis L
Chadwlck which were seized by tho
customs authorities because of non-
payment of duty Altogether tho col-
lector of customs seized nearly 7C00
worth of Mrs Chadwlcks Jewels
Those remaining in the hands of the
authorities are valued at approximate-
ly 10000 Many of the stones have
nerer been set
Notice to Tax Payers
For tho convenience of tho Tax paying public I will
bo at the following named places on tho respective dates
for tho purpose pi receiving Advalorum and PqII Taxes
Lasater Tuesday Oct 10 1905
Lodwick Thursday
Gllen Lumber Co mill Friday
Kellyville Tuesday
New Prospect Wednesday
Lodi Friday
Smithland Wednesday
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Jefferson Texas Oct 5th 1905 Tax Collector

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The Jimplecute (Jefferson, Tex.), Vol. 38, No. 15, Ed. 1, Saturday, October 7, 1905, newspaper, October 7, 1905; Jefferson, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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