The Optimist (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 45, No. 27, Ed. 1, Saturday, April 26, 1958 Page: 1 of 4

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STUDENT ASSOCIATION HOPEFULS These student politicians are conducting
campaigns this week with next year's Student Association offices in mind. The can-
didates and the offices they seek are: David Malone president; Estellene Neal secre-
tary; Don Bryan vice president; H. B. Rogers Jr. treasurer; and Allen Isbell presi-
dent. Optimist
Earnhnrt . . . vecp
Kelley . . . secretary
Candidates Reveal Intentions
By BOB JOHNSON Optimist Editor
Next Tuosdni booh after fi p m one of the biggest
questions on our campus will lie answered. Student body
officers for next ear will be revealed
According to election director Denny Jny Carlsbad
N.U. sophomoie the results of this vear'H election will
bo revealed first to radio station KACC and then an
nounccd to the Inovltablo crowd which will Rather behind
McKlnzlo Dormitory.
SoTen candidates will vie for the offices of president
vlco-presldcnt secrotaiy and treasurer of the 1958-1959
Students' Association. Slnco there are no more than two
candidates In each race there will bo no run-offs. Jay
nald. Tho office of treasurer finds only one hopeful. This
office was recently added to the Constitution.
In the running for the top spot of Studont Association
president are two juniors David Malone now of Abllone
and Allen Isbell of Terroll.
MALONE has boon active In student association work
hero since his freshman year. Iast year he served as
nophoraoro president and this ear ho servos in tho Stu-
dent Senate. Concerning tho race Malono had this to
say: "Student government affords students a untque priv-
ilege which will never be fully tapped. The fact that soon
students can borrow $50 at three per cent interost
through student government or check tho religious oppor-
tunities in any place In the world by a religious library
kept up and supported by studont government Is evidence
to mo how student government ndvanccs in benefiting
each one of us. My concern and promise Is to further
tho phases of student government which will make our
stay at ACC morn profitable."
ISBELL plus being active In student government Is
considered one of the host debaters on the Hill. This
week ho competed In the West Point Invitational Meet
with senior Don Heck. Isbell made this statement for tho
Optimist: "With definite ideus on how our student govern-
ment can function moro effectively to serve the people I
hoIU It your consideration of me ns tho noxt studont body
president. This Is an offlco that must be filled by a
man with the ability the time and the determination
to make studont government the best yet. If elected I
am prepared to offer my services for tho betterment of
Abilene Christian College through service to you the
Opposing each other for vlco president are two moro
Juniors Rex Earnhnrt of McAlester Okla. and Don Dry-
nn of Ilrownsvllle.
EARNHART made this statement: "Realizing the tre-
mendous rcsponslblltlcs of the vice presidency both In
his capacity as a member of the Studont Council and as
a president or tho Senate I am fully prepared to accept
the challenge of this office in devoting both my tlmo and
unerglos In tho service of tho student body."
BRYAN said: "One of the greatest needs of ACC at
present Is n Student Union Ilulldlng. An endeavor to
concentrnte our efforts In obtaining this for our studont
body is utmost In the minds of everyone. To fulfill this
desire nnd need of the school is my sincere wish."
Jousting for the position of secretary are two pert
young ladies from Texas and Tennessee Kathy Kolley
and Kstellene Neal desire the secretarial chores. Miss
Kolley Is a junior from Spin while Miss Neal Is a Junior
from Mtirfieesboro Tenn
MISS KELLEV commented "I consider It nn honor to
be nomlnnted for secretary of the Students' Association
and I can only promise vou. tho studonts that it you put
your confidence In me by electing me to this office I will
in the coming jear fulfill the duties of the office and
gladly serve you to the best of my ability."
MISS NEAL said: "I would like very much to have the-
opportunity to serve the students of ACC as secretary or
tho Students' Association. My serving as secretary of the
Student Senate I feel would be valuable experience and
training for this office. I nsk for your confidence and your
Running upopposed for the offflce of Measurer Is H. II.
Rogers Jr. a junior student from Mercedes.
ROGERS stated: "Just because I am unopposed for tho
offlco of treasurer. I will not take my duties lightly. I
realize that tho new office wll be a lot of work and will
he a very responsible position. I will be ready at all tlmos
to work with the Council ns they servo tho studonts of
Journalists Attend Convention
Hear Speakers at Commerce
Ton 1'roBS Club members are
attending tho TexaB Intercollegi-
ate Press Association Convention
today at ETSC in Commerco with
such noted Journalists as Walter
Humphries editor of tho Fort
Worth Press nnd Wnrron Culbert-
son of Dallas' WFAA-TV spoaking
at the affair.
ACC's delegation includes Rob
Johnoon Rarbara Anthony Tal-
mage Campbell Mickey Ligon
Rachel Llpps John Little Alice
Ann Mann Rill Osborne Lillian
Quattlobaum Dennis Rennor and
Dr. Herbor Taylor sponsor of the
Press Club. Official represents-
tivoe are Johnson Little and Miss
Discussion Periods
Ob tho program dlscusstons aro
schodalod on dally and weekly
newspapers public relations in-
dustrial publications college year-
books radio-telovlslon photo-
journalism and creatlvo writing.
As awards banquet will climax
contention activities. Longvlew
Joaraal publisher Carl Bstos will
HlT an address after which tho
awards In tho differont Journalism
divisions will be made.
ACC students aro ontered in
eleven divisions of the TIPA con-
test this year. Rob Johnson has
ontered a genornl column an ad-
vertisement and n featuro story
which ho wrote with Wanda
Mann Enters Story
Other contestants Include Alice
Ann Mann with n news story
David Treat submitting a sports
foature and sports column Hank
Green with a sports news story
und David Malone entering an
editorial cartoon.
David Dallas has enteiod a pic-
turo story a news picture and a
sports plcturo. Also the Optimist
Is compotlng In tho newspaper di-
vision. In the literary division Coy
Roper entered his ono-act play
"A Game of Checkers" Mac Rod!-
chok entered an essay "Words
Words Words" and Miss Mann
submitted a short story "Tho
White Pino Floor."
Student Drowns
In Phantom Lake
Gene Paul Clifton
. . . drowns in lake
Optimist Moves Off;
To Come Out Saturday
Today's abbreviated form of The
Optimist was made necossary by
a change in print shops.
The ACC print shop is now
printing tho Prickly Pear necessi-
tating our movo off-campus. For
the remainder of tho year tho
Optimist will have only four pages
and will bo printed by Quality
Printing Company Inc. commer-
cial printers located nt 609 N. 13th.
The body of Gene Paul Clifton
wus sent to his home in East De-
troit Mich. by trnln Monday. The
ACC freshman was drowned Sun-
day afternoon nt Lake Fort Phan-
tom Hill within GO yards of about
15 schoolmates who wero un-
aware he was In danger
Don McKonzle senior from Dear-
born Mich nccompanled the body.
Studonts had contributed $4411
by chapel time Tuesday to a
special fund set up In the Rursnr's
office. Tho monoy will be used to
moot oxponscs Incurred In Abi-
lene nt the youth's death.
Dean of Students Garvin Reau-
champ said "There was no evi-
dence of negligence on tho part
of anyone at tho lako with Gene."
It was a matter of not realizing
how cold tho water was and that
it was too soon aftor eating ho
said. .
At the time of the accident
Clifton's frlonds with whom he
was swimming wore attempting
to pull a cramp victim from the
water and did not notice him go
under. They did not raise an alarm
until three hours later because
they thought he had left the lako.
The accident happened about
1:45 p m officers said. From the
position of the body thoy were
sure stomach cramps caused Clif-
ton to go under Dean Reau-
champ said. Neither students nor
nearby picnickers saw tho boy
struggle or guessed that anything
was wrong
Clifton was born Aug. 8 1939.
Ho Is survived by his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Willie D. Clifton
two brothers and a sister. Ho was
a voterlnnry medicine student nt
ACC nnd worked nt tho College.
"It was a very unfortunate ac-
cident" Dean Reauchamp said.
"Geno wus a very fine boy in
every way."
Drive Safely
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The Optimist (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 45, No. 27, Ed. 1, Saturday, April 26, 1958, newspaper, April 26, 1958; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Christian University Library.

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