Photographing UNT - 654 Matching Results

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[2014 Homecoming Queen Riding in the Parade]
Photograph of the 2014 Homecoming Queen and the court riding in the parade through the Denton, TX town square. They are seen wearing red and waving to the crowd of people. Driving in a red truck to match.
[2014 UNT Homecoming Parade Float]
Photograph of a parade float decorated for the 2014 University of North Texas (UNT) Homecoming festivities in the Denton, TX town square.
[2014 UNT Homecoming Royalty]
Photograph of the 2014 Homecoming Royalty in her crown on the football field during the game at Apogee Stadium.
[2015 Mayborn Executive Board Portrait]
Portrait of a member of the Mayborn School of Journalism's Board of Advisors at the University of North Texas.
[Actor applying makeup]
Photograph of a student putting on stage makeup before a performance of Antigone. He has a long stemmed brush in his hand and is applying wrinkles. There are papers attached to the mirror that are a guide for the makeup.
[Actor applying stage makeup]
Photograph of a student putting on stage makeup before a performance of Antigone. He has a sponge in his hand and is applying pale makeup to his neck. His face is detailed with wrinkles and dark makeup on his cheeks and at his temples. Other mirrors are reflected behind him.
[Actor standing at attention in UNT's Antigone]
Photograph of actors on stage during a performance of Antigone at UNT. The one on the right is wearing a naval captain's coat and cap as well as a few blades strapped across his chest and at his side. The actor on the left is wearing a dark jacket with gold buttons all the way down. He is standing straight with his hands at this sides.
[Actors dressed for navy in UNT's Antigone]
Photograph of actors on stage during a performance of Antigone at UNT. The one on the right is wearing a naval captain's coat and cap as well as a few blades strapped across his chest and at his side. The actor on the left is wearing a dark jacket with gold buttons all the way down. The one dressed as a naval captain is resting his hand on the others shoulder.
[Actors in front of dressing room mirrors]
Photograph of two student actors before a performance of Antigone. They are in the dressing room sitting in front of mirrors and their reflections are visible. There are papers set up between the mirror sections that detail the makeup needed for the scenes. There are also pictures of the actors on the mirrors.
[Actors interacting in UNT's Antigone]
Photograph of actors on stage during a performance of Antigone at UNT. One, who is standing with his hands on his hips, is wearing a naval captain's coat and cap as well as a few blades strapped across his chest and at his side. The other, who is standing in front of him with his hands out, is wearing a button down jacket and pants with a gold stripe.
[Actors performing UNT's Antigone]
Photograph of actors on stage during a performance of Antigone at UNT. One is wearing a naval captain's coat and cap as well as a few blades strapped across his chest and at his side. The other is wearing a T-shirt, a long vest, a strip of cloth tied around his bicep, and pants that cinch at the waist.
[Actors performing UNT's Antigone]
Photograph of actors on stage during a performance of Antigone at UNT. One is wearing a naval captain's coat and cap as well as a few blades strapped across his chest and at his side. The other, who is gesturing with his hands, is wearing a T-shirt, a long vest, a strip of cloth tied around his bicep, and pants that cinch at the waist.
[Actors sitting during UNT's Antigone]
Photograph of actors on stage during a performance of Antigone at UNT. They are sitting in a group and are all wearing T-shirts, with long vests over them, and pants.
[Aerial of Green Brigade Marching Band on field at halftime]
Photograph of the Green Brigade Marching Band on the field at halftime, during the UNT Homecoming game against Louisiana Tech. The band is getting into position for one of its many formations.
[Aerial of Louisiana Tech Marching Band during halftime]
Photograph of Louisiana Tech's Marching Band during halftime at the UNT Homecoming Football game. They are positioned in one of their formations.
[AIDS quilt hanging in Union]
Photograph of an AIDS quilt hanging up in the University Union for World AIDS Day. Most of the sections are fully visible. The names and dates and ages are displayed on the sections. One reads "We are surrounded by mirrors and cannot see" around the border and in the middle "For My Roomie" is reversed.
[AIDS quilt laid out]
Photograph of an AIDS quilt laid out in the University Union. Many of the sections are partially visible, including one of a mother and her baby, one with hearts and smiley faces, one with several languages and an earth in the center, and one that reads "AIDS affects all nations".
[AIDS quilt laid out in Union]
Photograph of an AIDS quilt laid out in the University Union for World AIDS Day. Many of the sections are partially visible, including one of a mother and her baby with the words "PASS-ON" above them, one with hearts and smiley faces and the message "Give our hearts give you...HOPE" with 'HOPE' spelled in hearts, and one with several languages and the earth in the center. A sign in front of it reads "World AIDS Day AIDS Memorial Quilt Blocks Display; University Union, Courtyard and One O'Clock Lounge, Level 1. November 29-30, 2007 Free event, Open to everyone. FREE HIV screening will be offered through the ---".
[AIDS quilt on display at UNT campus]
Photograph of a section of the AIDS quilt on display on the UNT campus. It is hanging from a wooden beam and the sections for Michael Allen Pugh, Randy Wheeler, Mark DeWayne Carter, Rickie Night and Roger Grey, Dr. James Edward Stahlecker, Jan Meyer, Tim Ray Humpheries, James Bradley Eddins, and David Jerald and Jerry Garrett are all visible.
[Air Force ROTC marches at 2005 UNT Homecoming Parade]
Photograph of the UNT Air Force ROTC marching at the 2005 Homecoming Parade. Five individuals can be seen walking side by side in full uniform. Three members of the group (2nd left-2nd right) are carrying flags, while the other two (left, right) hold swords.
[Andrea Czobor broadcasting Homecoming Parade]
Photograph of Andrea Czobor speaking into a microphone for a Mayborn Broadcast of the Homecoming Parade. She is standing at the intersection of Hickory and Elm on Denton Square.
[Andrew Keane meets with an advisor at the Mayborn School of Journalism]
Photograph of student Andrew Keane meeting with an advisor at the Mayborn School of Journalism.
[Anna Lucchesi presents at Developing Multicultural Leaders seminar]
Photograph of Anna Lucchesi presenting at the Developing Multicultural Leaders seminar. Lucchesi can be seen standing behind a podium in the center of the photograph, looking down. She is gesturing with her left hand. Text on the whiteboard behind Lucchesi reads, "Bisexuality [--] Anna Lucchesi [--] Kinsey Scale..." (right), along with negative terms and phrases said by people about bisexual individuals (left).
[Apogee Stadium ticket office]
Photograph of the ticket office at Apogee Stadium, taken at the UNT homecoming game against the University of Texas at El Paso.
[Attempted tackle during UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of an attempted tackle during the UNT vs. Navy football game. NT players Mendoza and Jeremiah Chapman are running up on their teammate Roderick Cotton who is blocking quarterback Kaipo-Noa Kaheaku-Enhada.
[Attendees of the Byrd Williams Lecture]
Photograph of the attendees of the Byrd Williams lecture, seated during the talk. Some have notebooks in their laps or laptops, likely for notes. Williams is out of frame.
[Attendees view the Proof exhibit]
Photograph of the Byrd Williams lecture attendees looking at displays from the "Proof: The Byrd Williams Family Photography Archive" exhibit. They were housed in the Special Collections room in Willis Library.
[Band 1 performs at Bruce Jam]
Photograph of a band performing at Bruce Jam, a day-long event held at Bruce Hall on the UNT campus. Two young men can be seen standing side by side, facing to the right of the camera and holding their left hands up to form eagle claws. A guitar can be seen hanging around the torso of each of the men.
[Band 2 performs at Bruce Jam]
Photograph of a band performing at Bruce Jam, a day-long event held at Bruce Hall on the UNT campus. A young man can be seen standing in the center of the photograph with his eyes closed. He is holding a guitar and appears to be singing into the microphone in front of him. A second member of the band is visible in the background, partially blocked from view by a drum kit.
[Band member performing at UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of the Mean Green Brigade performing at halftime during the UNT vs. Navy football game. A trumpet player is centered in the frame; they are in full uniform and wearing a cap with a feather plume on the front.
[Banner from Proof exhibit]
Photograph of one of the informational banners that was hung in the Special Collections room while the exhibit "Proof: The Byrd Williams Family Photography Archive" was housed there. It reads "Byrd Williams Photography; Byrd Photo; Byrd Williams III worked for Kodak and several other photography companies in addition to being involved in lens manufacturing prior to starting his business in Fort Worth. Through these jobs he gained the skill necessary to launch Byrd Photo which also included a portrait studio and photo lab. Studio work included work for a wide variety of clients including the city crime lab, architects, and magazines. Customers could have a photography painted over in oils, giving it the appearance of a painting - or oil paintings, based on these photographs.; Proof: Photographs from Four Generations of a Texas Family; Customers who came to Byrd Photo to have their portrait made would invariably be presented with a proof -- a photo print they could see before they placed their order for additional photographs. The Williams Collection is filled with photo proofs like these, but it's filled with proof of another kind as well-- proof of four lives spent in an unceasing attempt to capture our world, through the lens of a camera, as well as through the artifacts of their own lives. Over 190 images from the collection, as well as letters and other family mementos, are curated by Byrd Williams IV in the book Proof, available in fall 2016 through UNT Press." On the banner are also three black and white images, and a picture of a camera and old film.
[Barbeque at the Mean Green Village Tailgate]
Photograph of some attendees of the Mean Green Village Tailgate helping themselves to some of the Barbeque offered. All are waiting for the UNT Homecoming game to begin. Some are wearing UNT themed clothing.
[Big Brothers Big Sisters float at 2005 Homecoming Parade]
Photograph of the Big Brothers Big Sisters float at the 2005 Homecoming Parade. The float consists of a trailer bed being pulled by a pickup truck with a sign that reads, "Little Moments Big Magic [--] Big Brothers Big Sisters." Families can be seen sitting on the trailer and in the bed of the truck. Two individuals are walking side by side next to the truck with their arms around each other. They appear to be laughing.
[Bill Ford holding GiftCard]
Photograph of Bill Ford (right) and unidentified at the Mean Green Village Tailgate before the UNT Homecoming game. They are holding up a $25 gift card to Starbucks.
[Bill the Goat at UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of cheerleaders and Bill the Goat during the UNT vs. Navy football game. They are standing with their pompoms on their hip and Bill the Goat, the mascot for the Navy, is standing in the middle of them with his arms raised.
[Board game]
Photograph of a homemade board game during the International Game Day event held at the University of North Texas Media Library.
[Body painted fans during UNT v Navy game]
Photograph of members of the crowd at the UNT football game against the Navy. Two have their chests painted with the letters "U" and "N" in green and white. They are both wearing sunglasses and one has on a woven cowboy hat.
[Brandon Jackson during UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of Brandon Jackson, a NT defensive back, being grabbed by an opponent during the UNT vs. Navy football game. He is holding onto the ball and other players are running on the field. The Navy team is standing on the sidelines and there are supporters in the stands.
[Brandon Jackson tackled during UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of Brandon Jackson, a NT defensive back, on the ground during the UNT vs. Navy football game. Jackson was tackled by Kevin Edwards and he is still holding onto the ball; other players are running towards them. The crowd in the stands and Navy players on the sidelines are visible behind them.
[Broadcasting students at parade]
Photograph of Andrea Czobor standing at an intersection in front of a camera, waiting for the parade to begin. Czobor is holding a microphone while other students wait for the shot. Czobor is a Broadcast Journalism student.
[Brock Stickler during UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of Brock Stickler, the NT wide receiver, running the ball during a UNT vs. Navy football game. He is headed towards one of the Navy players and his teammates are behind him.The Navy team is standing on the sidelines and there are supporters in the stands.
[Brock Stickler during UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of NT wide receiver Brock Stickler standing up at the line of scrimmage during the UNT vs. Navy football game. The other players are all crouched down in front of him while he is looking to the sideline.
[Brock Stickler on ground during UNT vs. Navy game, 2007]
Photograph of UNT players and medics gathered around Brock Stickler during the UNT vs. Navy football game. He appears to have been injured during a play and is lying on the ground.
[Byrd Williams candid]
Photograph of photographer Byrd Williams IV at the presentation of his Special Collections exhibit. He appears to be turned around in his chair and facing the attendees.
[Byrd Williams gives a lecture]
Photograph of Byrd Williams standing at the front of a conference room giving a lecture about a book called PROOF. The book was the subject of an exhibit held with the help of the UNT Special Collections. Pictured on the screen behind Williams is the book.
[Byrd Williams speaking with attendees]
Photograph of Byrd Williams (blue blazer) speaking to some of the Proof exhibit attendees. Williams is turned around in his chair in order to speak to them.
[Byrd Williams stands with two attendees]
Photograph of Byrd Williams (center) with two attendees of the "Proof: The Byrd Williams Family Photography Archive" exhibit reception. The one on the left is holding a gift bag and a jacket.
[Byrd Williams Timeline Banner displayed at exhibit]
Photograph of a banner displayed at the "Proof: The Byrd Williams Family Photography Archive". On it are images of each Byrd Williams next to names and a synopsis of their life. The banner reads "Byrd Williams Timeline; Byrd Moore Williams; Byrd Moore Williams owned a hardware store in Gainesville, Texas that sold photography equipment. His early prints were developed in a darkroom in the family's home. His work includes stunningly detailed images of his hardware store, photos of family members and places around Gainesville.; Byrd Moore Williams, Jr.; Byrd Williams II studied at the University of Texas (1905-1907), worked as an engineer, and expanded on family tradition by incorporating imagery in forms other than portraiture, which included landscapes and city scenery. His work includes documentation of civil engineering projects including the San Antonio River Walk. Byrd II's surveying equipment and notebooks are included in the collection as well as fragile nitrate based negatives featuring early scenes of Yosemite National Park.; Byrd Williams III; Byrd Williams III explored photography on his own terms as a fine art as well as a commercial enterprise. He owned a photo service in Fort Worth and in the 1930s created an expansive series of women at work. Through his images, he documented street scenes and the people of Fort Worth, which was developing rapidly in the mid-20th century. With the work of Byrd Williams III, we see photography develop into a unique way of making a personal statement.; Byrd Williams IV; Byrd Williams IV is a prolific exhibiting photographer, who has shown in the United States and abroad. His work is situated in our modern world, however it has significant historical weight. Although three previous generations of photographers are in his DNA, his vision is uniquely his own: humane, curious and full of life. Byrd …
[Byrd Williams with copies of PROOF]
Photograph of Byrd Williams sitting down at a table with copies of his book PROOF, a display on the table lists the price as $30. Two attendees of the exhibit stand in front of the table holding copies of the book for Williams to sign. Beside him stands Karen DeVinney, a member of UNT Press, the publishers of the book.
[Byrd Williams with two attendees of the lecture]
Photograph of Byrd Williams with two attendees of his lecture on the book PROOF, which is a collection of what was displayed in the Special Collections exhibit "Proof: The Byrd Williams Family Photography Archive".
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