League City Helen Hall Library - 151 Matching Results

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[Ameican Legion Members at League Park]
Photograph of members of the American Legion Post 554 participating in League City's Americanism Day ceremonies at League Park. They are standing in a scattered formation, watching two of their fellow members attach the American flag to the flagpole pulleys. In the background, a few other uniformed men are saluting the flag; two yellow school buses are also partially visible.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of four male members of the American Legion participating in a flag ceremony. The men are standing in a row; all four men are wearing blue vests and garrison caps. The two men standing on the ends of the row are holding rifles in their palms and balancing them against their shoulders. The two men standing in the middle are holding folded American flags.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of five male members of the American Legion participating in a flag ceremony in League City. Each member is wearing a blue vest and a garrison cap. Two members are balancing rifles, another two are holding folded American flags, and one member on the right is saluting something that is not visible.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of a man, wearing a garrison cap and a dark blue suit, standing behind a podium and speaking into a microphone at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. A man, who is also wearing a garrison cap, stands behind him while a woman wearing a blue vest and a festive hat stands by an American flag. Numerous people are standing in the background.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of a speaker at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. The speaker, who is standing behind a podium, is wearing a dark blue suit and a garrison cap. A man standing behind him is also wearing a garrison cap.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of seven participants lined up in a row and standing at attention at the American Legion flag ceremony. They are each wearing dark green uniforms and garrison caps.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. Ceremony dignitaries are gathered near an American flag and an American Legion flag. All of the members are wearing blue vests and garrison caps. A member on the left is holding a rifle balanced against his shoulder.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of a woman standing beside an American flag stand at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. She is wearing a blue vest and a festive, patriotic hat.
[American Legion Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of a burning American flag at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. The flag is draped over a small frame standing on a partially grassy, partially rocky area. A few people are standing in the background and watching the flag.
[American Legion Members]
Photograph of five American Legion male members standing in a row in League Park. They are all wearing garrison caps and blue vests. Two men are holding rifles in front of their bodies; the other three men are saluting.
[American Legion Members in a Parade]
Photograph of a group of men, wearing American Legion uniform attire, parading a trio of flags down a League City street: namely, the Texas flag, the American flag, and an American Legion flag. A few onlookers are standing on the side of the street where the Legion members are walking.
[American Legion Members in League Park]
Photograph of a few members of the American Legion Post 554 walking around the fountain at League Park for Americanism Day, a special event in League City. They are wearing matching vests and Garrison caps, although each man has varying numbers and types of pins on their individual caps. In the background is the park gazebo, where a small group of people watch the ceremonies as they unfold.
[American Legion Trumpeter]
Photograph of a trumpeter playing his instrument at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. He is evidently an American Legion member, judging by his attire, a garrison cap and a blue vest.
[American Legion Trumpeter]
Photograph of a man at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City, standing in a covered storage area as he plays his trumpet. He is evidently an American Legion member, judging by his a garrison cap.
[Americanism Day at League Park]
Photograph of Americanism Day ceremonies at League Park. A group of people in various uniforms stand before three flagpoles, which are adjacent to the park's gazebo. White picket fences border areas in the park.
[Americanism Day at League Park]
Photograph of four women in similar uniforms holding up flags during the Americanism Day ceremonies at League Park. To their left is a man standing behind a video camera on a tripod. White picket fences line areas of the park. Directly behind a large tree is a parked yellow school bus.
[Americanism Day at League Park]
Photograph of three members of American Legion Post 554 hoisting up flags in League Park using the pulleys on three individual flagpoles. The first flag is a deep blue with some text on it. The second and third flags are an American flag and a Texas flag respectively. A uniformed man is partially visible in the right hand corner.
[Americanism Day Festivities in League Park]
Photograph of a group of teenagers that form part of a school band, seated beside the gazebo in League Park. They are part of the city's Americanism Day ceremonies. A few people are seated inside the gazebo, while a man stands at its entrance.
[Americanism Day in League Park]
Photograph of four women wearing matching uniforms walking into League Park on Americanism Day. Walking in formation, the pair of women in the center are holding up the American flag and the Texas flag. The women standing on either side of the flag-bearers are holding guns to their side. Two men in helmets salute them as the women walk by.
[Americanism Day in League Park]
Photograph of four uniformed officers dressed in cadet blue shirts and peaked caps. They are standing in formation at League Park on Americanism Day. A few people in the park are watching the day's ceremonies. Two yellow school buses are visible behind the officers.
[Americanism Day in League Park]
Photograph of a group of people, many of them sitting in colorful lawn chairs, watching a man speak from the gazebo at League Park on Americanism Day. The speech, given by an unidentified man in a suit, is a part of the special day's ceremonies.
[Americanism Day in League Park]
Photograph of three flagpoles boasting three separate flags: a deep blue flag, an American flag, and a Texas flag. The raising of the flags is part of the Americanism Day ceremonies at League Park. Just beyond a white-fenced footbridge, few uniformed individuals are standing at attention before the flags.
[Arrival of the Texas Limited Train]
Photograph of a welcome banner being stretched across the train tracks just by League Park. A crowd of people gathered near the banner and behind the white picket fence on the right are awaiting the arrival of the Texas Limited train.
[Arrival of the Texas Limited Train]
Photograph of a welcome banner being stretched across the train tracks just by League Park. A crowd of people gathered near the banner and behind the white picket fence on the right are awaiting the arrival of the Texas Limited train. The train is just behind the banner, which features a cartoon image of the train.
[Arrival of the Texas Limited Train]
Photograph of the Texas Limited train busting through a welcome banner stretched across the train tracks just by League Park. A crowd of people gathered near the tracks and behind the white picket fence on the right had been awaiting the incoming train.
[Arrival of the Texas Limited Train]
Photograph of the Texas Limited train busting through a welcome banner that had been stretched across the train tracks just by League Park. A crowd of people gathered near the tracks rush to welcome the train's arrival.
[Arrival of the Texas Limited Train]
Photograph of the front facade of the Texas Limited train, parked on the train track just by League Park. Celebratory balloons tied to the white picket fences on the right are visible.
[Astros Mascot at League Park]
Photograph of Orbit, the Houston Astros mascot, walking amongst hundreds of area residents at the Red Ribbon Rally in League City Park. The mascot costume is multi-colored. Antennae protrude from the mascot's blue helmet. The event was part of a city-wide Drug Awareness Week put on by League City.
[Barricades at a Republic Rally]
Photograph of a crowd of people gathered behind a construction barricade outside the League City Civic Center, where the rally for Republican presidential candidate David Duke. Directly underneath the orange-and-white striped barricade is a sign that says "MEDIA."
[Boy Scouts at a Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of a group of boy scouts lined up in a row at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. Most of them are wearing boy scout uniforms. A few of them have their hands up in a two-finger salute. A few adults standing behind them are partially visible.
[Boy Scouts at a Flag Ceremony]
Photograph of a group of boy scouts lined up in a row at the American Legion flag ceremony in League City. They are all wearing boy scout uniforms and have their hands up in a two-finger salute. A few adults standing behind them are partially visible.
[Casper Landolt at the League City Post Office]
Photograph of a man, identified as Casper Landolt, and a woman standing together at the new League City post office on the day of its dedication.
[Celebration in League Park]
Photograph of the celebration for the Texas Limited train's inaugural stop in League City. Numerous people are joining the festivities at League Park; a man on stilts is walking amongst them. White and yellow balloons are tied to various objects in the park. Visible in the background is a silver passenger car with the name "Chimato" written above its windows.
[Celebration in League Park]
Photograph of a man speaking at the celebration in League Park for the inaugural stop of the Texas Limited train. He is a bespectacled man in a suit standing at a podium on a wooden deck. Celebratory balloons are tied to one of the deck's posts. Three other dignitaries are seated just in front of a red trailer with the words "Welcome to League Park" written on the side.
[Celebration in League Park]
Photograph of a man speaking at the celebration in League Park for the inaugural stop of the Texas Limited train. He is a bespectacled man in a suit standing at a podium on a wooden deck. Celebratory balloons are tied to one of the deck's posts. A crowd of people are watching him speak, visible just beyond the deck railing.
[Celebration in League Park]
Photograph of a sizable crowd gathered under a group of trees in League Park. They are celebrating the inaugural stop of the Texas Limited train. A red trailer is visible just beyond the trees.
[Celebration in League Park]
Photograph of a crowd of people gathered around a wooden deck in League Park. They are celebrating the Texas Limited train's inaugural stop in League City. Celebratory balloons are tied to the deck's railing.
[Celebratory Cake at League Park]
Photograph of people serving a sheet cake at the celebration in League Park for the Texas Limited train's inaugural stop. People are clustered around the table waiting for a piece of cake, which has a snowy train scene on its surface.
[Children at League Park]
Photograph of five children--two boys and three girls--standing in League Park. Three of the children are standing by their bicycles while the other two are standing with pieces of paper in their hands.
[Crowd at a Republican Rally]
Photograph of people standing in line in the parking lot outside of the League City Civic Center, where the rally for Republican presidential candidate David Duke is being held.
[Crowd at a Republican Rally]
Photograph of a crowd gathering in the parking lot outside the League City Civic Center, where the rally for Republican presidential candidate David Duke is being held. Many members of the crowd are dressed alike: they sport either cowboy hats or trucker caps, jeans, and boots.
[Crowd at a Republican Rally]
Photograph of people crowded outside of the League City Civic Center where the rally for Republican presidential candidate David Duke is being held. A group of young men wearing similar white t-shirts are standing together amongst the cluster of people. A man in a leather jacket holding a red drinking mug is smiling directly at the camera.
[Crowd at a Republican Rally]
Photograph of a group of teenagers wearing matching t-shirts that feature an image of a man and the words "GOTTI FOR PRESIDENT" on the front. They are waiting in line with other people outside of the League City Civic Center, where the rally for Republican presidential candidate David Duke is being held.
[Crowd Beside the Texas Limited Train]
Photograph of a mass group of people standing on a set of train tracks, welcoming the arrival of the Texas Limited train in League City.
[Demonstrators Outside a Republican Rally]
Photograph of a large group of demonstrators protesting outside the League City Civic Center, where the rally for Republican presidential candidate David Duke is being held. Standing behind wooden barricades, the protesters are holding up their signs that say disparaging things about or against David Duke. According to accompanying information, some of the protesters are part of Queer Nation, a militant gay activist group. A woman with a camera hanging from a strap around her neck is standing in front of the barricades.
[Demonstrators Outside a Republican Rally]
Photograph of an assembly of demonstrators protesting against David Duke outside of the Republican rally being held at the League City Civic Center. They are standing from behind a pair of wooden barricades. Some of the protesters are members of Queer Nation, which is a militant gay activist organization according to accompanying information. The demonstrators are holding up a variety of signs. Among them are: "DUKE YOU MAKE ME PUKE," "COSMETIC SURGERY CAN'T MAKE PREJUDICE PRETTY," "DUKE IS RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, & ANTI-FEMINIST," "THE NAZI HOLOCAUST. WILL YOU BE NEXT?" and "WANT A NUMBER ON YOUR ARM?"
[Firefighters at League Park]
Photograph of a group of firefighters sitting on the top of a fire engine truck parked at League Park. They are all wearing red shirts and black shorts. Two trophies are nestled between them.
[Flags in League Park]
Photograph of three flagpoles boasting three separate flags: a deep blue flag with the acronyms "POW" and "MIA," an American flag, and a Texas flag. The raising of the flags is part of the Americanism Day ceremonies at League Park.
[Fourth of July in League Park]
Photograph of League Park during League City's Fourth of July celebration. Patriotic bunting is draped over the railing of a wooden deck. A tent covering the deck provides shade for a speaker and other dignitaries.
[Fourth of July in League Park]
Photograph of the League City Community Band performing at the Fourth of July naturalization ceremony in League Park. The band is seated with their instruments and music stands while the conductor stands in front of them. A white picket fence encloses the area where they play.
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