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[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, June 13, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on June 13, 1944. His mother has returned home from the hospital, and Willis urges her to get well. He commends the speed with which the Allied armies have been moving through Italy, and still hopes that he'll be home before the end of the year.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, September 28, 1945]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr., on September 28, 1945, telling them that he'll be on a ship to come home in a couple of days. He details how the camp he's stationed at is set up, including German prisoners of war who do K. P. He sets the goal of starting his life over again, and bemoans his loss of a Sergeant rating due to his absence from his original camp, but decides he doesn't care since he'll be a civilian again soon. He is excited to be home in time for deer season.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, February 5, 1945]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr., on February 5, 1945. He sends well wishes to a friend who has the chicken pox, and says he hasn't heard from his cousin Jimmie Kendrick since he went to Australia. He tells his parents about the food he ate the night before, and mentions that eggs are cheaper in Italy than they are in the U.S.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, August 17, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on August 17, 1944, in which Willis hypothesizes that he's not gotten any mail because all the ships are going to France, and that the invasion will shorten the war. He goes on to say that he went to the beach and got a sunburn recently, then mentions the marriage of a friend.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to Sallie Letitia Willis, February 15, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to Sallie Letitia Willis, on February 15, 1944. He thanks her for a box she sent him at Christmas, and admits that Italy is better than Africa, and there are more things to take pictures of in Italy than in Africa, but he still wants to go home. He's heard that Margaret Ann is dating a soldier, and predicts that they will get married.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, February 4, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on February 4, 1944. He has gone to see Wilbur Crawford for the past few days, and the two of them have planned a camping and fishing trip to take place when the war is over. Willis asks where his cousin Jimmie Kendrick is stationed.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, May 8, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on May 8, 1944. He wishes he could be at home with his mother, who had an operation. He looks forward to going swimming again, as it's getting hotter in Italy, and he asks after the fishing in Waco. He also mentions that his friend Wilbur Crawford is in the hospital.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, April 30, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on April 30, 1944. He thanks them for boxes of food they sent him, and commends his outfit's EM Club, which he went to with his friend Wilbur Crawford recently. He mentions that it's getting warmer where he's stationed, and asks his parents to hold on to the catalogs he's been sending them.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, December 31, 1943]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on December 31, 1943. He says it rains a lot, but his outfit has moved in to a building recently. Although it is crowded, they keep dry. He's been getting mail much more often in Italy than in North Africa.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, August 8, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on August 8, 1944. He's glad to hear that Wilbur Crawford is home and wishes he could be home himself. He says that it's hot where he is, but not like in Waco. Willis goes on to say that he went to the show the night before, but it wasn't a good one, so he left. He asks his parents to send him a picture of them and the house, as well as a box of cold tablets if they can manage it.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, July 1, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on July 1, 1944, discussing a bottle of Italian beer he and his fellow soldiers were given, which he thinks is rotten but the rest of them seem to enjoy. From now on, he says, the soldiers will get one bottle a week. The army recently installed a drinking fountain in the town for the soldiers' use. The Italians, who Willis says have never seen one before, are intrigued by it, although they don't know how to use it.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, July 4, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on July 4, 1944, detailing the weather that day, and the lack of sleep he got the night before due to a visiting captain, who was the brother of one of the men in Willis' tent. He promises to get lots of sleep, and tells his mother to rest and get well.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, December 22, 1943]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr., on December 22, 1943, describing the Christmas dinner he had at a private residence in Italy. He praises the Italians ability to make and eat food, and wishes his family a Merry Christmas.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, November 17, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on November 17, 1944, about a visit he had from Robert, Jr., whom he had to go pick up from the air field. Wilbur Crawford promised to send Willis a fountain pen when he got back to his camp. Willis says it's still cold out, but they keep their stove on to stay warm. He also mentions getting a letter from Wilbur Crawford, who promised to send him a picture of his wife.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, July 18, 1945]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on July 18, 1945. He explains how he and some friends have taken over two empty rooms in the shop they run for the military, and how because of this they live like officers. He tells about going on a picnic with a German secretary and her family, and an American-born Italian girl he met there. He also tells an anecdote about going to a co-worker's house to have dinner. He explains how the military weeded out Nazis from German POWs.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, April 22, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on April 22, 1944. This letter is marked Letter 2 of 2. He went to a U.S.O. show with Wilbur Crawford and Harmon Gilbreath the other night, and he tells his parents that it's up to them whether or not they sell their house, although if they decide to build a new one he wishes he could be there to help out.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, June 8, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on June 8, 1944. He is happy to hear that his mother is up and walking a bit. He asks how America took the news of the D Day invasion, and says that he thinks Hitler is on his way out. He hopes the Russians get hold of Hitler, because he thinks America would let him off too lightly. He thanks his parents for the canned goods and hard candy they sent, but asks for canned goods only in future.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, November 19, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on November 19, 1944, detailing his day. Since it was Sunday he slept late, and he says he may go to church that night. He also says that he got a call from a Lieutenant who told him he could have an Eversharp Lifetime pen that Robert Evans, Jr. sent with him.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, January 21, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on January 21, 1944. He received a letter from his uncle, and went to the Red Cross in town recently. He gives his opinion on weekly inspections.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, December 23, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr., on December 23, 1944. He tells of a friend who came back from the Rest Camp recently, with whom he compared the sights of Rome, and explains that someone broke into his footlocker and stole a fountain pen he'd gotten from Robert Evans, Jr., as well as a hunting knife. He wonders what kind of soldier would do something like that, and seems sure that the perpetrator will be caught.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, September 12, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on September 12, 1944, detailing a day spent in town with Marvin White and Bob Smith, and asking for number 3 print paper so that he can get his pictures enlarged. He plans to send the small pictures he had printed home to his parents.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, August 1, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on August 1, 1944. He advises his parents that air mail is faster than V mail, and tells them who his tent mates are.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, August 2, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on August 2, 1944. He sends some pictures they wanted back, and says he and Harmon Gilbreath may go to the Red Cross and then go swimming in the evening when they have their half day off. He bought a bathing suit a few months ago from the army, but it hasn't arrived yet.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, November 7, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on November 7, 1944, hoping that he'll be back soon to go fishing. He also says that it's been cold, but it hasn't been raining. He also mentions that he had a letter from Robert Evans, Jr. and that they'll probably visit again soon.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, January 1, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on January 1, 1944. He thinks back about believing the war would be over soon when he joined the army, and hopes it will end this year. He also asks for more pecans.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, February 18, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on February 18, 1944. He says he bought a war bond and sent it home, and that he's going to visit Wilbur Crawford in the hospital soon. He got a lighter, a box of pecans, and the film sent from home. He asks after his parents' broken ice box, and says it might be hard to get a new one.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, November 12, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on November 12, 1944, telling them about a visit he had from some soldiers who are also from Waco. They went to the friend's camp and talked. Willis mentions that it's been very cold, so much so that he sleeps with four blankets and is still cold.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, January 18, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on January 18, 1944. He discusses letters he's received, and asks to be sent candy and pecans.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, September 11, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on September 11, 1944. He has a three day vacation, but nowhere to go, as tourism into Rome is restricted, so he intends to sleep for most of his time off. Someone is printing pictures of him in Africa and Italy to send to his parents, and he asks them if they received the packages he sent.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, March 21, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on March 21, 1944. He reports the receipt of several letters from them, and sends his condolences for one of them who recently had a tooth pulled. He comments that he needs to get one or two teeth filled soon. He is planning on taking Wilbur Crawford to a U.S.O. show soon, and tells his parents to inform Mrs. Crawford, Wilbur's mother, that he'll probably be put in a unit in the rear once he's well enough.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, August 4, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on August 4, 1944. He hopes to see Robert Evans, Jr. when he gets to Italy, and asks his parents to tell Wilbur Crawford to write to him, or give Willis his address. He also asks for a box of short bread.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, July 21, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on July 21, 1944. He apologizes for not writing more, but the war seems to be winding down and there isn't much to say. He thinks Germany will fold soon and the army will be home by spring. He wishes he could have gone fishing with his friends in Waco, and says he received a box of short bread.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, December 11, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on December 11, 1944, telling about a movie he saw recently. He says it was pretty good, but he's seen better. He also complains about the cold, but he's put paper between his mattress and the bed springs, so he thinks he'll be warmer.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, February 26, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on February 26, 1944. He informs them that Wilbur Crawford, whose leg was injured, had the bandages taken off and just needs exercise to recover. He plans to have his picture taken and send them to his parents. He's had letters from a friend at A&M and Margaret Willis from Abilene.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, May 13, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on May 13, 1944. He thanks them for the flint they sent him, and asks for a few more boxes. He sends his condolences on all the rain Waco had received, noting that it'll take a while for the river to recede and the fishing to improve. He mentions seeing Wilbur Crawford recently, and the two of them deciding they want to go on a camping trip. He sends well wishes to his mother.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, August 14, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on August 14, 1944, telling them that he recently got a letter from Robert Evans, Jr. and they hope to meet up soon. He also received a letter from Jimmie Kendrick, who wishes he was stationed in a city. Willis mentions that Bob Milam's mother heard a rumor that her son was wounded, and reassures his family that the only way anyone in his outfit could be hurt would be by falling out of bed. He asks them to tell Mrs. Milam that Bob is okay if they see her.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, May 19, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on May 19, 1944. His friend Wilbur Crawford now works at the hospital and gets Thursdays off, so Willis takes Thursday off as well. He looks forward to going swimming with Crawford, although it rains frequently. He wishes his mother well.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, February 29, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on February 29, 1944. He sends reassurances to Wilbur Crawford's mother that he's fine, and tells his parents not to worry about him, since he's not at the front lines.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, August 6, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on August 6, 1944. He mentions a friend, Charles S., who has come to visit, whom he and another friend have taken in. Charles S. is homesick, but John, Jr. believes they will all come home soon. He expresses excitement at getting a rare half day at work, and details all the things he likes to do with his time off. He tells a story of a fellow soldier who fell and broke several ribs, and whom John, Jr. plans to visit in the hospital later. He asks for a new fountain pen in a postscript.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, December 25, 1943]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on December 25, 1943. He discusses the weather and what the soldiers had for Christmas dinner, and tells them not to worry about him.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, July 26, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on July 26, 1944. The mail has all but stopped, and his work schedule has become a little more lax. He's not sure how the war can go on for much longer, and vows that they'll never get him to fight in another one.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, March 29, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on March 29, 1944. He lays out plans to spend his day off with Wilbur Crawford. He is excited about the opening of an enlisted men's club for his battalion soon.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, May 13, 1945]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr., on May 13, 1945, detailing his time overseas. He worked in a plant for a while, then in a battery shop. After a while he broke his foot, and had it put in a cast, so he worked in a supply room until it healed. They were on their way to Oran when Italy fell, so they went on to Italy instead. After the invasion of southern France, his company moved to northern Italy and built the largest maintenance shop in Italy. In May 1945, he was in charge of the Tire and Battery Shop.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to John T. Willis, Sr., August 12, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to John T. Willis, Sr. on August 12, 1944, asking his father if he knows a man named Marvin George who used to work at First National Bank in Waco. George sends on his regards to a Miss Todd who used to work at the bank. Willis wishes he could be home to help his father with fishing, and goes on to say he had a letter from Robert [Evans] Jr. and they hope to see each other soon.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, March 26, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on March 26, 1944. He tells of a visit to a friend in a hospital who knows some of Willis' relatives.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, April 30, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on April 30, 1944. He summarizes a few letters he's received from friends, asks after what his parents have decided about selling their house, and mentions a camping trip he and Wilbur Crawford are planning to go on after the war is over.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, June 2, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on June 2, 1944. He asks his mother to write him so he knows she is doing well, and mentions plans to go swimming the next day. He explains how he and the men who live with him refloored their tent and put up mosquito netting and a screen door.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, November 26, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on November 26, 1944. He has had a visit from Robert Evans, Jr., and the two of them went up in Robert's plane. Willis enjoyed it, but decides his place is on the ground.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, September 24, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on September 24, 1944, apologizing for not writing recently. He explains that he hasn't been doing much, although he did go swimming with some other soldiers, and they saw a man spear some large fish. He expresses regret at not being home for dove season, and asks that his parents not send candy if they send him a Christmas box.
[Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his Parents, January 30, 1944]
Letter from John Todd Willis, Jr. to his parents Clara and John T. Willis, Sr. on January 30, 1944. A man from the Red Cross brought the soldiers donuts, and Willis says Wilbur Crawford may be down to see him soon.
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