The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 28, 1911 Page: 1 of 8

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v f( ''V1■' "3
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:tcc J ddiiUlou
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iixiratwc, Hexia, lexas.
The Mexia . . eekly Herald.
Twelfth Year.
■■ %}*J fj"
MKXlA. I'EX\M THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 1911.
Our piano contest; closed on
lime Inst Tuesday afternoon at 5
oclock and whem the vote was
counted it showed a large gain oil
the wind up, tho following being
the vote in the box for the last
M.isw Edna Arrington, 367,950
Miss Pearl CampbuW, 239,745
Miss Josie Pearson 750
Miss Kama Speer, .. ,. 500
Total, .. .. .. .. 608,945
This vote added to the former
•-oimt, makes the grand totals
4"or the contest a« follows:
Miss Edna Arrington; 655,970
Miss Pearl Campball, 503.7(>0
Miss Kama bpeer 126,410
Miss Sallie Robinson, 38,005
Mise Jesie Pearson, 26.075
Miss Addie Mag Deis, 15,wo
Miss Elsie Kierbow, 10,040
Miss Naornie Savage 2,825
Miss Pearl Hughes 1,500
I, Miss Lillian Little 800
j. Miss Martha Ryckman 600
■I So Mi*8 Arrimgton wins the
r piano and Miss Campbell wins a
duo bill good for $200 in pur-
jchase of a piano like the one gh"
••n im this contest.
'For That Dull Feeling After
I havee used Chamberlain's
'Stomach and Liver Tablets for
some time, and can testif that
they have done me more good
than any tablets I have ever
used. My trouble was a heavy
dull feeling after eating.—David
Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia.
These tablets strengthen the
stomach and improve the diges-
tion. They also regulate the livei
and bowels. They are far supe-
rior to pills but cost no more.
Get a free sample at Mexia Drug
Co., and see what a splendid ined
icine it is. d
Tuesday night tho city hall was
crowded with a fashionable gath-
ering of young and okl, tho occa-
sion being tho second annual ball
tfivon by the Philo Club.
7ho hall was beautifully dec-
crated and wlleu the grand!
inarch started there were about
75 couples on the floor. The
inarch was led by I)r. Clay Wat-
son and Miss Ernestine Alder-
man, a handsome gentleman, and
a beautiful young lady.
After the grand march the
numbers on the program were
takeii up and the merry making
wa« kept up to a lato hour.
The musk; was furnished by an
orchestra from Dallas and was up
to date in every ipartict^ar. ,
Punch was served throughout
the evening and all pronounce it
the crowning social event, of the
year 1911.
We did not know there were
so many beautiful yoofcg ladies
and handsome y'oning men in Tex-
as, but they were there from sev-
eral near by towns amd some
frocm. out of the state.
The Philo Club, composed of
our young mne, can justly feel
proud of the affair, and the hap-
piness that it afforded to their
I lti>U
Having qualified as adminis-
trator on the estate of H. L. and'
Margarert. Johnson, deceased, I
hereby notify all parties having
idakms Agakuit said rotate who
have not yet. presented mxao to
former administrator, J. L. Shaw,
remgaad, to presefr! claims to me
-for approval -0* reaction.'as (the
to; mwe may require* and to .all oth-
er parties who have already filed
th<5ir claims with former adm inj -
ti-ator, I wouid request that they
notify me by postal.or otherwise
the amount of th*ftr claipMuliled
,^pd date o# sewne, I a^k tjiis iz>
auK) some claim may have been
mislaid and I wish to leave no
tine out in fiaaJ administration.
D. A. Murphy, Administrator*
Mexia, Terns.
Wo carry a full hoe erf all
kinda of Food Stufif for horo««,
cowh, and chickens. Cheapest
Wylie & Kee'ing,
At the Horse and Mule Barn.
Many Mexia Readers Have Heard
It and Profited Thereby.
"Good news travels fast," and
the thouusands of bad back suf-
ferers in Mexia are glad to learn
that prompt relief is within their
reach. Many a lame, weak and
aching back is bad no more,
thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills.
Thousands upon :housands of pet
pie are telling the good news of
their experience with the Old
Quaker Remedy. Here is an ex-
ample worth reading:
Mrs. C. E. Leigh ton, 1415 W.
Collin St, Corsica ml. Tex., says:
"For nearly two yeftrs my kid-
ueys caused me annoyance and I
was subject to severe attacks of
backache. Tho kidney secretions
were unnatural and I kej t grow-
ing weaker and weaker. Whim
Doan's Kidney Pilfe were rec-
ommended to mc, I got a box
and commenced their use. They
relieved ati the distressing symp-
toms of my trouble."
Plenty ritbiS? piroef tike this
from MexidpeopUv Call at the
Mexia Driii? <V, and ask wha-f
eust,i)rnv*b report.:
For sale by all deaura. Prk-.e
50 eotrtH. Pusfer-Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo^' New York, Sole Agents
for the United States.
Retmem her thr -ntrtae^Dotra
and take b other
"My Mother." Our language
cam convey no more beautiful
thoughts than arise at the sound
of those wortls, and although this
blessed season means for all
Christendom the birth of its Sa-
vior, yet we all bow in adoration
to the mother, who from His
birth to Calvary helped bear His
cross. Even the heartrending pic
ture of the Crucifixion would bo
incompleto without the form of
Mary standing by in agonized
helplessness and inability to bear
Hi's pain and agony.
The great appeal Christ makes
to man would lose half its impres
siveness if in the background we
did not see Mary with her won-
derfully human mother love—a
love we can all understand. This
love docs not awo us as that of
God who gave His only begot-
ten Sonithat we might not perish,
but have everlasting life. We
have never been told how much
Mar}' loved the world, but wp
know how much she loved her
Son—loved Him with the devo-
tion that only mothers can give
and only mothers can understand
She is the apotheosis of mother-
hood that we all adore. "
Ask any man over fifty years
of ago what woman has seemed
trt him the most beautiful in all
the world and ho will invariably
answer—"My Mother." It mat-
ters not that her face be wrinklec
and worn, ho knows ttyait its many
seams have eome from incessant
care which mother love prompted
lie never compares her form,
which has perhaps grown stout
aud unwieldly, or thin and arept.,
lar, with fashion's accepted mod-
pi; he remembers only the many
times his head has freea pillowed
upon her sympathetic breast and
his sobs hushed within her lov-
ing arms.
"My.Mother." Pity the man
or woman to whom these words
do not bring all that is most
beautiful in life's ideals. No
other patience so inexhaustible,
no other trust so implicit, no oth*'
er faith so steadfast, no other
love so unselfish.
"My Mother." Some of lis.
alas, must elo^e our eyes to bring
back the semblance of the belov-
ed form, which, unheedful of our
cries, lias qui t under tho white
drifts of the Christmas snow,
while the longing becomes a grip
pf agony, about our hearts.
Thriee. bless s a^on of ,£hrst-
mas time, \vlu,n it brings ''Peace
on earth, good will to men,"
"' '*£■ ' • •
when it. them of their
eternal birthright, when it makes
its fervent appeal for universal
love in the great human family,
and, most- off .all, ;when it im-
plants in everyoli-e's 4oul, no mat-
ter how far _he has wandered
from tbe aholteriDg arms of «a
all-embracing love, thoughts of—
"My>-Mother;" r
• iMdah MeGloae Gibson.
l(N INLAitt
. Christmas in Mexia was one
long to be remembered by all.
iiarrrng the rain on Christmas
day the weather has bean ideal
and appropriate to the holiday
There were Christmas trees at
tho churches Saturday night, and
the children go' lots of presents.
Family runieon were held in
many famiflies in town and home
trees were arranged for the little
ones, and we know from personal
esperience that these affairs were
huppy occasions, for we had a
tree for our little grand daugh-
ters who are here from Colorado
and it was a real (pleasure to see
them have spells over their sleepy
dolls, doll buggies, pianos and
other toys.
So far as known t here were no
accidents or cawulties in town or
in the country near here, for
which wo should all be thankful.
We wish all a Happy New
Kv, Calomel Is Bad.
But Simmons' Liver Purifier
is delightfully pleasant, and its
action is thorough. Constipation
yields, biliousness goes. A trial
convinces. (In "yellow tin boxes
only.) Tried once, used always.
Mr. R. M. Webb has opened
up a new Barbershop at the old
stand in the rear of the Mexia
Drug Co. His Shop is up-to-date,
his barbers first class, and he
invito a division of the patron-
age of the town and coun'ry.
Prices, Hair Cut 25 cents. Shave
15 cents, Hot or Cold Bath 25
We will load a car of turkeys here
Tuesday, January 2nd, 1911.
Peyton & Sons
Mexia, - - Texas.
Mr. B: F. Lawley, editor and
owner of ilie Journal, shot him-
self through the temple with a
22 rifle early Tuesday morning
and died about 12.30 oefock. The
remains Were conveyed !<* Thorii-
ton Wednesday afternoon, and
after services im -the Chri*rf!« o
Church, were buried in the cem-
etery in that city uilder the aus-
pices of the K. of P. and W. O.
W. Lodges.
! It appears that no one else was
the room when the tragedy
When Santa left the Klondike
on Christmas Eve 'tis said,
He drove a string of reindeers
to a double-dtcked sled.
But when he struck old Texas
and found there was no snow,
His reindeers soon stuck in the mud
and his sled it wouldn't go.
So-'Saota be-was tattled and nearly
lost his mind, ... .
Until by chance he ran a<*ros3
the V. Wolverton Co sign.
.. |
atiav. (
Wben ytw feet are wet and
>eold,- and your body chilled
through , from exposure, take
•big doso of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, blithe your .feet in hot
water before, g^ing to bed, and
you are almost certain to ward
off a severe cold. . For sale by
Mexia Drug Co. good work horses or
mares. Must be reasonable (trice.
Inquire at Oil Mill, up stairs of
John' Wittman.
G. W. Taggart, living near
town, was the lucky mA'h and
won the fme fwddli? given away
by KJotz f Teldrll last SatUi*-
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Sinclair
had all of their children with
theni Christmas day* and they
had an old time Christmas tree
with toys for all of tho children,
just a# they used to when the
children were small. Of course
thi'Vo wert other presents, but no
doub; tho toys were prised moro
than the finer gifts.
The quicker a cold is gotten
rid of the less the danger from
pneumonia and other serious dis-
eases. Mr. B W. L. Hall, of
Waverly, Va., says: "I firmly
believe Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to be absolutely the best
preparation on the market for
colds! I have recomnieixded it tp
my friends and they all agree
with me." For 'sale by Mexia
Drug Co.
—*<5 ^
.General Store-ftt Datura, new
stock invoicing around $.>;i)00.00.
lionise 34x70. Liberal ilr ;ouat
for tvash purchase
Why Take Calomel?
When Simmons' Liver Purifier
is so easy and: pleasant, yet acts
just aft thoroughly as those hansih
purgativea. (In yellow tin boxes
only.) Price 2Se. • Tried once,
used alwajTJ-
,T. t. Riddle wont up to THooni-
ing <l ovo to take Chrh"tiuas din-
ner with relatives.
luippened—the members of
family being occupied in other
parts of the house at the time,
and perhaps the cause of the sad
affair will never be known. The
firing of the gun attracted the
attention of the family, when
they rushed in and found the hus
band and father unconscious.
The deceased had been in bad
health and had been staying close
around the house more than a
month, but his condition was not
regairded as serious.
He was down at the office
Monday and appeared in excell-
ent. spirits more, so Mian usual,
and when tJhe announcement was
made to the office boys that Mr-.'
Lawley h^d.shot himscJf and that
death wa« only a matter of a few
moments, they ycero, astounded
sod njuch grieved.. (.jje had the
friendship, and goo<| will of ail
his cinpdoyees, . '
The most teaable theory is
that deed, was done m a fit
of dc«poudency, oveir bis physical i
condition (unU*a it was an aeci-1,1
dant.^ which, could easily have
been case. )..*;• Thia. is the most
ce««onabio solution of the prob-
lem, because the, deceased was Oi
an evon balanced mind, .his busi-
ness pa-ospero.\w, :iJ>d his social re1
lations most, pleasant. He had a
happy, refined home—an affec-
tionate, demoted wjfe, aind loving,
dutiful children. * i
The heart broken family have
tho sincere sympathy of all good
people in this, t^eir 3a*k, sad
Ha! Ha! Quoth he. I have it now.
the "MITCHELL" runs so light,
the j,j| hitch my reindeers t^ one
and soon be out sight.
And this is h.iw on Christmas Morn 3
your stocking3 were all bagging.
With toys, and dolls, and candies too,
Brought in a Mitchell wagon.
I'd rather be a Christmas Seal
With a little sticky hack
Than all the high-priced furry
In the whole Arcfcie pack.
* •' -v •• *• ,v4:"
I'd rather be a Bed Cross Seal,
- At a hundred for a dollar,
Than, just a useless lady's muff.
Or lake-warm sort of eollar.
.2- ' .,■*:£-rmssKf^
I'd rather ba a busy sead . * •
And be called ,a gcrmy atamp
Tkan be - tbe proudnst fumaat.
Of the'whole North Pole eamp.-.
"'You can-
get these seals in
Rvery family has need of a
good, reeliable liniment, For
wprains, bruises, soreness of the
muscles there is none better than
Chamberlain's. Sold by Mexia
Drag Co.
-Groesbivk Journal. '
Miss Km may Weaver of Dal-
las, Miss Josephine Dickinson of
San Antonio ami Miss Juliette
Seebre, o£ San A^toojo, are vis^
itinig Miss Min U\Cogdell during
the holiday's-
Bed Cross Christmas seals are-
tMrw on sale af foHo-Wttifr
places in Mexia: i ;
John B. Corle>\ «
V. Wolvertop.
Nusabaum & Co.
■> Mexta Bflkory.
EaeU-Gpuy Millinery l1o>
Mexia Drug Co.. Smith & Oe., Bank
B. R. H ckmsRw millinery.

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Houx, N. P. The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 12, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 28, 1911, newspaper, December 28, 1911; Mexia, Texas. ( accessed May 8, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Gibbs Memorial Library.

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