The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 11, 1912 Page: 2 of 4

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Published Every Thursday.
P. Houx, Editor and Proprietor.
One Year $1.00.
Six Months &0
Tlaree Moxitha 26.
Entered aa second-ciaas matter March
I, 1908, at the postofflee at Mexia.
Vexas, uuder the act of Congress of
March 3, 1879.
1 Issue 2 is. 4 is. 1 yr.
1 Page $12.00 $22.00 $40.00 $500.00
% " 7.60 13.00 24.00 30.00
14 " 4.50 7.50 14.00 176.00
L ?> Than One uaQrter Page.
1 issue—per inch 20 cents.
I Issue1-—per inch 35 cents.
4 Issues—per inch 50 cents.
Pay your poll tax. '
.•on, who i-s a negro, holds the
title, and Fly mi, who is'a white
man, waaitcj it. lleres' hoping
both of them got whipped!—
Deriison Herald.
We second the move.
Rev. C. V. T. Riehesoni of Bos-
ton entered a plea of guilty Tues
day and was sentenced to death
in the electric chair, some day
during the week beginning May
19 to be selected for the execu-
tion. Nothing can now save the
self confessed murderer except
executive clemency, which is con-
Don't forget to pay your poll
Pay your poll tax before Feb-
ruary lat.
— o
Uncle 'Sam has been asked to
send troops to the interior of
China to protect American inter-
A new Sun has arisen in China,
but the Beyes have been extin-
guished in Mexico.—Amarillo
Fire destroyed the Equitable
building in New York Tuesday.
Several lives were lost in the
Our announcement column is
looming up,
wral names.
after them.
this week with sev-
Get in boys and go
If you expect to vote in the
hot campaign this year you will
have to pay your poll tax and
pay it before the end of January.
The meningitis situation is get-
ting so serious*1 that schools are
closing down all over thus section
Oorsieana closed down Tuesday.
. . . t_
When Shiloh joins on to M<exm
with her good roads we will have
a very .fair sample of roads lead-
ing into Mexia. On with the
Rev. C. V. T. Richeson, the
Boston minister, under indict-
ment for the murder of Miss Avii
Linnell, has made a written con-
fession and says lie wants to re-
pent. Too late for that.
The democratic nominating
convention will be held in Bal-
timore June 25th. Baltimore wot
over Denver. St. Louis. Chicago.
New York. <i!)d several other
smaller places.
N P Houx. editor and proprie-
tor of the Mexia Evening News
and Weekly Herald, was a. New
Year's caller to The Post edito-
rial rooms. Both the News and
Herald are among the appreciat-
ed exchanges coming to our desk
and a happy and prosperous New
Year is our wish for them a« it
is for each and all our exchanges.
—Houston Post.
Same back at you, Old Settler.
There is now a dispute as to
whether the cigarette or the pipe
came fi^st. We confess to an ig-
norance of the priority of these whieh will select delegates to
Mart, Texas, Jan. 8.—The fol-
lowing address has been issued
to the Democrats of Texas:
"Previous notice has been giv-
en of the organization of the
People's Rule (Democratic) Lea-
gue, As outlined in the pre-
liminary announcement one of
the objccts far which the f«>*ime
was .organized is to secure the
adoption of the presidential pri-
mary in Texas. While our presen
election law contains a provision
which can be utilized to secure a
presidential primary, yet the law
do«!s not go far enough and it is
the desire and wish of a large
number of the democratic voters
that a presidential primary be
held. The state committee will,
as a matter of course, follow long
established precedents in the stat
by ordering primary conventions
Under t his head anttoumee-
ments will be made at the follow-
ing rates, strictly cash in adr
District, .... $10.00
Oounty, 500
Prociudt, 3.00
two important institutions, but
believe .there are some pipes that
could put up a strong argument
as to age.—Beaumont Journal.
And even the most ancient
pipe could not possibly eompte
with a nasty little cigarette in
creating a stink.
The Little Daily did not ap-
pear yesterday, not because it
was a holiday, but because the
engine that drives our linotype
machine and presses refused to
work. The old machine has work
ed faithfully all the past year
and it no doubt wanted to take
advantage of the legal holiday.—
Mexia Evening 'News.
Only those who have had some
experience with the pestiferous
gasoline engine can properly ap-
preciate your trouble, Major.
The gasoline engine domiciled in
this office has caused more work,
worry, trouble and general vexa-
tion. of spirit than all other of-
fice nuisances combined. In fact,
had not our reputation for piety
and meekness been such as not
to allow us to lightly cast it aside
this infernal agency of Satan
would have 'ere this caused lis
to lose our temper and make a
few well directed remarks.—
Groesbeck Journal.
j But they are not altogether
| bad, for had it not been for this
littile trouble we had with ours
on New Years day we might never
have known that there was any
piety in the Journal office.
Stomach Trouble Cured.
If you have any trouble with
your stomach you should take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Li vet
Tablets. Mr. .1. P. Klote of Ed-
ina, Mo., says: "I have used u
great many different medicines
for stomach trouble, but find
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv-
er Tablets more beneficial than
any other remedy I ever used."
For sale by all dealers.
The largest man in the world,
living in Illinois, and weighing
540 pounds, froze to death a few
days ago in his room. With that
much fat on his bones he ought
to have been able to keep warm.
1 o
' ■ *
Holiday fires seem to be the
order of thd day. Saturday a frit
oil mill in Houston burned and
Monday a fine business house in
Fort Worth went up in smoke.
Several hundred thousand dol-
lars in the two fires.
Gov. Harmon is going to visit
Texas in the near future, and it
is safe to say that he will go |
away stronger than when he
catne, for he is a man of the peo- _
pie and when they meet him they! .
wJB like the cut of his jib. !<hl P«,Vin..nts.
— 0
county conventions which in turn
will send delegates to the state
convention and the state conven-
tion when assembled will select
delegates to the national conven-
tion and make such ins! ructions
as its membership desires. If
this procedure is followed the
members of the state committee
will be acting entirely within
their powers and consistent with
past methods in this state with
but one exception. As the mat-
ter stands now no one is autho
rized to say to the state commit-
tee that the Democratic voters
of this state favor this or that
plan. The only way to ascertain
with even reasonable accuracy
the wishes of the democratic vot-
ers is to ^circulate pctitioris.amon*
the democrats asking the state
committee to call a presidential
primary. If a sufficient number
ot volunteers can be W'lfred who
will circulate these petitions, the
League will prepare and have
printed such petitions and when
they have been secured will pre-
sent them to the state committee.
Therefore, every democrat who
will volunteer to circulate these
petitions and will do so without
delay is earnestly requested to
send his name and post office ad-
dress to A. M. Kennedy. Secre-
tary of the league, Mart, Texas.
As the League has no funds each
person who will agree to circu-
late these petitions should enclose
a stamped self addressed envelop
for reply."
We are authorised to make the
following announcements, sub-
ject to the democratic primaries:
For County Judge—
For County Attorney.—
J. E. BRADLEY, (re-election)
For County Clerk—
SAM A THOMAS, (second
For Tax Assessor—
F. M. SELLERS, (re-election)
For Tax Collector—
GEO. W. IIEROD, (second
For Sheriff— )
A. F. TIIERRELL, (second
For County Superintendent—
For Commissioner, Precinct No. 4
B. J. HAN(X)CK, (for re-elec-
tion.) j
DIED.—Mrs. E. A. Arrington.
mother of our townsman, Mr. J.
D. Arrington, died at her home
in Groesbeck, December 30th. Wt
extend sincere sympathy to the
bereaved family in their hour of
One $450.00 piano used but lit-
tle for the small sum of .$225.
The piano :s
now in the depot in Mexia. Oil-
That Boston millionaire who is jlv *10 ™sh an<l **° «*«%>
Remarkable Remedy for Skin
While we were living in Mon-
teehriste, Texas, last winter and
spring we had a severe breaking
out on our hands and it was so
severe at times it made us get up
at night. We put on some of
your "Hunt's Cure" and only
had to rub it on a few times till
we had it cured.—II. Mendenhall.
Audubon, Iowa. Positively guar-
Fever Sores.
Fever sores and old chronic
sores should not be healed en-
tirety, but should be kept in
healthy condition. This can be
done by applying Chamberlain's
Salve. This salve has no supe-
rior for this purpose. It is also
most excellent for chapped hands
sore nipples, burns and diseases
of the shin. For sale by Mexia
Drug: Co.
President Board of Health Re-
views Situation Regarding
Meningitis and Give* ,
World's Pure
The wonder of bak-
ing powders—Calumet.
Wonderful in its raising
powers — its uniformity,
its never failing results, its
Wonderful in its economy,
costs less than the high-price
trust brands, but it is worth as
much. It costs a trifle more than
the cheap and big can kinds—
it is worth more. But proves its
real economy in the baking.
Use CALUMET—the Modem
Baking Powder.
At all Grocers.
Phone or Mail your Orders to
Texas Bar
When you want the Best Whiskies Wines or
Beer. Here are a few of our best brands:
Bottled in Bond
W/ L. Weller $1.50
Dripping Springs— 1.25
Hill & Hill 1.25
Sunny Brook 1.25
W. H. McBraver 1.25
Guckenheimer Rye - • 1.25
Barrel Goods
Cumberland 8 yr old $5.00
Dripping Springs - ,4.00
Beene's Private stock 4.00
Kentucky Favorite.. 4.00
A. A. Star 3.00
Eagle Springs 3.00
Prompt attention to Mail Orde s
J. M. Beene,
W. P. Beene
Jno. A. Robinson
anteed. No cure no pay.
50c. All Dealers.
I Vice
being sued for breach of promise
by a telephone operator whom he
had called an angel, probably
thinks by this time that tbere is
a good long dep between a
"hello" and a halo.-—'Loredo
Linen busy. t
- —o—:
.lack Johnson and Jim Flynn
i,re, matched for the heavyweight
championship of the world. John-
-.'VatiJ -* *" "
required to own this piano,
This is a pick up for some one.
Address W. L. Weaver Piano
€«>., Dallas, Texas.
DIED.-—Miss Winnie Savage,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Savage, died at her home in this
city Thursday after a long ill-
ness. The remains were interred
in the City Cemetery Friday af-
While in Groesbeck Monday w<
paid our poll tax and its number
is 71. which means that only sev-
enty one voters in the Mexia pre-
cinct have qualified. Got busy
patriots and be in, a position to
help save the country in the big
eections to l>e held this year.
Do you know that fully nine
out of every ten cases of rheu-
matism are simply rheumatism of
the muscles due to cold or damp,
or chronic rheumatism, and re-
quire no internal treatment what-
ever! Apply Chamberlain's Lin-
iment freely and see how quick-
ly it gives relief. For •sale by
Mexia Drug Co.
Mrs. Dr. Tom McLendon re-
turned to her home in Wortham
this morning.
Dallas News.
Dr. Sophian made the following
suggestions as to care in the banc
l ng of the meningitis situation:
Have no dread of the disease,
lurlhej- than that which induces
enr«: in the condition of lite
health of the person, cleanliness
of the body and of the premises.
Washing of slreets and use of
the disinfectant upon them are
good general M'Mures at any
time. They are not particularly
applicable to the prevention of
Spray or gargle of the throat
and nose with mild antiseptic
Jigents are commended.
Isolation of the cases, quaran-
tine its far as possible, and con-
centration to a treating place for
fare and separation from the
the weltl.
Caw of the persons of healthy
people, so that they may not be-
come carriers of the germ to
others whose condition invites thi
inroad of the disease. .
Stay at home as much as possi-
ble, if home is a comfortable
place. Avoid crowds, refrain
from visiting unnecessarily the
places where many persons gath-
er. places of amusement, shows
and loitering places.
Use those sanitary ijieasures fo
! cleanliness, good at any time.
I" I'se warm clothing when ex-
posed to cold. Adapt #hc«body,
by use of proper agents, to
changes' in ejimate conditions and
to the rise and fall of the bodily
When meningitis is suspected
have* prompt diagnosis and paht-
ologieal test. Disease does not
necessarily mean death. ('
Re cheerful. Avoid gloomy
talk of disease, even this disease,
A bright disposition is good ev-
New X-Ray Coil, X-Ray Pictures and All Modern
Equipment. *
F>e,, Nose and Throat
And All Chronic and Private Diseases
In difficult cases of diagnosis the Doctors of this and adjoining
counties are offered the use of the most modern apparatus.
Phore 130, Teague, Texas
limestone County Texas
"For (iooj Lands and Pleasant Climate"
If you have lands to sell, list it with me.
I know the buyer. If you want to buy
land, I have it to sell, and will say to
you, don't wait until you get money to
pay all cash. I can aid you with the
coin. 1 keep in touch with long time
money, enabling me to pay all cash to
seller and give you long time to pay for
R. J. Ellington,
Mexia, Texas.
n. M. l'KKNDKKl.AST. Vic« Pit*.
MRS. J. I,.SMITH, Vice p,..*.
Prenderpast, Smith £ Company
Capital and Shareholders' Liabilities
$ 130,000
STttL LOCK MM •« /«! IWf U&t W Oift
- w ▼

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Houx, N. P. The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 13, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 11, 1912, newspaper, January 11, 1912; Mexia, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Gibbs Memorial Library.

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