National Intelligencer. (Washington [D.C.]), Vol. 47, No. 6744, Ed. 1 Saturday, March 14, 1846: Searching Inside

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... at that port, under the protection of Dr. J. W. Lugenbeel, the United States agent for recaptured Africans... usefulness in their native land. “J. W. LUGENBEEL, “ United States Agent for Liberated Africans. “December 16..., Charles J. Ingersoll, James McDowell, and Winthrop. REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS. On motion of Mr. W. G. BRO.... J. B. Benham, Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, to be educated for future...,) the former charge was reiterated in words which Mr. J. would now read to the Senate : “ We reiterate

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... POWHATAN will leave Wharf daily at nine o’clock M. For freight or passage apply to Capt. J. W. Rogers... advices a”J CONSTITUTIONS—THEORY AND FACT. Inasmuch as wisely to provide for any one great present public.... DO-The Rev. W.H. Milburn, Chaplain to the House of Representatives, will preach in the Capitol on Sabbath... morning next, at 11 o’clock. - mar 14 F OST, on Thursday morning, the 12th instant, between ±J... at Auction.—.On Saturday, the 14th instant, I shall sell at the store of J. A. Adams, near the railroad office

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

..., we stand under your treatment ? By these we stipulate to j Are we not made of flesh and blood as well... to perfidy. j the Constitution loved freedom, and hated slavery. They had [Mr. C. was here called to order

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