Collin Chronicles, Volume 16, Number 1, Fall 1995/6: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... of the History of King and in the Revolutionary War. There are 9,800 Queen County in Virginia to the Year.... The history excess of $1,000 or annual income in excess includes the Bacon Rebellion, Indian wars of $180.00... or separated Revolutionary War. from the applicants. This book is an index of the 7784

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... PAGE 6 FALL 1995/6 COLLIN CHRONICLES CIVIL WAR PENSION... 60 years. Has resided in Collin Co. for 15 years; came to Texas 3 years after war. Farmer. Nearly... blind, very weak; suffering from results of exposure during war. Served Co. E, 2nd Tennessee Cavalry

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... old; has not seen BLAKE since the war; served under Ross with BLAKE and afterwards under Stone. Dr. 0... side. Served Co. F, 1 th Regt of Georgia Volunteers, for whole war, until surrender at Appomattox Ct

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