Stephenville Daily Empire (Stephenville, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 116, Ed. 1 Sunday, February 12, 1950: Searching Inside

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... spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. E. W. Rose. Mrs. J. D Sargent, who h*s been a patient in a Glen... models for 19901 Easy Terms — Liberal Trade-in tail Is J.T MAYA | Ifrca W. Washington - 160 - 60 N.... Regular *47.96 ealue- LOVELY ^ MIS* AMERICA ■ 3 Ruth R. Collier Jerseys Classed By U J5. Club TOLAE (Mr... and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Underwood and son Billy Joel of Dublin... the week-end with their parents, Mrand Mrs. C. J. Browning. Mr. Browning is on the sick list. Little Karen

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... counties. Mrs. T. J. W. Shoemaker of Fort Worth, state recording secretary, gave a report on the state... at the Tarleton dining hall April 26. Among those present were Mmes. F. T. Whitaker, T. J. W. Shoe- I maker, Floyd... of the afternoon, the Hon. W. J. Oxford, whose subject was “Teamwork for Good Citizenship,” in which he stressed... the Cumberland and the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. united. W. J. Wilson was the contractor who supervised... in the little dining room. The executive board members, President and Mrs. E. J. Howell of Tarleton State

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... Retail Merchant’s Association to offset a wave of hot check artists that have hit the state. W. J. Wisdom... W. K. Ely. Abilene; Highway Engineer Gib Gilchrist and former Governor James V. Allred helped a fot... by County Superintendent W. D. Tate. The report deals with the work of County School Nurse Mrs. Mamie... Linglevilie 66 60 » f 60 29 IS 29 156 Morgan Mill 60 63 fs 36 31 8 27 111 Oak Dale 19 22 3* 14 6 *# 4 18 J 40... Was Dean Emeritus J. Thomas Davis of Tarleton State College, and the two city directors were Roger Gideon .

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

..., electric refrigerator. 328 W. Collins, phone 100. NICE 3-room house- Furnished or unfurnished, Venetian... bav* bam i Bally Smile a* e- coming T, ♦ alactlon; 1 I ♦ I for Diatritt Clark W. R. (Bill) HICKEY.... For Commiailoner Pra. No. I ROY TALLIN jRe-aiaction) For Justice Peace Pra. No. 1 E. W. SINCLAIR W. T. GRAVES... WILL keep children in my home at 1642 West Jones Street. 25c per hour, Mrs. H. J. Wooldridge. For Real... •V- J y Bills Bank checks are the safe, convenr- * ' ' . lent, efficient way to pay your bills

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... York Box- STEPHENVILLE HOSPITAL AND CLINIC J C. Terrell. M.IL, F.A.CJR. Vance Terrell. M.D.. F.A.CJ-L... Run Away From State School at Taft as a Dean Wilbur J. r, of Harvard, made it plain that the school... J enrolled but next Bobby tackle Mi otl$3 T-forniatioW' " m he classed tiv 240- pourt)1: ColU...) Junior legn, also enrolled but won’t available for tho team until 1952.J He l* not a junior college... was to third place in the state tourney in 1925. After five consecutive yean to the state play-offs, Coach J. C

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... TO DEPART. Thar She Blows ELLA CINDERS les PJi’^b and Fred Fox Aces, what a*s you TRYINO AW TO , \T»U. Me/ J... W. NICHOLS Uni tad Prraa Staff Corrmpondtnt WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 (UP)— Burley Bowler, a watchmaker... to set type by hand and became assistant to Eddie Robinson, his editor and roommate. ■j Three weeks after... and their leaders who are scheduled to attend are: Troop 39, Frank Mooeberg, scoutmaster, W. C. Wallace, assistant... and to the further condition that an nn J unspecified number of bombs, made in the United States, be xl ,

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 6—StephenvIUe Dally Empire Sunday, February 1950 J. T. Mays & Co. , “Chrome Jubilee” To Start Monday “Chrome... Jubilee” days start Feb. 13 at the J. T. Mays * Co. store in a month-long promotion of chrome dinette... ITJfTmt l A W YEh5 tomeKna . _ vet »♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦,4»4-» (Continued from peg* I) around to defeating.... J>LANS for this unveiling are not yet complete but it is known that a holiday for every school child.... Prints! Prints! Penney's a!- “"■■V ■ 1) tf ♦ ♦♦ ♦ tJH ♦ ♦ 4 I 2:3 ag 52 j »■» Ml I

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... just been taking the cold pills. Took 14 of them, his wife testified, in two days. Dr. L. J. Montague... On Stamp Deal WASHINGTON, Fab. 11 (UP)— Postmaster General Jeaae W. Donaldson said today that Harold M...)— Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder declares the nation has switched “safely" from post-war inflation... son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Estes. Mrs. Henderlite will leave Monday for Sn indeterminate

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