The Brand (Hereford, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 50, Ed. 1 Friday, January 30, 1903: Searching Inside

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12 results that matched your query.

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..., the incorporators being Robert Moody, D. J. Young, T. F. Moody, R. A. Moody and Mary A. Young. After ten years use.... 43tf If you want alfalfa hay, remember I keep it constantly on hand. C. C. Ferguson. 43tf J. A..., the Herald's f>aper cutter was put out of repair ast Saturday, while cutting $2500 of new money. The lever.... H. Go ugh, M. D. T. J. Davis GOUGH <a DAVIS * Dealers In ....DRUGGISTS Drugs, Medicines

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...- THE "ROW" IN RUINS. The Fire Fiend Pays Hereford an Unappreciated Visit. At about 1:30 a. m. Tuesday.... A. Canterbury's boot and shoe shop; F. H. Britain's, occupied by B. T. Hinton'g confectionery store..., no insurance. W. C. Green, los*: $25, no insurance. ance. Hereford Mercantile Company, damage $500. J. A... are in A. P* Murchison's office in the Hereford Land and Abstract Company's* building. G. W. Dale has... for the bath room. Probably the first intimation that a iire was in progress was received by Charles Orr and S

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... circumstances *£ *.< Sincerely DR W. E. ROBERTSON, Operator and Proprietor 1 HEREFORD DENTAL PARLORS. % DR A. D... in debt to me will please settle their accounts at once. 50t£ Charles Orr. Lost, strayed or stolen—A red

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... ccnt.; per line, each i::- icrtion. TF.RMS, CASII a-I ADVANCE Addves ail busi ness communications.... Hill and Charles T. Yerkes have both predicted a panic in the near future. Eve has changed the fashion... Mrs. F. A, Tompkins. Pilot Point, Texas. 50-ltj. Greying Pastures. Will pasture SCO head of cattic

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... me for figures. Hog Wir* Specialty \ J. L. SMITH J. A. WALKER B. C. D. BYNUM G. A. F. PARKER Smith... bred and gentle handle. Finder will receive t above reward by delivering t above horses to J. A... flagr£,ti the ársl Herefol The tively that it Dale's ly spea| heating Probabl lire was Charles occupiei rear

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...'s meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. A. Cox at three o'clock, the subject being "Purity... General delivery open from 6:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. OIRce open Sunday for an hour after morning church..., south-bound, 11:12 a. m. No. 202, north-bound, 4:12 p. m. stage to dimmitt. L*. Hereford at 7:30 a. m. daily... Services held on the first and second Sundays of each month at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. METHODIST. Rev. C.... L. Cartwright, pastor—Services held on every Sunday of each month at 11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m

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.... See his adv. elsewhere in this issue. T. M. Palmer received a letter this week from his brother, A. H.... M. Scott, Mrs. Mollie Smith, William Smith, D. H. Stocton, A. C. Ward ' Douglass Williams.... 10a. m. address o¿ welcome County Attorn Responso Wade Wilin 1U;.¡0 a. m. Art? onr Text 'looks too... Difficult? W. A. Smjtl Discussion I . A. We'1' 11:15 a. m. ilow 1 Teuch l'hysiolo;;y Miss Flizabeth Kppl... Superintendents A. Emsberj Discussion 2:30 p. m.- A Lesson i;i Geography • Mrs. Ante Discussion Mrs. Huyne 3:30 p

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... at Chicago and A!amogordo. mogordo. THE NEW YORK WORLD. Read Wherever the English Language is Spoke a.... Tnrics-a.- Week Edilior., The Tfcrice-a-Week World was a brilliant success in the beginning and has been... the Thrice-a-Week Wqrld, which Í3 widely circulated in every state and territory of tfca Union, and wharever..., will make its newi servicc, i ' possible, more extensive than ever. A'l events of important.-?, no ma'ter... at five or six tínica the p ico. The Thrice-a-Week World is absolutely {air in its political rews

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

.... The nights arc always cool, insuring sound and refreshing sleep. Address A. G. BOYCE Channing W. BOYCE... business principles. Give our store a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed, John A. Johnson Let Us Figure... THE BRAND :s$«wwwwwwwwYWMW«wywwwwwwwwwwwwyvw V jtt> XIT LANDS FOR $3 to $4 per acre and up :a5 3S... an Investment to the Small Stock Farmer will have the one million a^rea left in beautiful homos and farms... in the world) will be a great boon to this class of farmers. The Pecos Valley railroad (a branch of the Santa

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.... It is helpful to interests of your town and count*. $1.75, cash in advance, we will nail a. 1 Tfclt Es -.NO... to Mrs. A. J. Norton of Quanah. Ricketts & Rayzor recently sold one section of the John Sumrnerfield land... Gough's real estate office. 40tf W. A. Hubbard was in from his Castro county ranch Wednesday and ordered...* vTikTVhTá^TdCT< <... -i?1^-U\i?%i."JLJ?-TX"AJ\Ui'lvl"TTTTTJ^W^á? IR I R of HASH u> SALE* Discount from 25 to SO per Cent Having closed our first year's business

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Vcu can ¿ct ¿a, w what you want in this lino much eh'ianer than heretofore *+-' ® 0 8 LOVELESS...'& BLACKS ® Furniture Dealers anil Undertakers ® a®©®©€¡ ®©®®© Are You Interested in tb.e... in the cpur.iy six mc-nths an I the s!a,tje one. year. It repeals the preset v/hu.'h pTotiifci that a iurór

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... assortment of Books, Bibles and Testaments we earnestly solicit your business T. A. COX Livery, Feed and Sale..., and a-t reasonable price.;. Aaron. he I'i Notice. All parlies having accounts at ' grain and coal store

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