El Paso Herald (El Paso, Tex.), Ed. 1, Saturday, November 27, 1920: Searching Inside

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... Harold Davis. Those who assiste.1 in selling tickers were Mesdames Belle CarmicaJ. J. Cornwall W. R.... Pringlt A- R. Anderson. Harry Burwell. K. W. Dorman A. A. Powell. C E. Britton. T. J. McCamant and Mrs... to theater. Pink eludes: Mrs. J. D. Love. Mrs. A. W. jand white chrysanthemums decorated Hadtey. Mrs. Van... Long. Mrs. J. W. Lorentsen Mrs. George Brunner Mrs. J- E. Quald. Mrs. H. P. Jackson Mrs. McKfel. Mrs.... Mrs. D. W. Thomas; cakes. Mrs. A. w. Mc- Lean: flowers. Mrs. F. J. Trafton; dolls. Mrs. L M. Phlppenr

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... and matrons. Those who drew with Mrs Paden for the prise were Miss E. Gifford and Miss W. McCamy. i Sergt. J.... wno win Spencer C C Critchet F. Bandy. -l-ouib r oix. j. s. -aaen. w. x. uoi- Uns F. C Luschei. B. R... rmay with numbers of convalescent pres ent. The convalescents -were enter tained by J. W. Peak who gave... an account of his exnerleacee In a moose hunting trip is- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blackwell served hot chocolate... EL PASO. HERALD 18 Week-End Edition November 27-28 1920. Child Players Of St. Clements j Present

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... Park St.. Pm. 414Sj ana your in-i the -T. M. a j ansMp. pabllc W smd 18j MFG. CO- baa maebjEHs-7 hv... while learniz 5 Ravnolds Bldg. 1 WTER 1 iung nn-n to -om to the w. A'i'r 2nd Tractor School to be--i ' j...- SALE Harvard new fat. 3714J. piano practical- PLtNfJ. case. 2S9 -21 San Diego. Ph. 5944 W. bvustoc... furniture beds. tresses kitchen snd chicken yard utensils smrdeu hooe. couch swine etc Call 7540J or 4903 W... st. j J.6-JT UreoW y uschii'-a FIREMEN AND BRAKEMKN $259 to ) 3300 monthlr. exDerisnc- unnecessary

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... ....$&& I6JJO valaw 7S tUM TalMt $49.50 DRESSES S32J0 -ratoes $17.50 &37J0 vahwa . $t4.w HJX vata SM.75.... iegin NOW to Purchase I I ? . .7 mm i m 1 1 iiihi riiniifi wn W 1 I C 1 jl . I. IT 1 .. T I Illhll TWMW... IHIiniH III Afl WW 7 I r T T . . foidi. urfZ e a great" reo o I : j T 7 Four Family Can Always Enjoy.... WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON This Big Closing Out Sale But ft Jfe we Al Wholeeele Pike W MJ0 TCfaMC 145X0... raises $S.T5 valtea S7J0 Valfcea COATS $3.75 .sites .$4546 SUITS $50.00 raises S2J.40 57.50 ratoM .......

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.... nnfnrnished aad J8304 furnished. Immediate posacRBlon. . Call MR. COCKKILL. with W. F. r.VVSE Phone 1:50 401... P. W. WILLIAMS AGsTNCr. S Writ National Bufc Bids Ph. 1144. TURNER. KEMP nrer Slate National Bank... porchee. BJjrhlzod Park. - re Tlnr. lllW. and terms. Phons 434J. FOR KALE Br oirner. 4 corner lota cobe... stone house eleepinc pojeo. Address L . care Herald. j OB Ml By owner bungalow between "7 PolaU and Alts... near JUta Vista achooT. men be -. Id 60 per cent caah. w. w. urees xs ' Nevada st Fh. lHfc i.Divnvnv

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... meetings in his old college town. winlletd Kansas Sea mid to Sneak. A. J. w. Schmld United States... THANKSGIVING DAT -will be observed in the services at 7J o'clock Sunday night t the First Metuodtst Episcopal... o'clock will include the reception of new members and at S:J0 o'clock Sunday evenirg Mrs. S. J. Brlent... on Federal street. Rev. w. & Huggett. pastor will deliver the evening sermon. Regular Sunday school services... S. J. T. Williams win preach at 11 o'clock Sunday morning at the First Baptist church. The choir

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... Important By BR. WM. J Professor in the rstrversity of Kansas W HAT color is your boy? If he Is ytf "red you... press with all j your strength nn the muscles 01 tne chin working backward and upward behind the ears.... 30. M A.R J 0 By Lina CaValieri Tie Host famous Living Beauty. point 'beneath the ears. This is ;... money. Now last week he met a girl and took her oat to the theater- When J beard this I asked him and he... the large muscles at j the back of the neck and connecting the shoulders and "lift" these also. Raise them

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... j net completed and aneunced by J. C. Mohler oecretary of state board of as-ricsltare. "The board... wmcn tney were riding. U OMEN VOTERS TO MEET AT Y. W. C A. THURSDAY r -rei't events will be discussed... at p J-apue of Women Voters meeting njri-oay ai tne i . A. TBe pro---rani a1 so wil! include musical... nump rs and a oarl i amen tary drill by lrs. S. J. Fennell. Free Fountain Pens For Herald Work 0AR... and the sheas have brought in J4SO.009. making a total of fcOM.OO. cattle have been in very gooa con dition over

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... CO. I 32-33 W.Sm Astasia St.- 821 Mesa Ate. I TtL 42M TeL 172 I rrnrsn i i iiMnmiimMBwj.ujm 5 J TiU... line have ap pointed J. S Cook as Studebakerdealer for Mar fa Texas. I THE UNIVERSAL CAR I FIGURE... the UPKEEP I S 4 yea wJMeave jbst Wij-err preWeas to llS I FORD TRUCKS j Toa ami Haif Tea Capae&et. 1 Ss)bcf... manufacturer la the opinion of W. A. OUa president and general manager of the Four Wheal Drive Auto company... ClintonvlUe. Wis. who with D. J. Rohrer and C P. Felkman of the company's board of directors has Just returned

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.... Charleston. W. Va Nov. 27. Gov. J. J. Cornwell announced he had asked the government to send federal troops... OlQieS W llhOUl i" waxen mm gioeeij. x dub uib udnafer was effected. j Were Promised American Women... association of engi neers. the ho-j th vresti-n - iMon o? the American a?Boci" "t "- . advant-irent of science... stop that tel rrv mrnt tyacsIv I j DrUobsotfs It Makes Hens becaose h helps pM then in ceodttion to lay... Food Co. Cakar Tcrvata . j SW It's choking to death thon- fc. sands of chickens a day. Yoa fc. flr know

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... in A Picture PART IN "AROUND THE CLOCK' Now At The m - W T T f T & TT T T T If I VI 1 T m TV Tl JT Tt V Tm 3 .... violin J. J. Steyskad. Tromoone Chef O. H. Whif Bass Win. Chesak. Cornet Wm. Galrein. Clarinet Marcos...) ranttete 1. :. Hello Bill tlork Babv Oulen Sabe Elks Eu gen Harry Burwell and Lewis Dorman Harwell. J... O'Keeffe. Haxlette Lopes Ro- SLlie Atnia. Geraldine Aiasa Eliza brtli Morria. Katherlne seamon. w 4Hpi.n... i-s IPS i"3j T'lntiirndnr. f. Frances OPDenhelmer Sn-itr-. Dorothy Smith iViliatni. Marian Ainsa 1

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... with narrow j.nM lands. W! or which goes to show that 'T-ady Nicotine has been received into u.i vp-y best... accessories which have haJ w-ule part in making herwell known K-d In fact one wonders Just how far she would... siender damty things - U"E" j ZZ'i. ZuxZ r' carved ivory engraved gold or sil- . DO"nJ fc18 PS5"C amber... 1?T m01;J?ZJ?Zl ur5. Several stunning one. are the Jen widely .rv long the longer the better o I... thero j doesn't seem to be anyone in town by that bum so no one can think we're being' personal tires

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... fol- C Seeuritr Bank Bid. A alUrht i Iowa: -a 4 w- Hawi Mt ti a i R4-tnr . wvevtswtix in t.ri"3 est j... to members reserve 4J4UTU 9M UI4.W.H account . . Deferred 47JT?JSf-18 37442144-M avails kfllty Item Other... for any one who send two eent In stamps for return postage. Frederic J. Maskla Director The El Paso Herald... later oa short cov ering aae ctosinR wo . LPl . Sales apprr Xlmated 350.6W Shares. Speculative sentiment... w w ramput at the Opes log ef the stock exchange today but losses were moderate aside from

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... look and then-went to ibf- county cuckoo cage and give -W.mselfs up and couldn't get oat to uie for Gov...; make t -i different to me mm I have all w.dy trot the proposition mastered i-'iiou' no doctor... out a set of Ifl Ftmple roles instead of SO tough ones; w itch means it won't only take 4 as long... s -w!.n they feel like a brawl th. won t be no toll charges. By RING Wr LARDNER. v r I "When... really has the 1 same derivation as Long. In the 1 origin of either name w may rightly 1 assume

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... $1 000000X0. J. W. Kirkpatrick Treasurer Meaning American Lumber Compaay President Tri-State Motor... and concrete exteriors. j&a ... iH?) 1 iCbncretef hi V S-W House Paint S-W Old Dutch Enamel is a special... ECCEXE J. TOPKG. I Reduction Menu By EDNA KENT FORBES NEW YORK. Sot. 27r Diplomatic houses of cards which... into the vitals of Russia. Merely to have beaten W ran gel back into the I Crimea would have meant only a respite... Mildred A girl of IS years old. 5 feet 2 inches sbould weigh 117 pounds. i j A Reader A girl 18 4 feet 11

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... By chjjb i. l.(sbbs III I IM II Hill I I III 'II III IN il M -"V? - HHH w 3 cvHR mmHmur m CHRISTMAS PLANS... clubhouse when Mrs. B. F. Clutter and Mrs. R. W. Mc- Candless receive to honor Mrs. Clutter's aunt. Mrs. I... and will some day be a won-ce- " - -3 Grauman says of the graceful " e fa-w ' Her dance ts zomething entirely... new; I never saw one just j luce it ana sne is DeauuruL Broeken Christian moving picture acior who... piaya me pari oi (jaieu West In "Deep Waters said to Nor man Dawn Arilne's uncle sot long j ago: .Norman

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.... Little Jimmy 1 . ( 'dIMMV. "THE -TELEPHONE J5 OUT OF 12. - ). 71 fT2Zl ! J AWW ! RUN OUT AND 8R.4NG "THE... S-S&ZiCl Vj rbrn . WAV WITH ME. WE HAVE A UVnJE TRANSACSRO . . iSHL ? S jSlA M Oo &C W-TAKEro THE NEXT

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... percpnt of the - j s promised actually come in. The '- ni centenary subscriptions were tie more than... permii. men to eo t c uretafis which thir parents des te for religions in- ) - i yfii'jii - w.... Martin's Ferry N Y. Nov. J7 Eilement. due to watching her pet dor Mav -horse-' with her ptaymates: -j... of JSKV.d;. other wealthy lodges are: rolnmbos. 36S0.- 145: Portland. Ore.. J603.:37: Detroit. f57.8; ew... Orleans. $5327; Brooklyn. $44910: Minneapolis. S4S4.205: Seattle. 135J.356. Toungstown. 5:7.02S. El Paw

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... the supervision of J. E. Gil- business; and the Mexicans of recent principal a corps of If teachers j months have... service along this line and assure you that oar experience w31 mean complete satisfaction for you. Here... shorthand; Miss C Bous- Quet Spanish; M. J. Garrett English; Mrs. Hiaie uarreit elementary tsnglish; Mrs.... Isabelle Speck eherthand; W. A. Walsh accounting sad commercial law; Floyd SetvMge bookkeeping: D. E... alone. lit children' are fed at tbe American ki titnhens: in all Aus tria. J08.&O-. A Kent k

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...- Pitts has struck a hoary sulphur wafer flow of artesian water at 17W feet and arrangements are being... of the W. W. Cox prospect o!l welt In Tularosa Tajley. Quicksand is the cause. William Duncan who took... interest centers about its activities G. A. M. Casing has been dropped to the lime j YUMA VOTERS INDORSE... service phone 2867: Alonso Lester Leavltt William F. Furguson Elmer J. Johnson. Tobe Rogers Keilty... and Lena Teona Jacob j. COLORADO RIVER WORK Yuma Arts Nov. 27 Voters ef Ttuna county endorsed the proposed

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