The Austin Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 44, No. 130, Ed. 1 Sunday, March 30, 1913: Searching Inside

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20 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

...: Francis W. Wozencraft Finance: W T Andrsws. Invitation: M H Griffin Arrangement: J. P Holmes. Floor: B H.... Morgan in honor of Mrs. p , - — -- p„,g John L. Peeler and Mra. F W Stern- sereen o.Paims.and ferns .11.... minute It Finch J. D. Howson, H. Y Benedict, G. A. Endress, Alexander Deussen, E. C. Barker, I. P. Bchoch... at the home of Mrs. A P Norton, honoring the three brides-elect Misses Hue Robertson, Helen Johnson... of the school have announced the play was the best senior play p the history of the institution

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Robert J. Hammond. Him Hill, M. F Byrne, J. P. Christal, THEO. LEDEL M Young. Weatherford... J Estill... without opposition. No. 600 p. m. gan Vining. passed provides that The bill this not belng deemed... ....... Prowse, man. C. yesterday laatham. ... Laborers tion Co. AUSTIN COAL and WOOD CO. W W HOLMES, Prop...; Long List of Names Sent to Senate 8.00 son, 7:80 p m. arrive Llano II H F mal Bouthvound. Arrives... at Louie Limited 4:35 » m. St Louis Exp... .11107 D m. Diseases efth Stomach and Intestines Frank P. A ’

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... 17 p FISH AND OYsTEAs Pish and oystra, fruits and + US W. sixth St did phone 1068; I FLOUR, FEEP... SERVICE BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ALPHABETICALLY Elgin, P. H. in An- P. H Missis Anna, Esther and Ruth... from a visit to Corpus Christi Mrs. A. Zeki nd of Dsnver. Colo., is the guest of Mrs Julia R. Simon. i.... and Mrs. J. W Chnpple and sons returned from Austin Wednesday. Mrs. P Seales and baby are visiting her... Holder were united in marriage P by Judge Gunn I Mr ad Mrs Serelmeyer) who have I been spending

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... it is about ordinary laid will last 9.30 a m , TRINITY UNION MISSION. Aid society. Wednesday. 3 p w ARI...) MIMORIAL MITHODIST. field, pastor. Preaching by the pastor, 11 a. in., on "The Greater Christ:" 8 p in..., which will eventunily pierce Mexico, and the ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p m H Y. P. U.; J. J. Good, president... Horat 7 p m. Sam Page, president. the Colored High Schooi, Eliza i Rev F. M. Hill, pastor of East Avenue... every first Nunday nt 3 p m. and every third Sunday at 1 pm huTkrtrs* the boy, hot in a year or A moth

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Prof B Holekemp. 8 % voue far Dr E G Blelstein, I- A. VOIgt. Dr P‘v."wihawehn, J « Voeicker. CTorE... to Waeo utter peveral days' viait with her P,Mra’L*B* Bartlett was lbs (seat ot bar sistsr, Mrs. Cebb... of-friends sn I dale Tuesday k by Judge Ui B their homo. ■ On Saturdaj A Lill Im Holder P by Judge Out I Mr... Hondo o keek guests Bon de J Me sars Bone B| hot nea IA Nun B Mra. Harry KWuton ere th R69‛ ( Valt p 6a... nlhbt hl the homa of Mra W P Cochran. Tha guests were each givsn a tablet and given ton minutes

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... Mrs, FOR SA that I bav Simms FOR SA in Hyde P corner 0th Kopperl, < 910 WEEKLY ah- expenses..., close in, with all modern conveniences. 803 Last Avenue. Ring 8. W. phone 1246. a® P’FonSAI Lin Oak Lav... for lot add pay difference. Address P, care Statesman. 80 WANT ADVERTISE FOR RENT—/o... addresees. Send lie (cola) for blank books and instructions Address Advertising Manager. P. O. Box III ROOMI... they coot. Call today before 4 p. m. W. D. Miller, 1505 Trinity. 80 FOR BA

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... snipptag season of the Rio Grande Valley will , ------p, Feb. 9, Montclair...< Freeport t to handle Governme will rquir accommod geis in th i vestment benefits a ford nil p ing or SB... nder cult! triee doir devele pmel L industr'a Htonnage m 9.About $0 P. Texas port tine to, T Bteamshi....: Aurora Hotel. Jan. 1, Bowman, N. D.: Sterling Hotel tel Jan. 1, Keystone, W. Vai Wilcox p Hotel... experlenc, “ better than any doctor. I knew that my hon ment is s ate and sureeure for Leucorr -,-5“, *l P

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... or W. 11 SI. 10 motion ring old phone 2142. 11 tr ing the People Old phone lilt tr By John P. Fallon..., PLANTS AND FLOWWRS. dress Fountain, care statesman Our Home J. P. MORGAN III BAD WAY WAN’rBD ro BUT... rooster and 8 laying p uh eta tor THI business schools of Austin use more l UmsiM Typewriters ihan... is not dangerously HI I WiiamP Hamiion.a partner in thethe assortment at banking house of J P Morgan A Co. '... 8699 to $25,000. Notes taken up and extended. m ust bo in good condition and e hea p settee N A A t p N

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Beasley. M. H. ROWZEE, President and General Manager LLOYD P, LOCHRIDGE, Editor. Christian Scientists.... Duffel, Claude, William Anson, Chrhtoval; M G Atwood,/ Hillsboro; T. P Little, Corsicana; T. P. Robinson.... . Bartlett, George Sorknew, Beaumont; Claude Callan. Menard: ( P.S"uhAH-LTedmy. °—Hl mUI Health... and Gain of BO "___< '• J-t? H“ p-M22n.Poxad Perded, for dePa 25 f-h Every druggist hereabouts keeps Dr... in the lot. The enabling act to the home rule amendment was received in the office about 4:45 p. m

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

...; LOCKHART, Tex., March 3N —Hoo J. P. Buchanan, candidate for Congress from the Tenth Congressional District...*. Both Phone* 473 6:40 A. M. Train Serves Breakfast In Dining Car 0. M REEVES, JR. o. p. a t. A, LEWIS X.... NITSCHKE. ASSISTANT 0. P. 0 T. A. LITTLEFIELD BUILDING NEW YORK, March 29 —Metal markets dull... shan P1 han never ex* The cotton nary, 915-160; good ordinary. 11 »l«e; George Calhoun and over 200...-- OUS HOOVER, JOHN F. LHHANE Trav. Pass Agt., G. F. and P. A. Fort Worth, Tex. Tyler, Tex Chiengo

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... SOUVENIRS tary com- WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FREE TO ALL VISITORS action Commencing Monday,3 P m 1767 th 906... Meeta of Comins enson. p higher, take the Ao -h- “a-- SALE DAILY- 0:30 A. M., 3:00 P. M., 8:00 P. M. .... to get short orders tor the early trains. Closes 9 p. m. Fine bar for Convenience of guests and patrons

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... and 5 small tucks down side and across bottom; 3 yards long; an exg.n g.n -- p Ju= Serge Dresses... Linen, trimmed with crochet $3.00 p lingerie Waists, — h. ‘2- ’ I Silk Bargain No. 2 $1.00 Silks, 7St... so popular. 36 inches wide, in a variety of patterns; well AKe worth 50c; p. sed at. per yard

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Beck, Del Valle. J. H. P. Showalter, Austin. Thompson & Orchard, Austin. W. 0. Holman, Sprinkle. John... and extras that you do not need. Why not buy the Hupmobile runabout at $806-or the 32 h. p. touring car... at their homes. At 11 p. m. Bhuart rolled baek to the office. By this time he had forgotten his car had a motor

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... no eoneetion whatever with any other rubber comcera which uses the Goodyear name. New York; Dr. P. P. Claxton.... HUDSON 209-213 w. Sixth St. P C. Sawyer and a party of friends in a Studebaker "30" were three hours

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

.... The resignation of Charles P Burkes as sergeant at arms was tendered and accepted, because of his appointment..., except during the winter INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM AMENDMENT LOBES IN MOUSE. I p We..." paneed fnaly. The House recessed until 8 p. m. Game RUI Pansed. ' PRISON PROBE IS 1 7

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

.... P’atterson SHUKRI PASHA AT SOFIA. RARNES, Kan, March 29 — Robert I* Brown, cashier of the Barnes Sttee, Bank... arrived Dr 8. P Patterson of North Dayton Investigatlons yet tend to confirm the estimates of fewer than... Charlo* A. P Hatffeld, Thirteenth Cevairy, succeeis General Steever temporarily. rarily. NEW YORK Marchh

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... p. m. Admission 25c and 50c. Take Duval Car to the gate. ve some- l be appe- I Comt styles • BENEFIT... GIRLS' CO-OP- ERATIVE HOME The P AUSTIN COLLEGE vs. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS GEO. T. SIMPSON FURNITURE

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... her sister, Mrs. Van Smith. Mrs. J P. Lightfoot has invited the Pathfinders to meet with her Thursday.... Beard motored ' over from Han Antonio yesterday and pu fne gueata of Mr and Mrs P H , Ag’ts

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