Galveston Tribune. (Galveston, Tex.), Vol. 35, No. 127, Ed. 1 Friday, April 23, 1915: Searching Inside

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... middling........10.40 Good middling 10.75 I Strict good middling.. 11.15 Middling fair 11.65 Over 8500 Daily... 10,632 14,012 438,458 Galveston Tribune Havana, Miami Palm Beach Everybody’s Grouchy A few j were society....49-50 10.55-57 10.66-67 1,994 4,577 1,887 5,554 8.42 9.60 10.60 11.13 11.64 TOWNS. Receipts. Shipments. Stock... BRINGS TAMPICO REFUGEES -3« t v ■ > Mother and daughter want the 4 marine news. And even Dad is sore... because Marine Notes. rived here GALVESTON MARKETS 9 8 1 Strict good ordinary.. 8.20 Low middling 8.85

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... Houston-Galveston Express (Daily).... "'HoustOn-Galveston (Limited) (Sunday only) "’Houston-Galveston (Limited...) (Sunday only) St Louis-Galveston Limited (Daily) ... ...... ..Main Line Local (Daily...).......... GALVESTON-BEAUMONT SERVICE. %,H 3 . Galveston-Beaumont (Daily) ... . Galveston-Beaumont (Daily) ... Quickest Time... begins with GALVESTON-BEAUMONT SERVICE. ... Galveston-Beaumont. (Daily) ... ... Galveston....” pumemaanmuazznoxamexazmammmzmasnun Leave Galveston Daily 7:35 a. m. I m2=nxssa=aes> rt. GALVESTON, HOUSTON & HENDERSON

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... “Your Store” the Year ’Round Men Are Grasping This Opportunity Daily! OLD SHOES —they’re learning... PROHIBITION. Pound 35c 9 Lbs. $1.00 Package 10c ==Eza5==E _ T=m - -< -V ame-Tyrcm/tam Goodyear Shoe Shop... of 20c a dozen on bottles. They Will Look Well—Feel Well— And Wear Well a Granulat e d Sugar 10% Pounds...% SATURDAY SPECIAL. PARCHED RIO COFFEE, 2 POUNDS 25c Ground to Order—Fresh Daily. SATURDAY SPECIAL. Offering..., the latest improved machinery, i No. 5 cans 50c No. 10 cans, $1.00 Saturday Special. = —new shapes

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... consideration. these pretty models—this is the only store1 in Galveston where you can buy Sorosis Shoes. Liliput... Sts. I PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS Velva PECULIAR DUPLICATIONS. d cause 9 O O the Our Sales Agent... in Galveston is J. J. Schott Supper Time is Biscuit Time consisting of Lingerie, Voile, Organdie: made up... Rev. Mr. Othler. Mr. and Mrs. Nutting will make their home in Galveston. Z woik was The Sidney Sherman... evening. Mrs. H. T. Lykes and Mrs. S. B. Turman will remain in Galveston for a longer visit. tractive

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... Market Street, GALVESTON ART LEAGUE Daily, 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. President Baker Aids... fueither either of the 300 550 750 10 0 100 • 50 100 250 350 ©00 550 • 550 450 350 cans . Palmetto dozen... Sunday and Monday: When We Were 21 With Wm. Elliott F. of } I Macaroni, 10-lb. box.......... Spaghetti..., 10-lb. box........... American Cheese, 2 lbs........ Rio Coffee, 2 lbs..............; Clipper Pork... in Effort to Secure 200 Members Here. Tony A. Poreigh Met Death in Waters of Galveston Bay. and stimulates

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... GALVESTON TRIBUNE TWELVE « pn NO* 2 n D KS d, TOMORROW: 5 G. (), D SHOE DEPARTMENT ■ a Peter... Gengler Company. EL MINA TEMPLE NO. 1 PLANS PILGRIMAGE SATURDAY SPECIALS e - ’ 2 SWEET AND SOUR PICKLES 10... The Home of Good Goods NEWS OF THE COURTS utual The proposition which I from the United Charities aster • (... at morning from present. committee Seats 5c and 10c or 8c in $4 Books.. Frank Bell et al., for possession... BRINGS BREAD EARLY ...15(5 ......5 ....10c ......5c Saturday Only Saturday Only ' Three Small Pies. 106

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Galveston by H OW much do you pay for your of Fort Worth president; Earl Ferguson of Thurber, FOR MEN 12... Disappear Paris Announces Considerable Advance Against St. Michill Wedge. George Slater of Galveston..., Victoria; Wiley Blair Wichita Falls. was elected first vice '85c Swat THE FLY COUPON Galveston Tribune... if the blood be impure as the nourishing elements of the grains, sugars and salts of our daily food. Get... Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. GALVESTON TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915. Galveston Tribune Wilson, Nacogdoches

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

...’ $5.00 and $6.00 Suits Boys’ $7.50 and $8.50 Suits Boys’ $10.00 Suits........ Boys’ $15.00 Suits... Suits su .$2.95 .$3.95 .$5.90 .$7.50 $10.00 Ladies’ Silk HOSIERY Emphasize the Need of New Footwear.... Galveston, Texas. Special Offers for €ieZare-Tdilcib, The Only Exclusive Opticians in Galveston... et ux. to M. Manthei, lot 12, block 336; $3000. County of Galveston to Lasker Home 50c, 75c and $1.00... for our showing such patterns as we, from our knowledge as shoe dealers, believe will appeal to Galveston

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... SANDBAGS BY MILLION. of the the for ..10c . .45c $5.00 debeen been + PER WEEK .... PER MONTH .. PER YEAR... at The Tribune Building, 22d and Postoffice Sts., Galveston, Texas... receives the full day telegraph report of that great news organization for exclusive afternoon publication... in Galveston. New Science of Jurisprudence Must Be Created Social Cataclysm Will Be the Consequence of Giving... Ballot to Women Entered at the Postoffice in Galveston as Second-Class Mail Matter. IT IS A SUPERNATURAL

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...) 21st and Postoffice, (tf) Leave Galveston: 6:3 0 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m.... Sundays: 10 a. m.. 5 p. m. A. FREDERICKSON, Owner. iSCHEDULE GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY FERRY SERVICE: Apply...- Wichita Williston 58 40 66 60 Representative of Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce is Galveston...) or in North Platte ... 52 Oklahoma ...... 60 8 12 8 4 8 8 4 10 6 10 14 8 12 4 4 12 12 16 4 4 6 24 12 8 8 6 6 6... 4 10 22 ! 10 6 4 12 6 4 8 10 1 Del Rio ... Denver . .. Des Moines Dedge City Durango . .

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... Galveston Beat Houston Studdert (8 Baldy M. NAUMANN, G. A. P. D. 224 TREMONT ST. PHONE 5400-10. ENGLAND... FRUSTRATE A PLAN ....25c TO KIDNAP THAW 10c Sardines, 3 for......25c Golden Rio, 5}2 lbs. . . .$1.00 Rio, 6... SPECIALS York, by Louis Weinrop of Norfolk: tower through . . . .10c been Puls’ Sanitary Meat Market 2002.... cans Corn, 3 for . . . .25c 2-lb. cans Fine Peas, 2 for 25c 10c 15c I 6:30 A. M. f 9:00 A. M. ) 5:30 P.... M. f 8:15 P. M. .250 .25c Best Roasted Rio, 2 lbs. 45c Our Coffee roasted daily. $1.00 $1.00 Large

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..., 813 10th st. (ep) PHONE 253. 213 TREMONT. FOR SALE—Seven rooms of furniture. 3616 N. (eu) (eu) owner... replies. Box 6936—-5 replies. Box 6726—7 replies. Box 6576—3 replies. Box 6246—3 replies. Box 6937—10... at per 0th 5 lots, will sell Box 6245, (tf) TITLES GUARANTEED. GALVESTON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. <1 1 ’1 1...; will sell at an extremely low figure; part cash, balance on easy terms. GALVESTON MOTOR CAR CO., 2219 Ave. F... furnished rooms rn exposure; Fresh shipments of butter being received daily. Creamery butter, 25c ■ a pound

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... ‘9 Baseball Special 4 J To Houston GA' Sunday, April 25th Galveston vs. Houston A Galveston Brewing... of a JOHN RUSKIN will convince you that it is the best value in the world at 5c. If you are a smoker of 10... will detract somewhat from this important movement. league, Phil Ball, owner Louis Federals, Robert GALVESTON.... m 1 L 91252,3*52- d Special Leaves Galveston 1 :30 p. m.; returning leaves Grand Central Station... 8:35 p. m. Regular trains leave 4:10, 8:30 a. m. and 2.45 p. m. Returning leave Grand Central Station

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... at April Night Meeting. i I Filing Devices, Loose Leaf Systems. IHONE 472. 217 Tremont St., Galveston... is and our honor. Were । 11 recommendation has been officially : GALVESTON TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915... the rcheduled April night meeting of the Galveston Rotary club. I II ■ r -III ■■W f ;1 A ) 7 2 , install women... to determine practical solution of many of the phases of flying |!| IM pa H Leopold Shafer Galveston’s Finest..., is bringing health to thousands and is gaining a large following here, where daily grateful people

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... Shoulders.....15c lb. Shoulders 12%clb. Lamb Stew 10c lb. 15c lb. Tongues .........12%clb. BEEF STEAKS. Pickled Pork... 12%clb. Fresh Beef Tongues. 12%c lb. Round 15c lb. Sirloin 15c lb. .....10%clb. ders ... 254 Tenderloin.... Compressed Chili ... .15c lb. Bach Tablet Soap, 10; 3 for.. 25 Rub-No-More Powder, 6 for....25, Specials... for Saturday and Monday Butter! Butter!! EXTRA SPECIAL. 254 I 10c Butter!!! ..14c 1b. Dry Salt Bacon SUGAR... Special Pure Coffee, 1-lb. pkg. 25c. ENGLISH DUCHESS I TAMME’S CASH MARKET I Galveston Houston INVOLVED

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 his arteries, GALVESTON TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915. more than ess of the giant Goliath, heart... sallied forth jauntily to meet the redoubtable Philistine champion, at the hour of his daily defiance... Galveston-EIPaso Phone 5171 .............-____________ had done- it, in fact—but he could not comprehend how... to the soldiers at the front—we can gladly dispense with these things. 10. In all that you do, remember that D. W... MUNTEAN SPECIALTY CO. 4310 Broadway. Galveston, Tei. SPECIAL for SATURDAY AND NEXT WEEK 500 pairs

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..., 10c 2113 MARKET STREET 8 1 45c $1.00 - N $1.25 $1.40 Men’s Shirts I ON AMERICAN PLAN. hides.... the the Galveston $1.90 EOW MARCH EmdWE MECHANIC Street STORE- MB J. Allen asking that Avenue P between B I 2... Purchased. Sewerage Discussed. Galveston’s Store for Boys —and Two Pants Suits, Extra! —newest patterns...; feel right and are right. i 04 7 1 s RVSCCRin. The House of Better Values GALVESTON TRIBUNE. Choice... ON MECHANIC ST IS SHOWING A FEW OF WHAT WE HAVE FOR THEM. COM- PARE PRICES. ordered torn down within 10 days

Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

... wpa F3 fe 3- TE 1 28 22 2 1 8 ). " ta Lost. P’ct. 10 % t Mobile .. . .10 7200 99% ; 2 % 7 4 Hez2 % t.... the full page advertisement in the Satur- Camel Cigarettes sell 20 for 10c Compare Camels for quality... Austin . 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 6 8 7 8 10 4 3 4 5 5 5 5 8 NICOLINI & VAIANI General... Distributors Galveston, Texas. Club- Galveston 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 2... Orleans ...10 Memphis ....... 10 President Benson indicates that the reports of his death are largely

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... s P] NOW! 0 J Call the II g9, - BV T( DRY e -10-14 Lk 855 Strain Every Resource to Replace... and opened the cage. Rajah walked out, muttering. GALVESTON TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915. 9 -- 2 744 14... themselves out tp warn you, that murder and robbery were daily occurrences in Asia. I’ve been here four..., Philadelphia. Nicolini C& Vaiani Wholesale Distributors. Galveston. Texas MssKAM.GErSTLeya0

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... AT HAGUE TO SECURE RESULTS FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES NV FRECKLES i 3 Size 6x8 Size 8x8 Size 10x8 effective... device made. Size 6 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in.. Size 8 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in.. Size 10ft. by 7 ft. 6 in.. $3.50 $4.50.... GALVESTON TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915. get any benefit from its use your money will be refunded. ORRINE... furniture store in Galveston, AND THAT IT IS NOW GO- ING FULL CAPACITY. The majority of people have found

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