The Statesman (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 47, No. 36, Ed. 1 Tuesday, March 12, 1918: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... y COLORED PEOPLE "irnberzzsefneEsz w wartax 3 L___A 1 1 I 8 E T. J. Butler. T. H. Davis. G. W... will Prevent Grp. E W. GROVE’S signature on box, 30c. Be i #-3... , life - Kite ' J . — D it N II 1 1 F I /1K... MARCH 28 Wilfred W. Lufkin. namedGardner’ succegsor, Gardner fagffehgrtmiK.zE: .T < ygomb -Aa • ---—... of the Texas 9,1 " J PI 1! W Sheep: Rece’pts 10.600 head. mrket firm. Sheep $10.855113.85, lambs $14-50 & 18.00... YORK COTTON. N .. A GARDNER’S AIDE IS 1 MONEY MARKET. CHICAGO PRODUCE. i 1 CHICAGO. COTTONSEED OIL

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Island Red Rooster for sale, S3- J. W. Huffman, 803 Taylor St. Old phone 1966 FOR SALE—(ea barred rock.... Fully matured second year Mebane. HOTEL MARTINIQUE Broadway, 32d Streets NEW YORK Chas. E. w A N'TID... iences, $25 per month. W. 17th St. ON The House of Taylor HELP WANTED. MALE COLLUGE COURT W.... BATTERIES recharged and repaired C. 1. Carter, 209 W 6th St A == 5 AWNINGS— We make tent* awninn, ate... ST. PHONE 303. _________________ BATTERIES recharged and repaired. (‘. 1*. Carter. 209 W. 6th St

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... The personnel from Manor is: I j ! i 5 Amelia Wilson, 67 years old; Confederate Home. R. F- Rollins. 65 years... oldf A MATTER OF GETTING % INTO THE RIGHT STORE J1F YOU WANT A PERFECT FIT IN YOUR i; f< Katy... With A LEK ED WHITMAN in “THE WILD STRAIN Royce. E V. Giles, Ralph Ricline, B. W. Giles, Mrs. A. G. Boyce, W.... 1. Davis, farm demonstrator* Dr. W. R. Wilkins, dentist, suite 721. 722, Littlefield Bldg. Phon... LAXA’TIV BROMO QUININE (Tablets). It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold., E. W. GROVE

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... evening by Prof and Mrs F p Schoch as a compliment to Lieut w A- Felstng. who J« in Austin for a few days... for the cure, nitigation or prevention Mrs Lynn Boyd Milam and chil. dren Margoret and Lynn, are guests of j. W...• -----—-----‘ (. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a Favorite for Cold*-' J. T, Easley, Macon, 1114 In speakne.... Ind. The Bible class of Mis W,DHart will meet at the usual hour, 3 o clock, wanesdaystarternoon ana... rwin be con ducted by Mrs- W A. Harper. social position. The meeting will begin at s o’clock The home

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... to suit any face —a price to suit any purse "These i the ui p t) M1 w t rat gro not ask J I —‘‘there... l cal l Fid 1 r ci ic! la Se Democrats to Form Campaign Committee By W tem the old trad day road... to Be Paid Promptly DO SOMETHING FOR THAT COUGH Throat-tickle is relieved by spoonfull, eyes stop waterin W... in al in ca fa to (1 w al Get after that cold, cough, grippe with Dr. King’s New Discovery. POST ASTIES... LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN Really Acts On The Liver I V D +!ip }o) cag dre t 511 | IL J roll for 1151 16 wli <

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Pa Won’t Pose for No Such Picture. Di J UKDERSTAID Wo [o IT (HAG- 1 ]1 SL ) 7 C A s = E2 -= I* t... is allowed there. Reports Made to the Austin Sy They but bes g reate.J sure 11 harmfu washin live a I able t... shamp, say th| siinplA You cl S cent (‛anth solvin s water, liouid I of jus mot I ml 111, dis t| hair w... of transportation would think that. De w deAp stip: ing lain ---------o—-------- AUTOCRACY’S ERROR. CAMP TRAVIS... Wolff Bureau, datederlin and published in the German newspapers J Inexecutive session today the State

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... b. aUM it be 4 qathartic or purgetive medicine> Or a mild, gentl laxatlvo? ESV "W on the the i a i... began today. Union organizers said that only a few hundred of the 3500 employes ",2" e0j,.1 daua-- •' ’... Doljars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO... of a cause that has been giV«A the hear approval of Major General John W Ruckman. commanding the Southern... was launched in San Antonio last January. The complete program is as follows: P—w HKT Iki A #21% A By Assoc

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... (Continued on Paze Six.) ‘j 8 1 ____J ________________________________________. was crew BELGIANS COMBINE... WITH SUBMARINE WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL INTRODUCED 1 / 1 j4 city If it becamo^n^ce^Hury. Denies U. S. Assumes Railroad... the in the wings ption nd be J United na 06 ed 50c 2 90 1 08 2 55 . 8 55 . 2 55 . 3 .70 2 .00 na- 45 na- .09 use... inasriculture ■ lH shown to have been idle on the farm on which he is engaged, or to J have trifled... with the deferment that 3 has been accorded him, the boards will J forthwith induct him into military service

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