The Fort Worth Record and Register (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 267, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 10, 1909: Searching Inside

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14 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... Do i now. DR. JAMES W. KIDD, P-61 Kldd Bldg., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ladies’ Cool House Slippers, 5oc to.... & P. Spices, Extract or Baking Powder. Have you tried Fort Worth "Undertaxne company, 1002 Moproe... afreet H. P B-lmen mEE. git so excite talkin’ down to (be store that Contents. uly 9.—(SpeciaL)-- ived... see" he vaid, "your name fa Holmes." "Beverly 0.7 “Yes. Fin the man that lives bere." "Any relation... to Bheriock Holmes’ gravely caked the carrier. "No, sir. ’ answered the farmer, “but Um detective enough

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... iuTrlmmuirrn — ■gj 1 Place your Record for results 111- 9 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALK HEI.P... and Central Texas. The morning paper "is read all day;" the life of an F SEWING MACHINES ON i T P Day. i.... • WILL P aV r AKUFOR GOOD ROLLER- I MADE 350.OOO IN FIVE YEARS IN ___„ the mall order business...- Phone 147. . AWNINGe AWNINGS AWNINGS. For residences and stores. Phone 137. J. P. Scott..., Dallas, Texas. 4 52x159 feet, $7,500, on cash and can help run the business. 1 FOR gAI.p

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... Styles NTSHER. root J Lot of Sizes avenue Rev. P Our Discounts Are Honest and We Give Exactly... meeting at MU p.m. FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER WK CLARKSON, PROPRIETO& Conicau, Texas, 7:30 p m. Jnnlor League..., 4 p Weatherford Street Methodist VFTAL SFATISTICS. Birthm. V, 1 : 9 Z& wo3BUDOwwuw Clothing T. J... 51 hedule of forty-two miles an hour. i including stops, in the state. p. rn Prayer meeting Wednesday.... m and 8 30 p. m. Denison A on ng Men's Business League in Prenperous Condition. Denison, Texas, July

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... =9 R. G. DUN & CO. 0)[0,[0]-22 P Hnst Secona street. /I LET THE RECORD 1 GET IT FOR YOU anm...) GOfS o/^ecr T.s 181 8% 104% 287 TTh, 601 14 183 Messenger Service 30., E. 4th st B. Y. P. U. ENCAMPMENT..., Kentucky, Etc o«. P-uk.XInn-2 RE 15600 1000 1900 1300 1800 900 1200 ana 100 000 18000 50 700 1900 500 1 lit..., Phones T». C. P. a T Gus HOOTER, T. P. A. “THE RIGHT ROAD** 5 40pm 8:20am "NOR THERN TEXAS TURF... there was a balloon ascension. rentght a g*EuE 22 93 12 i8 10 14M 100% 100% oaFameretisen A."yspt.Xorttrm « .AJd P

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... Alexander, <\ . . Firestine. 3b. . Bradford, p. . . The best Creamery Butter, pound, 30c. DAI M Totals... of basebal run for Dallas. ::5 g :: 2 •I P r * । Houston— Mitchell, cf. ... Blakeley, rf. . Newnam; 1b. ..... Middleton, 2b. . Mowry, If. .... Short, as....... Badger, 3b..... Gordon, c...... Weatherford, p. Ruse, p...': Mevers, 1b . . . Hellman. 2b. . Qulesser, c ... Johnson, p. . .. •Gllks........ Crabble, p. . ..... ....... Emery. 2b, 3b ... Kelsey, e ....... XicFariand, p . Springfield today by a score of 13 to 2. Score

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

..., and to another crricisi. propaganda, fiction (Christian) science Penes of P^land f^m Iose who have never... trotted as one trot., bott has condensed the general principlea of auto- p g . ’ ,... with the other man. No- Grass" is the attempt to connect L . . ritual of the churches » h pp p ni... Killing Good 1,0( Good 1,44 Medii 1,14 Good Fair Comn Stoeker p&r 850 Medi Sto Cows— Good Modi' Good Cann... emotions, these grief. infections, ’the employment of drug., at direct P°AnIOuggnYthe Arrangement

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... ispitch say. are Giet NMiiMidhhhemMdidadsuahrikipuuiitiyi, urgently requested to be Keeling, H_ P.; attest... say he is thoroughly potent and we.l qualified fo: the lion of state secretary L P. R berteon. F... Murphy, chairman; Dr J. D. Farmers union. In quarteriy convention PF1p Mr“ouLoEe,jAeo asemb... rd. July 9, 1909: Jackson, J. L. Creme, Rev. J. P. Boone That we are opposed... with the Traies Assemnbly. and the Texas jjalway Journal, repre enting the railway brotherhoos. Any other p -

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... plums, 13 Coffeea and Teas, V ad ted States Ports, Stoek of mixed shee] P d To vetaHlers: up to $6...% 11.30 p of rues' light few hich You dith, rica isitside, side, how rica. u to ou a rica. i be- 3.00 2 63... ently Parao de- . "Recher.’ cher.’ truth ceret the s imulfill ulfill ecesthey they p the ■rs to cof- ...... t47 1 Coma o andXaa -Fed— +*f : Mixed, 160 ok- ba..... 7.00 .1. H0 t 160 11 P-g — .. - Pryor...; shipments 1.403, stock 141 785 Quote Ft l, 13%; D |. 16. K 8 so, P, ( 87 96 H IMS. I, 84 41 K 14 40 M

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... ur m tic W th th w P! w fe hy tfl P t FERN POTS. TRAYS Lot 7—Fancy and Plain Pongee Shirts... eus | everk. Tour subscriptton and support are soliettec R. D. Gage, W. G. Bar- Ma. O. P. Haney, James... at the city hall Friday p my saloon. It is a hard matter to A • tell whese time is correct; we $ have... the highest lawful speed- in the residence portion. Mr. Slay again interposed by —------AT--- U g " p | V... the streets mentioned. A similar P-“P osition on Hemphill street near Peter Smith street received like

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Straw Hats 1-4 Off. Suit Cases and Hand Bags 25 Per Cent Reduction P e}nd/edes 31 TAaS^rF4NC/ES A POEM J... destroyed two houses and partlally shade st * p. m after his water pipes were installed He made a kirk... deposited. nothing was taken. SUMMER VACATION lAst night He was stricken with apo- P try Sunay, which... ten feet larger than the Denver They are alao pushing the terminal grounds as rapidly as P082 rible..., was buried in Antioch hearing in the police court and it was 1 1. womas.har h F c"P"n! T» 21be oometry 1

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Y. M. A. butld- Co- Educat sonn. Tuition Free .; A Luckett Halt P tiens, ton ng fig worii’e Johnson... of the sunday schools at P’reciptation ha* been generous in portion* of Alabarna and Florida Rainfall. fall. 00... was broken for the year Friday when tire 11,5 va luo cH’p an W Dir ii । thermometer climbed up to 102 ft... ertainsnumber.ori Foresent Ending p m Saturday - memberships in the Y. M. C. A. and Fort Worth and vieinitygeneraiy..., and later by County Commissioner Thomas P Hoffman, who lives in the vicinity. For a time

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... th P All $25.00 to $30.00 Suits now.. $17.50 DECISION OF AHnITRATOR. $5.00 to $12.50 fore the house... cravenette tops; Green Tag price . ................................... t t P tl q c ST 00 kinds, sizes 6 to 8... and to meet the senate conferees in the finance committee room in the senate office room at 5.30 p. m Senator

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... was the only Democrat voJng with the Republicans for a oonfernce. At 3:26 p. m. adjournment was taken until... ErpendtnpphaTexraitaayRronidenewestern horizun, ola Mere was sun ranch owned by his brotet, Charies fuming. Indicating that the atmos- P... auatih erack military eom-l!un.2.10.2P4. . “ pany, !• on of the youngest T) - ht«ad r sad ".ri [ Houston... sW"nPEB‛ pr" I"P E.Ae2 a long Ka6a om H. «B •• I' wax thrown Ionder or T..k Count Piee Chrtmto- Into Th

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