The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 40, No. 234, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 9, 1920: Searching Inside

We Found:

16 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... Ford roadsters. If you want to sei! your car for cash seo J. W. Blunt. 515 Main A vs? Grant Motor Co... at auction for you ’ \V»- give ami g* t the best prices S. W. W J Pulliam manager and auctlnnaer. I BUY... Household Furniture Co. W. Commerce and St. Mary’s Sts I HAVE A GOOD AUTOMOfHLE T^-J trade for furniture...% rYYTS~PER yard. Lone Star Waist and Dress Mfg. | Co. 122’j W. Commerce St. Over Plggly ' Wiggjr '... Dress Mfg. t'o. 122’i W. Commerce St. j Over Piggly-Wiggly’s. | INSTRUCTION SCHUTZE’b’ STUDIO OF MUSIC

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... are sold in 107 W.LDouglasstores direct ! "3 ' from the factory to you at only one prof it whir h j ftl... profits. % » B W Ik^W'W.LDouglas $9.00 and $lO.OO shoes are absor J iF/r* lutely the best shoe values... of America. The stamped J j.ccn Bi 1 price is W. L Douglas personal guarantee an “ 550 g 1 . that the shoes... Douglas Shoe Co * M* W. L DOUGLAS STORE: 220 E HOUSTON ST. San Antonio ■W^OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS - * -j-j... BY REARING W.L. DOUGLASSHOES f W iWWIM^MrVi | HTSHE best known shoes in the world. They / ' X fcp*- -~c m—l U

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Gorman St. 820. W m. 4 J Crockett 7796. Travis 5253. MODERN TH REE-ROt »M HOUSE. GAS lights half... Commerce street. • WANTE b-BUY TO WORK IN GRO- * eery store and deliver. Tobin Hill Gro- ^ery. 71J 1.-w... IN I w A N'l E J >—* DHLS TO W*) R K IN' AN D i I- I... fa'tory. Bcs Candy Mfg Cg 71) A • st nije I' J W a -.TED । XPERIENCED W HITE <) u i for general housework.... Crockett 6941 731-733 E. Houston St. J~W? ’ FRA ZIER" Auto Repairing 109 South St. Cr. 4565 AUTOMOBILE TOPS

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... nnd w non-irritntlng. ami so hamdenr a ch*. • j could safely cat It. ।... 8 — —S In Society | *** LT J- >x*v C«|H.iii ami Mr«. Gorge E. Strato-1 Inr/rr will entertain... at dinner on rbe} Jaimneo r..»f garden of the Gimter j b«4el Thurmlai evening honoring Colncl and Mr«. 11.... W»lton of El Paso. Capt. It. I Constn- and the hosts. Captain and Mrs. Htrateuie.vrr. .« d < The first... of the Town dub were held Tuesday at the St. Anthony hotel. The officers elected are as follows : Col. F. J

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... inquiry for southern ajots poo l | sales in the Texas markets together w it . J the shortage of goow*-;Hh*r for < ”j n r’ IMtrht’d...: Unchanged to 4c high* r. No. 2 । w hi t < . No. 2 mixed 649 64 '2’ • No 2 red 6««r«64c. j Rye: 81.91 ft 2.00.... Alamo ] j Sts. W. T. Gembier 1601 S. Alamo St. D. Galvin 1402 Carson St. R. Gotthardt 1039 S. Laredo St... least. Reports of rather extenshe hug in son.’ sections of th* l»elt serious crop deurioia-j tion more

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Cosoya Street / x San Antonio W. J. DENIGER FLOOR AND WALL TILE Marble and Terrazzo ROOKWOOD FAIENCE... lit ME W BURNS’ DRUG STORE The Drug Store of Better Service Here you will find the real Rotary... welcome. W. C. BURNS. Active Rotarian 303 EAST HOUSTON ST. PHONE—Crockett 14 Ask to see this wonderful... carsts. It is marked in our stock to sell at the verv reasonable price of $1450 J. R. Sprague Company... 117'^lamo “The Style Shop of the South" GO TO FredHummert 204 W. Commerce St. for WALI. PAPER —PAINTS— Glass

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... merchandising. Inconavrators; 1 A. B. Webster J. F. Webster and W. A. Arthur. San Marcos Cotton Breeding Farms....^ Incorporators: Bion J. Arnold E. K Chatfield and Fred W. George. Permits granted: Mid-Continent Motor...'s Vegetable Com- TTTII11IIIlILLUU!IIIIIIHI1 pound before my baby came when I could no longer W| keep up. It .... W strengthened my mai back and relieveil me of the dropeical effect whicnso h often dev e I opn (... in Examination of the Eyes and Fitting of Glasses. Established 1898. Look for ;i <■*!J ME fTHO Near Gunter Hotel

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

.... W. B. Tuttie Walter Napier S. J. Brooks Hov I nrd Teimdetou. Clinton w. W.... McAllister Dr. Phil Hill i W. G. Higgins. IL O. Huff. Ben Varga. I * Arthur Storms. J. J. Gallagher. Peter I...*? ••patient* t ho v.ere upparer' p- . t"' a reck a. who foolishly tnougl' t! < \ r-edt'J only a blood tonic... such ca*ee ♦ • * •- .atering of Bltro-Phoaphate hat j . d seemingly magical r« suite” People who fe*l... the schools of Toxas are to progress as ’ j they should. We have secured the services of a 1 I first-class

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... W OUTHIT WIT BUFFS (SHIN. 1 TO 4 Cocreham Is Touched Often by Bison Batters But Pulls Through... was to Lear. >n Initiates New Bat. M^.d Brown singled with one out Bears’ first. Booe'w single i..uiXF>i... WEEK w flats Your Hurry? Alto a Universal Comedy 1 STARTS TODAY MIAN £cl Aar Rice Burroughs JIMMIE... „ J K I 47FT -4 PRICES (War Tax Included) ADULTS 75c: CHILDREN 50e Downtown Office...- j tire from the game. i -• 1 J ACOBUS HI RI aS WELL (■lves Galveston Six Hits in 14 Innings

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... YOUP PROPERTIED WITH ) Hagelin e DjckinsoH/ CSCXKET J3-3 MAYAS SO ST. / i<>l~i.i.xL EBTATK W L... and >3«> per month. CR(>W r.ACON -ND HOT. AS Trax is 2537. Crockett 585$ palm Heights ~ J 800 >750 < \SI.... N O V E LT 1E S— M E XIC A N D R A W N W O R K. We appreciate your visit. Dahronges. Opera House.... 601 GOLIAD Cr. 3319. ^■^RUKN DRUG CO^ INC. 302-3U4 W ^^^^u»ton. Cr. 1037. Tr. 2642. 1.1. M.\ • t i !A... I-' .; . M a; .. ■ " X I J - Cl I * I K X I ( I - I \ I I O V ■■F lON GEORGE CO. 7_o E HOLSTON si

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... W I OVER PAIRS 650 PAIRS | A ladies II Sailor Ties and hl Chic-Pumps || Bench-made with hand-turned... the Bolshevist foreign i inister to the last note of Arthur J. Balfour. lord president of the council. It is h... recently issued by James J H Scarr in charge of teh New Y’ork >• i office of the weather bureau coni... to strong 1 northeast to north winds and generally 11 fair weather to the grand banks. 1 ‘ I “The w inds up... through the army j. and navy authorities at Mitchell Field d and nt Rockaway beach where daily g

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... any busy drug store or send 10 cents (stamps or silver) for brochure with free PROOF BOX. to J.... R.Brlfteln.lnr..Station V.NewYork.N.Y oni block nox ah o» onis 'DA«£!®TZ 'MI *TQR| OUT W T< WH«*a Ul stnct THURSDAY... and Veldyne Sweaters Richly trimmed in colored thread embroid- j„ n wi i e llivcrsitv J cry... .SulW lieromes Mexlenn Consul. New Orleans Sept. J. Garla Zertuclie today took oyer the po’t of consul... of exceptional fascination includes j fall and winter models from • Joseph Kurzinan Lichtenstein ! Mann

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... of ike American J/gion. Numbers of former service men from over the state supported Watson however... indicated Walker hml 17-S: Hardwick 166; .John N. Holder 12; W. IL Brown none. A majority or 1’45 out... the gathering of definite figun j on other contests but on the face of estimates from its correspondent.... Milwaukee Uis. Sept. 9.—John J. Baline Boscobel Republican candidate for governor of Wisconsin in Tuesday... ^flames Thompson LaCrosse was gen- J* rally conceded. Figures of the Sentinel from 1766 precincts show

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... on a different meaning. “Walter wrote us a very nice letter about your leaving him. He said no J^ord of blame... and that of our son. He will remain with her. although J shall ask to seo him at stated times. She can live where... that although the flowers might be dead the roots of that love ske had for W^'tcr still remained alive and from... blouse jacket and the square cut train a j 1 Hsste..i Gsv»n for the Auu;..ui Bride t : made of plain... color satin or other silk. J long hnrem tiousers arc of matching । j material and the rather full skirt

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

...* Ran Antnnto GnaaHa K«« L*am*d W»»a Repr-t of Aiwmiwi Ptaa* Kutrrte a» «M»odx-laa» matter at th... Block Inc. Little D.dg. 1 DETROIT OFFICE—PauI Block. Inc. Kreege Bldg J BUFFALO OFFICE—PauI Block. Inc... the actual facts may be is another story. It is what the j>eople think that counts for it is the people who... of Paris and might have discouraged j the French so greatly as to have lost the! war. j At Loos and Neuve... estimated at 50.000 men. 'I here is also current a story to the effect j [that on one occasion when

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... and embroidery. j (First Floor.) 75c Handkerchiefs 49c Women's handkerchiefs of pure fine linen. In novelty... for 39c. (First Floor) j 50c Cream 39c Daggett and Ramsdell’s cold cream. Friday the regular 50c packages... with liberal I quantity of wire hair pins j Regular 10c size Friday for j 6c. (First Floor.) — 10c Wilsnaps 7c

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