Austin Weekly Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 26, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 6, 1897: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... the black rebellion nnd then return to Spain and upset the monarchy and establish a republic. - Inventory... of war M. Tsamavos. Minister of finance M. Simoupulo. Minister of education M. Carapanos. Minister

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... the war. .ewN From Volo. ido. May J. A majority or the inhabitants have migrated from this port to Athens... who told mi? tbnt the report sent by the ministers of war und the interior from I Mm rasa os wus... command. M. Ilalli declared that the victory tit Velestino w tlie'niost splendid achievement of tho war.... The New MlnlNtry in It War Policy The Turku Are Assaulting; 1'hursalott The Greek Are Attacking... to carry on the war and conclude honorable peace. Happily the army which was worthy of a better fate

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... vividly back to memory the stirring scenes enacted during the progress of the late war. The young ladies.... London. Anril 3fl Tniln'u e. . the seat of war indicates the continuous advance of the Turks in both... of a war inrlpmnitv In iini mi mi n Vi tv nnnm I. ... "J ' " O l- mvuhU W V. U 11 I 111; CA" penses... of affairs is regarded as wholly impracticable both Greece and Turkv bavin? rpsnlvorl to continue the war... at Vnln. Volo April 30. A squadron of Greek war ships has arrived here. . There are lit null HFOalra

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... was composed of the flagship Ligiria and the men-of-war Keina Mercedes .ueva Jispnna .viiigiulanes nnd Vaseo.... By this action the union virtually declares war on the Master numbers' association as a body. Judge Ormand... in America in the desire so general among them to return home to engage in the war in behalf of their laud... nnd of war have been formed for the purpose of inspecting railways and fncilitnting the dispntch... of Smyrna as far as Karaburun during the continunnce of the war. It is officially announced tnat tne

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... of the manner in which Edhem Pasha had conducted the war against Greece. Gen. Grumbkoff the German officer who... in connection with Edhem Pasha is that prior to the war'he was regarded by "the Greeks as being a Phll-Hellone... that (ireece will carry on the war to the last gasp is not regarded as of any importance. Greece is already... will be permitted to impose a war indemnity. The Turks will doubtless raise some difficulty when they are called

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... is equally keen for war. Little or nothing seems to be known at Athens or is reported here... not disapprove of them. Spoils of War. Constantinople April 28. The Turkish troops at Larissa captured Blxty... and the newspapers connect the incident with the positive intervention or ureal Britain in the war between Greece... the beginning of the war not heretofore made publie. ... Journed nntil Monday SaatsnFe Appointments. Galveston

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... natures of its people. It will not do for Japan to depend too much upon its war character blnined III... a conflict with the Chinese. It would find n war with a western na tion a very different tiling from a war

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... r- war ranty deed . . 250 00 Lucy Manor et al. to Manor Waterworks Company lot 13. block 25. Miinnr.... The University commencement sermon tins year will he delivered Dy uev. war ner B. liigcs of the First

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... In the great Industrie business is disappointing. Expectations of a speedy J rod of the war In Kuropo through... European markets did not sustain the expectation of a greot foreign demand after the outbreak of war

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