The Mexia Weekly Herald (Mexia, Tex.), Vol. 19, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 15, 1918: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Pitts, Big Hill O. Brooks, Groesbeck J. W. Lewis, Coolidge V. B. Gardner, Mexia. W. C. Cayton, Thornton... — J*. ..¥• . s-Jmm wv w 'i:f& 'hi: ■■■<■•• ■ the bl1np f / t- V / Ingland, July 81—(Correspondence... and sell for $50 per acre. A. E. Berthelsen. Mt. and Mrs. J. G. McMillan and two sons, W. H. and Clark.... Callaway, Coolidge A. P. Ellis, Thornton W. D. Allen, Kosse J. W. Kerley, Mart D. E. Ezell, Personville D.... H. Gant, Jewett F. W. Reed, Mart J. W. Bell, Delia R 2 C. H. Garrett, Groesbeck Dan Parker

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... days visit to her sister, Mrs. J. H. Bledsoe. —w.s.s.— Mrs. J. W. Stuart of Teague, who has been... Bertha Lou Scott of Corsicana is the guest of the family of J. C. Yeldell. —W.S.S.— Loman Cox and Ernest... you to offer. J. J. Beckham, 2-w3 Mexia, Texas. —W.S.S.— Mrs. R. W. Cosnahan returnat noon from... and Tubes to Hickman's Garage for First Class Vulcanizing. w.s.s Editor J. S. Perry of the Coolidge Ledger... by me and loanB closed at Mexla without delay. Satisfactory rates with prepayment privileges. ileges. W

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... attachment. Will demonstrate at my shop in Wortham. tham. Iw2p * J. B. Neill. -w.s.s- -W.S.S- EFFECT... store. 22-d3w ( C. J. Sterling. Charleston, S. C., 8-5-18. Dear Major:— Feeling that you might want... 4-room suburbs, one 12 room ouse a bully goodern 10 akers wid it. 29d2w3 J. J. 'Beckham. -W... and Economy } Lend Your Money to the ■j Government J ORAN M. WROE LAWYER GROESBECK, TEXAS. WHEN IN HOUSTON... Meet Your Friends At HOTE BRISTOL Eropean Plan. . $1.00 and Up DR. J. L. METCALF DENTIST Office—Front

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... by J. M. Kennedy; in Ben j Hur by Ben Hur Drug Co.; in Prairie Hill by T. N. Moody; in Callina by G. W... into a vast co-ordinated plant j for the turning out of war material. Everywhere was evidence of how..., ernment, N. P. Houx. -W.S.S- WORDS FROM HOME Statements That May Be Investigated... Testimony of Mexia... Citizens. -W.S.S- Cecil Barnett of Oletha is in the city visiting his brother, W. W. Barnett, and friends... made in my little girl, why, she's like a different child" said Captain T. W. Harrell, residing

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... - fsjfim ' M- J l \\ f! SEE J. SANDFORD SMITH FOR FIRE, LIFE, AND TORNADO INSURANCE, MEXIA, TEXAS.... -W.S.S- PICTURES TAKEN OF SINKING VESSELS TO BE SENT BACK TO GERMANY. • (Associated Press Report.) „•... will be introduced, Mr. Smith says. -W.S.S- BRITISH GAINED ADDITIONAL GROUND (Associated Press Report) London, Aug... meals a day at a large ! mess hall, and E. A. Pickens, j who has catered successfully to I so many... FREE SCHOOLING FOR YOUTHS. , J- > vfl (Associated Press Report) Washington, Aug. 13.—The senate

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

.... WILLIFORD, (Freestone County) N. P. HOUX, (Limestone Co.) For Floater, 63rd Dist. W. J. HANNAH, of McLennan... them a chance. -W.S.S- Both you and the Government can't use the same labor and materials. Buy only... essential articles and pay your W. S. S. Pledge. W.S.S Gen. Pershing is now in command of a field army.... W.S.S Instead of waiting to eat breakfast in Paris, Yon Hindenburg is now grabbing off quick lunches... as he hops along in the other direction.—Dallas News. -W.S.S- Put your Liberty Loan bond interest

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

...| PORTANT this Sale is and WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU] You SAVE from 15 to 50 per cent on merchandisl j you... to attend this Sale, knowing that w< will convince you of the merit of our offerings. Come in Friday, bring.... —$5 tnd $6.50 Qossard Corsets $3.29 —$3J50 Gossard Corsets on sale $2.69 —$2.'50 Gossard Corsets... each, Middys at $1.19 Take your choice < of Middy Blouses tl \ regular in this Fina j at each / Middys

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Cotton Suitings —Remnants of Dress Ginghams k < —And other wanted Fabrics rv < ;V;.. g 83 „ J. . Z\. mm... U*Wf lghams, Percales and Men's Women's and Children's A. M. SHARP- 'TT'S A GOOD BUY" XIA . k T it W... out quick, they go in this Final "Good-Bye" Sale, each '79c 1 ... I I ■ I I w 1 / Jk fiSi mm I * ■f

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