The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 23, Ed. 1 Sunday, June 16, 1907: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

.... W. H. Wllllsms and Jules Hall. For Civic Club. Meedameo W. W. Glass. O. T. Holt. J. A. Thompson E. S... wiuuvi w( 'mr''Y'r J TiL TlAMl.Mn- TA A A. S. WAGKER IW AH OUIU VapaiWU.O m WW r G. J. LEE Aaaiat... Trnrrcrprrav w t t us l u ' - swerr.TT a Tr rnvsewe'i Tmrti ir 1 rvy-vr ..... the metropolla of the Ohio vtiley. And on the Jtnirney w.'a lead through the Piedmont and Shenandoah... u our grandfathers; and yet. It w ill be ound alive and active dong Its share of the world's work

Sequence: 29 (standard view) | zoom view

... flfl six heavy weight . . iUU Table Spoons set JQQ Table forks set of j-QJ Medium Knives 010 Kfl set... would be pleased to sbow you. J. J. SWEENEY JEWELRY CO. CORNER MAIN AND CONGRESS Some People Claim... JEWELER ' . W07 PMTONvAVtNUt 7 ; Si.- ' - V V -Wa" A lit Glass olbiets' '.Uy request ot a great many... DRCGGI8T8-25c and 60c. THE FRECKELEATER COMPANY Dallas'. - texas I A w I II I i I - .... anaw la Honor ef... Tiaitarsv - Mr X. PlHot ui Via. Oam Bails Jr esntartained uria (b mk artU kick ava suBor of lira. W. w. Cook

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

....) Philsdlphl found two innings. K H E m wo-s iu i J w 30 Id 2 McLean Br-im-n and Doom. The Southern League... .. 20 . . in(ifiwrvvr .---pip.p.p.....i - HOUSTON DAILY POST: SUNDAY MOttNlNG. JUNE 1 J. 1CQ7... OF YOUR SUIT. H last itoiM riwthea as w do wwald t 111 Mil TOO seldom think of-mek. a g Awrtna Take coat... an ua make It far Pf- W. har th finest sad boat 11m at auUiaf patterns In th Southwest free which U C 05.... ?( M MS 111 -tl 14 J 14 Sail lb .... I'Uuam. ct . th p-vMoa rt Hjr.t. t ... L- prr-a a . anvil ......

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... i I I I Major J. W. Hanks at Coaambaa waa ta retumag froia u Cgofadani raunua at Klchmoosl Va Was ta... Stmta and Build Hio. Eomm ud Ceaeat Walk. i. A. JC W. aamtk. Fwrt Jorthl Char tee Uwa Bi. IaoauiJt j... cearda. W. H Norrla. John 6. Bonner. Coarad Scniearx J. F. Kaith. Beau J P. Carter H. M. Garwood. A W.... D Cleveland Jr. W. A. Wilton K. L. Crooner Erneat Steves San Antonla u. A. sternenawg Olive. 'J... fu:r.:r- markets to b- g sevaral weeks. J. r. Haynes of N.w Albany Miss :.t a Houston visitor yesterday

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... b captains Homeyer. W Bow w f. vni-n. J A . ana .viams . a n-t lieutenants. Ajaiua K Cu;if. J O wr...- . V H. ;nhn. W. H.. U4 KII. A. J. . . f . ririiM Snnr. L). M . tx-noir T Inrtl. s W.. .Noriroot K.... fcl:ktt. 4. R ShrrtllL O. tymM C .'opun.i. I. i .-tidlMim. T. a. !. H J s11"- y. W . Hdtn(. R. BV.... MLl'imnf.L i V f J. M . WUIU. J. Kom. J v'.n-r W. T . Huniphrviiif. " . . A L.. McltouM W A. ngt.m. W... l.ntf J u Martow MollabnMit. A. Tb tolkrin linmni to ortanlUo Br hrbr mad: w raHBin.-Onirny A Hoinvr. C

Sequence: 42 (standard view) | zoom view

... j.iO:; daily post; sunday hozitiko? Jtnij 42 " --"A'''ww"w"""WM "" mi! by Wa Barter Cwt Vise M imw.... J oka T. Hanr.ay. Mr t A Lovtag? ot Waco la raatttag? friends tn Boaa Mr A. F. W'ibwa aad daughter.... Miss Agass KlnnarU la visiting trraada In llenipeteao- Mrs J M. Eaatham and Mr. J. K Broussard w... attended Baylor u versity. Mrs J. W. Parker visited ralatlvsa and trtanda la Houston Mrs J. R. Turn tall la.... Mr W. J. Williams and sons sr vlsttlng? relstlvss tn Austin Misses Mae Welch. Elisabeth Pumphrey

Sequence: 43 (standard view) | zoom view

.... aurora. BfM!LlJfLB!!W.rt "d rl HarMa -! UOJ 'nJ"n entertained a numbs friends lastfrlday nlsbt . SI- J .... it Friday Hudson compUmentary to her .. aira. J. W. arowa or Heenila E0CXLXT. I Mr. Jtf Royder and child ran... a vacation at tha well J. L. Magee and family. Miss Ola Cbewv Mr. Ollnthua Ell la Jr.. and Meaara. W. D... hw bom In Wolfs CTty after a weeks rtott te her aunt. Mrs. W W. Edwards. Um. 7n Mra J H Chancallor.... Wooldrtdss ef Ihi place Mra J . W. Bimonton came over front MeTrtotnry yesterday to visit Mrs S K Mis Susl

Sequence: 40 (standard view) | zoom view

.... aad Mra. W. J. Orebsr. The uH haste far ttk esxaysea imm ttrfut siato an at five hrd tat tbr... mother. Mr. Hwra Frsocu wn aboat ten day here. Mr and Mr W. J. Upshaw left bara that week for Georgia...! day her thl week th gueata af Mr. Fitch pareatav Captain aad Mra. W. A. Fitch. uperiMeadsnt J. B... Cwlrert aticompaalael by Mb. tl Mias Mildred Norwood Mr. J. W. Leak and son John Wujha hav returned fraaa... lord. r. Hoone Mrs. Geont D. .Neal. y!' J H Neal. Mr. R fi. Perry. .Mrs. l.f ; rhln-U! Vri w S. CralJ

Sequence: 41 (standard view) | zoom view

... her aunt Mrs. B. Sachs. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heartt spent a day at the county seat this week. Mr... of Mr. aad Mra. R. L. Toung. Mr. and Mrs M. J. McLoughUa toltsa Beaumont during the week. Mr. aad Mra. W.... Mra. L. Sheley has gone to El Paso to spend the summer with hsr daughter Mrs Dr. w. J. Warnack. Mr... 11 Mra'u W. Qlaaney to vtoMnT Mr J. A. a-.l-.A m. aWlea aaa Mrs J . L Ca meron of Una elty to v-ttlng... Ernll Moysr went to Dallas Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Stephana of Austin It her oa a visit. Cards hav been

Sequence: 47 (standard view) | zoom view

... US V i: to y. V'J f y ; W 4 - ' ) u ... . . S T; WA' t X ! . j - jm ! . s.-- I - y If r 1 .... Travis iiml Old phon. tf -4- W ANTED Good farm Whcoa. Correspond ttatlng prlc. and coodHloo with J. W.... Old phon. I6M. M PIANOS Vom A Bon's have stood the Ml for flfty-Ava years. J. W. Cart.r Muslo Co. ltd... STARTED A SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT LAST WEEK I v-1 ; : ..ii .t . : f . ' ir tAr tfcir W W W 'W' W W 'W 4 sW...- UV I " " HOUSTON DAILY POST? STODAY MOBNnW JUNE 16. 1907.' ; - 47 - - "-v Bf ' "t . J? h :!: i J y

Sequence: 46 (standard view) | zoom view

...-; J3.. ;.r t fliii m block on Caroline s re-t on EASY TEv 'ts andyou kaoV a to t... W. V GRAVES A CO.... Irm: t t. J"- Prairie land ready f.r n. plow an ab n i aace of good water : u- n . C w' AHL 4 Co... lTn0S K"'"-1" T0 GST A HOME if hT.. -a-err. .jbiirbe of the city J!1; r-;. '! jo ttai g'": " bu: W JI c... five-room cottage east r- nt. Jackson ree.. rear Tnam. H2W. J. R. i M'.rse. 31! Maaon building o d phone... ti e fv n lolii.ljy aiidit.'n. E.' Ht.!.-. niiss It J. W X B-irke-. .- M...r. 1 lo-k i'lK SALE

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

.... llt.aOO. tBaarparatorai Ed ft. Wallace 1. A. Cousins V T. W. T. Wlleoa. J. C Biga-rs J. B Quthlie J. N...; eapltal atock twos. Jtnooraoratera. K. f . jffihardaon. I. M. HU. J. Tba W. . Ptokard oompany of Doaf mltb... Oln company of Roberta Parker eaunty: capital itocK anno inoorporatora. J. B. QraaataXt W. i. Bims. J... ' POST? SUNDAY MOHNllICV JUNE 16 1907. 17 ViSSES FOR PRESS EEIB W MSITY FURNraRE SALE ; COBHIMJES.... ThomMoa Hardwara oompany of ; Tteiu: MBltal uoek. U0.OM. Inoonioraiorai M. m. Tkaauaoa J. B. BaadaU and C

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... ki W. X. a li general amaaaw at tbe ageaar aaaai mct; J. a VtXimr a) ttweawrer and " IUb K. Hudsue... Investment Company. W.W. The Brazos as front ot :-- itructura. and thaaa tmproralaanta V.: . -j.- I j) m... umifortably fixed whan ha suddenly (hot up id the air and landed In aVewhurtf T ? k .W.t-i'. -y;:K''X'' J 'A... 1 Gtorp W. CarroIL W Ilk a fraotac af a fart aa v. Ajhlnctoa aaaaaa and Ut faat on EKhih tuaat. tha... the contract tor the new smoki-eiack to the W-b-r eteel Concrete Cor.$trjtion company whlct ia rapreaented

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... Baadakir W.O. Oaar a A. AdJdnsea 0. 0. Murphy . A. AAey C Ml ley Hy. Mayo J. M. Oltaaoa & A. rorbes Paul... harat " 1 J. Edward Hodges A 1. Wbaalar W. C. Bluff PfelOp Hasdoastla Newman - -. Bfbbs Tom LawTwnca... John Lubbock A. 8. Foot Adair Loekman Kirk Harrison J. K. Waroaa W v Aagl -. . Eovelty Shower. Miss... w::h while roses and "j the - alley. Covers will he laid for -Mr. Winetead Mrs J H 1'atton. Mrs. James... r?JL" en. Mrs Eilward (ioldsteln. Jars- P1"! Shook Mrs. J. I. .Morrow Mrs. W. B. )x2n. IH. O. Btaa-ke

Sequence: 35 (standard view) | zoom view

... a terrible Ox. Js:lT. j;tl I Tlirrl Jmw. tjrtrf CtlJU.ll " -- J' 1 fvjiJ. BT 3 AMES DS BAUN. ...J" t '. W... J.e.i" '.".v's on mv letter so I Mr. W rt7.A K liana A new HSP. will stop. uv" "'- - rr j . A....n Read... Uvlng and two ltoVr.w.j5..v j '7."VbreFexS: been grown It they JrS" last Msrch ws bur!. - h' ?"" boy... atv nana aadraia ad aaa. Aiao atat whathar th Toraaa ar ; IT HARRT VAN D&MAJUL w .. tara alab BuaU... Cottonsllk j 4 ' Drank ths yeast for buttermilk; JU. Instead ot rising neat morn at afel jto Naw at three la

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... of lu-acre lot 4. i. Hawiolnnn surv. y UU J O. and K. K. R.w to T. 1 and W. F.. 'Jrifrlri into j 9. 1 11... and 12. In outlot 31. nutlet SI and lota 4 7 W. 11 :ir1 i: n! im-hitlf of In outlot XI to Paad"na TTW J U... & . HOUSTON DAILY P0A j SUNDAY ! lOllNDJG. JUNK 10. 1007. -umnr ansisinTT s rrrrr nx nrr.... J The great point about this model you win notice is the length and shVpe oi the lapel the lines... of which are finely drawn from the collar to a ?nuch lower point than usual. ' y J This gives a very smart

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Wants to Square Up. (Hito a Peat Special.) BRBNHAJf Tana June 1. -Claim A(at J. W. Eana of the Banta Fe... US on Fannin. Another transfer was flled from Jenny W ood and husband conveying to J. M West a piece.... W. MORROW Trav. Paee. Agt J07 Main St Houston. Trias. THE riRB DEPARTMENT was called to 1M Dart... UC JGTON L. - FC5T SUKD.-r MORNING. J 10. 10071 - V 11 t .uiiilOS iiUtii MoaiLly Paynests. -''..... We l:Mu o StAe T.IK.ALI Tm. r.-.-j r.-.t iw J. S..... fi Mm. Ma. rT7....iT-"- a. M.... I:NU K. .

Sequence: 45 (standard view) | zoom view

... to be aaan. axamUiatf and 'usad by you wlthuut any knowledge of tnualc to captura you. J. W. Cartar atualc Co...; new UOt. tf i SECOND-HAND blrvcla W) good condl-.- Hon. J. W. Cartar Mualo Co low Capitol avanu. u... Mala atreat. tf KEW M blcyole cheap for caah. J. w Cartar Mualo f& M0 Capitol avanoa. it ; TENTS TENTS... TravH gtraat. 7 ron sale. . . . W i-i-M. - .i. i ... Tl. WMi FOS BALE. A J 90-light dynamo and engine... Fannin. a HARDMAN pianos as iood aa the beat; none better. J. W. Carter Mualo Co. luuu Capitol avenue. 14

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... Saturday November X 1W7 tlOO to second 160 to third. Six furlongs. Fifth race running; purse tsai J yearold... of the fty-ttvw Thousaad dub svnd escorted te th. Alts' dub rooms tnd Colon.1 W. M. Lacy delivered J" address... ID ftr.r j-iuTru-uqrru-jT.ruvTjv '-i ir vuuTftruviririi-rni-iriri-! innn-nj'un' net- m-i- - .... ......... ........ .. . m J ......-... ...... ....p.. .ri...... ...... ... HOUSTON DAILY POST: SUNDAY... MORNING JUNE 16. 1907J iirtiKir es ross si Tl-so. uuiu Saleofclibbons RESOLVED- A PRETTY DCORATWNYPROS0R

Sequence: 36 (standard view) | zoom view

... floor i flniab. f y D:l. r L a a aiais w araisn UQl r -v. WaU Paper . 7J jPe' 0Veassteaw743raaasi ; f... " -.1 rrj..SJ.ssu.rriSJ.J - .. ri-r 1 a...""-" mm J . . . aasr ii'-vfCT'' idxiM- 'K TV 1 1 1 m i s : V A- n s s s s s s 1 n n J 5 DO HIS... of these splendid Oak Tabourettes at E each m J $17.50 Refrigerator $13.90 No. 501 Built of hardwood lined with zinc... chamber has three sliding adjustable shelves. 59 inches high 20 inches deep an J 30 inchei long Holds 115

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