The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 23, Ed. 1 Wednesday, April 1, 1908: Searching Inside

We Found:

14 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

.... GAS RANGE MEANS J v r v "V Eaay P.yssenls-SEl TREE ' ffewaaa 70. 604Mala GALVESTON HOUSE RAISING... lAUI. KOROS lrop. -1 1' Kin Baker St. Fifth Wsrd. liouaton P. O. os liik k ' V D I T .O R I U M V... 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 25c. Adm'sslon 3 p. m. to 10 p. m. 15c Ladles all day 15c. Elocution Recital BT... .university. QUARTETTE HALL " Old Shearn Church) Thursday. April 2 8:15 p. m. Adults 60c. I'nder IS years 25c... of Energv. I m p o v e r 1 s li ed Blood Pimples slso blood and Skin Disease' 8yphllls Eruptions. Hair

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... sharpened and re- - paired. We have special machinery and : skilled mechanics for this work. P. L. Knox (the...: screens made and repaired. P. T Sellers 1112 Main street Phone 6782. 4-4 . WE POSITIVELY guarantee cure... doctors and nurse; Infants adoptee). P. O. Box 274 San Antonio( Texas. T FINANCIAL P CIAJL PROPOSALS. 4... deposited S with the Houston Land and Trust Company will earn four per. cant Interest. P. B. Tim peon Sec'y... absence. Address P. O. Box 44. city. - '- 4-4 WANTED Male teachers and students to travel and represent

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... A!SKJirnON Powder Per beg. 4.Ml fibuS VSI: "p BUTTEB OIU-1 barrel 40c i half bar- PEPPEK Black Singapore per....' jpatent tpouts $8.40. r VINEGAk Per gallon lOOSBc accordlns f p grade; German vinegar 100 per cant. Mo. T... to 18 pounds 11c; i (Jold nana nams uw Vt LARD Simon pure leaiplard lOHc; comf pounds f V4T Pe lard... CaNDY Stick wraooed. basic dt a f per poaadi Ho. 1 UU weight bats gV I f K P7 poundi special tlaea He... 436.X9T 71 U p 0 300000 00 ( p 0 May Nov. 74 19 13 p0 Jan. July 1J1.661 7 ..1 003292 07 10 po Jan.Apr.Ju

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... St. Loui Limited Grand Caatral Depot Lev.. I:t?p.n. Ar f i ant . . Kanaaa City Expreat Lv.... We. 1 . ; teaen.'- ' No. .. Arrlea P-. fee Hotel W EUROPEAN la Heart t 'jfajk'r'J W't A Carta. mnAttt... Boom P.VA.: HERVEY. JR. -jC rroprlator ' l tv.n 1-- ' - TKe:Planters House -i 'h EUROPEAN PLAN. '... California and return April 25 and 24 JO R. GREEITHILLf O. P. A. C. E. LKWIS AMistant ' 518 Mala Street... that come irom enjoying gooej neann. r - v "I tell my friends. It Is to Pactum 1 owe my Ufa' today.!''" p -

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... WAGESCALEISDRAU "H s. V ' - W Tf il - f--. : -" i-j isTiTiii.i im i 11. i -i isi .. it 1 r J . 1 1- -' ' " 7' P... dealer ai I vlH president of ftvt Atlantlo Phonogi ph eompeny filed p voluntary petition...$. Bveral Toledo banaii and inanjt Toledo p son art involved In the failure as the nlult r loans ana... for the twenty-four hours ended at 7 p. m. Taeaday--Maximnni S7i minimum 68. tAaecuUtd Prtu Htfori. WASHINGTON 'March... of Connecticut. The other two witnesses of the d.-iy were John P. Kellogg assistant Ktnt.- attorney

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... LIPPER Clothier 308 MAIN 6T. Hatter AT Ali (J1p The Perfect Shortening 1 Jit HT H 1 f I I 1 asstfusv mim... for the year April. 190 -08 will be held on Wednesday. April 8. 1908 from 10 a. ra. to I p. m. REV. J. W... svviaiici Back of ohuroh members. Ha will preach wery night this week the service being held f;t2; P. m... graphic presentation of Bible studies may be made. Prof. P. W. Horn presided at the meeting.. Dr. Richmond

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... a tracts and la absolutely safe 'here Is nothing "luat aa good" as F ngo. For sale by all drugglsu at P... P&mps Wind Hill Force Pumps Meyer's Low '.Down Force : Pumps A Carl ad jt received which Bakes ear lock... on April at a o'clook p. m. at South park in this town. Tha Bailey and Wynne club committee la sending... state that the club as a whole never did nor does oppose the candidacy of Mrs. E. P. Turner or Mrs. P. P... Hon. 3. P. Pool. Washington Donuoittea Meeting. (Houston Pott Special) ' ' BRENHAM Texaa March 81

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... " ' ' .' . - j . 'V"V: " ". "!-':'?; f s-';' i'" KTTnTTOfTAfiT' TT V tAO. JW'P'nVT'Cn 1 V... ICZEHa ftTJICKLT' Hew UmiSfoduo Hew ia Small Quantities. " 1 f ' ' Blace. Ui Amvnrr one year aco ; tha P.... (Houston Post Special.) HOCKLEY Texas. March U.-A. telephone message was received here t day by Mrs. J. P... on the platform today have appeared such as Captain R. P. Hobson Whitney Bros." Quartette. Castls Rhine Concert... Department (Houston Port Special.) AUSTIN Texas. March Si. -Colonel A. P. Wooldrldge will assume the duties

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... the day while Dr. Akehurst will remain in the men's department " 10 p. m. The men's bath... will be open till 10 p. m. for the convenience of those who can not come for treatment during the day. LUNN.... Consultation FREE and Invited. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.' Sunday OR. BROILES' MEDICAL INSTITUTE DRAUCHON.... to 1 p. m. only. x 3041 Main St. Houston Tex. Waco Austin San Antonio El Paso MELRA DYE TO ESCAPES... all and Larkln and Burns have an eccentric act that Is a corker. John P. Reed ia m high favor with hlr

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... unapproached by envious makers. Made by P. Cogan & Son. An allover patent ankle strap slipper with spring heels... a ' ' Sites U .;$2.50 8iss HM' to 8V......S3.0a Sail p MBIT present and medium prle I have...- m.9l lb MmmtJ rest SiCCiiBJlGSPS Mmfcw ROOM p Jw fcJaL H i 1 1 1 ii i I i i i OLD PBONC 103. B Siufe... Jrrlill! Plfal Qailf'iM You mtct et P'e Houatoa VO.I " OaU LCI in our . Ladies' and Family Dining ; Room

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

...; about seven acres in cultivation; P. W. Rose survey; cheap. One two-story house three acres... closet electric fixtures complete. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to A. P. Logan. 8003 Travis. Old phone... ANNUAL meeting stockholders of Moore-Cortes Canal company will be held Tuesday April 14 1008. 8 p. m... and receive reward. 1 LOST Oak leaf Pin. Ltbarnl (award p Wolf ear Aiketf returned Mm meysr's. 8ITUATION3... Position by young colored man Indoor or out; good education good manual laborer. P. a. J. 1016rt Andrew

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... favorable So the consumer. The close there stood 1 point up to S points down on futures and t p on spots... 146 115 f!44 -. M. Sc St P. Chicago T. ft T Preferred .... 14600 117 116 6 34 . 53 93 94 64 C. C. C... Central 800 84 18 1400 400 1 94 M. ft St. Louis 94 M. S. P. etc... Preferred Missouri Pacific. M. K ft T... Pacific Mail Pennsylvsnia . . . People's Gss. . . . P.. C. C. ft S. L. 7 39 6 83 48 100 1004 "ljoo 31100

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... in the instructions of February p last and to make the following brief teply to each f the points raised... at Melbourne. John P. Bray In urging this extension of the fleet's itinerary. a t DRIP" "DRIP if The money

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