The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 23, Ed. 1 Sunday, March 22, 1908: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 31 (standard view) | zoom view

... Howell Gertrude WMIted Mary Belle Howell Addle Caplen Adele Caplen Messrs.-- Baylor Holmes Harry Holmes... Charles P.1 Jones John Holland Pleasant Klttrell H. A. Arnold. Jr. Brltton Frank Brown Wedding.... Mrs. B. A. Randolph and Mrs. n. If. Gill who are the guests of Mrs II P Mansfield at Sheldon... to do her hooor and be present ii ml owalt her return at p in as preiirranged and when she returned

Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... WORCESTER SAOCE Cheap grade. grade tomta 90B08C par doaen; Lea a; rarrina P inu; Dint' 98.88: ouarta... to lg pound lOMc; LARD Simon para leaf lard lOHc; comoanda 7s; pure lard 9c. . GRAIN AND HAT. KAN Per... Baldwin and ruatet per Barrel e.a. COORAM p'aSol.1 fpliTi baoreL per box. LEMON'S lieaetna 98.8... in first hands. GALVESTON. Reported far The Houston Pott by the A P. Norman Live Stock company... home with us than .any other bank in St Louis. r H. P. HILLIARD . . ; ; Vice President ;;Vj" firat 18

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... White McKenna and Holmes while the chief Justice and Justices' Brewer and Peckbam dissented. JAPAJTS... of her marriages. Houston P0tt. How annoying it mutt be too to find her secretary had overlooked a little

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... :':: 'W'-: J P"f '"' H.8 T. C SL L V feeve. Cr Grand Central Depot' Ante tseanv-jse. I.. iinm. :Nm... a. m. 8:88 p.m. torn." No. n Ko. It ajejvestoa Ul vision. Grand Ceatral Deoot. 18.. 10:80 ..a. Nil.... ITS. 1M.. rilu No. ITS. 5 A s A. P K. ! ISea Antonio Corpus Christ! and Ksrrville.) Mm Grand Central... Galveston Train Dallr. . 7: a.m. Ar 8: OS Lv.. e.u.. a. a a.l . m -w...... : eep.m. Ar : w P-n. Additional... Sunday Speciala. - :48 a.m. Ar. ...... M a.av Fm l:Sp.m. Ax.......U:a0p. t 8:ftm. J-earee Coanaa street .

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... :' . I. BUiagtoo Chairman. P. H. Lane . H. Hudnali t. L. Cummlngs ' v H. p. Wynne ' ' . ' Committee... J. p. Wilson. A. M. fteel 8. B. TUrbevlHe. B. Breeks E. H. Bond J. T. Craig. J. Fra iler w. w Kuemng.... P. MerrUl. . Oarrard. J. F. a. x. Bicvey 4. w . note T. Mc iotcom. Jl. 0. Qrii rtnl oy. . iceman u.... U. lane. B. T. Townaend W. A. Tynes. A. T. Stell- M. P. Phllllna. J. Hi Rl atuirt v. H. Lane A. Hall.... Turner J. M. Jackson W. H. Kendrick A. P. Clark E H. Blythe. W. H. Spronkle W. C. Sullivan J. A. Boggs E

Sequence: 45 (standard view) | zoom view

... i .n . i mi rniiimpTi u ijwwpuy . "I wi:w J 1 V 'I I J I ?. i '.iiiiiiiniinl y a p i In uutirr t 1...: SKtX' I U 7 V ! N P-v-il i. .. si iiiMm virus: rtiiMtfv ' a EKEHA) BEEUAl C00KI3HAKIN0ATS1I... WE HAVE SEEN OTHEJ WHAi'WITHBf(3EfCM0UT;VVEALSOaAV A FEW SHARKS P1A T IN6 TAG WITH THE SALT NTHh

Sequence: 38 (standard view) | zoom view

.... and Mrs. P. H. Dtamukas are vUtting In Hochhelm this week. T .T. Harwood accompanied by Mrs. JT. V Miller... Of the applicants: Mrs. W. P. Woldrep Misses Evelyn Walter Edna Scheska Armour Harwood. Daisy Humphreys ' XJzsle... of stasdames T. T. McCommlns B. P. Bludworth J. Brown W. H. Wheeler Jr. - - Sir. and Mrs. H. T. Link Misses... of Galveston spent . Sunday here with her mother Mrs. Mc- Donald. St; -B. P. Wertz of Broken Arrow Okla. ; la... weeks returned lo her home test week. Mrs. E. P. - Junkln and Miss LUa E. Junkln of Gatasvtlle. who have

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... not even the teachers with the single exception of Principal P. M. lack whose hand It was that set off... the gong lo Ita loud fire call. P08T; WANTED. A TEST. The Post wanted to make a test of the fire drill... ....... -r y t- -wiflpj. 1 iv'W- ? Children in Fire j v. - iyT!TZ SjzS? Hi' h H -jfW- -""SaaVCS.-p. ''iJ... Respectfully . "P. W. Horn" At 11 .-JO o'eleck Friday morning this letter waa presented to principal Black who... In the Tempi building Main and Capitol avenue. A reception la to be hli Id at Knight of Columbua nail at a p. m

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... thing to refresh and make an office floor new and P 1 HZ. InvlUng 3l.f O $26.00 Wilton Rugs 9x12... all parties. Fifty-Fifth District Court. (Hon. W. P. Hamblen Judge presiding; Henry Albrecht clerk.1 W... McDermott et al vs. John O'Neill debt. E. P. Galley vs. 8. S. Z. Thompson suit on contract. Borcbard Brasher... of Orange was among yesterday's arrivals at the Bristol. Mr and Mrs. P. C. King of Mart had apartments.... Minn.; C. A. Blake Kansas City; J. P. Cueva and family Monterey Mexico; J.. S. Levy Galveston; Shelly

Sequence: 40 (standard view) | zoom view

... (J); twj; Ihesj W; 284; 30f( 4U4; J..M. A.: 6636; 4ill; U W; Mil (4); S1; 41; II. U 1T (J); til; M P.... P. L. nog (ths Old Reliable). 1 Capitol aveiua Phon 6400. if A 930 BILL Do you know if It Is good... of books open new book or revise your present system; small store will profit by Investigating my plan. P.... Coohran. R. E. Palna W M. Rice. O. F. Arnold John Flnnlgan. P. B. "DraP'on- Capital Surplus 1200600 00.... 22 A GOLD WATCH FREE With a pound at FsrndsU oofjte at P. C. Hslberga .................... . ;

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... memory f " of hi detractor ahall hav sunk Into i oblivion. f ' GOVERNMENT WNER8H1P. . Th defeat... gate county at 2;I0 p. in. on Monday. March 7t 108. for the purpose of electing delegates to said State.... Mack. 8. P. Stone K. V. Northington M. C. Smith. R. L. Shaffer : J. F. Shaffer. George P. Hotman T.... I Dawson R. O. Walton W. W. Chastaln M. p. Towner T. B Lankiord a. vougta w. TT. IT Xi.Uau .'I O... is sterilized. There in Schlitz. Brewer L. E. Balr W. O. Balr U. P. Melton. F. D. Gregory Oscar Pearson M. A

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

.... and Mrs. C. E. Hunter was tendered Rev. J. P. Durham and family last night. Do. ruirham la tbe new pastor... occurred at 6 ) p. ra. Jonea lingered but abogt one hour three shots having entered the body of Jones. Barn... vs. T li. Yarborough for rehearing; P. E. Show Bros. vs. J. M. MoCloekey. for rehearing; P. B. Show.... P. Smyth vs. C. F. Salglln et ul from Hale; Roberts Telephone and Electric Company vs. National... In error from Tarrant; J. Hlalr vs. J. P. Drace et al from Floyd; J. S. Hagler vs. J. S. Ferguon from

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... STREET CHCRCH.-Preachlne at 11 a. m. and at 7:41 p. m. by the pastor. Subject for morning discourse: "The... CHURCH.-At-hambrii hall corner of Rusk and Fannin streets. J. W. Moore pastor. Sunday school 8:80 a. m. P. W. Horn... superintendent. Epworth League 4 p. m. Young People Society Christian Endeavor 7:4& p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m.... and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor. Subject for morning: "A Day Dream." Subject for evening: "The Battle.... Taylor auperlntendent of Sunday school. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Church services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m

Sequence: 36 (standard view) | zoom view

... wero at Wadsworth Joined the i (trio on their way here and apent the - dar at home too. . t Mrs. D. P.... Nye Ryman Will Berg and Miss Jessie May ' Barrill. m'" PALESTINE. Mrs. P. H. Hughes and children have... k- returned borne from a visit to relative at ' Crockett Ml P. Cummlngs a popular young lady... in future aa Mr. Nee will establish a State bank In ths city. Mr. L. P. De Mouche ha returned from Portland... with hla parenta Mr. W. P. Menefee. bookkeeper of the arm of Arnlm it Lane after an enjoyable layoff

Sequence: 33 (standard view) | zoom view

... molasses looks just like the teal thing bot usually you can't even cook with it P&FOld Fashion Molasses 1... cane. We pack it in sealed pas for your protection. You must ask for ; P&FOld Fashion lasses and make... sure of the P & P tabcf dotbacaa. : ;. 1 Penick & Ford Ltd. Shreveport La. Columbus C. sjaaaaaas New.... School Committee. Prof. P. W. Horn chairman; Prof. Smiley Prof. Jameson. Prof. Russell Miss Bessie Hughes... Hymn. Offertory Anthem Like as the Hart. Marks Solo (Mrs. MacMahan) and Chorus. 7:46 p. m Nunc Dlmtttis

Sequence: 41 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Address H. A. P.. box S Shiner Texas. 22 FOR BALE One brand new fourdrawer National cash register cost.... P. O. Box 186. Somervllle Texas. 2J NOW COMPLETE-Poll tax list if Harris oounty; contains 10.868... from Main street in business district; a money maker; price 8360 cash. P. L. Knox barbers' supply 919... AND STi': ;r THltEB NEW WAREHOUSES ENTRALLY LOCATEOl LOWEST P.a rh.s ON FUR- NITURE; PACKING AM siUPPINO... No. price reasonable building. 1409 ElysUn street Ira P Jones. Paul CONVENIENT cottage m$ Montgom er

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Fisher of St. Louis 8. C. Reynolds of Toledo of the Wabash. P. R. Francis of St. Louis and John D. Perry... 2K in Houston Heights P. M. Ore rl berry to R. iB. Pterson lots 14. 15 and M block 307. in Houston...; John P. Coffey corporal; Charles Cutts corporal; Lawrence Casey corporal; Al Ward corporal; Eugene E... R. Burr Anthony W. Robinson Lewis B. Oison gam W. Dodson John P. Tunnel Frank (RluCoy Robert Barr... services today at 10 a. in . P m. and 7:10 p. m. and cervices again Monday. Major Jordan cornea

Sequence: 51 (standard view) | zoom view

... that be husband dead aba iM tMoomt ft runf widow."- WANTED HER P.IQHTS. "I wftldit't marry a baldheadid man. ....' kdlB thtffe f 1 Uti tlSV IhdHftr lm I i YB"M I woeJ f "P ww "wp-r-" ' .t'w- i.w. '--m -w i .. Vi epell

Sequence: 30 (standard view) | zoom view

... on the same days from 6:80 to 7:30 p. m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Then the king's Daughters from 6 to . Tha... Wednesdays and 10:30 Saturday morning. The little boys 6 to S p. m. Thursdays and :) to 10:30 Saturday... Clemens E. J. Luhn J. O. Maillot Lindsay Dunn Frank C. Clemens Laurenoe Carr W. H. Sprong C. P. Shearn Jr

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... or ring 2J2B old phone after 7 p. m. The Independents will cross bats with the Magnolias on the Qrota.... defeatedtno 'flfft Qnw" " the country t hto P';'tlLfinHdl!i records to M oredlt tfafcll will . cording to .... afternoon game of the amateur bUUard tournament today P. A. Wright of San Francisco defeated E. W. Gardner.... Games. M. P. 60 Frs. CP. 1 Smeaton 2 Leopold 3 Benxlger 4 Albrecht .... 5 Green 6 R. Knodel ... 7.... uamea. won. Lost. P.C. 800 733 'J0 400 33S 131 Turnvereln No. 1 16 16 12. 11 9 6 6 2 3 4 Bayou City No

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