The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 31, No. 241, Ed. 1 Friday, December 1, 1916: Searching Inside

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... withdrawing left first for Tabalospa south of the city and from there mewed to Aldama about 20 miles distant... of Rumania. Driving along the railroads leading north from Giurgiu von Mackensen has captured the town... from Bucharest and further north having captured the town of Campulung thus opening the Way.... Associated Prtu Report.) LONDON. .November 30. British cas ualties in the month of November us reported from... is now in i onu. GERMAN AND TURKISH OFFICIALS TAKEN FROM SYRIA TO MALTA Entente Allied Authorities

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... can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tableapoonful... hour on the hour (rom 4 am to 11 pm inclusive. Arrive from Galveston jdeily every hour fpim 7.43 am... and S2.00 per Day. ROOMS WITH BATH $2.00 per Day and Up. The restaurant It known from coast to coast because... persons 02.00 and 02. Cafe in Connection f. A. HERVEY JR.. President r HOTEL BENDER ROOM AND BATH $1.50... Ata.. November 30. The political feud centering about last summer's campaign for the probate Judgeship

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... E. ConvricM. I'y tin' Walter. Assix-iated News papers. if romance . 1 about the The gj.innur... their association i vironment had made anything between from the Hamilton famih. But a month) them but infatuation... Impossible. A marafier the hrst meeting .--o-ietv was set riage from two such widely differing aghast at th... home. Husband Tom went home each night from work. hi clothes hinting of stable odor that didn't always... etiquette that Tom knew Uttle about. There were many other things that marked the difference in caste

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... That uaijfei jse Mde in Br-Iawi to "Better Conf orm to AntiiVi- n;Eyfeu .fcrft-y SO MUCH ABOUT store im... of its premiums and losses so that the exact results from "operation may be had at the end of the season... at the reduced prices IT MEANS: That you have choice from the very cream of the season's offerings in materials... designing and tailoring and pay; from 25 to 33 1-3 less than regular selling prices GROUP 1 StilTS Marked... of the following tHMlness Thursdav: Mm I. 0. for rehe.iinit denied: The Ore City cotnpau.v . Jtogeri. from Urecg

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.... the sending of food or nrats from the Unjted States inter Mexico. If the supply of wheat in this country... r-'nuBmiuv i u aa- w v a a L . . v atkar . v . taaatr & i i . aTaaT . - - . t - . . j .Vice President WATSON... especially since she as sumes to speak for the others have gone about as far in impairing the neutral rights... make use of it. The Interest on the bonds is fsr more than they get from the local bank on daily... te safeguard the food supply for the use of ouf own people used these words in an editorial est

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.... VINSON DULY INAUGURATED SCHOOL PRESIDENT (Continued from Page One.i to its limits and hundreds were...! invocation was given by Rev. Neal l.. Anderson D. D.. acting president of the Austin Presbyterian seminary... of which Dr. Vinson was president upon his acceptance of the presidency of the university. The benediction... as we are to the sources from which these spiritual powers have sprung. As lor our fathers theirs... was the conquering spirit of the pioneer and theirs the ! courage to carve from the wilderness a home. Filled

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... Nearly One Thousand Suits for yoi to choose from. New shipments received Wednesday are marked and will he.... To begin Too many men in a girl's 1 I life is like too much season- ; S ing in her food it spoils her 5 5... of money. I gueased the extent of her wealth not from anything she said but from glimpses of her life I... caught through the conversation of the others. Also one might have known from the exquisite rarity of her.... Henderson's place. And .Mrs. Norman s closest rrlena was a young girl just over from Paris where she had

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... 1 lb or 1 1 R 3 : N FRIDAY MORNING OUSTOSS E?OSX : h DECEMBER li 1916. ; - 1 i "7 PURE FOOD... night at T:S0 o'clock will be held Friday morning; at 10 o'clock from the realdenoe of Jo S. Rloe... W. Klrsopp A. Bath. Hugo Neuhauie and P. B. 'rim pson. The cotton exchange will be cloned from l:5... Mesneries of Miss Johnson from the Standpoint of an Alunmup of Dow Ratal Hurt: '-Our Expression of Thank...". This Big and Wonderful Production went over with a Bang that swayed the Queen from Pit to Dome. Heard

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... in tat .ii:oiis episodes. A large number of plsei'l' aie coming from various towns iff Siuiili Texas.... Of espeal n t-icsl win r tne singing by Mrs. John W sley Graham's choir from First ofiiiicli. "Sweet and Low... -luring taking place from the time rJ the beginning of the fleet prologue on dbwn i" 'I'' 'losing number... Include a tea to be given by Misses Katherlne and Ruth Bering Saturday afternoon December 18 from 4 to 6.... Horace Wilkins on Saturday after noon December f from. 4 to 6 o'clock in compliment to Miss Margaret

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... Calhoun avenue near Travis street about 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon a negro walked up from' behind her... and Travis about 7 o clock Thursday evening-. Another auto was taken from Milam and Rusk between 8 and 9... Hag. a gift from W A. Si-haefer. faithful navigator of the assembly. The-ceremony was a pretty one... mission. Superintendent S. J. T. Williams said that there was an abundance of food and everybody that came... for the year 1917 is being Issued by the Houston Undertaking company. The face of the calendar is free from

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... many of them and scoring four touchdowns. From the start of the game when Arlsona plunged three limes... for disappointment. There was h speed and punch about the visitors attack that was almost invincible. Their attack... kick from placement. Ki was penalized to ner l-yarn line hut rot is punted out . safely standing 1... for a toiK-hiion n from th-- 7"- yard line after reoeivini: a tunt. that whipped Harlan s Farmers tudaj. "' Trahue... increased - a average made by IJttert's fumble of a iv' spiral that was tiooted from the Texas A la-yard

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.... Pre. ion Drinking Narcotics Don't let a cotj.l man d from drlukina uking or him la a 4 rut. The Keeley... about the ral earniuif P w .-r of m-mer: telU how inaiiy liave started the road to fortune... -f .-:iiiaiot imi. Soutii Houston I j bio- k from Inierurioiu v. in. J'erma reasou :ibe box 31j... nlaclne of hans from iTrO.aHM' uu. on tttiVe thi Ul :isr. tnanufacturias. mercantile. wure)HUte and lar.T... blocks from Rb e htel. IM one Preston .WJ. EXCEPTIONALLY sod. cifme in m.Hiev makirnr roomint? houses

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... Boarders ! fclOS room wltk beet horn cooking; 'Jwdens conveniences: aeroae from Carnegie U- 'liT...; refer i haiigctl. f.apltol WKI.L Fl" It MSI! K.I fw-nt room iu private f a in 1 1 j . I 1 1 1 1 k from.... 191B Rusk. fsHGE alrv newly papered housekeeping iiia or bed rooma every poaalble convenminutes from.... 20 acres lt cnitiTation ao in pasture miles from rtonston. rnrai. near men road and car line. Pre b.... 5-KOOM cottage. 1425 Harvard St.. Houston Heights: modern conveniences. 1 block from street car; $20 per

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