The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 37, No. 346, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 16, 1922: Searching Inside

We Found:

16 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Luke Halley and W. M. Sims of Waco Saturday eve- Henry D. Griffith was begun in J. J. I"". ' 0 clock.... incorporators: W. A. Minter T mi era s w mm ve x. rerry ana w. J. smwuer. Lometn Sanitarium ram nan t of Tvima... both of the Majestic aUrred. . H. W. Allen advertising manager o The Houston Poet started to officiate... of I a-radnitin axerolaea lit Mav or whether aaaaxagmn ' I l t i ..U .J.nd the season." Hidalgo County... Of Mr. sheriff charced with murder In oonnec'IJ- W. Johnson of Taylor was married tion with the slaying

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Kd Irapella J. A. (Jalbraith. Islie A. (Jinn W. 5. tiraves Louis Goldberg Nat Hales 1'reaton K. Hayes.... K. N. McArtliur V. W. Moore. Charles V. Mott Tf V. Nichols Jr.. J. C. Penn. W. V. Potter. K. I.... Hsl.on I) N. Hecklain. J. II. Keid J M. Stagner U. K. Stoy John L. Sullivan W. L. Trazton. W. A. Wadley H... at the city auditorium as a benefit for the Kllington Field Musical club. Mrs. J. W. Graham is directing.... Welch Miss Mildred Milligan Aloysius Uergghty Miss Roberta Welch. Mi Kate Daffan Mrs. J. W. Kelly Miss

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 14 I 1 j . - ; i! ii l: I) ti w :? ? L H I h it liEi f: A1Y ? mo- 'IMPROVED PfTOPgRTY . . j yin... for atMH'inlinftit I u allow J larpi .7 W hT lot. In ether nnrta nf III eltj and ;lll be :nd ! Ita-un- Willi ju oik... .ai.i.. : . t"THl t-fUdltll- I'l- r.l t.;j H t.7 H tt-tl " w ::. 1 j.ri A- ; a. to Tir1' Mvafr. M... treated la a mI mine eirMt ia. pniia iTeaaoa HTJI. eUw la. KSl--i r W I-J.T KSl -1 room raltaiv. hr awaari... oumervua u mention per i-ei ua auow Joa. J. W. Edwards Realtor .110 Scarlm B'dr Pre.ton iliw -tmo. Choice

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... t'alliolio ilioo-se No aci;oti vn taken W . .Ini' tjr ; ;vrton. ItitJiop J. I . itovernment ag'-nnrs... f v ' r . 1 i t ' ! ' ...... ' ' J t.. THE HOUSTON POST: THURSDAY MORNING VMARCH. 1 6 i TZT... S.'v.-rmii.Mimi commission ami !' irnl lv dire.'t J nrgntialiin :h lh J llinoi operators we prrfer thr Intd-r." I... Labor Commissioner I Leaves For New York j Pontifical Keauiem Mass Brings Observance of An niversary... to Close i.vto to i I As.i-int' l'r.'s Kc-xirt. i j WASHING T V Mari-li 1 .- ; Pjivi- ..f tin

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... Directors for Ensuing Year J. C. Strihling. B. W. Steele. T. M. Neal J. M. Yoes and F. L. Tiller have been...; 8t John s eharch. L. L. Nelms; St. Paul's church Judge C. W. Nugent ;J8unset Heights G. E. I'loeger... place. The following ladies will serve for the ensuing yenr: President Mrs. (ieorge W. lleinzel- HIS". .... secretary -Mrs. J. i. Clair Smith. Recording secretary Mrs. Kenneth A. Newby. Treasurer Mrs. Herbert II.... Orem. Auditor Mrs. Jra IV .lours. Critic Mis. It. M. Hall. j Librarian Mrs. R. A. Shapnnl

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... ' . t '. : ' THE: MARCH' f 6 J 922. 1 THURSDAY MORNINQ " Baal VflMkfl V. . - a ... . ? . . 41 . .... AI'1IIT10N-A.I.I.U Bol.ll U lMlle S. Utede. Mc 2...... J." H. T f. K. K. SI 11VEY S. II. rrMay to R. K. Broo. half... I. COTTAliK OROVI! " 'AIHITio. J ' Scarorrter to -Mr. ;.ieiae Ml S'l. SWI i ... ...... GO"K CKKKK... TOWSSITK C. W. Alford tn I-m lerkina lot 4 block 83.... UOVTHOSE AIHilTION Houaton Iti'l corporation to II... . BROOKE SMITH SrX'OaP APPITION I. K. Smith to Mr. 1. B. Kami-! lot 10. block M " j i. .-. LITTLE

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... Hotiit(& WxIstps arrl oinitnjc brrtbrrn tjrd.aliT tDfitixl to d? prtwnt. J H. LeU.kio. W. M . Claihic... aasortmeat or Jewelry. Pboue I Pmtoo 101U. Reward $TM. Vi. W. Cor lla. J Trlcltr Bt LOlST -Male foi terrier... . mow pmstom m mattress wcnovati inq &ufod RAto and Rules u klYlzi"35 . J Mr mrtr4 irk (Jay. phase... aa sad wa will aaad aaaa with aaanaiaa. bit . i Stan!. Vm Manna c.. laiJ Emm kT6 Saw W T owou(V... '.r?j''Lt- Ml ' M KmpW mare than yrHrap!leal sera" acour Y'Voat rltM rt.H rM Vi: wssrin .e- -1 promotion ada

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

.... HUB ll. p. ("oat. want io buy a eyw preaa uletern: mum ao. Phon. w.T.W. 120 J CABM VaUCUs MICKH PAID.... Trxaa. ilAONOLIA FIG Uaa. wall rootad. lOo oak while thay laat. J. w. Boltar Alain. Tatar. SERD CORN... X-J Aw A txj . LAm atr V W for Ml. HIT KliwIlBaf Ht. In MontnMf. Thm flalakintf tourhM ar bHnr addtd... god 10-room 2-tarlaeA . cloae In. "--vi V k o.ai1 . l'ui.j' a w v-room imaaniiow block of car... y. J. ixalrllt. faoae . Praaton 7W. .Hadley L xa. U-BOOM CAtabTai-btm. Baal. Kia'.' aiiigtoa BtaaoB

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... from Savannah yesterday for delivery on March Daily Cotton Table Pa) ' ' w a. a .J Nw Orleani '1X75 JO.... fur plalnUir for S'-'oa. iu. J. k. W. bawr v. i. C. MprtagOyld Judgawt 7 aaiwuiani. L. II. Morris.... . J one. Lumbar company vs. i. u. oaiusna langmeot by defanlt. Q. A. Stowars Fornltur eoopany vs. W.... Judgment for plaintiff for 174.50 aa per decree. W. J. Ohlor bills. quotations on commercial the Hav before... poinn above the low ' 1 ik. J.u Conditiona in the foreign countriea are held responsible

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Harris. Guy Harris W. N. Finnigan. Dand rnzgerald Ed Gallagher. J. W. Lockett. B. Turner. W. A. Smith.... and a nephew Russell Goss. Services were conducted by Rev. T. J. Windham. The pallbearers were: Active Dr. R. H...; honorary T. Brown Jr.. Ned Tates H. C. JtoDerts. j. .v Alee. t. K. Seymour Bam E. Green. J. E. Elbert son... the case of J. N. Snorer who was given a four-year sentence on a. charge of swindling. A motion.... A. Hell two-room house bngel street near Avcutic K $1W. V. Orlando one story frame building. Gregg

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... ' THE HOUSTO PbSTi THURSDAY MORNING; MARCH 16 ?22.y -J ; 1 THE HOUSTON POST BY THE unTTCTAM... '.w eeta. S..d.y l o. r. y c.rrier mm. city by thei month T c ...... Sua. b LT.. .To .. Mmbr... or no evoliftiofl Mr. Bryan can . l :l alkA dmA. not deny that ne na piayea mvk w.m cratie party in everal campaign... of the first Cali fornia asparagus at $j a bunch?" ask the Boston Globe. We think we can but we tremwe... statement Houston banks had on deposlU March 10 a total amount of J901S8039.S3 which compared with $833I9

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... jHpuaton Williams j f f fair rT 'entssticrto" of agri W. K. Kendall A. M. John. August De Zavala Lewis R... Essley OeorreTV. Lloyd R. T. Safford. J. L. Redfern Mazo Stansel. .1. W. Miller Ed Prather W. A. (Cont'd...' and made an explanatory statement. He was followed- by District President Thomas Kennedy Hazleton. Pa. W J... J.;. a' HOUSTON TEXAS THURSDAY MARCH 16 1922. VOL. 37 NO. 346 PRICE 5 CENTS nuiviii J M. 1 3 I V U... W. Parrish. candidate for flic democratic nomination- to the I'nited States senate is declared

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... envelopes. Extra special at this Banner Sale price. J. RAY HILL Men' Furnishings Hat Trunks Case. W... y'lH HOUSTON POlIHURiiD AY MORNING; MARCH-16; '1922J TO (..-. 2- til 5i 'CITY C0H11TY STATE :... that in this county. 0 S. E. J. COX FACES U. S. INDICTMENT ON 14 CHARGES (Cont'd from Pg. l. Shannon J. L. Wortham... at Wichita Falls. Pertaining to the S. E. J. Cox company. tb indictment chart that "It wa part of th schsLi... of said 8. EL J. Cos la Mil a large amount of stock by making fal r and fraudulent reprssentations

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...:. Calendar for the Day rreaeDt Gals- South End Ju- Oreen Miok Havere worthy "Piseon" at nlor high 8:W I' m.... Mm. P. T. Brarh't bridcf for Mr. W. 0. A Mm. Vr. H. Samuels" at home for Mi Kfbt Samuel. A to 0.... Aldridge Mrs. W. II. Aldridge of El Taao who is the curst of her daughter Mr. John Thiirlilena Scott. Jr..... was onoree at hri.lre ten Wednesday after noon given by Mrs. Scott at the "home of Mrs. J. T. Scott.... Assisting the hostess in the dining room during the tea hour were Mrs. J. T. Scott. Mrs. J. H. Bailer. Miss

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... ferine of ih. d.r. II "V'.'t .Jli it J ! DO war Uit-coulrollil.l Where to Go. vaudeville. .MAJTSTIC... Asur A.vfox iu "The 1-unr That Has Turning." ZOK Wamia ItauVv .a "1o Mm'a if.'. -J8IS i!:taMv Talr:a... on Sale Goggan Music Cb. Beginning Tuesday March 14 Prices $130 WOO 7Se fm NEW SHOW I f " t 11 TODAY !; j... f "Turkish Maiden" : III: Featuring - - 0 BILLDEBROW ' Black Face And .it A Bevy of "" . j.. WTTJ... -HT J l IRIIklllfliiilMi: In a maoy or tt fwrtest picture of Yr cater "GOOD NIGHT PAUL" lata Claver

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... the rival millers' boosters p:w. "forth the assurance that both men a" out to cop the decision tonight und... will be held at the Y. M C. A. Thursday afternoon and evening. About 200 boys have registered with W. C. Hunt.... Associated Press Report. PORT JACKSONVILLE Fla. March J5. Burleigh Grimes Brooklyn Nationals' pitching ace... Chicago Americans 2 11 J. Barnes. Nehf and Snyder Smith: Robertson Wilkinson and Shalk. laryan. MINERAL... the samp ami was orougnt to rsan Antonio where medical attention was given. J he Injury to Frisch

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