The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 38, No. 317, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 15, 1923: Searching Inside

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14 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

..."!'.:::::::: H:li :K Good middlins 2. 00 29.00 a. s j . ..1 M.S. W.u ...a aanJ IrlirKCI iSJVISilva PBU SJVEf V.(S BV... loj'; 27 0 90 90 1 104 104 104 lU 'III m fjihiv inn inn 4 j Mil 1..L.11. C .W- "iale 7a.. jeers Roe 7s... :::::: i . New York Bond Market Varw vntr Wednaadav'a hte4i. 1.w and elealno nricca of i -. - r.- j. . -... 7 ft ts ia 444 4 lis? 90U' 9044 70 7 70 iti HS 1 101 101 4A J0IU 0 102 101 1014. 6 4 4 t-.W its S... rfs A imp 6s. . 4: con 4s Z 30 11U siMiaii j N Vw VVta'. 1 Norfolk A S Os A t Noeflk A W ey la 41 Nor

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... and remanded: I. F. Berll. from Collin; J. C. MrWtiorter. from 1'otter; R K. Kcott. from Jfferpn: W. W.... Lonsoan vs. V. D. Hardee; Jndarment of dismissal of Mar ft 1W2J hi. t.n set aside. James II. !tllddert et... at vs. Amrns IVili et al; judsmeut for plaintiff. County Court No. 1. (Roy F. Campbell Judsr J. W... has been set aiHe j. w. i.nnaeii vs. r". w. Keller: Judzment for plaintiff for SOZLfiO. Andy Anderson... vs. J W. Milim; judgment F. dismissal F RAISIN BREAD In the Morning ' HOT RUSK ROLLS In the Afternoon

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... start "The Birth of a Nation'' made J) W. Griffith and It has made a decided Itnprmuion upon... ALUoWED Tb is 'ssueep. c THB porch. . chlson. : tMrectors: W.' X Schew 8. I Bannon. E. Hlnrlchs J. B... that the church can grow no faster liicn. It docs at home. :. .. J - ' More Man Needed ' . -. "Our wen too often... ' 'una of tha church. The ideal would be to hnvo rometMna; for every man to it'j every week Ovthot... t)i provlnca yestoray y The b-tnsard took a toll of two i I ve.i Mrs. W (Shannon. (4 and K. HieJrett

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... baturdey nlaht. Houaton or KeBainston; $5 rewari d. rnone rreeton w. t'J ltk.WAUI lor recovery of Better... uafurniahed .... ... JLiJ III 1 1 ... 7' w . 1 j " T. I . V w-Z m a 1 iTaria Nieol; niiiMd i anat... 8600 ' Local Classified Advertising Rates ' ' Minimum Chargo Twenty-five Words J lime Week Days... WOODLANlt No. 1157 mil have ex h mi not ion of candidatea t TUIO tonight. ' itora wolcome. Harry I). Webb. W... M.i Cluude Turner eecretr.T. ISTAIKU meeting t Hoilaud l&f Xo. J. A. P. and A. M.. tonight at 8

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

.... The season will end on ft Patrick's day. March J T with the tiv.vw arfHllSHUUS Benr .ml w vu. first time... BRENHAM. Texas. Feb. 14 A eemmlttee composed of Arthur Wngsmann O. W. Kepp William Boo mer J. C Tucker Mis... the storm center of the draft war said "What go j carer . got s niuioa utuws in the bank.'- - ine puwiuumsuf.... iuii uici uoi w . yesterday adopted its schedule and ' transacted routine - business did. not President... Charles W Eliot contributes in his account of "Or.iwlng in the Fifties" the state ment that "it would

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... i:. j w:.:t home-no experiments FOR GEORGE ... By II. J. TUTIIILL Ne;;ro Cct Suspended Army... NOUr WkAK-Ot.- fv-r V-vZ ' S cw mb8 s xst A r6UCs Vou owa Mtf j Ja SWATTER POP- Etignette Lesson No. I...' Mt'""i'H"Jwn if t . I aW jal T " -eaaiBr aeeaaaw -MaaaMaMaV ' . . . f. I 1 T ' w - - jaaa . m . . 1. ! ar : ; T... jhabes" This mocnim& am ujemt up oh Roy i t J OMEBODY;S STENOG Tapping the Old Gent. vO BUCKS XL ( '... THl I POPPBH ThaTSA ' lL DOZBaTM D6nT 5E AailiT aW.? a. tl..Tr7- A" I CA MAE HEW SICK AT HtAT J I y -v

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

.... price $300 $25 cssh and $10 monthly. Will pullfl you a home on eaT terms. J. H. 8W0PE. OWNKR 300 Utewart... eonvnivecs). J. S.Webster Realty Co. w?T Msaon BMg Preston 71M. K h'Mlil FRAME. corner 1 ii Km. oav-i street.... 00128 feet concrete elov w.ia. rem .no BTUtrer. aa. water awwfe .lr ahad treee: 82471 far lu lota. xv. j... llaa; vary host neighborhood; On Tor g nmiiies..or Boarding noun. J. M. Kmst. rrootontH4. . . . ... . -... '..ajr;MBooarn coaveulencea; rent reasonable. Tb W. VlrTEKNTH AV'K. tieiabL -Jloera upper and lower duplex 5

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... man; Mesdamea-CUlf Wilson and R- B. Williams tickets - and sales; Mrs. Charles Hume publicity; Mrs. J... table; Mrs. Whit Boyd miscellaneous; and Mrs. A. H. Fuibright boys' table. ; j PARENT-TEACHERS : PLAH... Mrs. Ella C. Porter. State chairman of the congress; Mrs. A. j.. Taylor will speak on "The His tory.... McLeod and Mayor W. A. Coleman of Columbia .will be the chief soeakera at the -meeting over which Bishop... W. u. unapeue oi tns boutn Carolina diocese will preside. The annual session of the Associa tion

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... and kcevtk navr -east. Texas. . . . j '- . Hhrheat leisiieranire W eawadssr 7a. -i Lowest Triarads anoralns f... of 'his statement today Bala now swore that Allen 'J. iyer .tssislant aeneral manager of the W Burns... had w (Cont'd on Pg. 2.) ' ' j- Packed Trains TakisMartfiGras ' ' Visitors Home ' - . anoclated Press...- The State continued its rebultaCustimony here today ii the ; trial ot.J4aJor w. M wuiDereon ror-tne .laying... r i ' v... j i"- ' ' : v f : ' ...... -. ( V I Building PormlU siu4 Wodneaday ... " - Number

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... world war veterans from expensea of attending higher Institutions of learnlna? In Texas. Mrs. W. C... money If w could do away with FoaUr." I '- : 1 COUNTRY IS SWEPT BY SERIOUS FIRES SIX CHILDREN DIE...;' Special issue of Victor Records out v f J tustt Song of the Volga Boatmen (Russian Folk Song) Feodor... daughter of J 'B. Hickman conductor of the Louisiana burns received Tuesday night Whan her costume... Texas; Feb 14. W. W. Ware from the internal revenue . . i kra this waek to sslst taxpayers

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... to IS 1-4 cents for the 84-W. 450 end-point; It 1-4 to If 1-1 oents for 60-61 460 end-point (naptha) and 11... these prices were quoted: . Date' January J. 1M0. . January 5. 1UM. ........ . Jnnuarj 5. 1020 Slarrh i UWO.... In southwestern Hutchinson county. J. C Wblttlngton Is drilling at 1400 feet on No. 1 Mack Barnard. Oas arret... gas line carries much of the j. avy (low away from the well where :t ia permitted to escape... of police court I4.J0 four youths decided to lemain In JalL At the expiration of their six days

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

.... And because.- he wss so very much bigger Yank Yank flew eff without the peanut (Copyright 19J3 by T. W... gl.te. DaUr utmfr T nil eutatde 4 luu en Iou Istaae Si. 09 per loaatrn. .... - Member r u as lata Pi w.... . j ' Politicians no longer set out a barrel of liquor with a convenient cup as a bait for votes... that he takes such - !-'w as this. . ' ' ' ' T '. ' ' e are nMircr the million-dollar cotton mill today... by OMrcSees taxation thunder out w eloquent tease that we were right about rt. and we have no aeolegles

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Houston' Post Bpeclal. ' J OKANOB Texas Feb. 14. E. C. El lisor who was employed by the I Orange ' cbuhty... to be at -the court .house at i' a place that will be convenient for the s farmers. ; Marshlands Are Flooded; j... are being Conducted by Rev. R. J. Brown -' Baptist assoclatlonal missionary of Beaumont. The aong service... " 1 I: II" V n J iter wy liwi I mrr iihiiii iis ssismiii i ! f ' ' Y Wal aVid Orange BanksItdervcV... to be sunoo.hstitutlonal by the court or criminal appeals in oraer ing the discharge of relator in the ease of. ex parte J

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... shlpslde v.-a 71 cents per hundred pounds on Mtgust 3j 1920 and that this was raized to l6 cent per hundred... by the testimony ;".f A. SJ. Jcjininirs of the firm of M If. " V.'olt and company of Dallas and J. P. ! i ucsler... diiect exam . intiton for more than an hour he was ' the target of a rapid fire of questions t f tvri J... of tha hearing yesterday. J. H. Ted row transportation commissioner of the Kansas City chamber... of Mercantile Art Chicago III. Thursday. February 18. Y. W. C'. A 3 p.m. "Bouncing the Blues" Federated women s

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