The Rockdale Reporter and Messenger (Rockdale, Tex.), Vol. 51, No. 18, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 28, 1923: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... and Mrs. J. II. Lewis, of Rockdale, visited their son, W. H. Lewis and family last week. Mrs. M. L... -41*. - iiflM* if I ■Ki3i Page Eight i'i V :'■ I ! I 4 ♦♦♦♦ ♦ OUR RURAL WRITERS ♦♦♦♦♦♦ j the hot... at Jane it- Mr. .nd Mr,. Jon PeW Urn writiwt. Everybody » w.hng h« i«nd family of Kalla county, were via... Tinnerman. Alim. J- faielle Slaughter motored to Au*tln! ^nv" the place at Minerva home... Williams visited Miss Gladys West, who lives on the Gaither dairy farm, Mrs. W. F. Sawyer spent Saturday

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... to the citizens of our country. J. F. Coffield J. O. Newton DIRECTORS: w- E Whlt* Lon Hudson T. D. Rountro* H.... C. Meyer. Pres. J. S. Jacob, vice-rres Ir« Perry, Vice Pres. C K Stribling, Cashier W. T. lUmsel.... Camp, President Gust Backuaui, Vies-Dresktent L. W. SLEDGE, C J. TRIM HALE, Assi. i THE ROCKDALE STATE... BANK Rockdale, Texan The non-interest bearing unsecured deposits of this bank are A A J V* » w i... of the State of Texas. W. A. Coffield H. H. Camp DIRECTORS: J. C. McCawley Gust. Baekhaus J. P. Sparks

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Furniture Co. J. W. COLEMAN J. D. EPLEN JAMES L. COLEMAN... will J,i the national convention of the * Delta Pi Sorority, of which she “ an honored member during her "... davs at s. W. U. She will also with’ friends in New York City other points East before returnlome. lome.... At the san§e the Governor announced the apment of Hon. J. Felton Lane, paper man and attorney at e, as District... this secof the state. Two better seleccould hardly have been made, the appointments w>H no doubt

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

.... + + The bale will be sent to + + Havre, France, according to an + + announcement made by W. J. + +... of the new “log ts” issued by J. T. Parma of Cam- Mr. Parma is an automobile enthusiast. He has covered... charities. + + The bale was grown by A. + + J. Thomas of Weslaco, in the + + Rio Grande Valley. + ♦... friend, C. W. L. Schaeg, who is now a citizen of Matchless Milam and who for the past year has been... which the friends of j good roads must go through before’ real victory for their cause is in sight. “The

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

...: Burleson Street. Calls answered day or night. Phone 174 Rockdale, Texas J. W G A R N F, R Rockdale... J said creditors may attend, Ir claims, appoint a trustee, the bankrupt and transact r business..., a hereby given that on the j»f June, 1923, the said Wil- Wilkerson was adjudged [and that the first meeting... filed in the County Court of Milam County, an application for an J order to sell tne following DroDertv... of said Court, June 6th, A. D. 1923. * H. M. ROARK. Clerk County Court Milam Co., Tex. By J. 0. HUGHES

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

...; tion shall be published and declared “OFFICIAL BALLOT”: “For the j according to the majority... A 2goo miles, the j L/7distance between jp^^New'lfork and South' y ^ hampton. which the Leviathan... and electrical equipment, has a 1,700 K. W. capacity. The power of this plant used between seven and eleven... of Texas, pro- j | viding for a State system of high ; ways.*’ “Against the amendment to Article 8... the * •»>>. titution of the Stale of j e Ji™ SEC. 3. The sum of Five thousand Dollars or so much thereof

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... some charged by The Reporter for all reso- j activity which the original nucs are limited. The demands.... The of whatsoever kind. Also for notices i ‘ VT of entertainments, suppers, etc. where j people have s’oou... j these exalted positions, and who were members at the time they held these high public offices... Chadian Record: „... , , 1 A man at Rockdale, Texas, states Editor Loomis wields a facile pen, and j... when the Texas Pres? Association holds its annual convention in grille J i ARGEST vessel afloat

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... j 1 II ^ ! I ii' 1 i. i • f It: ( ! Big June Sale Ends Saturday Night at 9 o’clock Ben Loewenstein... Astiociate Editor Entered as second-class matter July fty, 1900, at tht* postollice at Rockdale, "J... an engineering standpoint by members of the o. a. hi. & A. L. A. M. I $10.00 w1 mo!ley-black guarantee. See R

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